Yea Forums prevails

>Yea Forums prevails

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>sneed prevails

Real talk: V was the bad guy, Norsefire did literally nothing wrong.

>Rest of the world is starving or dying of disease
>The UK is still standing and well fed
>Degenerates and illegals are dealt with properly


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I dont think V was the bad guy, but he sure as fuck wasn't a good guy. Hes against the tyranical government, but has no problem kidnapping and brainwashing innocent girls?

Also, I always got a a kick out of the use of Guy motherfucking Fawkes as the inspirational hero. The dude was mad that the king changed religions. No one was telling Guy Fawkes he couldnt be catholic. He was literally mad that his state god didnt worship the pope anymore. And to right this wrong Guy Fawkes decides to blow up all of parliment, who had absolutely nothing to do with the descision. And his method of blowing up parliment would have absolutely never had worked, as he was tunneling far too deep. It boggles my mind how anyone holds any respect for Guy Fawkes, who if he had succeded would essentially just be the best school shooter ever.

o I read that the former United States is so desperate for medical supplies that they have allegedly sent several containers filled with wheat and tobacco. A gesture, they say, of good will. You want to know what I think? Well you're listening to my show so I will assume you do. I think it's high time we let the colonies know what we really think of them. I think it's payback time for a little tea party they threw for us a few hundred years ago. I say we go down to the docks tonight and dump that crap where everything from the Ulcered Sphinctre of Arse-erica belongs. Who's with me? Who's bloody with me? Did you like that? USA; Ulcered Sphinctre of Arse-erica. I mean, what else can you say? Here was a country that had everything, absolutely everything, and now, 20 years later, is what? The world's biggest leper colony. Why? Godlessness. Let me say that again: Godlessness. It wasn't the war they started. It wasn't the plague they created. It was judgement. No-one escapes their past. No-one escapes judgement. You think he's not up there? You think he's not watching over this country? How else can you explain it? He tested us and we came through. We did what we had to do. Islington. Enfield. I was there. I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists, disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go! Strength through unity, unity through faith! I'm a God-fearing Englishman and I am goddamn proud of it!

yeah i'm thinking it was based

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>. It boggles my mind how anyone holds any respect for Guy Fawkes,
well we do burn him on guy fawkes day for a reason

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I miss John Hurt, lads. Great film tbqh

Nice power fantasy, 51.

"my bad"

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I don't think it happens anymore but when I was a kid we used to make an effigy of him on bonfire night, in the evening we'd wheel him about and collect pennies then at night he'd go on top of the bonfire before it was lit. I wonder if it's a Catholic thing to like him?

herschlag, i...

Yeah, I think the comic's better on that front, it's much more morally ambiguous, while the movie never really makes it clear whether the rest of the world has actually fallen apart or if it's just Norsefire propaganda. Anarchy for V is worth any cost, even the potential collapse of civilisation, while Norsefire may be genocidal fascists but they're the only thing holding Britain (somewhat) together

>I don't think it happens anymore but when I was a kid we used to make an effigy of him on bonfire night,
we still did that in NZ until a couple of years ago

Cunny will plunge this board back into chaos. And I will not let that happen! Gentlemen, I want his cunnyposter found and I want him to know what diddling really means.

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Your grace..

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What the fuck is this from?

Are you fucking retarded? If you havent seen this movie... I just..

Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach

We Live In A Society, a Netflix original

Daisy's Destruction

is it British? I only watch Fast and Furious films and other litty kino.

I genuinely don't know what this is, memeing aside, but it looks interesting and I'd like to watch it

Yeah no worries. It's V for Vendetta, go watch it now. It's fucking kino and it has ageplay Natalie Portman.

Oh, I've definitely heard of it. Never seen as much as a clip though.
Is it on Netflix? Or should I just torrent it?

Problem American 2

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Just torrent it mate.