Why did he pick this clingy slut?

Why did he pick this clingy slut?

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because Carmen is a thot

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I don't understand why autists dislike clingy girls. They're great. You don't have to put in any effort and they chase after you. They even stick around if you cheat on them.

I don't think autists get clingy girls after them, so they get annoyed when their onetis is acting clingy towards a chad.

She was the best girl. Shame

Dizzy was based, you stupid fucking discord tranny

>clingy girls
clingy girls are 99% fat girls

They're also very needy, which grows on you like a tumor.

Or way, way, way too young for you. And friends with the girl you're actually trying to date. But she moved out of the country and her friend remained. And happens to be at almost every social outing you go to. And is pretty cute too.


Didn't Carmen Dear John him?
And Dizzy looked great in the shower.

he had oneitis

Every girl looks great in the shower if she isn't fat

Diz has primo titties, he made the right choice. Actually watching the film right now and am about 15 minutes past the shower scene

post the goddamn shower scene!

Carmen was a fucking slut, Dizzy is the based choice.

Because Dizzy actually gave a shit about him. Carmen was a cunt from the first scene she's in. For that matter, Dizzy is the only decent character in the movie. Everyone else is an irredeemable asshole.

incel as fuck

Because she wanted him and she's hot.

Diz was based you faggot

>better body
>fun personality

pretty ez

because his true love is the core

Diz > Carmen, fight me you faggot

You didn't see wild things then. Idc if they're fake. Those are the best looking tits ever created in that film.

shes like in her mid 40s or so now and still got a killer body

those flapjack tits were bad

fuck you they were fine, and where's that fucking shower scene already?

t. neckbeard

She did yoga.

Attached: dina-meyer-starship-troopers01.jpg (617x617, 45K)

Everyone aged pretty well except Denise Richards.


>December 22, 1968 (age 50)

Attached: dina-meyer-starship-troopers02.jpg (1080x1349, 88K)

Her tits were like dog ears

what? did you think she joined because of rico?

prob a gilf

she did, obv

Wild things is such a great movie

He didn't "pick her". She was just there and wanted to bone, so they boned, then she died.

WOW Dizzy looks like this?!

yeah but she didn't even show those award winning tatas in troopers

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because she puts out and gives good head on the first date.

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You will never find a 'clingy' girl who is better than you, unless she has severe mental issues.
Clingy and possessive behavior is a nightmare to live with, trust me I been there it's hell. Either it's a fight every other day or you start to give in and just never leave.

Or you grow a set of balls and put her in her place while ignoring her outbursts.

Clingy girls are the best.

Weak bait thread

unless you're also a needy person, then it's pretty great

Friendly reminder that Dina Meyer is Jewish.

Just hit it intstead of bitching about it on a Korean barbecue forum

>Dina Meyer is Jewish.

Figures, near all actors/actresses are it seems. She has very goyish looks tho so fuck her I say.

>Her tits were like dog ears
Yes, this was the big disappointment of the movie. The claim that jewesses have big tits was truly debunked.

>feminist pic
Because she's for entertaining me and not the otherway