Why are roasties literally obsessed with this show?

Why are roasties literally obsessed with this show?

Attached: the office.jpg (1600x1200, 163K)

because women lack any form of interesting thoughts and a show about the most mundane thing is the only thing they can understand.

It's unironically just a pleasant show, having it on in the background is like having a small warm fire in the room, it also reminds me of simpler times.

Why are you obsessed with the people obsessed with this show, oh right, they won't have sex with you lmao

Pam self inserts

I dont care I just put this on whenever I have pussy over and they are always content. Its like turning on the heater for comfort, but for their dumb childlike female brains.

Because every b team gril imagines herself as someday being Pam, a normal plain woman being battled over in a mundane environment by betas

Parks and Rec is better.

Attached: Leslie_Knope_(played_by_Amy_Poehler).png (240x312, 135K)

Michael scott is one of the best television characters of all time

Agreed. edgy contrarians are faggots

Have sex

Nope. Too peppy with a less talented cast

Because they don’t watch better shows

based digits for a based opinion

parks and rec is like all the bad things from the office seasons 6 onward

If you love the constant sound of nasally-voiced overbearing cunt, that is.


>people who feel hatred for women are faggots
Don't tell them, let them discover traps and lie to themselves for a few years.

Pam is queen of the basic bitches. Literally the villain of the show.

Also The Office is top 5 shows ever. Now fuck off.


Maybe women 'fought' (nagged) for decades to work in offices because they actually like it.
>No physical labor
>Lots other women nearby to talk to, play status games with, and eat together
>wear whatever you want. No PPE, no entanglement hazards, they'll set the temperature wherever you want. You'll never break a sweat. Screw the men who have to wear suit jackets though.
>No need to excel. You can foist some work onto the socially retarded simps in your orbit. And you'll slowly climb just for showing up and looking pretty, or you could suck your way up a few notches in a hurry. But better to just let the men fight and take the winner.
>No fear of undesireable men, who you can have removed at the drop of a hat
>once you've risen, you have lots of control over men who would never have had to listen to you if you were in a field with hard KPI's and technical expertise instead of positive attitudes, "teamwork" and being charming.

They self-insert as Pam

unironically made me think

>201 (two-hundred and one) episodes

Still makes me kek. Americans were a mistake.

Attached: ricky gervais show.jpg (518x362, 40K)

Seething soibong

>t. seething jew

Sorry didn't mean to expose your money grabbing ways in terms of the Office (US). It's the only reason why the show went on for so long, so you can sell advertising space.

burger versions shits on the unfunny wank brit version