
Attached: AI.png (1308x897, 658K)

At least put in the absolute minimim effort and say "kinos for this feel" you polfaggot

Go back to Yea Forums nigger


>still no horror film about a racist robot controlling the world


Attached: shrug.gif (173x225, 1.4M)

From the mouths of babes

You would think at some point the engineers behind AI's (and facial recognition tech) would learn from past mistakes and anticipate these sorts of potential ethical issues before hand launching anything.

>ethical issues
The data proves otherwise.

>even machines realize n*ggers are ugly
we are truly on the border of the golden age despite the kikes' best efforts to sabotage everytyhing

It's not their fault most niggers are ugly. Everyone knows it, but you can't say it out loud or else people yell at you even though deep down they know it to be true.

The AIs are smart

Attached: gorillas.png (655x1112, 612K)

>every time someone makes an AI it translates the cold hard facts and "mistakes" non-whites as subhumans
Really makes me think

maybe it's cause the girl looks like a goddamned gorilla

who's this cutie? i swear i remember her from somewhere

Why is pol raiding Yea Forums right now

Niggers are disgusting (literally) so i'm not surprised.

What a lack of ass.

Robots don't make mistakes

Protip: Cameras are tuned to flatter white skin palette. Another racist privilege

Unironically because they can. Jannies are fuckin' AWOL at this hour apparently.

is that girl even legal, why post that

Tom Hawkins of the Geelong Cats looks like a monkey.
Forrest Griffin of the UFC looks like a monkey.
Josh Hartnett kind of looks like a monkey.

Is it racist to that, or is it okay because they are white?

Welp time to shut down another AI again.