What's the MGS2 of television and film?

What's the MGS2 of television and film?

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End of Evangelion.

True Detective s2

Tomorrow Never Dies.

It doesn't exist, MGS2 is unique.

Seen it
I only saw the first season, did the second turn out even better?

Whatever the most pretentious movie is

Maybe Winter Soldier, even though MGS2 is way better.

Winter Solider Intro


I also know the MGS2 of music too.


There is none, MGS2 mogs all film and television

This. TD 1 & 2 is similar to MGS 1 & 2 in that the original was an eccentric smash hit, that was followed by a sequel that contained distilled eccentric elements which alienated audiences from the first, and effectively created a pleb filter that lasted a decade before renewed appreciation.
We're at the "pleb filter" stage for TD2 right now.

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Basef and casperepilled

Easily the greatest MGS game

>The opening section is a masterpiece
>Builds up tension before gunfights to make only a couple of random grunts with guns seem extremely hostile, scary and intense
>Understood that Snake as a character is too legendary and overpowered at this point to make for a challenging or interesting game that makes sense so switches him to based supporting player
>Best mech design of the series
>Best supporting cast of MGS series
>Best music in a videogame literally ever

The list goes on and on.

This is BvS all over again.Unironically kill yourselves.

To answer OP's question Burial is that Gothic King Cobra documentary on youtube.

Season 2 was really fucking good. I just wish that they'd gotten rid of gaycop and maybe even McAdams. They devoted too much time to too many different characters.

I disagree with Raiden being based and also your last three points. Sahelanthropus > Rex > Shagohod > Ray, worst supporting cast of any of the games, and MGS1 has the best music. Still a great game though.

Solidus is great, and I love the ending about choosing your own destiny, meanings, DNA not being so important, etc. It's a beautiful message I couldn't appreciate as a kid but as an adult it resonates.

>Best music in a videogame literally ever

Close, but wrong: youtube.com/watch?v=Dxb8d0F7xlU

I will add that, as a theme, MGS2's blows "Snake Eater" out of the water

This is that.

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mgs2 theme is probably top 5 all time

It isn't the best "game" you pretentious faggot. None of your reasons have anything to do with gameplay.

I miss the high tech interiors and corridors. MGSV dropped the ball

except its wrong about dna being unimportant because whites are the master race

I turned the music off in revengeance because it was so bad. Thank god they made that an option.
It's actually a different version of the theme for the entire series, but it is indeed the best theme.

Deus Ex is a better techno thriller

Though I gotta say, MGS 2 pushes the envelope in terms of what the genre can do, but DX has better atmosphere and is more straightforward which is neither a strength nor a weakness.

Never said Raiden was based, Sahelanthropus is a terrible terrible design, MGS1 has good music -for a video game- whereas MGS2 took that music and elevated it to something more.
And then you try to tell me the characters are the worst of any MGS game when literally every single one besides 2 of them are great when most other games only have 3 good ones (mgs3) to no character at all (mgs5) ... I'm not believing this post is bait.

I know this is sounds retarded but a video game is more than just the basic gameplay. Story, art direction, music, and all of the other shit that goes into making a game adds to the experience. If it didn't everyone would just play silent wire model video games. A lot of video games rely on these things more than the actual gameplay. I don't think many people play Silent Hill for the complex combat for instance.

Pretending to be retarded on Yea Forums on a saturday night, where did your life go so wrong?

the fuck are you on about? Music is important to gameplay, being invested in the story and characters fucking helps, swapping out your literal player character so you're not sitting there wondering why you can't do this or that when he's been shown to be a complete fucking badass for multiple games and in cut scenes for a complete brainwashed newbie soldier just getting his feet wet is a stroke of brilliance 99% of games should take a note from, and the fact that the gameplay itself establishes tension and stakes so you actually have to sneak around and firefights feel intense and scary vs MGS3, 4, and 5 where you can just run and gun more and more and more in each game like fucking Rambo because fuck stealth and fuck gameplay, maybe I should just pause the game 90 times in 2 minutes to heal and change my suit and eat animal shit, Jesus fucking Christ kill yourself you retarded faggot.

Nothing compares mgs1,2,3. No film no show

>based supporting player
>Sahelanthropus is a terrible terrible design
my man, how? It's like Rex except even better. And Rex is way cooler than boring ass Ray.
-reddit space-
MGS2 has the best version of the MGS theme, but MGS1's music is the best and its only downside is that the quality is shit because of outdated tech. And MGS2 doesn't have ANY good supporting characters apart from Solidus and the ones who were brought over from MGS1.


t. antifa

BASED and MGS2pilled

>It's a 'gameplay only matters' retard from Yea Forums visits Yea Forums episode

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Escape from New York

Nah, that's MGS1 of film

AS much as i love MGS2 and recognize it as a masterpiece it is, i still prefer MGS1 over it.

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This. MGS2 is unique to video games. It story can only be truly told via video game because it was designed to require player agency - right down to how it was marketed. A film equivalent would require a story that could only be told through what makes the storytelling of film unique to its medium.


MGS1 is fucking great honestly. It just suffers because it came out way earlier.

Vamp is a fag and drags down every game he's in.

MGS2 is my favourite game of all time.

Also, one of the main draws in the advertising was that they got Harry Gregson-Williams to do the music, and he also did many soundtracks for Disney films like Armageddon, The Rock, Enemy of the State, and The Tigger Movie.


how can one game be this kino?

to old too die young and other refn films

Look, until they explain who pliskin is, it'll be under MGS3

good thing the gameplay is the best in the series with tight crisp controls, fantastic level design, amazing AI and offers tons of replayability. Cry more though Yea Forumsro

Caspere knew this

V is my favorite but 2 is a close second. this dude is literally me.

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MGS2 was a Matrix ripoff to begin with

I've been playing the series since MGS1 first came out. I was 10 or 11 years old and my older brother got it for his 14th or 15th birthday or Christmas. I know that it's a contentious choice, but the gameplay in MGS3 or MGSV are the best in my opinion. Probably MGSV. I know that it's an extremely flawed, incomplete piece of shit, but I find the gameplay to be the most fun. Approaching almost every mission or side-op from 360 degrees. Choosing how easy or difficult the mission can be. Choosing between stealth or a guns-blazing assault. MGSV is like a really awesome demo for a better, hypothetical game.

I actually wrote a paper on it in college, using the games themes to talk about how AI bots and false news reports can be used as government propaganda to co trol the public. This was in like 2006.

better call saul season 2

MGS2, obv

I like the gameplay in three but prefer 4 and the octocamo system, it's literally an upgrade to the menu system in Snake Eater. haven't played V and Snake Eater was vanilla so i don't know how subsistance changed things around but I still love the game play of 2 the best. it's perfect arcade stealth, and the feeling when the map switches to showing the AI form up and sweep a room looking for you is one of the best things Metal Gear has ever done. still respect your opinion though, I gotta give V a shot sometime

Play V then, Brah. The story is just fine as a sub-plot to the main narative, but the gameplay is awesome. I admire your open-mindeness

>V is my favorite


not that guy, but dude, it's pretty good (albeit very flawed).

You are a fucking retard

it was too deep for modern audiences

This for sure.

MGS 4.

Solidus is one of my all time favorite characters in a vidya. He's just so cool.
>that scene where he reaches for the american flag as he dies at the feet of George Washington, symbolizing the founding fathers he strove to emulate.

That's every MGS game but 3.

Quick rundown on this franchise? What's it about?


American CIA agents who are sent out to stop terrorists and their big nuclear threats. It's very campy and over the top spectacles, deals with some interesting themes too. Usually having to do with war, society, technology, etc.

I posted later on that I thought Solidus was the only good original supporting character from MGS2. Perfect clone of Small Serf

>tfw the movie will NEVER EVER COME OUT

James bond rip off that takes a matrixy scifi spin on it and throws in dumb bullshit that's just good enough to be entertaining and has an iceberg level or lore behind it that the 4th game had DLC dedicated to just being a huge wiki

nanomachines son

An epic saga that unravels the mysteries of life, politics, and the human condition through the eyes of a reptile man and his children who form two rival boy bands brought to you by a visionary genius who btfos any other video game designer or movie director

I think I gave somebody my copy of this game with this cover :( wtf. Now I just have the bullshit Substance one...

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, gave me some great responses.

There are no film or television as intelligent


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You're welcome. Seven (7) suggestions aren't too bad for threads like this.


Snake is the supporting player brainlet

Nothing can achieve the cinematic masterpiece of Metal Gear Solid 2. Japan's art is just far superior to American art.

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you can't refute the rest of my post though