How did this make over $1 billion?

Attached: MV5BOTk5ODg0OTU5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDQ3MDY3NjM@._V1_.jpg (1382x2048, 550K)

very dumb by the numbers capeshit

It was not bad. Probably the best thing DC has made since BvS. It was a decent, corny action movie with some cool over the top visuals.

China and India markets
We have to change our perception of success

it was pure fun, gave me some 80s action movie vibes, I know I'll be rewatching it multiple times especially while drunk like I do with Commando.

Was generic, had good cg and action scenes, had no competition on the holidays, didn't want to be anything more than a cash grab

brown dudes can fuck white women is what it says to me

Because James Cameron meme magic.

cause it's fuckin awesome

>Amber Heard

Literally one of the lowest, nastiest, most disgusting roasties to ever draw breath. This cunt and all like her must die, no exceptions.

because it was a fun movie?

Attached: mera.webm (1200x1080, 2.39M)

It was fun
Chicks love Momoa

I favour Bimbofication as punishment, personally.

Attached: (634x1024, 58K)

>>semon demon
>>tight spandex

for the boys

>>multimutt who fucked the mother of bastard dragons
>>half naked

for the girls

learn how to pander to the lowest common denominator and make bank

Audiences are getting tired of Marvel

movie was kinda awesome, but it only made cash because momoa

she's gorgeous af tho


With Wonder Woman (Thor remake) and Aquaman (Black Panther remake), DC basically said fuck it!... if you can't beat em, join em!

The delicious irony is that DCfags favorite DC films are actual just Marvel films. They've become the thing they hate most.

Attached: lacey-chabert-covers-maxim-november-2013-01.jpg (904x1222, 289K)

superhero movies is just the newest form of fantasy escapism

1. Christmas release
2. Chinamen

god damnit, 20 something Lacey Chabert will never be your girlfriend/wife


The movie was actually really good. Fun and worth watching twice. It was colorful and bright. You could tell that is going on in scene, and the plot wasn't filled with holes. Wan is a better than Patty and Synder.

The villain is riding a motherfucking mosasaurus in battle.