About time they made another Joan of Arc film. Nothing imo has surpassed the 20s silent version

About time they made another Joan of Arc film. Nothing imo has surpassed the 20s silent version.

Who should play Joan of Arc now and who shoukd direct?

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Alice Pagani

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Can i get a quick rundown on her?

sorry but no non-whites allowed

decent shout but too old.

Urgh no sorry. Not my style.

Literally thought about it last week after reading Mark Twain's book where it's just him gushing about his waifu for 500 pages.
>two films
>first showing her origins and rise to power, ending with victory in Orléans and Charles coronation
>second one shows her downfall, the cowardice of Charles, the burgundy fucking shits and a good portion of film is a 1:1 recreation of the trials using real-life archived questions

My idea for the framing device is that two church representatives are sent to talk to one of Joan's childhood friends who was with her up until her capture (essentially the same device Twain uses in his book), who's now an old man. He takes them to Domrémy and tells the story from his perspective, talking about the absolutely bonker shit like the fairy tree, Joan's unrelenting spirit, the legendary sword, how she foresaw her getting inured in battle, etc...
And while he's telling them, we cut back to their conversation and the two church guys try to rationalize and normalize the events, and how she was just a mad woman doing mad shit. But the more the story advances the more they start to believe in her and they leave the old man not entirely sure if she was just crazy or not.
quirky plot twist that I don't know if it'd work: the church guys are actually time-traveling historical archivists from the future. As two cynical men of science they leave the experience believing a little more in a higher power
And this leads to my final point that the film would have to be deeply religious for it to work.

Also it's pretty gay but I imagined an ending were the guilt-ridden old man asks to sit alone by the Fairy Tree to mope, and he has a vision of Joan smiling at him, he breaks down in smiles and tears as the credits start. Dunno if it's a good idea tho

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Idris Elba.

pre-fire Joan, digits confirm

post-fire Joan

Quentin should star and direct.


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She basically had a vision from god that she was to help france win a war vs england and crown the king so basically by brute determination, she, as a peasent girl forced an audience with charles of valois the rightful heir to the french throne and convinced him to take an army to retake the city or orleans and then march on reims to crown him as king of france conquering the english as they went. Eventuakly however joan of arc was captured (as they tried to attack paris i believe but not sure maybe wrong) and burnt at the stake as a heretic by the english and burgundians refusing to revoke her visionary claims or allegiance to the "true" french king. 7 centuries later she is now a catholic saint.

no thanks i dont want to see a storyline with joan fucking a black guy and proclaiming that tolerance for gays is as important as liberating france... but seriously the whole movie would be about feminism and women power witch is not at all what her story was about. if there are two things you cant portray in movies today its nationalism and deep religious faith, so how could anyone make a good movie. just watch dreyer's film, its as good as it gets

Get an English actress to play her.

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>normans get out REEEEEEEE

>Who should play Joan of Arc now and who shoukd direct?
Clint Eastwood

theres only one acceptable answer

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>sorry but no non-whites allowed
it's current year sweetie. ONLY non-whites allowed.
pic related would be delighted to snap up this role too

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you sound like a faggot no offence

You faggots wouldn't know kino if it was mailed to you frame by frame.


thumbnail made me think of metropolis and now i'm thinking about cyberpunk joan of arc

Milla Jovovich's best performance, imo.

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If you didnt read carefully wnough, OP referenced dreyers film

wow, now I see why we need to ban mansplaining. He basically raped that poor girl


Japan's got ya covered, senpai

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>17 year old peasant girl who didn't even know how to read gets visions from God
>word starts to spread because Joan would literally and matter-of-factly say shit like "God sent me to save France"
>get an audience with the king
>on the way there dress like a boy to better hide from criminals and shit. This was GOD'S PLAN btw, He suggested that to her
>to test her the king's shithead advisors decide to prank her and put some random guy in the throne
>this is fucking medieval times where nobody saw the king's face
>against all odds she guesses the ruse and talks to the actual king
>King Charles is still not having it, sends her all the way to some whatever where she's tested by the biggest theology experts in the kingdom
>DAYS of endless questioning go by
>she's clean, there is absolutely no trace of devilry in her words. We ain't saying she's the chosen one, tho
>why not?
>Joan gets armor personally made by the king and finds a legit legendary sword lost to the ages
>Joan's god-given strategy is essentially LET'S ATTACK THEM, FUCK IT
>military experts ignore her advice and plan different shit
>night comes and they attack
>they're successful but Joan is PISSED they didn't follow her advice
>she unironically nannies them into feeling ashamed and they tell her they won't to that again
>eh who cares they won
>Charles gets a big party, everyone's celebrating, this girl might just be France's hope
>where to next? Joan just tells the king to man up and fucking attack, God is on their side
>King Charles cucks out like a beta bitch and doesn't attack
>DAYS go by with Charles sitting on his ass as they get attacked
>in a desperate move Joan asks to attack and goes
>she gets captured
>charles loses faith in her
>she tries to escape
>when all hope is lost she assumes guilt and says she'll never dress as a man again (they were BEGGING for Joan to take the blame, btw. It was that or burning)
>days later she's caught in men's clothes
>this is it
>she's burned

reminder the real Joan of arc never participated in combat
never was allowed to participate in strategy talk
never allowed to do anything related to combat
was essentially a mascot
was captured by enemy forces and her men didn't try to save her
was raped by the enemy soldiers until they got tired of her and then executed

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none of that gave me a boner, i don't think it's movie material

now this is more like it

>And to this day the eternal anglo seethes about how they got blown the fuck out by an uneducated peasant girl

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I'm American
the fact is that any person who thinks joan of arc was a warrior or a hero or anything more than a mascot and likely a comfort woman is a feminist roastie/roastie orbiter

Even the anglos admitted she was a virgin.
>I'm an American
"Just lay down your arms, return France to the French, and let's go retake the Holy Land together." I'm sure people would love that nowadays.

Tessa Thompson, directed by Zack Snyder

youre a little bitch

listen you dumb frog
idc if she was a virgin or not
but she herself said she was raped under English custody
so nothing I said is wrong
all that matters is that she wasn't a warrior
never fought anyone
never killed anyone
and never lead anyone
she was a mascot
don't let the fact that she was French make the feminist version of history that she was some sort of genius strategist warrior that all her men respected and obeyed
she was a mascot that's it

i like it, but why didn't the time travellers just go back to witness Joan? or would it be too dangerous?

Actually, that's quite the idea there. I'd like to see that approach except told through the eyes of Joan's sometime companion Gilles de Rais, nobleman, warrior, occultist, all-around asskicker and alleged serial killer of hundreds of children.

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I would be down with a Joan of Arc movie, but it would be so bland and uninteresting. Think of that Robin Hood or Great Wall movie and Dunkirk too

I can tolerate the Ingrid Bergman version from 1948. She was hot.

>coalburner of arc
no thanks. we already had black joan of arc that was enough

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