He's like Judge Dredd mixed with Dirty Harry, he's fucking awesome.
Why does Yea Forums prefer literal faggots like Homelander and The Deep?
Best character
>and The Deep
no one likes the deep. He deserved the gill rape
He was an idiot, if you were talking about the comic's one i would agree with you.
The deep is an ironically sympathetic and humorous character. Butcher is one dimensional and cringe
based kiwi-brit.
Daily reminder only actual sóyboys hate Butcher.
remember when Yea Forums was obsessed with that movie for like 3 months lmao
This. The tv show improves Homelander but they changed Billy for the worst. I hope they don't change him being the final villain.
Read the comics, fag
Best CBM ever
Yeah it's still good
I'm not a manchild so no
Well, he did pointlessly blow up a baby and simultaneously destroy all the evidence of Homelander killing Stillwell.
ignore this fag the comic is shit
Except for issues 40 - 43, where it sorta comes close to being good, but even then it has retarded edgy shit along the way
fucking faggot
Every scene with the Deep and Homelander is pure fucking gold. Butcher is OK too I'm not sure I get the hate for him.
Butcher > Homelander
He's going to become so uncucked in season 2 it's going to be epic
Butcher was much better early on but fell into grimdark muh wife
>Spice girls analogy
>Frenchie goes "maybe she's one of the spice girls"
Had a satisfactory giggle
you mean since the year it was released? yea
he is a cuck
That scene made me wish they called themselves the Spice Girls instead of The Boys.
What disturbed me the most is how they made Huey more competent than him.
The boys was a shit show. Into the trash it goes. I'm a based guy. For you.
they don't call themselves the boys, I'm not sure any of them refer to the group as "the boys" once, not even butcher
he's not, not at all, butcher is clearly the most competent in the whole group, see the knockout grenade bit, if he wasn't their that entire operation would've failed terribly
I don't know about the show, but in the comics they are most definitely known as "The Boys."
I think Butcher tells the CIA lady that he got The Boys back together, but it's not really referring to the group as that.
I can only speak for myself but there seems to be a lot of shcitzoid posters here, like me, and I found myself relating to Homelander a lot because I'm crazy. I think he's the right guy to take down Homelander though, my favorite scene is when Huey realizes he's basically "some guy"
in the show they don't, like huey will say "how are we going to save the guys" and yea maybe this
Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
go play the piano noir you're a crazy person
I think with his accent from now on
He was trying to commit suicide you retard. He wasn't going to let homelander kill him. He was going out his way, and Homelander rejected him. Now he's going to make him suffer for forcing him to kill his weakness and attachments.
because tv is full of weak incels who want a power fantasy
How’s he the final villain in the comics?
Homelander literally cucked him. There’s no coming back from that
No, faggot
Why would i spend my time on it if i can read an actual book instead, grow the fuck up
Or maybe just kys
After the Seven are killed (along with most of the other big named heroes), he decides he's going to kill every single person who's come into contact with compound V which includes the members of The Boys. He kills MM, Frenchie, The Female, and some of their other comic allies. In the end, Hughie kills him.
Truth be told, I think the comic's ending is really shitty and cliche. The exact kind of tripe the comic was supposed to be making fun of.
homelander raped his wife, their is a difference
It was consensual fat boy
Ten American dollars says she willingly slept with him. No cuck fetish shit, just saying that because it would be the worst outcome for Butcher.
I dunno, man. If Homelander had forced her into it he would have taunted Butcher a lot harder when they met.
The way Homelander talked it felt more like "I fucked your wife" banter rather than "I raped your wife" banter, y'know?
>subversive superhero show where the superheros are actually bad
Can't wait for her mental gymnastics in S02 to justifiy what she did.
Makes a webm of Homelander and his momcest fetish
I fucking hate this cancerous meme
maybe, i'm thinking "coercion" same as the deep, a middle ground thats murky af to make everything just more complicated, and obviously V either threatened her and/or offered her their equivalent of witness protection
Is it like looking into a mirror?
go to the other thread, its already made
"Leave your life behind and raise this baby of yours or we'll kill you and the baby and Butcher"
accent is horrendous
Well justify the how butcher fucks cia director
More like: "You would have killed it, if you had known. I had no choice but to hide."
They could have given him to some surrogate mother if she stepped down
great casting
he didn't deserve it
>liking a literal cuck
Gonna go with YIKES for this one
In the comics butcher definitely calls them the boys, it's his idea
Mallory wanted to give them some stupid name like "unit x"
>accent is horrendous
maybe that'll happen s2, s1 its not used
It was immoral to not kill that baby
You must be a Yea Forumsfag.
You guys confuse the tv character who was lame, limited scenes, interchangeable, etc. with what he should have been with the months you spent reading his character in your little picture books.
Face it, Amazon made the heroes lamer and the villains superior because guess what: in all capeshit, the villains are more entertaining.
A man can do whatever he pleases
what about laser baby? laser baby was based
I think it's more like making the "good guys" be more of "normal people" against the impossible odds of fighting superhuman millionaires.
All the main characters being injected with V and able to take out 95% of the supes without breaking a sweat was shite. The amazon show is surprisingly an upgrade.
>He's like Judge Dredd mixed with Dirty Harry, he's fucking awesome.
yea them having to work so hard for every kill is much better, idk what the fuck ennis was thinking
>t. Yea Forumsfag
How can you not see this might be a probable spoiler for upcoming seasons? Is it cause I called you *gasp* a "comic book faggot"?
News flash for ya Walter Cronkite: while the world loves capeshit, we still think social reject ugly fat balding bad skin living at home basement dwelling virgins like you are complete and total fucking losers.
C'mon how can i look for it? There are dozens of thread about this already
Why did you post a picture of yourself?
fine you lazy fgt
not him, but how can you not see how obvious that is? i've never read the comic either, and the moment they found out about the blue stuff I thought butcher would be straight-lining that shit day and night and trying to convince the rest of the boys to do the same. I know he hates supes but he is willing to use any weapon anything at all, I thought it was strange he didn't immediately try it
Butcher from the show is a literal cuck. Butcher from the comic is an actual badass sociopath. The deep actually has a nice arc he goes through and honestly I hope things get better for him
>badass sociopath
Just a sociopath. He's an irredeemable evil asshole in the comic to the point of parody. Agree about The Deep being better in the show.
if you don't think butcher in the show is also a legit sociopath at the least, then you didn't watch it, butcher is completely fucked in the head, idk what his comic version is like but if its
>an actual badass sociopath
then Urban nailed it
>Knowing about Judge Dredd and Dirty Harry
Maybe but he was definitely asking for it
Coping netcucks user
Is there not a scene with the CIA lady where she gives them permission to reform the boys in season 01?
I have read the comics but not watched the show yet, as I'm abroad
Hoover just can't catch a break.
based im tired of seeing this shit in the catalog
at least based on the call he made you can assume he knew he was already dead
If he doesn't immediately try to kill Homelander's son or attack Homelander, we'll see.
>in the show
based webm user, been waiting for laser baby
No that's Road To Perdition.
I prefer the old gypsy from Thinner.
what the fuck does CBM mean?
Continental Ballistic Movie.
did you watch the show? the idea of a natural born supe is impossible in this universe, its a lot more fucking complicated you stupid fuckwit
please go back
Ask stupid questions get stupid answers. What the fuck did you think it might stand for?
I have no idea character based movie?
try harder
Comic Book Movie.
so go back >>Yea Forums
>reeee you're not allowed to mention Road To Perdition outside Yea Forums!!!
no it great, this cbm shit is pure Yea Forums never seen it before and i've been here longer then you've been alive
He's fucking retarded. He took on Translucent with no way to beat him and just got lucky. He threatened the Seven with nothing to back it up. He believed Becky was raped despite all evidence suggesting otherwise and failed to find her despite believing she was alive and having CIA resources at his disposal. He's just a bitter cuck.
No it’s like watching some limp wrist retard spam shit
I dont understand why you wouldnt think she was raped in his situation, I mean if youve never loved before....
The thing about bitter people is they get really attached when they fall in love.
The video shows her going in and out of the room with Homelander. At no point does she look to be under duress or uncomfortable with what's happened, either before or after. If the direction was trying to get rape across they failed fucking spectacularly.
I think the intention was ambiguity, and they succeeded spectacularly
unironically this
all characters are fucking cookie-cutter "omg this is ebin" recycled bullshit
plot too
but then again we shouldn't expect more from a freaking comic book
It's only ambiguous if you're the kind of retard who thinks post-coital regret retroactively makes it rape.
holy shit this will get even more cliche wow
truly impressive
its not, its more coercion, thats what she will go with initially anyway, what actually happened? idk, its got a fuck load of factors to deal with, a supe baby, a rising career, etc. it could've been rape it could've been what the deep did, it could've been consensual, hell she could've been a deep plant setup to fuck homelander and have his kid, at this point their is no way to know
wtf is this cuckd feminist bullshit?
>Girl trades sex for job, regrets it and falsely calls it rape
>Biggest chad is in love for a woman twice his age and the show even tries to make her look sexy, a sexy grandma
>Black chad is a little pussy for his bitch, blowing smooches and bending over backwards for her
>French guy's gf grabs him by the balls and holds onto him while he makes an 'Owie-zowie' face
>All the bosses are "successful women" when we all know in reality female bosses are useless shitheads that are not only cunts but loose companys revenue (Ex KK - SW)
>Only other hot female character is a dyke
>Guy who traded job for sex, gets "raped" later by a random chick (he's a fucking superhero ffs you know with super-human abilities) and his life gets completely destroyed irrelevant to the plot.
>Protag is a literal soiboy who likes stronk women
Anyone who watches this and thinks it's not abnormal is an absolute faggot-cuck
showed him
why are you spamming this shitty post faggot? oh wait its the weekend nvm
So was it rape or not?