Is it true bros? Were his films soulless?

Is it true bros? Were his films soulless?

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>commercialized garbage
Yes. He was in it for the pretty penny.

No, that's just a meme retards that fell asleep watching 2001 say.

Yes. Pretty cinematography doesn’t automatically make a movie good.

What did he mean by this?

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not at all, anybody who says this has never seen "Paths of Glory", but it is true that all, including ""soul"", was increasingly secondary to his very very black, practically nihilistic, sense of humor, including one of the blackest comedies of all time "Full Metal Jacket"

He was too fucking smart for his own good. He shot some incredibly warm and intensely sexual scenes but appears to be somewhat autistic. Very inhuman.

>too smart, too autistic
if Hollywood ever invents an AI "director" to save some money its work will be reminiscent of Kubrick for sure

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To be fair you need high IQ to understand the soul of his films

You're just butthurt that Kubrick was the greatest filmmaker of the second half of the 20th century.

It has nothing to do with that. It's just that all the peabrains need to be spoon-fed emotional cues. Many of Kubrick's movies rank very high in emotional intensity, but because things are understated or left unsaid or not accompanied by nauseating Hollywood music the nigger-IQs among us get confused and call it "soulless".
There is nothing nihilistic in Kubrick. If you want nihilism, watch some fucking Seth Rogen.



I hear you, user, and I think we both are cut from the same cloth, but let me ask you: do you not find ACO or FMJ to be (inappropriately) hilarious?

this, you need to be able to see the obvious to really appreciate Kubrick

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Yea, I've heard boomers praise Clockwork Orange as some masterful work that took violence on film to the next level. But when I saw it that element (the angles, the slow-mo, etc.) did seem kinda ridiculous.

such a pleb opinion, user, one of the best directed films of all time, you'll grow to appreciate it more I'm sure

>why yes, i do like kubrick, how could you tell?

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>thinking the "violence" in ACO had bite and was anything but stylized and part of the gag

you the fag that just jumps on the tail-end of every thread to say "it sucks and so do you"?

this is the pinnacle of trolling in 2019

what a sad state of affairs

Soulless in a very soulful way

Its pleb filter and bait for pretentious fags at the same time, not kino but id say film tier, great director overall

This. Someone like Spielberg, when showing violence, will get right up close with it to tell you how to feel about it. Someone like Kubrick will let it all play out at a distance and trust the audience to know how to respond to what they're seeing. Most audiences are dumb though, and this is why Clockwork Orange was boycotted so much that he himself wanted it pulled from theatres

Yes, but because his works in concert comprise a quintessential if not comprehensive apologetic for spirit and its associative caches as a superior reading of the human animal.

>Go fuck yourselves.

I found in particular Paths to Glory to be a movie from a quite 'aristocratic' perspective. It's all about some intrigues of some high command jocks. It's neither about the average joe being thrown into the meatgrinder that is war nor about political-historical background of ww1. In these two parts I find PTG lacking pretty much, wheras movies like J'accuse or Im Westen nichts Neues capture these aspects.