>Thanks for letting me sleep over, user.
Thanks for letting me sleep over, user
Other urls found in this thread:
lotta threads with this chick tonight. i never watched whatever show she's on. looks like she'd have a tight pooper.
hey bro, i told you to stop wearing panties around me
god I want to touch >her benis
>not forcibly removing her panties and fugging her like that webm
>ywn gape that ass while she jerks herself off
literally what is the point
mods keep deleting them
with it all the garbage threads on here we should be allowed one euphoria/jules/hunter thread
Based jannies keeping you retarded dilating faggots in check trying to spread your tranny propaganda
sure are a lot of these threads lately
WTF what is this from. What program shows trannies like this?
Let me guess, it's from Netflix.
Kill yourself faggot scum
wait wait wait. who's a tranny? this hot chick? not a chance.
>i'll never fug a cute tranny like this
why even live
Hey bro,get ya boxers and a t-shirt on Can't be wearing that gay shit in my house. Have some respect, homie.
Kill yourself faggot
fuck off queers
Very clever how this tranny is leaning up on their elbows and bending their neck forward, it hides the adams apple.
Why not user, trannies are easier to lay than real "women"
Is it gay if I want to fuck a faggot in the ass?
Take your fucking faggot shit to /lgbt/ where it belongs.
Kill yourself faggot
Kill yourself faggot scum
lol this shop
You're not welcome here queer filth.
heh yeah, a shop...
it's not fair bros
I made a thread about this show and the j*nitor deleted it :(((((((( I thoguht this board was about televison??/
Kill yourself faggot scum
Nobody is fooled retard, you just want a thread to spam this ugly faggot. Fuck off.
Take it to /lgbt/ queers.
Are you fucking retarded, user?
>Are you fucking retarded
You bumped this faggot thread user
You DO realize that your sexual urges are not normal, right OP?
Look at that side profile
He could press 200 easily with those shoulders, fail.
imagine the sons
imagine having to avoid physical exertion your entire life lest your muscle mass betray the fact that you're actually a dude and so you go through life with gross stick legs.
if i wasn't averse to butt stuff, id still fuck this guy though.
das a dude
im digging the Alf alfa look
it's literally just blonde young Ezra Miller
Why do queers exist? I don't get their purpose here.
Kill yourself faggot scum
God made them, and expects you to love them. It's not your place to "get" it.
Looks more like a Lord of the Rings elf to me. I'd still have a beer with him and chase chicks, he could be my wing.
>Contrapoints thread
Fuck off to /lgbt/.
well op is also the aidskike spammer
10/10 would sux her dick, no homo
Based as fuck mods deleting sodomite threads and banning literal faggots. Pic related for all you degenerate and diseased scum
>Why do queers exist? I don't get their purpose here.
Genetic mistakes during replication. We are not encouraging and helping create more mistakes in our gene pool and calling it tolerance.
Kill yourself faggot
That nigger went to town on his one hole
every year that goes by, this little boy turns into an uglier and uglier pseudowoman. i wonder how many trannylubbers are hamstering their asses off trying to justify that he's still "cute".
no if you say "no homo"
I wanna impregnate hunter
Kill yourself faggot scum
>one hole
Why did this make me laugh so much
>Look at this photograph
>Every time I do it makes me laugh
what would it feel like?
One day this guy will have an epiphany, abandon all his mentally ill friends, and hit the gym, then trans lovers will have to fap to THIS.
It’s not gay if we chop off your dick and let men fuck the hole where your dick used to be. You’re a woman and that’s your VAGINA.
I’m pretty sure you can get the government to pay for it, too, so you can still be a communist in good standing.
>Is it gay if I want to fuck a faggot in the ass?
Survey says!....
those abs tho
Yes I see the bulge and yes I would
Close but not quite. God sent them here to curse us, like fleas and tapeworms.
Was this show telling people that some people are born gay and some learn to be gay? I watched this terrible show that's what I got from it.
she doesnt have one
That edited video, google pictures of this freak and I guarantee if you find an unedited photo it will be there.
what show is this? I can't believe this is on the air anywhere, this has to be porn.
daily reminder that incels who hate on hunter and other trans women would rather fuck buck angel than them since by their faulty logic buck is a woman and hunter isnt
Both are mentally ill freaks, Buck and Hunter need professional therapy.
Yes, I would rather fuck a nasty deluded Female than fuck a deluded Male.
pretty nice breasts, I'll give him that
come on bruh. buck angel? lmao
i wish
i fucking wish
>i fucking wish
You do realize that you're a disappointment to your family, friends and local community.
ok, seriously? is this really true? it's easier to find a trans girl that's about as cute as Hunter than it is a biological female?
Actually I live in a first world country.
No they're not nice you just haven't had a good pair
>giving a shit about what a reactionary "The past was better" bullshit old man feels
are you on here 24/7? is this all the satisfaction you get in your miserable life?
To be objective we have to look at a young Buck Angel (because who wants to fuck old people).
Yes I would rather fuck young Buck. Any day of the week. I'm sorry if you're a closeted gay.
I'm a big fan of James Yeager too.
Nigger please. Would you rather fuck current day Buck than current day Hunter Schafer?
That's one puffy vulva
>Would you rather fuck a pile of feces, or a slightly less disgusting pile of feces
average roast beef size of most bio women these days...
lets see hunter in 15 years my dude bet he's detranstioned
God, I hate the modern world. One of my great-great grandfathers lived in the Old West, had a teenage wife, took no shit, and would have shot that abomination on sight.
>i'd rather fuck Stone Cold Steve Austin in the pussy than a girly boy in the ass!
You're deciding you'd rather fuck a buff dude rather than a slim, girly dude... based on the feel of the hole. That shit's gayer than gay.
Your great great grandfather would have eaten that boypussy up like nobody's business
Why yes I also am nostalgic for child rape fellow 4channeller!
nice nips
are you seriously glorifying pedophilia?
Neither because they're both gross. But if there's a choice I'd rather have a real pussy than a put my dick in DISGUSTING GAPING PENIS WOUND.
You're only attracted to the fantasy of Transsexuals as shown thru your computer screen as you fap to Trannies because you're also mentally sick. Women have a distinct smell, pheromones and feel.
Males who pull Frankensteinian bullshit to masquarade as a female will never succeed to arouse anything other than deviants. And if that's the thing you're only seeking for then go for it and enjoy your weird life. But you will NEVER EVER be an actual girl. You're nothing more than a genetic dead end, a eunuch.
Your grandfather sounds like a piece of shit. Which explains you, really.
shape and size are nice while laying down
any of him standing topless?
16 is legal and fine in most places in the US. I think you should lock up half the nation. Sell your idiocy to someone with brain damage.
Hunter has an asshole not a penis wound. Stopped reading after that.
arent pheromones related to hormones? buck angel is just going to smell like any testosterone haivng man
>You're deciding you'd rather fuck a buff dude rather than a slim, girly dude...
You would rather fuck a male than fuck a female. You are a faggot.
Such idiocy^
Yeah, women magically become women at 18, brainlets.
he doesn't know what he's talking about.
>You're welcome, now enjoy your mandatory tour to the gas chamber.
>16 is legal and fine in most places in the US.
Just try to get past her parents though. The last thing you will remember is the shotgun blast.
shame it doesn't have a real vagina. i wanna eat a puffy vagina so bad
Children don't work jobs, drive cars,pay taxes or get married.
Enjoy your homosexual men, faggot.
Trannies don't really smell like men
If it's a legal state, they don't have a say. You honestly think I would reject 16-year-old pussy to get married to? lol
>can't even understand the problem with that post
Was your grandfather a fucking idiot too?
Break the spell you're under--the evil powers that be are literally turning massive numbers of young men GAY. Snap out of it.
Sure they don't, bugman.
sure thing sweetheart and their cum tastes like girl cum!
Honestly this. Anyone sexually attracted to these freaks should be cured bc obviously there are some mental illness goin on.
Assuming all things equal and you fuck them in their preferred hole, so Buck's ass because they live as a gay man, and Hunter's ass because they still have their cock, the choice is easy. You're fucking a woman that looks like Stone Cold Steven Austin or a guy that looks like a homely woman, both in the ass.
Would you rather fuck Goku in his ass BUT you know he has a pussy somewhere, or Sailor Moon in her ass but you know she has a cock? I mean come on now, even by posing the Buck Angel situation as 'superior' or 'desirable' you're being gay as fuck, just like you'd be gay if you wanted to fuck those dykes that dress like 13 year old boys.
Based and pinkvaginapilled.
I am in my 20s and I have always been straight. Once I started watching this show, I've become obsessed with trans women.
I even jerked off to Ella Hollywood. What's happening to me? Please help.
literally a mentally ill man in a dress
Lol. I'd puke if I smelled male from a counterfeit female. Ban porn.
straight men get turned on by shemale porn. its been studied
>Ella Hollywood
for me it's jane marie
Take a break, mods. You've earned it.
Seek help.
>I am in my 20s and I have always been straight. Once I started watching this show, I've become obsessed with trans women.
Why are you letting them program your mind.
>he doesn't know about mouthfeel
>Please help.
First off, remember that you've just been conditioned to give a response. Also AIDS and Hell are both real. Don't be a faggot. Fag life lead to early death, not matter your belief in God or lack thereof. It's so obviously against nature too. I mean...sticking a penis into a man's butthole? I'd honestly rather die. How about you?
You could also throw away your computer if you have no self control. Having said that, I've fallen off the porn wagon before., but I get back on. Err wait...well you know what I mean. Don't be disgusting, friend. Good luck and Godspeed.
Again you're comparison isn't fair because you're comparing a old gross drug addict to a young drug addict.
Here's Young Buck Angel. Even with masculine clothing she couldn't hide her femine physique. This is in fact an attractive woman. If I saw a girl who looked like this I would happily go balls deep every time before I even considered the thought of sodomizing some drag queen Twink.
If you want to keep comparing someone to modern day Buck Angel then you need to compare him to an old tranny, like Briana Wu.
The filtered image of a "female" is reinforced by false breasts;etc. Look, this is all an evil plot perpetrated by powerful people who are mostly straight themselves. They will continue to breed--they don't want YOU to breed.
>have always been straight
>I've become obsessed with trans women
You were never straight. But it's OK user, love who you love and don't let anyone shame you.
Nothing ITT has anything to do with television or film, fuck off
just say you want to fuck current day buck angel. you do you brah lmao
doesn't even pass in a still photograph lmao
>this is considered 'passing'
Stop watching propaganda hollyjew show, maybe?
Kill yourself, freak.
Don't listen to this degenerate^
Advice like theirs will lead you straight into the gutter with AIDS, then finally you will be consigned to Hell because Heaven will not accept gays. None.
And do you really not want a loving wife who can bear you children to carry on your name and DNA? Really? You want to unload your genetics into some nasty male's butt?
Stop being insane!
Based and Redpilled. You never see one of the Elite Old Families having a Transgendered heir. They only want to convert the masses to be genetic dead ends.
That's pre-transition, though, so it's not fair at all. You have to take them at the same stage, so imagine that woman with a goatee and bald, and say you'd still want to go balls deep.
>become homosexuals, goys
>don't give your opinion that we didn't pre-approve
>straight men get turned on by shemale porn. its been studied
>Straight Men...
Again with this shit? Your Jew Porn is over. Get the fuck outta here, sodomite
Nats Getty married a tranny earlier this year.
Amen. The royals are all Chads compared to tranny-chasers.
Liking trannies is just a side effect of cumbrainism and porn addiction. Once you have sex and stop being addicted to porn you will realize how degenerate it is and come to your senses.
What the fuck?!
How fucking incompetent are the mods?
This is fucking ridiculous.
>Your Jew Porn is over.
Did they cancel it? Please say yes.
jokes on you, i was just as into porn when i was getting laid daily as i am now that im single again
You don't want to talk about the show, sodomite. You just want to dump your tranny folder and spam this board. You fucking freak
haha you wish loser
Meet this fine beauty who has been on HRT for about 2 years.
She's traditional, Republican, and a Trump supporter.
wtf is happening here. context?
You do know not everyone who has gay sex has AIDS, right? Some people with AIDS only have straight sex :^)
>screeching about invisible worlds full of angels and demons where an equally invisible part of your body containing your consciousness goes based totally arbitrarily on how closely you followed the lessons of one random religious text
>calling others insane
>haha you wish loser
>Promotes mentally unbalanced, sexually traumatized individual
>Calls others "losers".
Kill yourself, sodomite. You have no real purpose with society other than to help see its end
Tradition is just a cosplay for him. Like "woman".
Reminds me of model Stefania Ferrario. Despite having a voluptuous body many men consider ideal, she's a mental trainwreck and probably will "transition" eventually into some freakish man/woman hybrid with the help of the medical community. Sad
can barely see her through the filters
>You never see one of the Elite Old Families having a Transgendered heir.
No, they do that in their old age after they've lived up to all their dead, overbearing parents' expectations. But by then the family just chalk it up to senility and think it's eccentric and fun!
It must be rough shilling for a mentally ill tranny all day.
>You do know not everyone who has gay sex has AIDS, right? Some people with AIDS only have straight sex :^)
Very, very, very few heterosexuals (normal people following nature) are cursed by AIDS and the ones that are either got raped by an AIDS-infected nog or from a "bisexual" freak.
>put your genitals into the poop/waste holding area, goy
No thanks.
it's not fair, I want a cute tranny gf
Stop flooding the board with this dude you faggot.
>got raped by an AIDS-infected nog
I had a feeling you were a white nationalist incel
back to /pol/ microdick
Christ, "she" is just one missed female hormone dose from being a Chad. Look how tall and muscular "she" is.
Imagine my shock that you are a race-mixing, feces-loving mongrel.
>it's not fair, I want a cute tranny gf
What the fuck is wrong with you? You do know that's a dude wearing makeup and a dress? Are you people aware that you're brainwashed?
You're right, but at the same time we can be rational and realize that Trannychasers just need to just realize they're homosexual men. Because this is Hunter in 10 years. And no one but fags is fucking that thing.
>Look how tall and muscular "she" is.
She's 5'10. If you consider that tall, you're probably a manlet.
Also, lol at there being muscle on that skinny person. Just shut the hell up you dumbfuck.
It has a deep voice. It smells like a male. It's got a male skeleton. It's got male DNA. It's as strong as a male.
>get to look at hunter
um no sweetie
>he's 5'10
FTFY How's it feel to know that you're lusting after a dude?
We really need to start locking you creatures up.
>It has a deep voice
>It smells like a male.
>It's as strong as a male.
You're a moron
Dude really you're fucking boring. I'm a hard right winger and even I think your fucking spam is boring and useless.
How about no one? You mental Ill fucks.
You: Lie, lie again, and lie again. It's almost like your father is Satan.
bruh you gay
It has a penis that ejaculates
and you want to slurp it all up
I wonder if that guy's father knows he spams pics of some mentally ill blonde guy in a dress on Yea Forums
it's much more likely that you right-wingers will start getting locked up soon.
All of you gay guys ITT will be shortening your lifespans and making the competition easier for my sons, so there's always a silver lining.
Maybe you only need a month in a re-educational camp.
>tfw USA will collapse and traditional/conservative re-educational camps will be a thing in Europe in your lifetime
That seems incredibly unlikely.
the females in your family will get impregnated by black or brown men
>it's much more likely that you right-wingers will start getting locked up soon.
Oh, how so, sodomite?
If he finds out, let him kick his ass out to the curb if he lives at home, and if not, hope he disowns him driving him to suicide, the best outcome, save for ceasing to be a faggot.
If that's muscular you must look like shit senpai
>That seems incredibly unlikely.
uh no.
white supremacism will soon be designated as a form of domestic terrorism.
this will give law enforcement more power to investigated and pursue suspicious activity online
>not actually knowing how disease works
Literally retarded.
Straight couples have anal sex quite frequently, and there's only poop involved if you're not smart enough for basic maintenance. More importantly, no one cares if you think it's gross and don't want to do it, just stop being a judgemental asshole about people who want to. It's just so tiresome.
You know they mostly live in your ghettos, right? And you're the ones chopping your dicks off...
No, they're not into bestiality.
>Also, lol at there being muscle on that skinny person. Just shut the hell up you dumbfuck.
Just be gay already. Your parents know, they always knew.
>implying you'll ever reproduce
^^look at this cringey queer defend POOP. Marvel at them denying medical facts pertaining to AIDS transmission rates.
Correct, women have assholes too, so gays have no excuse for their behavior, they can fuck female butts and experience the same thing.
>dude precrime is going to happen and you're going to jail for a shitpost
You feel shame, so you need parades because deep down you know you're scum.
You understand that the cops hate you even more than you hate them, right?
>what is the first amendment
I don't think I've ever seen someone this autistic. How many vaccines do you take a day bud?
yes, if someone is suspected of possibility being dangerous, they will be a watch list. that is how law enforcement works when it comes to surveillance of terrorists you uneducated white inbred.
It's such a beautiful and diverse ideology.
hunter is cute but she's no emma
Oh you have medical facts? I hadn't seen those. Where are they?
>inb4 I'm totally a doctor trust me
>thinking shitposting is terrorism
imagine a hunter and emma cock sucking lesbian sex video!
>huurrr AIDS doesn't exist in horrific numbers in fags
>lying is a smart debate tactic
kys (it's going to happen one day, you know)
>worthless child killing mercenary vs worthless child raping faggot
Yeah, when you people start thanking the gays for their queerness every time you notice one, we can talk about recognition parity.
ella hollywood wants to fuck hunter.
they had a brief encounter on set. they both looked so excited to meet each other
This doesn't look much like medical proof user. Why are you so dishonest?
>this is the kind of chimp who thinks the soldier will go door to door killing conservatives for xim
ella hollywood is just kiki shipka with a dick
No one is falling for your dumb argument and you're not worth any extra effort. Please continue if you think it's best. Hopefully you'll die within 10 years.
"2006 through 2008, found that 44 percent of straight men and 36 percent of straight women admitted to having had anal sex at least once in their lives". -Huffpo
And they're totally doing it in communities where knowingly infecting people with hiv is no longer a crime, I suppose.
Gays have yet to demonstrate how sperm can fertilize a shit log. Can you imagine the offspring? It'd be a cross between the WB frog anf J.J. from Good Times.
Hello my fugly, hello my baby
Shoulders like a QB
hear hear
>claim to have proof
>get asked for proof
???? So you don't *actually* have proof that AIDS is most prevalent in gay people?
>five o'clock shadow
>so girly
what? her shoulders are slender and I want to kiss her all night and tell her how adorable she is.
why can't I have a cute trans gf like Ella? :(
Everyone, even gays (you), know that gays have the most AIDS cases. It's a fact;there's no need for me to defend a resoundingly established fact of life. We're just enjoying your stupidity.
what the fuck are you talking about
Could have asked first
>you're only a valid parent if you raise genetically similar children
It always astounds me you faggots will cry so hard about single-motherhood then shame a man for stepping up to parent a child who isn't his because of genetics.
I was pointing out shoulders to waist situation, but you do you brotha. No hate here.
it's not fair bros
They're both shameful.
You're a literal FAGGOT, calling me a faggot because I have sex with women? kys
>literally linking some shit that says "gays have more AIDS because of homophobia and institutional discrimination"
>also "other groups" have more AIDS than gays or IV drug users
Problematic and blue pilled.
why does it feel like these cute trans girls are more difficult to hook up with than average cis girls?
Imagine if me and her mixed our cum together and then licked it up and made out with the cum of both of ours in our mouths
maybe the woman should have used better judgment in making the choice of who would be the parent of their offspring? oh right women are free from all responsibility here in clown world
I didn't call you a faggot, but you are a faggot, not because you have sex with women, but because you're a loud obnoxious diarrhea person without the semblance of a working brain.
You gave away your larp at the end, but well done. Not many say "problematic" anymore.
>everything is always a woman's fault
And the men have no responsibility for raising their own children in incelworld?
As someone whos friends with and has dated transwomen, they're all emotionally unstable and impossible to maintain a relationship with. If its not self esteem issues its "persecution" either real or imagined. Everything is a crisis. It's honestly easier to date real women or even another actual dude.
Plus they can't have kids, and good luck adopting unless you live or adopt from outside the U.S.
No one will ever love you.
it seems like cosplay events have tons of cute trans girls
>t. doesn't actually hang out with liberals
Try again sweaty ;^*
How hard is it to not get pregnant in current year?
How hard is it to not be a deadbeat dad in every year?
they are harder to find, for one; trannies are a tiny group and then many of them actually aren't cute
>As someone whos friends with and has dated transwomen
where did you meet them?
>thanks for letting me sneed over user
>t. leading expert in never receiving love
You're damn right for once in your miserable existence. I don't hang out with liberals. I also don't let earwigs crawl into my ears, although I'd imagine that experience to be less painful than listening to live liberals that actually share the oxygen that is rightfully mine.
>Euphoria is an American teen drama television series created by Sam Levinson and based on the Israeli miniseries of the same name (Hebrew: אופוריה) originally created by Ron Leshem, Daphna Levin, and Tmira Yardeni.
*take her panties off and proceed to feed and seed her*
We're incels, remember? Not our problem.
Nice work, you had me going. I am also indeed very blue pilled, but denying aids effects everyone equally rustled my jimmies
oy vey
>the universe owes you oxygen
Try that argument in space, I'm genuinely curious how that'll work out for you.
The air is mine.
I'm an openly bisexual/gay man. Would I like this show? Like, is it actually any good outside of Yea Forums memes?
>trannies are a tiny group
this is why we have to fight transphobia and the stigma associated with transitioning.
we have to encourage more feminine guys to transition.
hollywood has to turn up the campaign a couple of notches higher. every movie and tv show should have at least one trans person in it
>we have to encourage more feminine guys to transition.
you might enjoy Nate's storyline of being a closet gay/bisexual guy
I've always been of the mind that manlets should be forced to transition.
I totally agree.
as a 6'4 hairy bear, i just want to throw around some sissy trans girl manlet and fuck the shit out of her
I hear there's no greater high than smoking some pot for a few hours and then packing your own parachute for some casual skydiving. BETTER THAN HAMSTERS--Richard Gere
>t. manlet
just think about it logically
LMAO legit oh my God
percent of the population are transgender
A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men. A different survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender.
>pandering to an extremely small group, makes more sense to include wheel chair bound people into everything.
Approximately 1.7 percent of the U.S. population reported they were living with some form of paralysis
to be honest, it already seems like most trans girls are manlets. manlets know they are not real men
i rarely see trans girls taller than 5'8 or 5'9.
I like watching old TV shows where all the characters rightfully hate homos, like Sandford and Son, it's based for a jig show. Actually, I think blacks are A-OK just so long as they haven't been programmed by the rap Jew.
Every FtM tranny I know would be classified as a "manlet" after transitioning to male. Why they think a short, chubby man would have an easier time as an individual than a short, chubby woman is anyone's guess, but more power to them I suppose.
>I'm really glad you asked my father permission before proposing. You know he's very traditional, and that sort of thing really means a lot to him.
>percent of the population are transgender
that's such a small percentage.
but it's probably significantly higher if you focus on just Gen Z/Millennials and ignore the older dumbfuck generations
>focus on just Gen Z/Millennials
>and ignore the older dumbfuck generations
That's indeed some comedic posting, user.
im not seeing the comedy
>ywn marry hunter
[chair clattering]
I just searched this pic and it’s from 2016. He doesn’t look like this anymore.
The AIDS already ate the funny area of your mind.
Many such cases!
>younger generations less hung up on labels and don't care what you want to be
>older generations literally think the Jews are trying to turn them gay
Gee, I wonder why there are more sooner people claiming to be trans than boomer oldfucks.
I wonder if her father liked this scene.
Mental illness does seem to be rife among zoomers.
>>older generations literally think the Jews are trying to turn them gay
That is exactly what is happening and you're falling for all of it.
I guarantee you Pastor Mac Schafer and his entire congregation was fapping to that scene.
>hey user, i was gonna invite you over tonight to play videogames with me, but i heard you were transphobic. that's too bad.
Faggots of whatever height should be gassed. Way worse being a faggot than a manlet.
Holy fuck that is hot. no homo
This will simply increase the hate. Look at LGBT. No one cared 10/15 years ago but now that faggots are forced in every movie/tv shows the hate for them is raising.
support for LGBT rights and gay marriage has gone up tremendously over the past 20 years
you don't know what you're talking about
nigga got aesthetic arms.
>i would never fuck a tranny, i am saving myself for a pure traditional wife, dilate btw
Literally everyone in this thread would have sex with Hunter given the opportunity, stop being delusional.
>seeing gay people in movies makes me hate them
Your brain must genuinely be broken for you to think like this.
why is she so perfect bros?
He's perfect for you because you're gay. That's just an ugly teenaged boy wearing girl clothes.
>a man liking women is gay
Google image search useless as always.
Hunter Schafer is very traditional. She's a virgin and a good Christian.
I want to ask her father for permission to marry m'lady. After that, I would like proceed to make sweet love to her and penetrate her sweet virgin starfish.
Sane people kind of lost interest when they started forcing people to bake them cakes and whatnot.
That's a male whose real name is Dillon, 1000:1.
at least it identified her as a girl
even Google recognizes trans girls are girls
>Hunter Schafer is very traditional. She's a virgin and a good Christian.
Hahahahahahaha how ilusional
There's nothing wrong with making it illegal for business owners to refuse service to someone because of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Absolutely nothing.