Marvel will never recover from this

marvel will never recover from this

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Other urls found in this thread:

So how does this work? Were they given an early screening and they loved his performance or something?

>Projected opening as low as 60-90mil

Twitter lefties on suicide watch

If it's actually a good movie, no one will go to see it. DC is toast.

>One artistic director said so
Everyone here already read the garbage script.


I can already tell the incel crowd is going to "own" this movie like they did with Bladerunner 2049.

It was cheap as fuck to make. It's going to be fine

what kind of name is artistic director

>budget of 55 million
that would make it a huge success

I did. It was literally fine and Joker will be one of the best 2019 has to offer. It will be pure kino. The MCU crowd will unironically be too stupid to enjoy it.

Marvel doesn't care, they want money

where is the batman

Don't worry he's a pleb

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A Joker movie should be making much more. It wont even make half a billion

A Batman movie yes but not a Joker movie
Anything near half a billion would be amazing and would garantee a lot more similar movies being made

60 million more than the last four or five Pheonix led character dramas made combined. The fact that they actually chose a combo of Phoenix + taxi driver rip off for a money maker capeshit character like Joker is pretty insane, but what will be truly DAMAGED is if Chinks and Indians go to see it and make it profitable.

DC already made a cinematic achievement

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He's probably black

>Falling Down in clown paint

Is it even getting a Chinese release?

I think its going to do good in the uk, It looks interesting enough for even non comic book fans

I said the same about blade runner and the uk basically carried it

Going to see it opening night in front row while wearing a bullseye shirt on with a lapel button attached saying ''It was her turn'', with a female friend in a Captain Marvel shirt accompanying me.

If I don't make it back, I'm going to haunt you all and wordfilter all your memes.

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Honestly, probably not.


dangerously based

>and make it profitable.
It's going to be profitable regardless. If it's clearing it's budget just on the domestic opening it's going to very profitable. That's a bigger opening than Shazam, Pikachu and Godzilla

The movie that killed DC. It's a wonder Snyder hasn't offed himself yet. And to think I was looking forward to seeing this too...

I'll be staying home during the premier with 5 monitors tuned to radio and news broadcasts. You wouldn't disappoint me would you?

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>The movie that killed DC
That didn't hurt Wonder Woman and Aquaman

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That movie sucked so bad. Last time I felt so angry was when I watched "The Postman" starring Kevin Costner

It's mcdonalds arthouse

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B a l l s o f S t e e l

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Once normies realize that this is some gritty character study masquerading as capeshit and not the CU-RAZY joker caper they were expecting, they will drop it like it's hot.

So you honestly think this is going to flop? I just don't see it

>if his heart stops a beatin', we'll have to stop Sneedin'

If it is successful it will only be because it's able to scrape a profit off the low budget.
I predict that it will open well under the predictions and have a huge drop off after word of mouth gets around that it's not really cape-shit or the actual joker.

wont be difficult finding the user taking up two seats

Do you have more to say? The "..." Shit annoys the living fuck out of me

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I can't wait to see MovieBob's opinion!

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I pray every day to the gods of cholesterol and hypertension that they might strike down MovieBob. Even partial paralysis would be good enough.

Did you not see the Endgame BO?

Marvel’s already won the game, accepted the trophy and left the stadium while DC is still putting on their uniform.

that was all true though he had the part for 3 years

Remember how China yanked Endgame early so it wouldn't dethrone the box office of their local record breakers? Hilarious.

Stay mad Marvel fan

How can one man be this based?

>Scorcese worked on both films

You can’t rip off yourself kiddo

DC was burred the second Avengers came out. They never recovered.

it's going to flop because the media already sees it for what it is: a white movie for troubled young white men. it's alt-right the movie just like death wish


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Go with God you glorious bastard.

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how can disney ever recover?

I'm not a /pol/tard but
Joachin Phoenix is half Jewish
Don't you people not like Jews?


>local theater is near a walmart
how much is a bullet proof vest?

That sounds boring

>edgy plot for 13yo

It's more "watch out for this white male guys I'm gonna snap and go cuh-razy!"

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Joker is literally cuck propoganda. I've read the script and he takes care of his mom for NO REASON never once does she even offer to have sex with him.

>madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little tfw no tendies

Based and oedipuspilled

You can’t be half Jewish, it’s fully matrilineal either his mom was Jewish and he is a Jew or not

Then he's a Jew

>money is the only thing that matters

they're called "ellipses"...

It's not... about... the money

Why do you think this will be the first movie I watch in the cinema in 12 years?

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55mil is low budget anymore? yeesh

Because I'm the Joker Baby!

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If the media supports it, it will be bad.

Based and snyderpilled

That's not even a bad amount of money. Have you guys really fallen for the "If it isn't a billion it's failure" meme?

>on a high cuck level


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Both of these are playing at TIFF, he's obligated to say this stuff. Though Venice director seems way more honest and praised the film too, a test screener friend i have loved it too.

No wonder he's miserable.

you already got btfo'd. I recommend everyone read this thread to see McDonald's arthouse poster get btfo'd

You post this every thread. He doesn't even get a chance in the script, he just stalks her and then thinks they're in love cause she went to his standup routine and then once he finds out she had a boyfriend he calls her a cheating whore

Here's the script

Oh trust me, media won't be supporting it when it's actually out, it's the most edgelord tryhard deep shit

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>He doesn't even get a chance in the script, he just stalks her and then thinks they're in love cause she went to his standup routine and then once he finds out she had a boyfriend he calls her a cheating whore

so typical cuck scenario

got it, jokercuck.

>he just stalks her and then thinks they're in love cause she went to his standup routine and then once he finds out she had a boyfriend he calls her a cheating whore
I-Is Joker a incel?

Goanna watch it at the opening evining in my cinema, wearing a remove kebap shirt, glasses from natural born killer , short military style haircut and nazi boots.

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it will tow the line between fresh and rotten. Joaquin Phoenix will be the most praised thing about the movie and that's about it. People don't care about Todd Philip.


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60 something percent at best. Normies won't like how bleak it is, critics will think it's pretentious garbage and Twitter will think it's problematic, the audience for this film is literally Yea Forums.


He's sitting across the aisle from himself?

Why do people do this? Do they honestly think we'll just say "oh wow gotta see that trash now!" after reading such a stupid statement?

Your ilk are the reason tv and film are fucking fresh from the dumps trash

The antiDC shilling has already started ramping up, as usual, so they clearly are a little concerned. It happens every time a new movie starts getting closer to release.

Joker might end up being a total snoozer, and just too edgy to be even funny, but WB is offering a product with it that Disney can't compete with full stop, because they don't take risks or produce shit that goes where Joker is going. A mentally ill, edgy, psycopathic clown, who allegedly guns people down on a tv show and calls a childs mother a whore in front of her, it would get someone fired for even suggesting it at the House of Mouse.

Given how little success they are having with Star Wars, and their financial trouvles with the parks, they might be a little concerned (I wouldn't go as far as nervous, because this is Disney, and they already practically own everything) that if WB pulls the stick out of their ass they might be able to genuinely compete with their capeshit arm that is the only thing making them proper money at this point thats not remakes of their animated movies.

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To all the people bragging about Box-office unless you're shareholders why do you care?

As a consumer winning according to you should be the one who gives you the most value for your money. Joker by virtue of not being formulaic marvel capeshit gives you more value. Most of you Morons are just as stupid as those tech fanboys who cheer at Apple's market cap increase.

It's worded awkwardly but its does make sense

Have sex and ohh ummm dilate

This. Marvel doesn't give a shit about Noah Hawleys doom script and will probably never happen, they wanna make the same movies over and over again. DC attempting a requiem for a dream taxi driver inspired movie about one of their most iconic characters is a bold move.

Because they see their chosen company as tribe and the characters as 'friends'. It's their replacement for religion, whether they realize it or not. So they fight verbal holy wars, and in a money driven world, the box office can be the clear sign of 'victory'. Also, a sign of coninued existence, because when movies flop franchises get shelved.

And plenty are just paid shills of course.

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>the script was garbage
Well when its read by an autistic man child that doesn't actually have conversations with real people its hard to imagine the proper implied tonality or what an actor might be able to provide to the lines.

Don't you dare besmirch basedquin phoenix before seeing his performance you ignorant fucking swine, he's one of the best actors of this generation and you are letting some lefty cuck critic cock worshipers that are literally paid by Disney influence your opinion before you even see the fucking thing.

Fucking shame on you. Form your own god damn opinions like a fucking man should.

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>artist says his art is good

>this is edgy according to a zoomer

Nobody thinks or is saying Joaquin is bad. The script is goofy and the general tone/premise parallel incel mass shooters. Given that the last Joker movie literally had someone shoot up a theater it's not surprising nobody is eager to give it a wide releasec

I knew kids in 6th grade who wrote better than this

Nobody besides mouse fags care about that shooting

I'm pretty sure the Batman fans being shot at had strong feelings about it.

Not a zoomer, but comparing it to Hollywood right now it's basically a ticking time bomb

>Given that the last Joker movie literally had someone shoot up a theater
that was the 3rd Batman movie with Bane you fucking smooth brain.

What about the script is any edgier than something like The Boys?


This film will be praised for being a grown up film and cape shitters will the blown away by its grown up style. In other words this is a normal movie that capeshitters usually avoid due to not being kids films.

So you're saying it will literally be Dark Knight

Twitter already talks up the boys but it's not as mainstream as a joker film. They'll also hate that Todd Phillips is trying to handle the topic of child rape and abuse as it's part of jokers origin

Only with little action. And no cool vehicles or chase scenes. Or gadgets or exciting stunts or explosions. And an R-rating.
But yeah, otherwise it will literally be Dark Knight.

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>They'll also hate that Todd Phillips is trying to handle the topic of child rape and abuse
Why would twitter hate that?

Ok so it's the Joker movie everybody wanted Heath Ledger to do

No, there are no heroes in this, just and psycho doing his thing, if this was the same film but called Falling Down these fags wouldnt watch it and would be missing out on a good film.

In other words capeshitters are missing out on actual good movies by only watching Marvel shit.

We can hear the song, despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage by Smashing Pumpkins playing.
A close up shot of insects is seen.
A tear running from Joker's eyes.
Joker says to no one, maybe not even himself
I am so sick of shit
close scene

Because people hate Todd Phillips. Twitter is already having a field day dunking on the script, everyone is calling it an incel movie or edgy bullshit, you underestimate faggots user

Yes, minus Heath Ledger.
Kinda like having the Superman movie everyone wanted Chris Reeves to do, only with Brandon Routh.
Actually exactly like that.

But this is DC

You don't get to act like you're above capeshit when you're in a capeshit thread. Wasn't that hard not to tell which one had the mass shooting and which one got the oscar for being an Overdosing gay cowboy.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Scorsese already direct this movie, and they are just slapping a coat of "Capeshit" on it to try and sell it to the Hot Topic and Incel crowd?

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The script is just a Scorsese dick sucking, no wonder he loved the script and wanted to produce but Irishman got in the way

So it's like taking Hamlet, but calling it "Loki" and attempting to pawn it off as "art".

>reading comprehension fail
He means that Disney, and as such Marvel, will only go so far and make movies that go in family friendly directions. Anything that doesn't fall into that particular thinking won't be made at Disney. It's why so many other IPs falling into their hands is a tragedy.

I can't say I'm a massive Deadpool fan, his shit is juvenile as it is edgy, but can you honestly see DISNEY allowing another movie where he talks about masturbating with a baby hand, gets pegged by his ex-working girl girlfriend, or has him grope Collussus ass?

>He means that Disney, and as such Marvel, will only go so far and make movies that go in family friendly directions.
That is generally the smart thing to do when you are trying to make a business out of films with a 150-300 million dollar budget, yes.

Disney also made Kill Bill 1/2, Starship Troopers and a pile of other films through a sub studio, at significantly smaller budget.

McDonalds arthouse

Eh it at least somewhat tries to be different, imagine taxi driver but with a sperg with not nearly as much charisma and an attempt to be more artsy and mostly failing, there's sequences in the film apparently where Joker dances to the film score.


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>can you honestly see DISNEY allowing another movie where he talks about masturbating with a baby hand, gets pegged by his ex-working girl girlfriend, or has him grope Collussus ass?
What a loss to Humanity as a whole.

The thing is Joker doesn't try to be arthouse, it tries to be an indie film and messes up completely and just becomes boring, it tries to put you in an atmosphere but it's not fleshed out at all

>The bus pulls away, drifting into the encroaching night.
>Joker creeps down the litter-covered streets. Long forgotten, hardly ignored garbage festers along the sidewalks. The smog chokes out the sky, leaving the city covered in a dense sickly shade of orange dusk.
>The streets teem with the poor, the elderly, and the untouchables. Women amble along with malformed children in shabby strollers. The homeless find rest on stinking, rusty subway grates. Stray dogs run about, with never any hint of a past owner. Joker's unblemished white face sticks out in a world full of apathetic grime.
>Joker makes his way to the deceprit and barely stocked drug store. Behind him, in a nearby crumbling corner, two drunks fight. Their violence rages on, to an audience that wants to forget but cannot ignore.

The script is honestly hilarious when you imagine the director of the hangover thinking how he's a fucking genius the entire time he's writing this

Sin City, Dusk til Dawn, Con Air, all Disney movies.

Sin City is harder R than Deadpool's inane shit will ever be.

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Joakino can do no wrong that's why he ditched marvel


Goddamn this edge is amazing

yes, money is what matters
avengers is the best movie ever made
if it doesnt make billions, then it's a shit movie
t. jew

>missing the point this hard
I agree with you on Deadpool, dumbass, but I'm sure you can see my larger point. You'll never get a comic-accurate Daredevil (too dark and at times philosophical), Punisher (speaks for itself), Wolverine (heat claws that 'fix' the wound so no blood! Yay!), ect. You think the new Blade movie will come anywhere close to the orginal? And heavens forbid a serious moment occur without some joke or comment to cut that tension.

Did he not bother to realize that if you're writing, and you move locals, that you're supposed to describe the surroundings? You could even make it seem like Joker is less of a product of SOCIETY, and more of a product of a misplaced loathing.

You're going down an alleyway. What is it like? I didn't even describe walking down a torn up, ill maintained asphault/concrete. That's a sense to talk about. How about smells? Garbage stinks, especially old "out all day" garbage. Poor people smell. Strollers would have a horrible squeaking sound, something the baby has grown to ignore. Stray dogs stink too. There's all sorts of ways to describe walking down this mess of an alleyway that translates well to a script.

>no one here gives a shit
If it wasn't 3am, I'd have gone with something like "Caring is a currency that these people cannot afford." Come on, "no one here gives a shit" would get lambasted on 2003 era

It's like Rorschach is a real person, and dropping off script treatments in his spare time.

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How if they are dead? Also shootings happen weekly in america i bet everybody except marvel fags forgot about the joker shooter

Let's see what we get with Black Widow before starting into transexual levels of agitated screeching, ok?

>shooter starts shooting
>drops some people
>spots you
>looks at you for a moment
>puts his arm under his trench coat
>pulls out a pistol
>flips it around in his hand
>holds it by the barrel
>hands it over to you
>says: "You are right, she deserved it. Now come to the dark side, brother."
What do you do?

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I don't think he shot and killed everyone in the theater user.

You will never have a proper punisher movie because it's Gun worship and revenge fantasy incarnate. The mere existence of Ghost Rider kills it's own chances of ever getting screen in china so Disney says "fuck that." Blade will be a Wakandan exile who hunts down skulls instead of vampires because more weird china censorship/.

>The unnecessary cursing

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>You will never have a proper punisher movie because it's Gun worship and revenge fantasy incarnate.
I've had 3 Punisher movies.
I don't need a Punisher MCU movie because the idea of people like Spider-Man and the Avengers ignoring his slaughter-sprees strains even the credibility of comic book movies.

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>The mere existence of Ghost Rider kills it's own chances of ever getting screen in china
You are clearly not aware that Ghost Rider opened in fucking China. They didn't get the garbage sequel, because even China has a bit of taste.
But the original Ghost Rider screened in China.
Stop with your tranny-screeching, you ignoramous.

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They have already announced massive changes to her problematic backstory, user. Red Sparrow is an example of Natasha's backstory, or a close none-cape aproximation, and we won't be getting it told like that now, will we?

I'm not angry or upset, just a little sad at certain properties being now locked forever in Disney's IP vault.

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Wow, yes it is safe to say that, like every single goddamn MCU movie, it won't be a 1-to-1 retelling of a comic book.

Nigger, Marvel went as far to call Norse mythologies alien. You really think Marvel wants to try to make abrahmic beings "aliens"?

>Red Sparrow is an example of Natasha's backstory

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Marvel Comics has used Extra-dimensional "demonic" overlords longer than you've been alive. Doctor Strange 2 is featuring yet another one.
Stop piling on the stupid.

Obviously not 1-for-1, but the tone and theme, and spy training setting.

>dat backpeddling
Glad we are on the same page. Like every other MCU movie it will probably be fun to watch and then instantly forgotten about when you leave the cinema, leaving no genuine artistic mark or telling any genuinely interesting story to be remember and valued later.

>Like every other MCU movie it will probably be fun to watch and then instantly forgotten about when you leave the cinema
I can't speak to your brain damage, nor do I judge a movie by whether faggots for a religious Fandom and Jedi church around it.

>Happiness? I haven't known that for even a single split-second of all my years.
The Joker reaches behind her, and grabs the fraying, stained pillowcase. The pillow stiffly drooping with gravity.
>But you know what? I'm not sad anymore. I'm not angry about what I used to get so angry at. I think we both know I'm a little past those.
He leans in closer, face to face with her. She winces at his rancid breath. His breath reeks of cigarette smoke and cheap whisky.
>I used to wallow in self-pity. Woe is me. Life is suffering. All that crap. But now? Right now? All I can do is just wonder here. Do you see the joke too?

>red sparrow is about Russian spies

>don't need a Punisher MCU movie because the idea of people like Spider-Man and the Avengers ignoring his slaughter-sprees strains even the credibility of comic book movies.
Punisher just slips under the radar by killing Jigsaw and his rogue gallery that are likely small fries to the Avengers who are used to fighting alien invaders and OP Purple dudes.

Its literally all a moo point as soon as hits multiplexes. I’m absolutely terrified at the violence all those insane white male incel school shooters are going to inflict because of this film. At least Marvel aspires to change the world positively, all this ‘movie’ does is ferment hatred among droves of highly impressionable young men. Art should not come at the cost of peoples lives, especially as those lives harmed will be the most valuable and vulnerable, the poor women, black and transgender this films target audience will seek to take their newfound vitriol out on.

Do you know how many Russian spy movies there are that somehow manage to avoid cringey rape-training scenes?

This is like being afraid to go seeing IT because of honkler. you're more likely to get shot in a Star Wars movie premier. 3,720 to 1 to be exact.

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Opinions disgarded.

Punisher wipes out entire mansions full of mobsters, sometimes using explosives or anti-tank weaponry. He's no more "under the radar" than the Vulture or the guys robbing the ATM.
Hydra agents are 10x as subtle as the Punisher.

What are you fucking even on about? Punisher comics work on the convention that the writer almost always completely ignores the rest of the Marvel Universe. In the old Daredevil comics he wasn't a protagonist at all, he was yet another Daredevil villain.

Oh what a shame! And here I was giving your idiotic rambling my full regard.

Absolute horseshit. That stupid viral marketing about killer clowns and IT was just that, marketing. Star Wars doesn’t host a ‘violent’ fanbase. Maybe a toxic fanbase, but nothing to be afraid of. The Joker though. You can literally tell the vast majority of the target audience are white supremacist incel psychopaths. DC knows this and still refuses to ditch this movie. Peoples lives shouldn’t be gambled in pursuit of making something trivial as art, nothing about this film is required in our current turbulent times.

I read the script last week and I can’t get some scenes out my mind. It really resonated with me,I don’t remember anything else doing this before. I’m really anxious now and think I won’t be able to stop myself.

The Avengers literally sat out most of the world destroying threads during most solo movies that weren't Ant-Man or CA so why not?

>he thinks he was talking to one poster
Adorable. See that little ### / ## / 69 / # in the bottom corner of the page? That's how many people are posting in the thread, newfag, and you think there is just one guy fucking with you.

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Damn the mouse is pulling all the stops.

Todd Phillip's filmography is literally just a bunch of frat movies. Nothing about his movies say "incel"

>incels are hyped for a movie about incels

It always does, it has the money to, and right now it's afraid due to those last financial reports.

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you got plenty of other movies that aren't incel centered. whats the problem if they get their movie?

Its not a laughing matter. I cannot belive that stupid The Hunt movie was pulled and not this. If they had to release this movie, the only decent thing to do would be to delay till at least 2021 when we don’t have the current problematic President sitting in office. Its like DC know what they’re doing and choosing to profit off of misery. Absolutely abhorrent, truly evil.

>money is what makes a movie good
Marveltards are beyond saving. They're worse than even videogame console warriors.

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Yep, pretty this. And?


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>The Avengers literally sat out most of the world destroying threads during most solo movies
Malekith crashed into England with an invisible ship and as there for about 10 minutes.
The Laser Helicarriers flew up, blasted each other and crashed back to Earth immediately
Dormammu literally caused 5 minutes of damage in Asia before Strange rewound time an caused it to never happen

The Avengers aren't psychic. Nor can any of them teleport except Thor.

seethe roastie

This is likely to make Alita-posting seem smalltime.

>The Avengers aren't psychic.
But they are if they when it applies to Punisher?

The Punisher operates in the same city as people like Spider-Man, Dr. Strange and many other Marvel heroes. He does not fly an invisible plane, nor does he have time-powers.

It wasn't that bad, and I liked the constant quips by "Gangja" his midget sidekick, people are overreacting, it's called "JOKER" there needs to be comic relief and his lines are written funny and I think they'll execute it good, I bet he steals the movie. I won't spoil it, but the scene with the Pigeons and the bong is hilarious as written

>movies premiere at film festivals

JOKER is pronounced like JOAQUIN right?

2.8 billion.

>has never been Bonnie and Clyde
What a fucking idiot. I fucking hate having to live near these fucking faggots. Toronto sucks ass.

>both characters walking on the streets
>both characters writing something
>both characters on a coffee with a woman

WTF they are literally the same I can't see the difference

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so this is a shittier version of falling down and taxi driver.
pass, how can DC not at least aim higher with the most popular villain in comic book history

They’re not aiming high. They’re aiming for the target audience of young, impressionable white men aged 18-30 who are single and yet to engage in sexual activities. Its no wonder since the announcement of this movie that hate crimes and a rise in white nationalism have been noticed.

Seems like I've read this before, Hating kino Costner, no wonder you hated bvs and probably MoS
Did Costner cuck you or your dad?

this but unironically

>he said that a film I haven't seen was good, so he's a pleb
brainlet logic 101

they probably got screened the Ultimate Edition


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Oh you don't know about the china box office, and how it's a money dump for studios to pump numbers.
Also lots of movies don't get the long stay in China


so that's what the disney bots are gonna keep spewing.
The Guardian
The New York Times
"Trump, Frogs, and clowns. the Alt-right's choice of identity and why YOU should not see anything related."
Everything in that headline is true and you better not watch Joker, save your money to watch Star wars more than twice on your christmas break.

The best movies are not necessarily the ones that the most people go see in the theater. Phoenix has had some remarkable roles. Clay Pigeons was really good and not very well known at all.

ITT: Seething jokerfags defending an obvious dumpsterfire

Here's the thing user, mcu and disney cucks are literal numales, they aren't men just soibois.
Why do you think they hate the Snyderverse so much, it's too manly and real for them, they know they can't compete

This is true but most people say it to averr bad feelings about the failure of their particular brand idol.

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yeah but those are studios ran by people who we know are known for making this kind of stuff. Miramax ran by the Weinsteins while having Tarintino or robert rodriguez direct doesn't shout disney or even have their name anywhere close on the label.
Now with actual capeshit and their shitamatic universe they will not tarnish the disney name that the mouse has granted the numales at marvel studios.
They won't push for anything daring.
Just safe and predictable, with them owning lots of critics and sites they will give the them the bullets on how the movie is riveting and daring, etc, same shit different movie

screenshot this reddit /marvelstudios
we need these to so we can email them to our shit journalists to shill this narrative.
Grats dude you earned your $0.10 for the day on your disney account.

are you actually a faggot or do you just play one on Yea Forums

I HATE Capeshit. The "friends" I watch movies with all watch capeshit but I never go to the movies with them if they decide to watch capeshit.
This is the only super hero movie that I AM interested in and they are like
>eeew no, The Joker needs to backstory, he is fine the way he is, they will ruin it that way, not interested in this film at all, user


>tfw my only irl friend who only watches marvel movies actually wants to go see the joker with me

I mean i would have gone alone if i had to but its still nicea

Fuck my friends are just like that but were gonna see joker. Just try to tell them you want to see it and they should come too.



suck my cock you degenerate

Embarrassing. Defending a corporation determined on making a profit from the misery and violence sure to be inflicted on the minorities this ‘film’ judges to be inferior, such as women and beautiful men of color.


Attached: tenor.png (500x206, 187K)

/pol/incels are cherry picking hypocrites

Rent free

>muh incel joker flick
it's gonna flop both financially and critically and if you don't understand this you are a delusional basement dweller

>One guy represents everyone’s opinion of a movie that’s still 2 months away from general release

Attached: 4DC44E45-CB8A-493E-834C-9179A3E7E73A.png (293x296, 116K)

>Also implying one movie that isn’t even related to the DCEU is going to topple literally the biggest film franchise of all time

this, Marvel don´t care at all about high cinema quality, they want money, thats it, if someday they can produce porn and make trillions they will.

>he had the part for 3 years
yeah, that was like one movie more, one cameo and thats it, it wasnt a part on theater, you fucking dumb piece of shit.

have sex

>Shit annoys the living fuck out of me
They're just LARPing as the retarded women on twitter.

I am so fucking tired of capeshit

I want ESL to go and stay go.

Yeah, he's trying to be serious for this one

>implying you have a female friend

>1.5x budget is a success
Cope. That's the same as if Endgame only made 500 million the first weekend.

>cinematic achievement on a high level
Um this already happened a few months ago

Attached: Avengers_Endgame_poster.jpg (220x326, 156K)

They won't recover. They know deep down that Black Pander was garbage.
You can tell DisneyMoms are already SEETHING and posting about "le incel shooters" and "toxic masculinity" in an attempt to get film """""critics"""" to pan the film

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Attached: joker kms myself.png (927x624, 93K)

sploopity sploosh

Attached: a542g75uh9631.jpg (902x578, 30K)