Spike Lee’s List of Essential Films Every Aspiring Director Should See
Spike Lee’s List of Essential Films Every Aspiring Director Should See
Seems like run-of-the-mill kino to me
dont believe it, no way spike lee is this based
Thanks for trying to start an interesting thread, I appreciate it
awfully sexist list tbqh
This is a pretty solid list, not many surprising choices but it's a great classic film history lesson, which is what it seems meant to be.
Only one I have a problem with is dirty pretty things, I watched that film in citizenship class at school and I thought it was clichéd shit.
>Los Olvidados
Yeah I'm thinking based
Someone on reddit replied:
>All male directors
Every time I venture out from the very specific niche subs that are tolerable, I see shit like this that makes me want to rip out my eyes.
What a pedestrian list. Barely anything before 1940, the only Japanese pictures are by Kurosawa, only one picture by Welles and it's his least interesting. A lot of these aren't even good movies. This list is for faggots.
I am honestly surprised there aren't more black filmmakers. I would have thought he'd use an opportunity like this to shine a light on black films that aren't included in the normal canon of "classics"
>no soviet kino
Actually not bad
That's when you just have to gaslight them back
>why do you hate men?
>why are you sexist?
>rent free
a lot of white guys in this list
>shohei imamura
>I am Cuba
>no eastwood films
lmao his ass will never not be hurt
I like Clint's movies, but I would never include any of his works in an essential film list
isn't Eastwood a one take guy. He literally finishes his movies in like a month or so.
I'd say Sergio Leone's movies with Clint did a lot in shaping American masculinity
>starts off OK with the same basic bitch entry-level shit that every film student in the country will tell you are the GrEaTeSt FiLmS EvAr
>all of the sudden start listing literallywho nigger shit just because it stars/was directed by niggers
No comment. Also pic related.
By no Eastwood movies I mean both directed and starred in. Anyone who makes an essential movies list without Good, Bad, Ugly is retarded.
>The Bicycle Thief
Oh, I bet that one really spoke to him. What's wrong, didn't have room to include "The Welfare Collector" and "The Illegitimate Child Abandoner"?
Surprisingly based.
such an american post.
not bad picks but the man's a pleb who jerks off to black panther because identity politics
>Abel Ferrara