
How the fuck did this guy not end up like Ignatenko and Toptunov? Despite puking his guts out after the incident he managed to survive for quite a while. Was it good genes?

Attached: Anatol1 D1atlov.jpg (1080x607, 86K)

Radiation sickness can come and go. Cancer is the luck of the draw.
Mostly it's just a numbers game just like everything else.

He was too mean to die.

not very many people actually got cancer from it. If you survived the initial radiation poisoning you most likely lived a while. Radiation isn't nearly as bad as most people think it is

He did not go to release water from the valves where Ignatenko and Toptunov did. That's probably where those two got exposed to a lethal dose of radiation.

>isn't nearly as bad as most people think it is
What that fireman looked like in hospital made me feel sick just watching it.

>Melts your skin off
>Eh. could be worse

He didn't go into contaminated water like the other 2.

sheer strength of denial acted like a placebo thing of sorts

You'll have to ask god because that's how things turned out for the real life Dyatlov, Ignatenko, and Toptunov.

it's not great, not terrible.


He stayed in the control room and the bunker so he was less exposed than anyone else there. According to Dyatlov, however, he was immune to radiation because he mastered the power of the atom.

actually ask a scientist or doctor though because god probably isn't real

>we'll use.... bio-robots
>[shocked looks intensify]
why did they use this plot point twice on the show? Once with the 3 guys sent to open the valves early in the series and then again after the German bomb robot failed. It felt like deja vu.

Radiation will kill you in very high amounts but that does not at all mean it also isn't nearly as bad as most people perceive it to be. More people die from hydroelectric power than have died from nuclear energy and weapons combined

Thats the key. If you got close enough that the radiation burned your skin off you were very likely to die. This is because without intact skin you are extremely likely to get all sorts of infections, just like with other types of burn victims. Most of the deaths from Chernobyl were people that burned to death from the fire and heat and explosions throwing debris. Very few died from the long term cancer causing effects of radiation, which were very effectively treated with iodine pills. This is because the radioactive iodine exhumed by the explosion would continue releasing radiation for quite a while so if your body uptakes it you have a continuous source of radiation for a really long time, the other radioactive isotopes sent out by the explosion are not things your body stores so they are really only a threat if you stand in close proximity to them for very large amounts of time (or in incredibly high concentrations as the fire fighters did)

It's figure of speech at this point, stop repeating what everybody who's over 12 already knows deep down in their hearts.

>deep down in their hearts.
is your heart in your bowels?

this atheism slices like a ton of bricks

he wasn't delusional

Because it was all-around mediocre.

I don't know. Every fucking time an athlete does something good they think a god literally intervened

I thank SocJus every time Colin Kapernicus hits a home run and I pray to SocJus every day that he does good in his game.

Even fucking Kapernik is a god toting asshole

*tips ushanka*