>Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
It's been 40 years since this movie came out. Has anyone ever figured out what the FUCK this means?
>Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
It's been 40 years since this movie came out. Has anyone ever figured out what the FUCK this means?
shut up
Is that you, John Wayne?
Is this me?
2nd half is better than the memester first half
Choosing one half or the other is pleb filter.
Why "Charlene"?
He was making fun of Hartman calling him John Wayne, then realized that he speaking like John Wayne.
Pretty sure it's a song reference, no idea what song it is though.
>drill instructor outright assaults a cadet
would've quit right there desu
Yeah you wouldn't have made it far anyways
>being so cucked you just let a superior punch you
go die for Israel
>"Yeah you wouldn't have made it far anyways"
>puts greentext in quotes
Responding to a contrarian is pleb.
>being the kind of fag boy who makes a DI feel like he has no choice but to knock some sense into you
You know, if you just be polite to the cops & do what they say, they won't fucking shoot you.
unironic answer:
The movie doesn't rub your fucking face in it but the character was known as a clown, hence his nickname "Joker." The John Wayne crack was an ill-fated attempt at lightening the mood as the drill Sargent yelled at them.
>You know, if you just be polite to the cops & do what they say, they won't fucking shoot you.
what the actual fuck did he mean by this
no really where did this come from? take your meds, schizo. we are talking about the military instructors assaulting someone and threatening to murder them
if I had one of those fags threaten to skull fuck me or kill me I would tell them to fucking do it. what are they gonna do? yell at me some more? kick me out? all it shows is that they are all talk no bite unless its the fucking 60's
you know half these gook whores are VC officers, right?
what he means it the joke, it doesn't make any sense
literally just spouting nonsense in a funny voice
>doesn't realize all that shit is precisely to weed out people like him
if you can't take some DI screaming obscenities in your face then you can't hack what the Corps requires of you.
>what the actual fuck did he mean by this
I mean there's really not that much difference between the type of faggot who mouths off to a fucking DI like a moron & they type who can't deal with getting pulled over without chimping out at the cop & tantruming like a fucking toddler.
>y-youre supposed to eat shit and like it!
like I said before, go die for Israel and thank them for letting you do it
Cadets are fucking princesses you moron. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
If you don't get it then may i suggest the films of Michael Bay? they're more your speed
who said that?
>if you just be polite to the cops & do what they say
If a cop punched me in the stomach because I cracked wise I wouldn't lie down and take it
theres a big difference here. The DI was constantly threatening to murder them all throughout the training. "I WILL SKULL FUCK YOU I WILL MURDER YOU I WILL FUCK YOUR SISTER AND KILL YOU ALL"
with cops you get pulled over because YOU fucked up, and not just because you signed up to help your country
>man, if a drill sergeant ever got in my face I’d knock them out!
It isn't supposed to make sense. It's not a comedy film, it's a down-to-earth drama. Most jokes that don't come out the mouths of comedian writers don't make any fucking sense and are just following the beats of being jokes.
>princesses get punched in the stomach for making a joke
gotcha, you fucking retard. ima be a broken record here, GO DIE FOR ISRAEL. GO GET SHOT BY A SAND-NIGAR
>The DI was constantly threatening to murder them all throughout the training
>body count: 0 from the DI, 2 from the incel special snowflake faggot who got his feelings hurt
Gee, you'd think intelligent peoiple could figure it out.
literally not what I said you fucking troglodyte
I would dare them to follow up on their threats, and what will they do? Kick me out and show everyone they don't actually do shit or assault me, which in modern times wont happen.
hey, I was compensated quite handsomely for my service to the empire.
i'm quite disappointed there isn't a TrumpStaffel I can join[/spoiler[
He was n heel
>0 from the DI
except no because he turned the whole camp against him, ridiculed him for months and months and made everyone beat him with soaps relentlessly and feel isolated and hated by everyone he knows.
after being threatened for almost a year and severely abused, he snaps. a human being can only take so much, especially a weak mind like fatty
He was both making a joke and commenting on how all the recruits there had probably grown up watching John Wayne movies, enlisted, thought they would be shoot em up cowboy heros and instead are being thrown headfirst into a massive lifestyle change they weren’t expecting. Their preconceived notions of what serving your country meant went out the window once the Drill Instructors showed up.
“Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?”
“Is this what the military is actually like? Is this what I signed up for? Is this my future?”
That’s what I got out of it anyways.
What the hell are you taking about
>some people get compensated for being treated like shit for years and years
>meanwhile lots outright fucking die or commit suicide or are trained to be literal psychopaths
then the system works, special feefee snowflake can't take the tiny amount of stress in boot and is weeded out.
i'm thinking you may be a wash-out.
but what service?
Jesus Christ you're a hardcore pesud if you actually believe any of that horseshit
There’s always one was my point. You’re the same type.
Hartman did not order the soap hit, unless you have evidence otherwise. That was just his fellow recruits trying to teach him a lesson, in a misguided way.
Also, boot camp is 13 weeks, possibly less in the 60’s.
only retards and discipline cases get treated like shit.
but you wouldn't know anything about the brotherhood of arms.
>tiny amount of stress
did you even watch the movie
>weeded out
yeah if someone isn't fit for the military we should killem! or let them suicide and take others with them!
That’s if I had to analyze it.
Heh, anal.
I was in ROTC for 4 years at college. Even with it being extremely pussified I hate having an old fuck scream at me and make threats. Every day I wanted to come in and stab him to death,
It's a quote from a book.
In real life those shitbags either quit or fail enough to be discharged. Suicide/murder is not the usual way.
And yes, a tiny bit of stress you massive pussy.
>did you even watch the movie
yeah, and the stress of boot is tiny comopared to that of combat, especially in a theatre like Vietnam.
retards and discipline cases (that's you) get weeded out before the stakes get real.
>Vietnam War
You'd be thrown in military prison unless you say you're a conscientious objector but if you're at boot camp it's too late for that.
ROTC is for larping faggots and children. No wonder you have a poor impression.
I do believe marines were still all volunteer. It’s not explicitly stated that any of them were drafted.
user the Army and Marines are entirely comprised of retards.
>you wouldn't know anything about the brotherhood of arms.
>I was in ROTC for 4 years at college
oof. my point stands.
>being beaten senseless is tiny
being under attack from an enemy is different than being under attack from your supposed "fellow brothers"
you go to the military to be part of an army, not singled out and fucked if you aren't a emotionless sociopath
If you are in the military, chances are you're IQ is higher than 130, like me. Fuck off you civie
You're an actual schizophrenic, or possibly autistic. Get some help you're clearly not doing well on your own.
And you take Uncle Sam's throbbing cock on the regular with a "yes sir". There's nothing inherently great about this country and there's nothing you did that couldn't be done somewhere else without buying into a failed capitalist nation ruled by idiots. War is pointless anyway, you're throwing your life on the line because you and your superiors are too stupid to care that cyber war is where it's at
I have a strong suspicion that Pyle was a McNamara Moron
He was singled out because he was fucking up and not improving. Irl of course he wouldn’t have made it that far, he would be held back till he was fit enough to continue training.
>Get some help you're clearly not doing well on your own.
glad you can make a diagnosis off of a couple post, doc
The absolute STATE of MIGApedes. You're an embarrassment to your race.
as soon as you eat the coconuts outta mah sheeeeit.
>there’s nothing inherently great about this country
These are fresh from high school recruits getting, punished because of the slow kid. You think he wouldn't be hazed?
Yeah nah you bullet sponge scrub
He seemed like the kind of fat kid who always wanted to join the military, thought he was tough shit back home because he was bigger than most, but didn’t take boot camp seriously enough until he was there and then it all hit him. now THATS projection
Except in real life if he couldn’t even do one pull up he wouldn’t even start training.
joker was possessed but the spirit of john wayne and the spirit was confused about who he was
Not that anyone would believe either of us, but some of the smartest morherfuckers I’ve ever met were in the military. And some of the dumbest.
>t 140 IQ infantry Marine
based and pilgrimpilled
ez bait
well you know, back when he still represented new possibilities in the direction of the West.
Trump has since been converged and neutralized.
though I suppose if he were to form the Trumpstaffel tomorrow it's becuase he found his balls again and I'd probably enlist.
Trump has 8 grandchildren. All of whom are jewish.
really triggered all the military fags ITT who would gladly die for their jew overlords
No young infantryman expects to die.
The second half of the movie looks so bad though. They should've shot it on location instead of some studio in England
But there was no easy Hue to make that happen.
I could literally murder all military fags ITT
just give me a knife and some crank
hope that crank makes you bullet proof, pal
I was in the military and recognized it as bait, good bait at that so I'll give it a 9/10
enjoy your sleep
i would fucking murder you
give me your adress
no really, give me your town atleast. and your first name
Alert, Nunavut.
Name's John.
Pedro from Pheonix Arizona
You need to take a break, come back and read your fucking post. You sound like a fucking manic depressive asshole. Do you seriously think every fucking boot in the US military is dying for Israel? That's the word fucking meme to push around then Sneed, have sex, and incel combined into one abomination of summerfag memes for your pleasure. You need to reevaluate your lifestyle and how you interact with people because it's only going to get worst at the rate you're going. Maybe you should enlist yourself. Do some research on PEOPLE OTHER THAN GRUNTS. Learn the term and see they're pretty much civilians in uniform.
They could do that back then. The "don't assault your recruits" law started in the 80's.
Springfield U.S.A
Formerly, Chuck's
hope you have a dog, john.
Name's Bill from Fuckoffistan, goober. Try to remember to stave off the drugs, pal.
>yeah im looking for a guy named John
>he insulted me on the internet so i flew to nunavut to stab him
lol joke's on you pal, I'm on so many lists another bullet point doesn't matter much
he's scared
t. stabbing victim