There was never any rape in The Boys. So why is this warning here?

There was never any rape in The Boys. So why is this warning here?

Attached: The Boys - S01E01 - The Name of the Game-00h00m07s341t.png (1920x1080, 725K)

Stop these retarded posts, Starlight was raped

new world

She consented to having oral sex with Deep in exchange for getting a job with the Seven.

In all seriousness, how does a normal human adult not understand that starlight was indeed raped. I hope its all trolls, because if not I feel bad for anons who have daughters growing up in a world filled with disgusting men like that.

its become a meme at this point, just disengage

>implying I will ever have a daughter
I'm not baiting here, I would literally do the Chinese thing and throw it off a roof and kill it, and then have a son.
fuck having a daughter, you are literally raising a mans cum dumpster

What if she was lesbian?

The Deep was raped in the gills

rape is being forced to do sexual acts against your will, she wasn't being forced to do anything

>anons who have daughters

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They talk about rape which is enough for the warning.

>Yea Forums needed a second active front page thread about whether this was rape

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Rape should be a pretty important part of it if the show follows the comics.

t. neckbeard that's read the comics but only seen the first episode thus far

I’m not gonna watch the show. Give me a rundown on what happens

no such thing
theres only fetishes
the human body has chemicals and shit in it that make people want to breed
you cant fucking breed with 2 women
lesbian is something women say to feel special

Ok, so you're just a retard

>lol dude suck my dick or i'll pulling the trigger and blowing your brains out
>i'm not forcing you to do anything this is totally your choice technically so that makes it okay

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No user, go watch it

it wasn't a life or death threat. he was holding a job over her head, not her life

>consent to a sex act
>sex act isn't even shown


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god its so fucking easy to tell when a woman is behind a post
literally only a woman would post "what if she was a lesbian?"
i want to rape you and then strangle you to death so bad

chicks are "lesbian" until money is involved

Go suicide by cop already. You contribute nothing

The Deep got raped

Sure thing. You're either a twink or a fat lard

>Im going to beat the shit out of you unless you suck my dick right now
so this isnt rape?

Moving that goal post I see. Ok so , instead if a gun pointed at her head, The Deep points a gun at her mothers head and says "suck my dick or your mom dies". Now this again aligns with your reasoning, because no physical harm will effect the girl but its the mental harm of her mother dying, now again your move I have you in checkmate kid

>would kill his baby if it was a girl
>doesn't think gay women are a real thing that exists
>also wants to sexually rape a man and kill him just for laughing at him over the lesbian comment

>moving the goal post
that's not what he said you fucking retard
absolutely SEETHING
what do you contribute, huh? go ahead and type up a big list of all your accomplishments so you can prove to "me" how valuble you are

Seriously? Rape? What the fuck.

that's still violence

Why is everyone arguing over starlight when The Deep was straight up raped on camera

its so easy to tell when a woman makes a post
you people are so fucking easy to weed out
go on reddit and tell your friends about how evil incels are

You're not even replying to the same person, retard

Frenchie raped translucent

Fucking idiot, he said it wasnt a life or death threat, my example is a threat that isnt a life or death threat. Learn what moving goalpost means brainlet

Why would he being her to his apartment if he didn't want to fuck???

she already had the job

No its not and stop running away from the example. To the victim , no physical harm effects her its all mental harm like losing a job. Her mom getting shot does not physically harm her in anyway. So again your move.

only a woman would be so retarded to think I think that theres only one woman posting

Why would he want to keep fucking a chick who was messing with his gills and causing him serious pain?

have sneed

threatening to kill somebody else is violence
threatening to beat them up is violence


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>equates death threat to threat of unemployment

murica sure is educating its children proper

How is it possible to have debate skills this shit?

Not true

Basically owned the guy again and he can't counter it. He keeps saying that its violence , but he can't grasp the concept of an analogy and how in the example no physical harm befalls the girl being raped. At this point since he refuses to counter and play dumb , he already lost.

You're upset. Take some time off from posting.

>redditor comes to Yea Forums to hone his epic debate skills and use all that liberal college training to epicly own incels online
go ahead use a big word like "ad hominemi" so yo can seem smart in front of all your migrant redditor friends

I just emailed my debate teacher and he said I'm currently winning and my example still has not been contested correctly yet since no harm is being threatened on the girl. So once again checkmate.

there seems to be a pretty bad illiteracy epidemic spreading through the youth of today, as paradoxical as that seems.

>ugh...calm down sweetie, you seem triggered. How about you take a break and stop posting? Let the adults talk
give me your adress
or town and first name
im serious

I gave one example that was outside of "life or death" threats. Your brainlet butthurt ass is throwing around insults on the sidelines without contributing shit

you're equating violence to a paycheck that isn't even needed because the bitch has superpowers. You're a moron.

Just get another job lol

>as paradoxical as it seems
jesus Christ imagine trying to seem smart on an anonymous image board
this isn't reddit, your not gonna get a bunch of upvotes for your karma

Todays youth do nothing but read all fucking day long on the internet. They read more in a day than your grandparents read in a year.

You better suck it or I'll... I'LL... STEP ON YOUR SHOE!

we got an internet tough guy over here


>Doesn't understand the concept of an analogy


>N-not true!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10 analogy - Google Search.png (638x540, 27K)

and they're understanding less and less, somehow.

used to be the more you read the more you knew, now its the opposite.

got the exact response I wanted
you people are so easy to manipulate because you think you are automatically smarter than everyone around you

>30 post later
>they still can't counter based anons argument
>just repeatedly name calling now and using pol memes

Top kek, checkmate and get dabbed on cucks. Going to bed now, felt good rekting low iq trumplets again.

So threatening to beat the shit out of someone or kill their mother is roughly equivalent to threatening to step on their shoe?

>i was just pretending to be retarded
the virgin attempt to get the last word

>i was pretending to be retarded so i'm actually smart!


So she consented to oral sex with the Deep just because he asked in a less than polite way. Does the Deep even have any super powers besides talking to sea creatures? He couldn't overpower the woman who gillested him, and we saw that Starlight has super strength and durability so really if she's so against it, it's not like he could overpower her.

its more like
>threatening to deny a woman money is an act of violence

>not using a comma=retarded
its a simple gloss over after typing
sorry you have to think so hard when making a post

Dude, like I said, if you're this upset then it'd probably best for you to try suicide by cop. You clearly don't have a mental capacity higher than Youtube recommended videos.

yep, you're retarded alright.

>no reading comprehension

The hallmark of being butthurt is attacking someone for missing a punctuation

Only single chicks think sucking dick to get ahead is rape.

The hallmark of being retarded is to repeatedly confirm it

There have been plenty of rape cases in the US in which nonphysical coercion was involved. I know this is Yea Forums but pretend someone said they were going to ruin your marriage, fire you from your job and never let you see your kids again unless you licked their hairy asshole. How can you consider that anything close to permissible consent?

the deep was raped
sjw`s could argue starlight was raped
starlight stopped a attempted rape
supposedly homelander raped butchers wife but later it turned out he may have not

Imagine you're all excited to join a team but then Starlight takes you to a room and demands you perform oral sex on her.

>I know this if Yea Forums but
Then what are you doin, dude. Setting yourself up for disappointment. People come here to shitpost, not self discovery.

95% shitposting but I think the subject is interesting from a legal perspective

>There have been plenty of rape cases in the US in which nonphysical coercion was involved

and we call those bullshit that do nothing but devalue and normalize the concept of rape to a point where it applies to all sexual intercourse, for it gives women (but not men) the ability to claim any sexual encounter was rape and the other party is then guilty until proven innocent.

>when you get btfo so hard you delete your post

... wow

>but pretend someone said they were going to ruin your marriage, fire you from your job and never let you see your kids again

this is what usually happens when a woman claims a man raped them

Attached: The.Boys.1-6-5.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Is this thread what autism looks like?

I got banned retard

then how are you posting retard?

I switched to my phone retard

its not hard to escape a ban ya goof

phone, dipass

These ratings are getting silly, they say 'strong sexual content' now if literally any sex act is even discussed. I've had so many disappointed pre-boners watching tv shows lately after getting all horned by by the ratings.

Comparing a job to someone's life.

he also has super strength and resilience, but sure on land she would probably win in a fight