Could they get away with making this episode in 2020-1?

Could they get away with making this episode in 2020-1?

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jery get ipad

>Donald O'Brien

They misspelled Trump.

wtf this is based

I saw a thread quoting that episode being deleted in Yea Forums. f-ckin tr-mp, anyone but f-ckin tr-mp

if the entire episode took place in the limo instead of cutting away it'd definitely be considered one of the best episodes

Considering you get called a Nazi for voting Republican chances are this show wouldn't work because the accusation has lost all meaning.


Do they really let Irish in the Aryan Union?

You misspelled DRUMPF

The Aryan Union isn't an actual group iirc, although there are a lot of similarly named organizations that act very much the same. The Aryan Brotherhood, however, is the biggest neo-nazi gang (albeit mostly a prison gang) in the USA, and was outright founded by Irish-Americans; their logo is literally a shamrock with a swastika overlaid.

Wonder if the writers realized how unironically true this was.

my last name is O'Brien

Are they aware that Irish aren't human, let alone white?

oh, shit, you're right lol



>Nazis bad

thefuckouttahere with this antiwhite propaganda
Jerry Seinfeld, and the Jewish cabal want to demoralize Europeans and their descendants into extinction.

Reminder there are like 27 legit neo-nazis in the entire country and the people that are called 'nazis' all had views that was the norm in '05.

That being said idgaf about those 27 either. Freedom of speech mfers

Two words: hella f*ckin epic!

Rent free

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This is objectively untrue. Neo-Nazi has been broadened as a definition to now include white ethnonationalists, and there's a lot of those. You're probably one of them.


No one cares