Are you exited for the new season of the best show on television?
Will they be able to top last season?
Are you exited for the new season of the best show on television?
Will they be able to top last season?
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Who's going to be the Dem nominee. Seems like Harris is a sinking ship, and Biden's Hillary 2.0. Boring and shit establishment candidate.
Will this election break everything?
I'm expecting Biden to implode and Bernie to get the nom but senile Biden would be hilarious.
Yangfags are sad.
They love their meme candidate who has literally no chance of being the nominee.
Who unironically has the best chance of beating Trump. WI, MI, and PA were awfully close.
Biden will likely win.
Can't wait for that sweet Freedom Dividend
None of them. Trump is a shoe-in for second term.
How is it not a fair comparison? Both have 0 charisma or likeability, are establishment candidates, and are typical of mainstream dem policy
>paying for votes
Why hasn't this caught on yet? Its fucking brilliant.
yeah sorry i deleted my reply, i completely agree. i read “biden” as “bernie” for some reasom
Bernie has the best chance, but it's a feel good vote. People are banking on him legitimately wanting to try to make things better (even if it's a shit plan).
It's better than who we currently have, but it won't actually improve things.
Biden will get the nom and voters will flock to his campaign because he represents a return to normalcy without going off the deep end.
People are tired of constantly hearing about Trump.
He's too far left. Biden will clinch it because he has the best hope of defeating Turampu-san
Biden has fucked up too much. Yeah, MSM is going to try to force it, and DNC would prefer him, but they're not going to be able to swindle things again as easily. More people paying attention
>chinaman spy getting elected president
lmao yearh right
It'll also completely backfire since there's no way Congress will approve 1k money for every person in the country.
It’s unironically Bernie
What will happen if Trumps wins again? Last time the DMC was having an emotional breakdown with people crying live on TV, shouting into microphones, seeing Russian melding everywhere, blaming white men for everything imaginable, etc. So what are they going to do this time? Child sacrifices? An hero?
He's a bumbler all right, I agree. But to the average dem who isnt a green haired tattooed 19 year old, he will be seen as the best choice. Who else is there that even comes close? Nobody at all.
Just call it a "gift". 98% of Congress does when they get kickbacks from the corporations
>What will happen if Trumps wins again?
4 more years buddy.
I fucking hate Trump, but the meltdown was glorious
So much smug going down the drain
You realize the money comes from somewhere right?
And all the places it comes from, congress has to approve.
And they will never approve 1k money for everyone.
>tfw $1000 a month
Fucking based. What are you bros gonna do with your check
Last election was the biggest kino ever. 98% chance that Hillary would win and she still loses. She even cheated in so many ways and had all kinds of people behind her but still lost.
Probably Biden since he has the highest name recognition and the Democrat machine rigs the primaries for him. I think the media has tried to shill Harris but she is the Black Hillary, 1% Black support.
Bernie will not win the general election because people don't want socialism and Blacks don't like him that much compared to Biden.
Nah, I was excited for '16 because all media was calling drumpf a racist, anti-semite, a threat do democracy, etc; so I thought perhaps something could change. Now we can know for sure that's not the case, so I can go back to not caring.
Part of me hopes the media and the left will see reason and remove the SJWs from their groups. Another part of me wants to see this get even worse.
no way can it top last season
It'll be Biden. He's a safe, normal style candidate. If they don't pick him then Trump has a real chance of winning again. They better not try to go full woke.
>Are you exited for the new season of the best show on television?
This but unironically
Biden doesn't stand a chance of beating Trump, though.
You want the left to remove the left?
Use it to buy a loaf of bread
Every man has a choice.
We could have had a true american golden age. We could have made america great again, but these fuckers made a mockery of the election and decided to put a retard on the white house instead.
If you only know how much I wanted to kill these stupid fucks for making a mockery of the position once held in high regard
Biden is literally the only Democratic candidate polling ahead in Ohio. Nobody else has a chance.
who would you cast?
>dude Biden lmao
Thank you for Correcting The Record
I think the same. They are still seething every day.
Election night was so good when the results came in. It was an once-in-a-lifetime event. Just beautiful. It just felt great. Having to see Hillary having to concede the next day.
tick tock, trumptards
I want the left to remove the far-left. There's a reason republicans, conservatives, and libertarians don't hang around with the KKK and Neo-Nazis. Meanwhile, we have the mainstream left give a platform to communists and black supremacists.
What are you talking about?
Agreed. I'm a lifelong liberal voter but I hate sjws and other crazies on the left. Crazy people need to be expunged from politics.
>Bernie has the best chance
You amuse me, fool
republicucks disavow actual right wingers because they are controlled opposition; the left disavows no one because they are the scum they say they are
Getting rid of the "far left" means all black people, which means dems will never win anything ever again.
How so? I predict that political violence will be much more extreme, particularly if the dems campaign goes to shit (which it will).
You sure you won't be buying bagels, rabbi?
like a villian she refused to come on stage and talk to those who came to see her and concede that night lol
absolute kino
I’m a straight ticket, registered, voting Democrat and even I believe Trump will win in 2020.
Just like all of the polls predicting a Clinton sweep?
the day is fast approaching, trumpfags
t. the problem
Removing the fact that it looks like it was a 16 year old who wrote that, what exactly are you against?
black people aren't far left. most black families are very religious and conservative, but the republican party has been retarded and not brought them in, and the dems pay lip service and use disinformation to say "they're not a real black" if they don't vote dem.
>I’m a straight ticket, registered, voting Democrat and even I believe Trump will win in 2020.
That’s a flat out non-answer
>black people aren't far left
> I’m a straight ticket, registered, voting Democrat and even I believe Trump will win in 2020.
Mulatto teens on Twitter aren't voters.
Bernie us too far left for the general public. All it takes is a few talking heads to decry socialist policies as unamerican and he loses the moderate vote, and no amount of young voter turnout among the left is going to win the presidency for Bernie when there are millions of middle-of-the-road retard boomers who will vote against him just because he's a self-proclaimed socialist.
>misusing laughing girls
do you even know what it means to be left or right?
it's not the party.
Tell us why you are so triggered
The National polls were largely accurate. She was predicted to be 2.8% ahead and she finished 2.3% ahead in the popular vote (which is what the polls measured). Only a few of the state polls were miscalibrated. There is no basis at all for the clownish notion that there is a tremendously massive systemic polling flaw obfuscating Bernie’s chances: he’s never stood a shot. Hate to break it to you, but that permacuck’s behind by double digits
Yeah that is the shameless hypocrisy of these people. This is also the reason why many people don't care about racism or sexism or whatever silencing tacitc. When you think about the fact that an entire political spectrum refuses to condemn and expel radicals from their political movement. NBPP, La Raza, Islamists, BLM, etc/ Even antisemites but they completely freak out when some neo-nazi says it. I know why they do it because they need the votes and support of whoever they can get, even the most radical people. Obama was aligned with radicals too such as Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfeger, Bill Ayers, NBPP and he even had communists in his administration.
I miss Jeb!
The Democrats have alienated every sensible person in America. They’re a laughable meme party now.
As a liberal, I'm pretty sure we're going to lose again. Biden has the best chance at winning but he has almost no youth support.
Democrats don't want a presidential nominee, they want the second coming of christ. They want all the most liberal leaning stances of Bernie, Warren, Harris, and whoever else combined into one or they won't vote for them. You had a weird answer on abortion? Cancelled. You didn't fully support open borders and open immigration? Cancelled. You aren't gung-ho on one payer medicare? Cancelled. It doesn't matter if literally all your other beliefs align, if you have ONE snippet of you being iffy on transgender rights, you're not getting some liberal's vote.
Tbh blacks would be full-on republican if republicans put community funding, anti-racism shit and distancing themselves from racist conservative groups as their top priorities.
>Tell us why you are so triggered
When has a communist Jew ever brought prosperity to a country?
Bernie appeals to a lot of young moderates/independents. You are right, though, about moderate boomers who will never, ever vote for someone like him. And the numbers are unfortunately in boomers favor, since young generations as a whole don't vote in the numbers that boomers do
Oh that was great too. She condemned Trump during the debates for refusing to say he would accept the election results.
don't you mean both main parties?
So blacks would be republicans if republicans pandered to blacks?
I'm shocked.
this may come as a shock to you as you seem like the type to struggle with concepts like basic addition and time being linear, but a lot of people have turned 18 since the 2016 election
y a n g g a n g
>and distancing themselves from racist conservative groups
kek are you joking; they already obsessively distance themselves from anyone who could be seen as "racist", whatever that means; that's one of the major flaws of right wing organizations all over the western world
honestly, the most entertaining american show in decades
expect to be slightly dissapointed: no way they'll top last season
Kek seems to disagree with your post.
Yang will make anime real and save the NEETs so he has my vote.
pls stop; yang was a dead meme weeks ago
>excited for a predictable landslide
this isn't going to be close regardless of who dems send, especially now people are waking up to how evil they are after the epstein "suicide"
As a whole Blacks aren't that liberal. They are on an issue by issue case very right-wing. Anti-gay-marriage, anti-feminism, pro-tax-cuts, pro-gun, anti-PC. When it comes to race however they will go with whoever seem to be the most in their favor which is the race-pandering Democratic party. It also depends on who you ask, young Black women have a different opinion.
The thing is also that Blacks are very gullible as a group. Certain brands have their entire marketing strategy aimed at them because they buy their products like crazy, like sportswear and shoes. The media, the Democratic party and education have made it into a sort of betrayal in the modern Black culture if you would vote Republican.
epstein only shows how completely subverted by jews the US is; both republicans and democrats serve ZOG equally
I think you can get a large share of the Black vote as a Republican if you tell them what they want to hear when it comes to race. Rand Paul for example agrees with them on the racism issues and he gets 40% of their votes in return.
Tuesday, November 3rd.
Mark your calendars.
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said, but okay.
pls see
Bernie is presented as too far left by the same disingenuous corporate liberal media that claimed Hillary only lost because Russia “hacked” the election. A lot of “conservatives” in Middle America and the Rust Belt support social democratic economic policies when right-wing pundits aren’t constantly trying to convince the working class that national health insurance is literal Bolshevism.
Not a neet but will gladly support neets with taxes. Im with ya
Some buddies and I decided to epic troll people on the Bernie phone-banking site (allowed ANYBODY to call people on their database). On the first call this blue collar boomer answers and I act like an autist but ask him if he would vote for Bewnie. He said "heck no". and I asked him why. He replied, unironically, "because he is Jewish"
Wake up, nigger, time for MATH
Good job you described everyone ever.
He's right though. Assuming he's white, why would you vote for an anti-white jew?
every answer comes back to automation and muh gibs, its fake and cartoonish
I remember hearing him say this during one of those primary debates. /pol/ was shocked that day.
Would love it to be Gabbard but that will never happen. Her anti-invasion stance has already alienated the military industrial complex so they've begun smearing her as a Russian plant.
I'm guessing Biden because he's currently a moderate while a lefty candidate would only PROBABLY pivot after winning the primaries. No sense risking an idiot socialist getting Trump re-elected.
it's pretty much what biden said a couple days ago; no one at this point should be shocked that leftists are anti-white, the only thing shocking is white people are self-hating enough to tolerate and even vote for leftists
Who cares. Crenshaw 2024.
What is the context of that quote btw?
take a look at these clowns
decades of jews and anti-whites being allowed to take part in politics
biden has a really inconsistent track record though. he lied about marching with civil rights in the 60's and he floundered when the other candidates asked why he didn't hold obama more accountable for deportations. trumps gonna blow his ass out for things like that
Suicides for sure. Probably some more bungled assassination attempts. 100% increase in moral posturing while cheering on any streetfights against Conserv--I mean, those fucking Nazis.
>dude (((((context))))) lmao
Wtf I’m nazi now?
Thanks for the screencap. I'll add to the collage of retarded yangfags.
I'll post the collage after the dem primary when he comes in literally last place.
It's not about the nomination, it's about sending a message: we need UBI
He just made the fall debates, up to 2% in Iowa. That may not sound like much but it's a huge leap for a virtually unknown candidate
>we need UBI
Why the fuck should my tax dollars go to NEET money for some shit that doesn't even have a job?
Based and Yangpilled.
>What will happen if Trumps wins again?
same as the last years; pretty much nothing. ZOG apace, some angry tweets that will make his dumb followers think he might do something
I just gave you the context
you need to find a better job, bucko
Black people largely don't like gay people.
UBI isn't a dole. Even if you have a job you get a UBI.
You didn’t give me the context, you just spammed stormfag memes.
>actual nazi
Here is the context, retard
UBI is cancer and fails whenever it is tried.
>the republican party has been retarded and not brought them in
how would they even do that? blacks pressure each other to vote left
I think the biggest problem is that Bernie is a socialist, and it's too easy for a showman like Trump to just pull up that ideology's abysmal failures and give Bernie the ol' Jeb Stomp 2.0.
>Bernie is presented as too far left by the same disingenuous corporate liberal media that claimed Hillary only lost because Russia “hacked” the election
So what? The people that consume that nonsense are the only group that can be relied on to vote - i.e. Boomers that sincerely believe the media never lies because uhhhhh Woodward and Bernstein and Cronkite
>only nazis hate Jews
Check your white privilege
Aren't blacks the most likely race to be gay?
We need to get out ahead of automation. You think the UBI will just show up day one? It'll take awhile for it to get approved. We can't just wait until automation and go "oh shit, we need basic income".
That’s not true at all. Plenty of boomers love Trump, or at least voted for him in 2016.
>believing in the automation meme
>We need to get out ahead of automation
Literally a meme. And the beginning of communism.
No, Hispanics and whites are
>Believing in the industrial meme
They need to say this this stuff to get non-White votes, they want to hear how bad the ebul Whitey is. A bit more than 30% of Whites still vote Democrat nowadays.
Yeah I don't get it either. There was a study about in-group bias when it comes race or other groupings. Liberal Whites are the only group that hate themselves, everyone loves themselves but them. I don't know what makes them think that way but it has to do with living in nearly 100% homogeneous and safe areas, they have never been to a ghetto. I think it also has to do with the fact that Whites don't think so much about race and they don't identify with it, it's like having big feet or freckles to them.
that's the context though
that's not context, it's his pathetic excuse in which he repeats even more anti-white myths before finally going "oh, yeah, it was a retarded quote; white poverty exists, I just don't care nearly as much" kek
This is the same DNC that ran Hillary despite her mountains of political baggage and appears to have learned nothing from that disaster.
Don't worry.
Yeezy will save us.
Gabbard, but the (((military industrial complex))) hates her. She would have an “accident” if she made it.
I'm saying that all of the top left candidates are just bombs that are going to get trump reelected. the only actual moderate ones like gabbard and delaney have no chance
Recently I've come to see UBI as basically the re-institution of modern serfdom.
Trumps approval rating is historically low for a sitting president. A lot of people voted for Trump because they hated Hillary. There's a reason Trump is STILL talking about her at his rallies years later. If the Dems avoid nominating an equally unpopular candidate, they stand a decent chance.
Yes they have the largest LGBT community percentage-wise.
Don't say I didn't warn you when most menial jobs and all entry level jobs are replaced by robots, and you have an uprising on your hand because no one has money.
Issue is that Trump is still a sitting president, which is always an advantage. On top of that, none of those end of the world predictions came true and the economy is still doing well. So long as Trump doesn't royally fuck up and the economy holds out, he's probably going to win again.
I'm waiting for based Hillary to make an October entrance. Shes waiting for all these scrubs to punch each other out, then when they all look like retards she'll sweep in and it will be her turn finally.
>most menial jobs and all entry level jobs are replaced by robots
That's literally the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
What is this, The Outer Limits?
>tfw I'm unironically going to vote for a chinese overlord
Feels wierd bro, but as long as I get my Yang check I'll be okay.
People have been saying that. That she will enter the race because Bill did that as well in 1992. Her people even said that back in 2016 and 2017.
They will double down. Same as always.
who else here still goes back to that tyt election day meltdown comp vid
Its gonna be Biden or Bernie.
I just play that "never come down" trump video when I'm having a bad day
Bernie will become popular with boomers simply for being both old and intelligent. The most basic comparison to Trumple possible thst they can process.
It's gonna be Biden, almost certainly. A better question would be who'll be the VP pick. Kamala Harris seemed like a good pick until the first debate when she burned that bridge
We already had that happen. They used cheap chinks and mexicans instead of buying shekelstein jrs "futuristic" scambots
They are already being replaced, but go ahead be all "haha, dude it's like in the future, You don't have to plan for that" about it.
I haven't laughed this hard at a post in quite some time.
Based, we gon get that bag nigga
Show me robot plumbers or carpenters?
>plumbing and carpentry are menial jobs
>uhh no you arent white, you have brown eyes unlike me who is of pure aryan stock
The mods should start cracking down on off-topic posters. Yesterday I made a thread about Schindler's list, whole thread turned into holocaust discussion.
Probably whichever one says they’re not just going to give away free healthcare to spics. In no universe would this poll well with even the most liberal boomers who aren’t rich or even the working class.
A.I. is a meme. There will never be a robot that can do a job that requires even a little flexible reasoning.
I think Bernie could carry the Rust Belt, and I think that would include a fair number of Trump voters
I think you might be the retarded one, bud. Those are skilled trade jobs, first off.
>Probably whichever one says they’re not just going to give away free healthcare to spics.
What’s the actual policy being proposed?
Sounds like a fun thread.
Hate to spoil the ending, but Trump wins again.
None of the current candidates. There will be a brokered convention and someone that nobody knows will get the nomination.
No boomer is gonna vote for someone that actually advocates for communism.
Where has it been tried Einstein
The way the dems handle primaries insures the convention will be must watch.
They don't have winner take all primaries which means every body gets a share.
They have super delegates that are beholden to no one. They decide who they vote for.
If nobody gets to 50%+1 you get what is called a contested convention.
With the number of candidates it is virtually certain nobody will win outright
They make back room deals and decide who gets the nomination.
If you want to watch apolitical party immolate live on TV this is for you.
Cashiers are slowly being replaced in McDonald's. Truck Drivers will lose their jobs because of auto driving.
Vote Bernie Sanders.
that's not what bernie does though and you are already aware of that
How fucking hard is it not to bring politics into every fucking thread? /pol/ autists are the worst
That is probably true, but as for the discussion at hand, many of them would vote for somebody who advocates social democracy.
>Trump is a shoe-in for second term
Half his base is in open revolt over Trump's cucking on guns and immigration.
Bernie could have beaten trump last election if he'd decided to just run independent when it became clear the dnc was fucking him over. He's the best chance to beat trump this time around but I'm not sure he can at this point. Much of his base still feel betrayed by his endorsement of Hillary after all his talk about how the established politics was ruining the world.
how did he cuck on immigration
But I do know user.
>There's a reason republicans, conservatives, and libertarians don't hang around with the KKK and Neo-Nazis
Yeah, because cuckservatives are controlled opposition whose only job is to run out the clock on White demographic displacement.
Auto driving is a meme and will never happen without removing every single human driver from the equation.
Literally where do you think you are? Would you stick your hand u to a wasps nest and expect not to be stung?
idk about cucking but the wall is an utter failure obviously
Read L'engrenage/The Mill by Sartre
>expecting Yea Forums to stay on topic and stormcucks not derail a thread is too much
This is the cancer which is killing Yea Forums
Reminder that the government already gives a group of useless non-working people money every month (social security).
You know what happens? Whole industries pop up gearing to rip that money off.
he would've split the dem vote and poached some from trump but trump would still win. even if trump somehow didn't have enough electoral votes, the house would've given it to trump.
If you want a general indication of how it will go, watch Canada 2019 federal election.
Horseless carriages are a meme and will never happen without removing every single equine from the equation
How do you figure? He got the money and is building the wall.
If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that self driving cars completely fuck up if there is a human driving near them.
no one knows about canada; do you care to tell us what you mean? how did it go?
It's in October. If Canadians vote out their Liberal dicksucking prime minister, Dems have no chance in the US.
what happened to mexico paying for it?
>building the wall.
Trumpniggers ACTUALLY believe this!!
that's kind of stupid correlation, canadians voted conservative when americans voted obama in
Gonna need context for that pic
Well every single one of them wants to give free healthcare to illegals, so. It's gonna be Biden because they're all insane but he at least has the Obama connection
>andy serkis playing another ape
>he doesn’t know about daddy’s milkies
Could you elaborate on the free healthcare for illegals policy?
California literally made healthcare free for illegals this summer.
What is Bernie’s plan?
>We want more immigrants than ever before
to crash this country... WITH NO SURVIVORS
>if you're posting about this topic, you're asking for trouble
They are paying for it.
Through tariffs and shit.
Nice trips, shit-for-brains
>jew york times
oh nononono
i didn't think drumpfdrones like you still existed
Literally have sex.
Bernie Sanders is the dumbest fucking politician I have seen in my lifetime. Promising to forgive trillions in student loans instead of actually doing anything to the causes of student debt in any way is the stupidest fucking policy proposal in american history. Anyone who likes him is a fucking retard
>Bernie Sanders is the dumbest fucking politician I have seen in my lifetime
It's not dumb, it's a cynical maneuver that ensures he doesn't piss off his base who 1. want student loans to go away but 2. don't want to punish universities for shamelessly profiting from the student loan industry because "muh academia can do no wrong".
Nice lefty sources.
Well what would you do? Kill federal loans? Kill private universities? The debt is 1.5 trillion. These kids are fucked. But that money goes back to? Yeah, so whats your issue? You got shafted so fuck the rest?
seething drumpfdrone
you little nigger find a single source that says trump is tariffing mexico
Marianne Williamson will win with peace and love and lead us all to a hedonistic orgy future
I'm down as long as this exquisite creature is ready to receive my penis refugees
>sticking your dick in crazy
Didn't your father tell you never to stick your dick in crazy?
>these absolute retards that don't understand inflation
This is why the country has gone to shit.
Based and crystalpilled
Because the inflation will eat it away.
90% of these things are fucking horrible authoritarian garbage and would bankrupt the country
Bernie is an evil man
Having stuck my dick in crazy before, I'm able to report that sometimes it's worth it
This is a such a stupid answer from emotional people
Biden says stupid shit all the time, the media just covers for him much more, imagine if Trump said "poor kids can be as smart as white kids"
How does it feel knowing that your entire worldview crumbles under the slightest bit of scrutiny?
>Are you exited for the new season of the best show on television?
>election 2020
A kike will never be elected president.
>a nigger will never be president
>a reality TV star will never be president
>a gamer will never be president
All I remember from one of the debate was some question that said either should illegals be covered under Medicare for all or something like that. Even Bernie came off as one of the more reasonable people on the issue.
> t. Someone that works in a Spic-infested suburb of Maryland that is a hellhole thanks to Guatameleans
>dude national healthcare is bolshevism lmao
>dude nazism lmao
They certainly shouldn't be
>dude hating kikes is nazism lmao
why bother?
Ignore this jewish shill trying to sow division
I mean, yeah, kind of
>dude, saying nigger is nazism lmao
>dude, hating kikes is nazism lmao
>dude, hating liberals, gays, trannies and muslims is nazism lmao
>dude, wanting a white ethnostate is nazism lmao
>dude, loving hitler and thinking the holocaust didnt happen is nazism lmao
Can't wait for the new season of, "If you support this person just unfriend me" and "omg you like that person what are you a nazi?"
that's pretty retarded; unrelated peoples have disliked jews pretty much for all documented history
pretty much all of those things aren't nazism
Democrats are unironically the real Nazis
You'd think the left would love Hitler now since they keep putting out clickb8 headlines about how Hitler was gay/trans/a woman/etc.
Yang will win, we are in the era of our dying empire where the pleb masses want gibs more than anything else
cap this post
Hey can anyone get me up to speed with the candidates?
>Ron Paul is meme candidate
>loses 2012 by a ton
>trump is meme candidate
>wins 2016 election barely
>Yang becomes the meme candidate
>wins 2020 election by a landslide
Are you prepared for the age of memes controlling the world?
>ugh, libtards call you a nazi just because you want to eradicate judeo-bolshevism and degeneracy
Trump won by a fucking landslide.
>dude, wanting a white ethnostate is nazism
I'd say it's just unrealistic. There's a mutt picture for it but as with pictures of themselves it has a triggering effect on /pol/ types and sets them wailing for the janitor.
guys help
>thinking progressivism is a left wing ideology
He lost the popular vote and only one because he was more clever about manipulating the electoral college system.
Yang is going to get 70% of the popular vote AND 99% of the electoral vote, with the remainder of the votes going to the green party
He only won by like 75,000 votes. It just looks like more because electoral college gives all votes to the winner. He also lost the popular vote.
>want to eradicate judeo-bolshevism and degeneracy
absolutely based
it's boring without hillary to be the villain desu
everyone knows biden is an old senile retard but they're resigned to let him win anyway
>He lost the popular vote
Dems are never gonna let that go are they?
Guess what? The popular vote doesn't matter at all.
Here's something else for you: Trump won 30 popular votes while Clinton only won 20 popular votes.
Isn't this literally what everybody said about Trump in 2016?
only winning by 70k votes is a meme, he won all the battleground states, Hillary got rekt in Florida & Ohio
Nothing faggier than pink hats, you people are as bad as magapedes
>he was more clever about manipulating the electoral college system.
He really wasn't. All Hillary had to do was more campaigning in the Rust Belt (even Bill pointed it out), but no, "muh algorithms say that the Rust Belt is a permanent lock forever, let's try to flip Montana instead"
>t. classical liberal
The difference is Trump brought up shit that people were actually concerned about.
What is Yang doing?
>My policies are the same as everyone else but 1k free bux :D
cool, yeah. But he didn't win by a landslide. I was just giving an example of how close the contest was. Why are you talking about something unrelated now?