What is it that makes people of Jewish heritage so good at acting and directing?

What is it that makes people of Jewish heritage so good at acting and directing?

Attached: jesse-eisenberg-30655.jpg (700x360, 34K)

They only hire each other 80% of the time.

Not letting anyone else get a look in

The bad ones were all gassed

>blaming your lack of success on a big conspiracy instead of you just being shit

Higher IQ.

Jews generally dominate or are heavily overly represented in anything outside of sports, service industry, and menial labor. Blacks dominate sports, whites service industry (i.e. walmart cashiers), and mexicans menial labor meanwhile.

What is nepotism


Oh, I wouldn't say that guy's a good actor.

Which helps in acting how?

good one

actors generally have higher IQ, look it up.It's not comparable to scientists or etc obviously but is superior to your walmart greeter or NFL player

As do authors/directors

It's not a conspiracy that Jewish immigrants from Poland founded every major Hollywood studio except for Disney. It's a fact.

>dey keepin us down n shiet we needs gibs
where have I heard this before?

Its almost comical watching a jewish man try to be a the lead in a romantic movie.

nobody is stopping you incel goblins from making your own studio. Why not do it instead of crying about handouts online?

Monopolies are notoriously hard to compete with.

And yet...he has had sex and you have not...

>I won't even try to go get a real job because of a jewish plot against me, all I can do is ineffectually whine online and demand affirmative action.


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Tell me, how many major studios have sprung up (or at least ones that weren't almost immediately swallowed by a bigger, older studio) since the original big studios were founded: 0

Now you see how SJWs and white identitarians have the exact same mindset


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