Summary: Jews are expelled from the city of Utopia.
Has anyone seen "The City Without Jews" (1924)?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm no racist but it kind of odd that Jews have a history of being exiled from prospering societies.
They were the only minority group in Europe for centuries. Minorities naturally make a convenient scapegoat because they're unlikely to possess sufficient force to defend themselves and people are predisposed to disliking them anyway seeing as they are outside the circle. Later minority groups, such as the Cathars, were obliterated outright.
Sounds based
no but that poster is amazing
Typical German Expressionist style
start arguing anytime
Not even remotely true, minority doesn't mean ugly or dark skin, it literally has to do with ethnic make up. There were Irish minorities in English cities and Italy minorities in French cities. Try harder Mr Goldstein, that wasnt nearly convincing enough.
>They were the only minority group in Europe for centuries.
>There were Irish minorities in English cities and Italy minorities in French cities
And how did the English treat their Irish? Were you trying to make my point for me or are you just an idiot? As for the Italians and the French, they were both still a part of Christendom and neither were nomadic guests in the land of the other. The Jews were very much on the outer in these respects.
Did I stutter? They were the only minority group of any real note in Europe for centuries. Or are you one of these idiots who thinks that the place was filled with Sub-Saharans from the get-go?
So you've been easily BTFO and proven wrong, they weren't the only minority by any degree, yet they're the only ones to be consistently driven away and exiled. And we're supposed to believe it was all for nothing? They arent guilty of anything in any way? Quit being so fucking naive, its embarrassing honestly.
you first
Isn't that why they're now flooding all our countries with migrants? So they can use other minorites as shields?
I guess you would like for Europe to be filled with Sub-Saharans wouldn't you mr. Goldstein
>So you've been easily BTFO and proven wrong
>they weren't the only minority by any degree
You lack basic comprehension skills. I said they were the only European minority (as in, a minority that existed throughout Europe) of any real note during this time. This is not the same thing as saying "they were the only minority." I even mentioned the Cathars, for example. I then used your example of an Irish minority in English townships to reinforce my point re: ingroup vs. outgroup.
>they're the only ones to be consistently driven away and exiled
The Irish were consistently driven away and exiled by the English. Some smaller groups, like the Cathars, were destroyed completely. Does this mean you think of the Cathars as worse than the Jews?
Actually, a lot of the exiles happened after jews kidnapped and sacrificed children, according to Wikipedia.
>Quit being so fucking naive, its embarrassing honestly.
He's probably Jewish desu
Or it might just have something to do with clipping wee wee's at birth and some hairy dude sucking on the mutilated wee wee right after.
>haha! I called you Jew
>that means I'm forever absolved of the burden of ever having to actually refute what you're saying!
based retard
The guy is right and you're wrong. Why continue arguing if not to defend your people?
The argument ended in your loss right here:
>So you've been easily BTFO and proven wrong, they weren't the only minority by any degree, yet they're the only ones to be consistently driven away and exiled.
Fucking cringe man just stop already while you have some dignity left
They are ethnic minorities in number but wherever they settled down they always want to dominate the majority through a set of vicious schemes. they enriched themselves through usury, money lending. Then they use that money to buy the eite and gain more power ad then make more money until they impoverish the host nation so much people realize they don't hve much to lose
How did nazi Germany become so technologically advanced precisely when they banned the jews from academia and all powerful positions they had? I thought the jews were the smart people, you'd think it would have had the opposite effect.
>Jews are inhuman people looking to cause the downfall of civilization
>also they are incredibly smart and control everything from the shadows including the death of millions of their own people
Jews have an IQ on average the same as whites, they're just not held back by any morals or empathy, and often take credit for the work of others. It's a meme that they're any smarter than a white or asian.
The two things you greentexted arent even contradictions of each other, what was the purpose of this post?
I'm no chad but it kind of odd that autists like you have a history of being exiled from prospering social cliques.
reminds me of this
>sacrifice thousands of kids over thousands of years to summon demons
>not 1 shred of physical proof, not 1 photograph, no nothing
weird. those jews sure are OP
According to Wikipedia you are retarded and have shit reading comprehension. What you are talking about is "blood libel.” Libel means it never happened.
they literally lost the war because they didn't have jews to make them a 4 engine bomber or nukes like the US had. Instead their "scientists" wasted money on land battleships and useless rockets that killed more people building than in use
all the studies disagree
>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world
Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites
Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"
commence the SJW-style arguments about how they cheated or IQ scores are a conspiracy or etc tho by all means
German scientists made shit like the V2 which had no military value despite it being hugely expensive and wasteful. America's Jew scientist made city-destroying bombs. Tech the Germans dismissed as "jew science" when it was the only weapon that could have actually won them the war
rly makes me think...
Question: how do you guys find the time to cry about jews all day on a vietnamese sewing board AND dilate? I'm having trouble.
Compared to whites, Jews have:
>Higher IQ
>Higher GDP per capita
>Higher percentage of professional degrees
>Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita
>Higher life expectancy
>Higher high school & college graduation rate
>Lower rate of violent crime
>Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking
>Lower rate of STD's
>Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births
>Lower rate of unemployment
>Lower rate of welfare use
>Higher rate of self-made millionaires
What's the deal? Are they just superior?
does this article have a pic or piece of reliable evidence of jews sacrificing kiddies in magical rituals? Seems like if they did this so much over thousands of years something would have turned up.
There are lots of cities with no Jews.
Why doesn't /pol/ move there?
How the does that prove that Jews kidnapped and sacrificed children, you sub Saharan level iq retard
wtf i hate fags and trannies now
>the one kike in this thread with a dozen posts doing damage control
fucking kek
so no then...
Not argument tranny
>he recoils
/Pol/acks are literally white niggers who mooch off from everyone around them while simultaneously bitching about being kept down
Damascus is great actually.
nice try JIDF. Being tranny is literally redpilled
Lmao how many times have you posted this today? I've seen it everywhere, like you're desperately trying to put out a fire or something
looks great! Really a place I want to go on vacation!
>it dilates
not my fault nazi tranny posting is popular m8. Not everything is a big conspiracy
Unironically though I don't understand the point of all the shit about gay nazis. It gets one o fon le ebil neon nasties sure, but they're a tiny proportion who will realize it's all bullshit, but the average goyim will start to associate trannies, which they already don't like but know they're supposed to, with the nazis who they know they're supposed to hate as the worst things in the world. It's literally the fag brigade shooting itself in the foot.
>the only major minority
>muh clubfoot manlet ubermensch quote
Jews were seen as a weird religion and customs and were mostly used as scapegoats when something bad happens
they do it because it triggers you fags so badly
What is the point of these images? the nazis were retarded and i'm not surprised they were closet faggots, you're still a kike, rosenshwartz
>having to have memes explained to him
Discord trannies are out in full force today
Soldiers dressing up as annoying bimbos to make their bros laugh at parties is a bit different than the degenerates we have turning their cocks inside out, discord tranny
Because there are niggers there
Uh, yikes. Chief called sweaty, he said this ain't it.
almost like it's not gays nazi tranny posting and the world is more complicated than you thought
Yep, it's all coincidences.
>the goys will surely think we're two different people if we post a minute apart
>23 posters 61 replies
the kike attempts to engage in trickery once again
You know most of these guys were purged during the 30s right? Propagandize harder Goldstein
Well then who is it? It doesn't forward the agenda of literally ANY side.
Nice try Discord tranny you’re the real tranny
lmao this tranny cope
I want to see this, how can I do that?
The Nazi fag brigades have been shooting each other since the 1930s
Shitposters who like getting a rise out of easily offended /pol/tards. They're the easiest to trigger by far on this board
>implying the one jew in this thread isnt eternally and supremely triggered to the 33rd degree
at last i truly see
You seem to be the one crying over memes
whites have been expelled from 190 countries
Remember boys, ALL trannies get the rope, no exception
Whenever any action against Usury was taken Jews were almost always entirely incapable of making an honest living
You're still replying to me though. I fucking hate you kikes so fucking much it's nice to know I can take up so much of your time just by doing basically nothing
That’s Jewish lies to demonize Hitler. Nazis were pro gay and progressive
Why did they make Hitler black in this propaganda piece? Are they trying to associate niggers with nazi's or something? Very confusing
>take out loan
>get mad when you have to pay it back
Classic nigger logic
You forgot nepotism, user.
>They were the only minority group in Europe for centuries
Not true at all, but the larger point of it being arbitrary is correct as with the Cagots.
Ever heard of them?
A peoples between Spain and France, christian, spoke the common languages, nothing out of the ordinary.
And literally the only surviving history of them is centered around Spain and France hating them, treated just as bad as post-civil war US blacks, and nobody has a clear idea why.
>Cagots were shunned and hated; while restrictions varied by time and place, they were typically required to live in separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, which were often on the far outskirts of the villages. Cagots were excluded from all political and social rights.
>They were not allowed to marry non-Cagots, enter taverns, hold cabarets, use public fountains, sell food or wine, touch food in the market, work with livestock, or enter mills.
>They were allowed to enter a church only by a special door and, during the service, a rail separated them from the other worshippers.
>Either they were altogether forbidden to partake of the sacrament, or the Eucharist was given to them on the end of a wooden spoon, while a holy water stoup was reserved for their exclusive use.
>They were compelled to wear a distinctive dress to which, in some places, was attached the foot of a goose or duck (whence they were sometimes called "Canards").
> So pestilential was their touch considered that it was a crime for them to walk the common road barefooted or to drink from the same cup as non-Cagots. The Cagots were often restricted to the trades of carpenter, butcher, and rope-maker.
It’s nice to know nazi tranny posting is driving you literally insane
Wtf I love Nazi's now?
why are you trannies always obsessing over IP counters. Nobody cares, this is a shitpost thread. Nobody takes this shit seriously but you. Your dilators make you cranky apparently.
The kike will defend his financial institutions with as much vigor as normal humans would do their children
that's what niggers say about whites. weird!
>found out
>n-nobody cares
So sorry cohen
lmao get a life dude seriously this shit isn't healthy
No, they say it about jews, they just think jews are white.
So is this the new discord tactic? Call all the nazi's trannies? Basically adopt their lingo and use it against them?
Just trying to figure it all out, I didnt get the memo. Very confusing.
Oh yeah you’re doing really important work. Fight on, keyboard warrior
why are you so paranoid? Not everything is a big conspiracy.
And it's not a discord tranny plot that nazis were gay. That's called history
>le get a life
Fuck off reddit
No they say it about whites. Keep sucking up to nigs though you dumb cuck
so jews are smarter, more successful version of whites? Gotcha
Except it's against the law for whites to do it at this point you dumb fuck.
Oh so that's why I hate faggots. Makes sense actually.
DIscord trannys aren't a conspiracy, its a known DIscord full of trannys who swoop in to defend their jewish masters and pet niggers.
Just because you're a communist who wears lady clothes doesn't mean your faggot shit doesn't belong on /pol/.
I already explained they think jews are white. Last reply tranny.
If you had sex, you'd be less angsty about jews
just saying. PLEASE don't take my head off for this essential advice
>literally a picture of people dressed up in black face playing characters
Jesus christ man this is such a reach, do people really fall for this stuff?
>haha it was just a joke
horrible damage control tranny
wtf I never knew /pol/ was so tolerant of drag queens! progressive!
Cast it
>110 replies
>27 posters
the eternal parasite
Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people
Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes
It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.
Nobody is forcing you to make dumb short sighted financial decisions
Except your low IQ
>Soldiers dressing up as annoying bimbos to make their bros laugh at parties
>driving Leichter Panzerspähwagen with my Wehrmacht buddy
>accidentally grab his leg instead of gearstick
>we both laugh and I unzip his pants
>stop the vehicle while I fondle his balls
>he is laughing because he knows it's just a joke
>start suckin his dick in this empty empty field in Poland
>almost choke on it because I'm laughing so hard
>he is also laughing his ass off
>he starts yelling "JA JA BROJOB BROJOB CHOO CHOO"
>he cums and I swallow it all like some stupid faggot
>I kiss him and call him a faggot while laughing
>SS-Obersturmführer's pulls over to see what's going on
>Looks inside the vehicle, sees us wearing women's clothes with cum all over our lips
>He laughs and takes a picture
keep counting! you gottem on the ropes!
Do you have anything to say besides crying about the mean shitposters?
>pic related calling others parasites
I've noticed society has had enough of incels/alt-right/whatever. The daily acts of violence, the constant whining they do, even shit as mundane as reviewbombing movies. It's all building up towards a massive anger and animosity against this underclass of society.
Everywhere at my work, all the successful people and women especially are talking about how much they hate incels and want something to be done about them. They're tired of living in fear of their latest mass shooting and are tired of having to see their ramblings on social media.
So, what's going to happen to Incels when normal society finally becomes fed up with them?
>the eternal kike can't differentiate between a loan and what we classify as usury
>that complete bugman lack of empathy for people who had no other options in 12th century britain among other times
watch as he attacks any who come near his shekels
cast them
>implying you have to be pro palestine to hate jews
Is this a rare case of a kike without the IQ to go with it? you're universally hated
nobody is forcing you to take out a loan with interest.
But your low IQ makes you not care or notice the consequences of such an action, you need that new TV NOW.
Nobody is going to talk about Jews at work you dumb fuck. This is how people know those iq numbers they hear about Chinese people and Jews are bullshit.
Your ultra sensitivity to Muslim meme makes me think you’re a shitskin lmao
How do you know? Not one of you /pol/ mexicans has ever had a job
>talking about usury in 12th century britain
>makes references to high interest loans in modern banking smart TVs
all the blood youve been sucking off infant dicks is causing a clot in your brain retard
>we wuzzing now
lmao keep seething tranny
>lmao xD
Sorry rosenberg, but not the case
Why are you so obsessed with jews? This shit can't be healthy. I'm curious
Bad taqiya Ahmed
Dilate, Huang, or your wound will close.
The most compassionate race (whites) bought slaves from the most ruthless race (Jews)
Apparently buying slaves and funding people you know are evil is a morally virtuous thing to do.
tell me, how did the jews FORCE people to take out loans they can't afford?
Underrated post
So you're not even Chinese lol. It was obvious but why even pretend? Was it to seem like an objective observer and not a Jew?
Literally everything incels blame on jews literally involves accepting whites are mindless insects
>the jews FORCED whites into loans they couldn't afford!
>the jews FORCED whites to buy slaves!
>the jews FORCED whites to watch porn!
>the jews FORCED whites to OD on drugs!
>the jews FORCED whites to be trannys!
>the jews FORCED women to hate me!
it's pathetic
wtf are you even talking about, never said I was chinese. And Huang isn't even a chinese name you dumb tranny
>be at Chinese American relative's wedding reception
>drinking with a 37-year-old shut-in NEET cousin of mine
>shitfaced he starts going off on the Jews to the bar tenders
>bar tenders just nod in agreement
You have got to have like 70 posts in this thread lmao.
German nazis used the term Untermensch to describe those they viewed as inferior people.
This is the irony of the "nazis" in the US, they are for all intents and purposes the modern day Untermensch - fat, stupid, bitter societal rejects whose life goal is to be spiteful toward those who are better than them.
we all gotta deal with it. My sister's boyfriend had a NEET/neckbeard brother and they used to give him a ipod full of music to calm him down at family events to prevent him from meltding down about jews or w/e in front of company
He'd sit in a corner and rock back and forth listening to ICP
Jews sound based according to /pol/. 300 IQ comicbook villains that never lose
You have got like 0 argument in this thread rofl.
This is what I don't get. If whites are so stupid as to fall for this shit, they deserve to get btfo.
nah I just got here. Is there a problem friendo? Why can't we have a chat about tranny nazis and how dumb whites apparently are?
Keep posting your zogged propaganda Jew. The poster count didn't change for like 30 posts fucking moron.
kino with this feels?
>he’s been squatting itt for like an hour now counting the number of posts
Yikes. Wtf motivates you to do this?
I'm literally the only other person here which is why you keep replying to me lol.
>Be butthurt about jews
>get told repeatedly to "have sex"
>Think they're JIDF trying to trick me
>Can't stop thinking about jews 24/7
>The seething rage and obsession is affecting my physical health
>Doctor tells me to go out more
>had sex finally
>stopped being butthurt about jews.
>lack of butthurt reduced my autism and allowed me to make friends
>social connections from friends helped me get a job
>got enough money for gym membership and am not a fatass anymore
>Met a coworker and am now starting a family
I know people won't believe me, but it really works. Just try it!
Do you think pic related is ITT?
I never knew nazi's were trannies until this thread. Thanks user I'll spread the word now.
Still just 29 posters here Moshe.
cry = more sperg
lmao is this /pol/ guy really camping in this thread counting posts and seething at the memes? what does he hope to accomplish?
You are posting over and over again. It's like sliding a thread you don't like, just pollute it with shit.
have sex
Countries of the world with under 500 native Jews.
These are paradises. This movie was onto something.
Why don't we become friends since we're the only two still here? You could invite me to your discord server?
how much time have you spent crying about the number of posters or w/e it is you're whining about? If you don't like memes, shoo back to redit
I'm working tonight so I can do whatever bro. No need to keep the walls up, we can be bros now
there's at least 2 others here mate.
I didn't post these:
It was more about how the Nazis managed to collectivize the natural autistic work ethic of Germans towards massive public works projects.