I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long...

>I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight

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Fuck off incel

Youre gonna need more than 50 push ups and 50 pull ups

what does toasting your hand have to do with anything

Lets you know hes hard asf

Go for it user, i believe in you.

Literally me right now

Pretty insane vascularity

The fires of hell burn a thousand times hotter than the hottest flame

50 pushups is nothing but if you can do 50 pull ups in a reasonable amount of time you're in better shape than 95% of people.

is it normal to have your veins so prominently visible in your arm like that

To see if he still bleeds

fucking hate pushups, what can i do instead

I lift at a decent level now and can do 50 pull ups pretty quick but can still only bang out 30 pull ups in a row, not sure why

Those exercises are easy when you weigh 110lbs like he did in the movie. Go get some roids.

>do cardio and workout for the first time in months
>drink loads of water
>get the flu that night

Fuck me.

You can hate them but you should still do them. Few people enjoy most exercises.

Oh wow only 30 in a row.

Try assisted push ups until they're easier user. Keep your knees on the ground.

Guys I fucked up my funny bone awhile back and it pops and shifts painfully in the elbow if I try to do push-ups all the way. Doctors didn’t help. What do I do

t. 100 pound rat/jew faced lanklet

he was checking to see if it was hot enough yet to cook food on

They even have an assisted pull up machine, it is weight to give you a little boost. Why not? try it for 30 days everyone. Even if you are fat as fuck I was and it's easier even if you get fat again there is some muscle there now

For the past 4 years I have gone from sleeping in my bed to sitting on the couch all day everyday only getting up to the use the restroom, eat and smoke cigarettes outside, how fucked am i?

I'd rather be a soft hedonist than some moron in constant pain wasting hours and hours a week punishing himself just to look "aesthetic". Deal with it fit fags.

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Ypu got a problem? Ill fucking fight u

my shoulders pop on literally every single rep. same with overhead presses too except i like those.

it makes your hand tougher

don’t think you know what a hedonist is

Not fucked at all, NEET lifestyle's based.

how about I eat your ass, faggot

but working out is hedonistic. it provides a huge endorphin dump. i've been addicted to exercise numerous times

>constant pain wasting hours and hours a week

Fatty it actually feels good after awhile, I never get doms anymore

It was comfy for a while but I feel pretty bad all the time now, I almost pass out when i stand up and i breathe like a bulldog, also constant headaches.

Enjoy being intimidated by Jamal on the street. Me though, my bulging chest is going to make him think twice.

Well I'm 170, it was way easier to do them when I was thinner from what I remember

>how about I eat your ass, faggot
Kill yourself repulsive faggot piece of shit

Its pretty low relative to my other stuff yeah

There is nothing worse than an arrogant fatty. 3 30 minute workouts a week is all it takes not to be a complete piece of shit

someone help

If you can do 30 pull ups consecutively with good form, you're not only strong, but also lean. This isn't /fit/ but post body

Jamal isn't thinking about your muscles when he randomly punches you in the back of the head and runs off. No muscle will help you there.

>watch taxi driver
>want to get lean like taxi driver
>make entire routine and diet plan
>get calories down to 1200 per day
>chuckles and cola for breakfast and lunch
>pie with a slice of cheese for dinner
>burn fists over stove before every work out
>100 pull ups
>100 push ups
>one exercise is duct taping a steak knife to my leg and ripping it off repeatedly

>Jamal isn't thinking

They only like easy marks, this is common knowledge


>lift at a decent level now and can do 50 pull ups
GOMAD until you can't do more than 12

Nothing hurts anymore, I feel kind of free.

See a physio or doctor user, that don't sound healthy.

Yes, if you’re fit and low bf like nature intended
Mine look like that after doing deadlifts


Diary is bad for you, dozen eggs a day is better. Milk fucks with your skin and gives you asthma

>Diary is bad for you
non white detected

exercising doesnt hurt, you are physically unwell and you need to go to a doctor.


how do I get fit like that

From behind, and when roaming around with 6 of their buddies, any white boy is an easy mark. Having muscles won't save you from being jumped.

Not fit, beer gut, haven't worked out in years, but I do work. My arms have distinct veins. Should I worry about blood pressure?


I have it too

I'm white, but seriously do you want to deal with all the hormones in milk? it makes white skin all red and splotchy

if you're mediterranean try goat milk instead. i thought i was lactose intolerant for the longest time, but apparently it's just cow milk that fucks with you.

working out makes me more comfortable with being a neet. after I pump all the cortisol out of my body I'm no longer neurotic about being a loser

Look it's the gallon a day that is the problem. You people obviously haven't tried it like I have. You feel fun down and lethargic. Everyone that I have met that has tried it has said the same thing

i drink a gallon a day and im fine, you are chronically ill.

>but post body
fuck you homo

100push ups.
100 sit ups.
100 squats.
10km run.

Well stop doing it then you fucking moron.
I'll never understand smokers.

genetics, he eats like shit

How fat are you?

>100 sit ups.

Careful idiots, you can really fuck your back doing sit ups incorrectly. Which you 100% will do being unfit


what's the alternative and yes that is true

working out stoned is the best feeling. feel like a greek god

Planks, also you can mess your back up and not know it because it wont hurt right away. Form is everything. Just getting the numbers up to finish your set is damaging to your health. Doctors are terrible at surgery i've found

Manlets, when will they learn

What kind mental illness does Travis have? Is he just manic?

The schitz is getting him

There is an obsessive element to bipolarity, he mentions not sleeping so I think he definitely manic

being blackpilled

How do I get a big, vascular forearm like that?

The thirst. Some men drown in it.

pain tolerance

He even shaved his head

To check if you can tolerate the Heat (1995).

Attached: Robert-De-Niro-HEAT.jpg (1400x779, 76K)

Is this a fucking Kanye reference?


bros what's decent starting exercise for biceps that's also somewhat compound like dips for triceps?
my routine for a couple months has been one day deadlift, rows, overhead press, and dips
the other day squat, bench, pullups, and curls but I don't wanna be a curlfag when I'm not at bodyweight bench/squat yet

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Preacher curl 7-7-7s (also knowns as 21s

Hammer curls and bent over rows are doing a lot for mine, in addition to what you mentioned. Curling is fine, by the way, how the fuck else are you mean to target the bicep?

>. Curling is fine, by the way,

Stay away from body building forums, Everything they advise is in actuality for steroid users. Curls are fine, slow and controlled, don't just swing weight up really fast.

Fucking hell

I believe in taking care of myself,
in a balanced diet, in a rigorous exercise routine. ln the morning, if my face is a little pufffy, I'll put on an icepack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the icepack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser. Then a honey-almond bodyscrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb mint facial masque, which l leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

being fit is so easy that I really have no sympathy for anyone who got fat after 20. I can blame the parents for people under 20.

I just don't eat like an idiot and do body weight exercises for 30 minutes every morning. How hard is that?
When I feel like I ate too much, I go for a run the next morning.

If you do them right it's unironically a decent routine for someone that doesn't take it too seriously.

Did it work

Post body destroyers.

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>body weight exercises for 30 minutes every morning.

Post routine

You need fat to make testosterone

just shy of 2 minutes. thank you user.

Was this actually considered impressive in the 70's?

Dude looks more like an auschwitz prisoner than anything

That’s basically the first incel mode I’m in right now, only I’m lifting 4 days a week, and running three.


no reference to coal burning....cmon /pol/ youre better than that

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>and running three.

Say goodbye to your gains bro.

I tried that and it's really fuggin hot

The worst thing on that plate is the bread.

>just lift bro!

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Fucking learn to shave, Jesus Christ warty face little faggot

Women dont give a shit about muscles, its all about bone

Deniro Lifts, do you?

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t. skeleton

Nice blog, incelus maximus

Guys how do I stop eating so much. I was skinny my whole teenager years and now I'm starting to get fat and I'm so scared how do I eat less

Why did a former marine need to relearn about fitness and guns?

stop putting things in your mouth

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I knew those fuckers were real

do something else, like smoking or drinking, easy peasy

You need to fix your body's insulin response. fasting for three days would help. I made it 11 days one time and get full easier

>that woman on the left
Red pill or blue pill, Neo?

I'm t1 diabetic so my body doesn't make insulin