He's only 27? He looks 37. White guys age like milk

He's only 27? He looks 37. White guys age like milk.

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Too much partying and drugs, living the rich celeb progeny lifestyle. Surprised he made it through okay on the other end to be honest.

am I expected to know who that is

Ewan McGregor

didn't know he was dennis quaid's spawn and now i can't unsee the resemblance

But Michael Shannon is 45.


He looks fucking rough for 27.

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I'm a 40 boomers and look 23 with a hat on :-)

I'll be 27 in some months and it's pretty much how I look; he's fine

this looks like my kind of thread!

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>only 45

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He looks 80% like his mom, 20% like his dad, which is.... unfortunate.

>he's fine

he's go crows feet and bags in his 20s. You're not fine user.


Nah he looks like shit. There's plenty of other 27 and older actors who look better.

He looks like he needs to moisturize or something. I'm 29 and a quarter mexican and feel like I look way younger than this guy

post a recent pic of one of them

I'll be 31 this month and I have no where near the wear under my eyes that guy has.

and a si si si bueno burrito to you, as well

here's Pharrel who's in his FORTIES.

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I thought the Deep was Quad's son. This dude is thoroughly unlikeable.

based af
black don't crack

Pharrel is known for taking very good care of his skin.

>be white and rugged looking at a young age
>be black and look like a prepubescent little shithead

>rugged looking

More like worn leather

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t. """super""" """hero"""

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I think you mean decrepit

nah, he looks late 20s for sure. gravity hasnt hit him at all

Truthpill here, genes aren’t the only reason why blacks age better than whites. They live a less degenerate lifestyle. It’s always whites getting artificial tans, doing cocaine every day, partying late, and getting drunk every weekend

>White guys age like milk

why can't you people ever come up with anything original to say?

they certainly age quicker than whites, from a "age of death" viewpoint. visually, theres less observable features on a jiggaboo's skin since shadows and bumps arent visible without a really high dpi image. they also age worse if you take a look at xrays and mris

>once upon a time
>be a high schooler browsing this website called "Yea Forums"
>years go on and no longer be underaged
>see people in their latter 20's and think "ha"
>now I am in my early 30's
>look at guys like pic related
>"he looks too old to be be latter 20's"
>realize there are now high schoolers on Yea Forums
>I've become the oldfags I used to shit on

why is life like this

Yea Forums was my secret club house once

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Michael Keaton


Bill Hader

French men actually look like this or is he supposed to be French-Algerian or something?

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Shows us your coffin, old man

french are fairly similar to greeks. no halfbreed there, thats full frenchy. youll see the swarthy phenotypes pretty often

I'm 28 and have no visible wrinkles. Something is wrong with this guy.

>tfw 25 and wrinkled as fuck because I had eczema in my teens

im 29 and i look much younger

>tfw look both 14 and 40 at the same time

>Tomer Capon was born on July 15, 1985 in Israel.

Gauls used to be blonde/red hair and blue eyed. Then the Romans fucked their way through Gaul and Britannia. Of course, the algierians, spaniards and moroccans fucking their way into europe didn't help either

You for sure look 39 buddy

>tfw everyone thinks I'm either young or old
>I'm a hairlet
>still some people see me as young
>I'm 25

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Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

>tfw 27
>he looks as good if not better
Oh no

kek, you can never tell what he's looking at.

this dude from stranger things is also 27

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He's relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

hes just blessed with an amazing hairline that hasnt receded yet

This is absolute perfect skin care for a white guy. Literally minimal time spent in the sun

is this some retarded copypasta?

Lmao, seriously?

>perfect skin
>mole infested shitface

Better than looking like a dried out piece leather like most white guys end up looking like

I'm 32 and look 24. I still got carded at 29.

I card old ass people cause it's policy, you don't look young dumbass.

It's not policy in my country dumbass.
You can buy alcohol at 18. Under 25 = show ID.

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Found the manservant

He looks around 35.

Nigga finna phone home with that big alien head and them bug eyes, damn

it varies a lot.
the problem with his is his puppet mouth, if you smoothed that out he'd look young

I was sure he was nearing 40, I only checked because he was working a shit job in the show.