cast the biopic bros
>sex trafficer gets caught
>was supposed to be on suicide watch
>killed himself and the cameras didint work aswell :^)
Cast the biopic bros
Idris Elba
Trump's impeachment is imminent.
Its been imminent for 2 years buddy
Hm. How did he die though? I thought he was on 24/7 suicide watch? And constantly recorded?
>I thought he was on 24/7 suicide watch
No he wasn't. They took him off suicide watch for some unknown reason
This had to be the work of ninjas. I think we should bring the Shredder in for questioning. This is right up the Foot Clan's alley.
By them shutting off the cameras and paying the guards while they strangled him.
Reminder that Democrats are all pedos and we're shitting themselves trying to silence Epstein before he could talk. At least conservatives stick to raping adult women
While it's unfortunate that Epstein killed himself before the investigation could lead to anything, it's not unheard of for sexual deviants to have extreme mental illness or depression. His death was a clear suicide, and it would be foolish to blame any party other than Epstein. I think we can all agree it's good that scumbag isn't on earth to prey on children anymore. This won't stop conservatives from peddling asinine conspiracy theories about debunked Clinton assassinations
>pre-November 6th, 2016: DRUMPF WILL NEVER WIN!
>November 7th, 2016-January 19, 2017: OBAMA WILL STOP DRUMPF FROM GETTING INTO OFFICE!
Do you fags ever get tired of being wrong? I can't wait for:
Very weak bait, look at twitter if this somehow isn't bait
Hm. I wonder what the reason was?
>#TrumpBodyCount trending
damn the Clintons are good.
You know that every blue checkmark on twitter is screaming "MURDERED," right? NO ONE is falling for this bullshit, you CIA nigger.
But doesn't Agent 47 fight for justice or some shit? He should be killing the pedophiles instead. Or wait for Epstein to drop names.
>ywn have a lolita island
feels so fucking shit bros
>"people" on /pol/ are still hedging their bets on Trump 2020
Consider the possibility that he just wanted to kill himself and this wasn't an assassination to keep him silent. He had attempted suicide before this.
Oh my fucking god why is the President of the United States fueling these conspiracy theories? Has he learned fucking nothing?
>actually believing this is a liberal or conservative issue and not rich elites from both sides of the political spectrum killing him in order to keep their pedo secrets from getting out
Why the fuck do people make this political? You think the people at the top fucking kids give a shit about left and right? You're being played. Anyone who fucks kids deserves to die regardless of the character they play on CNN or Fox
>conservatives squriming
>immediately cremated his body just hours after
Yup, totally nothing bad to see here. Just the regular ol' pedo killing himself before his trial
>having the power to blackmail the world into a world war
>not having a way to dump all the info in case you get suicided as life-insurance
fuck off, shill
tasteful meme right there
Yeah, they'll work together to sweep it all under the rug
Unironically Scott Bakula
So was it the Clintons or Trump? Both are ped scumbags
>inb4 before culture warriors call me a tranny/or whatever the fuck left wing culture warriors call right wingers.
This is not a partisan issue. Everyone should be furious and demanding answers.
Consider he was in a maximum security prison. Consider this was a high profile case and yet the guards somehow failed to do their very simple task of making sure Jeffrey lived to face the court. Consider he was taken off of suicide watch for no good reason. Consider that many billionaires and politicians wanted him dead before he talked. Now fuck off, CIA nigger.
Why is Trump projecting?
pour one out for a true nigga
i feel like the niggers are waking up and they could actually be useful allies
>>was supposed to be on suicide watch
he was taken off suicide watch in July
>>killed himself and the cameras didint work aswell :^)
where does the camera meme come from? haven't seen it published anywhere. pretty sure pol retards made it up.
also why does everyone think it was a hit? I bet this dude is on a jet to a small island in the pacific right now.
pic unrelated
Peter Capaldi
I miss Anthony Bourdain...
t. someone who is totally not working for the (((elite)))
What if it is both?
Maybe both, maybe neither
Probably a lot of powerful people wanted him gone, it goes probably a hell of a lot deeper than Clinton and Trump
Honestly, all this corruption shit just makes me want to get rich as fuck enough to get away with murder.
Both. It was a team effort
I'm watching Under the Silver Lake at the moment, I just re-read The Crying of Lot 49 last week, and now I see this thread. I can't handle it anymore, bros, how do we stop the elite?
michael bay to direct a heroic tale about a jet setting man circumventing the oppressive age of consent laws
>ac is on
So he left the key in the ignition?
What did they mean by this?
How is it a conspiracy theory if the documents that came out yesterday have clinton in his flight logs over 30 times?
his temple was boarded up last week
Why is a board filled with cunnyfags and lolishits even attacking this guy?
>Agent 47 fight for justice
"""Nuclear accident""" that wipes all evidence clean when?
Could be he was told to do it and the guards were told to look the other way while he did it. Anyway, I think everyone agrees that there's some corrupt shit going on. There's no way this is just a string of unfortunate coincidences.
Y'all are simps, you are looking here while the real trick is done over there
What the fuck were the Elites thinking, Yea Forums? How retarded do they think the general public is?
Yea Forums pedos trying to look good in front of the feds after the shootings
.t never played hitman
I honestly think the people making this a politics thing are either literal retards or payed shills. There is no way you can look at this situation and make it a stupid left vs right issue.
Trump flew his loli express too. WTF would he retweet that
They can do almost anything, people will forget about this in a few weeks
People won't care about this by next Tuesday.
I watched a few missions on YouTube and he seems to kill bad people only.
They know we're going to do nothing.
We'll talk, it'll hold the headlines for about a week or two, and then it's forgotten.
The thing people have been saying for the last decade about pedos here(it's mostly a handful of people) seems to be true now that "cunnyposting" has almost vanished now that the guy is busy fixing his new site
hmm, i've never had a keyless ignition car, so idk exactly how they work. maybe you can walk away from the car w/ the wireless key while it's running, but you wouldn't be able to drive it?
Is today finally the Day of the Rope for the pedos?
What game?
Why do they call him EpSTEEN instead of EpSTINE?
He got away with it and is probably pounding some 9 year old right now. How does that make you feel?
You must not have been paying attention. Agent 47 is a whiteknight. His marks are criminals and gets penalties for killing civilians along the way. Without even getting into the levels (and games) that progress his story because those are usually just embarrassing.
Yeah this is the end of Blumphf for sure
meteor man has the weirdest face
camera angle makes his head look so big and his body so tiny
well he's a scrawny dude I guess
The Trivago commercial guy
Trump is part of the same criminal networks as Bill Clinton. Don’t be fooled.
Lol retard he hitched a ride literally once fr Florida to NJ, he's not on any flight logs to the island, unlike Bill who flew there/back 26 times
He took one for the (((team))).
Sadly, this. No one will give a shit in a week. I'd like to think that people will, but everyone'll jump onto the next thing
>What game?
Brit royalty too
Why are some people seemingly completely averse to all conspiracy theories no matter what? As if the idea of behind the scenes plotting and the truth not always coming out is always ridiculous and Flat Earth-tier.
Yea Forums is 90% election tourists these days m8
>You don't get to bring lolis
Imagine how fucking noided you would be after watching his suicide footage
trump did it and then retweets a video blaming it on the clintons to exonerate himself
They are all having a good laugh over this.
I like the theory that he's in witness protection.
This. Redditors and Election pol tourists ruined my Yea Forums.
The general public IS retarded, user. They treat us like livestock because 95% of people honest to god have the minds of livestock.
Would you rather be raped by AIDS niggers 24/7 in prison or hang yourself in your cell?
>b.b.b.but he only did it once!
post more kris10 please
The media has framed conspiracy theories to all look like reptilian type shit so that when things like this happen, people will think it's just as ridiculous
same. Been lurking since 2016 and these newfag tourists are insufferable.
What color is the sky in your world?
>people generally dont give a fuck about rich pedos and care more about their families and their own welfare
>that means they're FUCKING SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unironically want would it take for people to wake up?
Whatever color I want. We control the narrative, not you. Don't you ever forget that you pathetic little worm, we're in control here, not you.
>yfw Alex Jones was right about everything
You are the problem.
They should care because the rich pedos control the system their precious little families live in
Maybe if he had actually been able to get a trial
>unironically want would it take for people to wake up?
It would take any of this having any impact on the average person.
protip: it doesn't
Most cunnyfags got image filtered.
Over the years most left for tor and there are only 3 cunnyfags left and they don't post here that much.
They still have threads sadly but it is harder to find now.
So "in control" that you couldn't get Her elected even with the entire force of the liberal owned media behind you? Sure thing, pally.
>election tourists
Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.
tl:dr: bane and Yea Forumseddit cancer like you killed Yea Forums
As someone who hates /pol/ and conspiracies: please kill yourself.
I think the fact that they penalize you for committing a mass shooting in Hitman is bull. If you think about it they're so common that if your target is in America a perfect cover would be that he just happen to get killed in a mass shooting
all the unironic pedos left.
Societal collapse
Marks around his neck signify strangulation, because you can easily grab your own neck and strangle yourself.
people that get bounties on their head are rarely saints
pre bane Yea Forums was mega comfy
>ruined my Yea Forums.
Keep in mind by "my Yea Forums" this poster means the cancerous reddit approved Yea Forums swaglord made and not the good one before 2012
titus weliver
What a dumb fuck you are dawg
need to work on more sage
What did nick mean by this
its impossible at this point because a handful of people control most of what the population sees
They're playing game plans from a pre social media era
I've been here 11 years, buddy. Try again
You can't strangle your self to death with your own hands retard
I don’t think elites care about politics other than what they can monetize
sage was hidden because redditors like the other guy crying about 'election tourists' started using it as a "downvote"
So Jews?
jews just happen to have a disproportianate amount of money and power, okey, got it. thanks nick
He’s absolutely right
Now that he's dead, can we raid the island like we always talked about doing?
>still too bluepilled to see the truth
>tfw ywn be rich and powerful and do whatever the fuck you want with absolutely no repercussions
Now we wait for #metoo 2.0 but way worse
How deep was he?
Can't wait for the Airforce to be conducting a routine flight pattern over the island and accidentally drop a fully ("accidentally") armed nuclear device over the island
You pass out and lose your grip, moron
I'm purplepilled and know what he's trying to say. He's mainly right but not quite there.
These paedos are all dicklets right?
No, he's 100% right, and anyone that sees "elite = jews" is too brainwashed and greedy to see that even people like themselves are evil.
it is sad. If anyone deserves it, it's me
Take your tinfoil hat off schizoid
Don't bother
the guy you're replying to is an actual redditer
What footage?
>sun collapse
(do NOT google)
You're all crazy. Why would the elite want someone who has a shitton of dirt on them dead? That's absurd
Don't worry, no charge for them.
>unironically want would it take for people to wake up?
Take away his food and entertainment. Are you not familiar with the phrase "bread and circuses"? The Romans had this figured out very long ago.
Why are incels so worked up over this
Jealousy that the rich get to screw 13 year olds and get away with it. Hell Polanski is living like a beloved King, with Hollywood still singing his praise. When he dies all of them will focus on him being a genius of cinema and not a John of pimped out children.
Associates of the Clintons have a high mortality rate.
I'll say this about black people, if they find out you fuck kids they'll literally form a mob and put rubber tires around you and light you on fire. Thats gotta be good for something.
If your a a rich guy looking for young poon, why not head to Thailand or something? I'd never do something as risky as trust some other rich guy to be quiet about my activities. It could clearly be used as blackmail.
He was supposed to be the chosen one.
>he was clearly assassinated
>this will blow over in a couple of weeks and no one will be held responsible
Happening for centuries anons, the people who run the show will never be dethroned or be made accountable for their actions.
>Gary "two shots to the back of the head suicide" Webb
>Seth Rich
>Now this
People with associations with the Clintons have the worst luck not gonna lie
For the children's sake, I hope so.
Why go all the way out there when you can just go to Hollywood?
>movies getting progressively worse will result in the second revolution
>You can't strangle your self to death with your own hands retard
Of course you can, people do it every year, strangle themselves with their own hands.
Why doesn't the media realize that stories like this just make people want to become corrupt and rich?
based retard
These threads are a real eye opener on how people don't know how suicide watch lists are in a prison. They are not on them indefinitely, only until a doctor determines they are no longer a threat to themselves. That doesn't mean that they still won't try to commit suicide after.
Then the island mysteriously blows up and catches on fire, destroying everything.
That's it. We need more and more forced diversity, and less focus on telling good stories. That way, films get worse and worse, and people will stop blindly defending Hollywood
>hollow earth
>indigo children
Chad fucks underage girls too, but the girls fall in love with his overt masculinity and genetic superiority so they never even claim it was rape
That's not Omar Sharif
Geez, anyone else feel sleepy
You just revealed your own Redditness.
Based pedo enabler
>place him on suicide watch
>WATCH him commit suicide
>several billionaires smile and profit
Q predicted this
I'm pretty sure getting arrested would affect their profit margin, brainlet.
Haha can I play epstein? Can I also cast the 12 year old girls?
I better get some """good""" blowjobs and """good""" sex out of it for watching him die.
what doctor said he was fine? Names
Now that you mention it I'm feeling quite drowsy.
RIP to a true aesthete
Can someone explain why this woman kept showing up to Epstein's place if she didn't like what was being done to her? Is it because she liked getting the money for the acts? Why would you willing going to somebody's place a dozen times a month to "get raped"?
you'd probably be content with just being allowed to live desu. don't wanna get suicided as well
Encroach on the standard of living
Wtf... powerful people and billionaires get nice sex on private islands and I get nothing? That sucks.
This, in a couple weeks if you bring up this topic normies will think you're a crazed conspiracy theorist
Impressive work, 47.
Epstein (and most pedos) targeted insecure and lonely girls because they're the easiest to take advantage over
She's most likely lying
There will be a massive amounts of false accusations to discredit this entire pedo scandal in the coming weeks
I will only say one thing
The sun collapse is the belief that our sun is becoming a black hole.
i wish i was a rich billionare
non american here
why was this epstein guy so important? plenty of girls are getting pimped out all
over the world and most dont care
So you have less of a chance of getting blackmailed.
what a way to go out
Both on MOSSAD orders
Are people just angry they weren't invited to the sex and drug island?
>Good morning 47, your target is Jeffrey Eppstein, a billionaire accused of being a pedophile and child trafficker. He'll be residing in a max security federal prison. The contract stipulates that he has to die in an apparent suicide. Good luck 47, I shall leave you to prepare.
>That... Is Jeffrey Eppstein, billionaire pedophile and ringleader in an infamous child trafficking network. Quite the resume.
>Excellent work 47. By subduing the guards and leaving a rope in his cell you have effectively killed him without laying a hand on him. This should be a clear message to anyone considering following in his footsteps.
>Eppstein is down, good work 47. The money has been wired to your account, now head towards an exit.
I wish I was a powerful politician man.
Just want to fly on private jets haha.
Epstein's Jewish, and while he got protection from the tribe...sometimes sacrifices must be made.
He took celebrities and politicians to his private sex island and tried to spread his seed around the world creating Epstein Jr.'s around the world
>Trump's impeachment is imminent.
He should tweet the picture of Bill & Epstein together smiling, the media is trying to act like only Trump knew Epstein
typical shifty bullshit
t. my boomer dad
Because it's the first in a long time our elite got messy and straight up bluntly assassinated a loose end. Now even the brain dead masses realize how much our rich get away with.
>people think he's actually dead and not "died" so his "corpse" can get out of prison
>people trying to make this about democrats/Trump when in reality pedophilia is a problem in all political parties and all over the globe.
I miss Hitman games where Diana didn't comment my every action
>Liberals acting like Trump killed Epstein
the implied connection was between clinton and epstein's death, not his person
So /pol/tards pizzagaters were actually right all along. Any kinos that explore these themes?
Letsgo dude. Im in miami, but all the puertoricans need to suit up and go its so close
Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" (Original cut)
Imagine wanting only one idiot to go down instead of both parties burning to the ground.
How can we make people still give a shit about this in the future? Usually, everyone stops caring after about a week (sometimes less), what can we do to make this stick?
that's what it means, yeah. if you don't care that people get away with serious crimes then you should kill yourself.
make it a meme
men are biological hebes(13+). The question is why is there a big discrepancy between sex laws and men's natural attraction
I mean...I can't even be bothered to type paragraphs of conspiracytard shit. Nobody can possibly believe this was a suicide.
You can't
This, to even think about the option of it being an murder should be made criminal. Maybe thought crime is a nice term?
Disproportionate but not even majority you absolute dumbfuck
This post is glowing.
That might work
Who you betting on? My brother put 200 on Tulsi Gabbard for primaries, but i think the situation after 2016 hasn't changed much. Only more polarizing. I think most conservatives don't even notice the massive anti trump propaganda.
It's liberal shills trying to take control of the narrative. They don't really care what happened just how to bend it in their favor.
Then burn the fuckers at the stake together.
You are what he’s talking about
He isn't even dead. They're torturing him right now to see what he might have already blabbed about and if he's got a dead man's switch.
based pedo tranny
oh will you faggots stop turning this into a left vs right bullshit thing? it's the rich and powerful literally raping kids. that's the shit that should be focused on.
Every boomer's take is the same retarded
You think that's actually possible?
Haha of c-course not lol
>what is sarcasm?
can I get a rundown on what this is all about?
I think it's just that you never could know how far the conspiracy reaches. Are there just a bunch of disorganized groups of people moving on their own, is it a grand conspiracy. Because the scariest thing about conspiracies is that with a successful one you don't know it happening. There is too little information other than there is "something" going on. And the people who spew their theories tend to be those annoying people who are so sure they are right you can't argue with them.
So most people are just in denial because it's too scary and a strong aversion to the people who tend to talk about conspiracy theories in public.
that would be best scenario
And getting away with it, but regardless you are right. Accusing one side is doing the same thing and not constructive.
He has a point in that inbred retards are going to get stuck on the Trump vs Clintons blame game instead of digging deeper because basic us vs them shit is all their pea brains can process.
wasn't even on my local news today. talked about dayton and el paso still
/pol/ discovered Pizzagate, (((media))) deflected it, turns out it really was real and the guy committed (((suicide)))
You incels could get a real job instead of crying about how successful jews are
Israeli Mossad shut the power off and went to strangle Epstein, and leave without a trace.
You're doing it wrong
This. People trying to conflate Trump to Clinton and then cry about people politicizing the issue in the same breath are disingenuous as fuck. If they're both in cahoots over the suicide, then why would Trump be throwing blame at Clinton openly at the height of this thing?
That's not propaganda, that's sperging out.
Free Masons? I'll take them!
Because he’s an impulsive retard with a cult of personality
I forget /pol/ thinks Mossad has magic superpowers
>>hollow earth
>>indigo children
its not pizzagate retard. human trafficking has been documented for centuries, the zoomers call it pizzagate but there's been literally hundreds of politicians around the world convicted of participating. google conspiracy of silence, they paid them not to air it on discovery channel.
no no noooooo hes the god emperor do you even listen to the rabbi
I think it's possible to piss the Dems off at their pedos hard enough their party splits since it's already strained. Republicans will probably circle the wagons and alienate the independent voters, losing their elective power and creating a vacuum.
>why would Trump be throwing blame at Clinton openly at the height of this thing?
Me and everyone else who has had sex in reaction to this
Yeah that sounds like a core part of the backbone to massive successful conspiracy that happened right in front of us to me.
>don't worry guys, cars have never been known to do things like catch on fire, stop working, or be put into motion by curious children. I'm a good parent!
I hate white women.
I'm pretty sure they teach this in middle school
Oh fucking dammit, i didn't even see that the fucking president had to turn this shit into a "it's the Dems" thing. He's going to completely derail this momentum on getting the pedos associated with Epstein.
Cunnylove has nothing to do with trafficking, slaving and raping, retard.
are you okay?
The fucking establishment. I didn’t believe this shit but I’m convinced now. The British and Americans literally control the media, and there are certain families within that remain untouchable, the royals are fucking dodgy when you look into it, and Prince Andrew, not a fucking coincidence now that he was buddies with Scum Jimmy Saville, they all seem to be interconnected and it’s not their personalities he’s interested in - clearly, now I wonder if Diana really was just murdered. Fuck man, we really are small fish in this world, there’s so much dodgy shit we can’t even comprehend.
A red herring to get more people to focus on another member of the conspiracy he's actually working with secretly? A red herring would be throwing the blame on someone who ISN'T a part of the conspiracy. We know the Clintons aren't innocent so that doesn't make any sense. You think they'd just let Trump give them one on the chin?
>Me and everyone else who has had sex
with children
KYS pedo
Literally double-standard bias
Me? I think he'd be based as fuck if the girls did it consensually. The rape part is a big no-no.
I like this meme
hahahahaha in control yet trump is still president despite your cries
it feels good to know the normies are finally realising that the elite fucks kids
based pedo tranny
There is nothing that can make that.
everybody knows he is not dead and sitting on a plane right now to some private island where he will undergo plastic surgery, in 2 years he will be back, but everybody will have forgotten about him.
How the fuck did the Clintons get away with it time and time again
>I think it's possible to piss the Dems off at their pedos hard enough their party splits
That's certainly very possible and may already happening within the more left-leaning factions.
Jerry Seinfeld should play him
"Get away with what?".
>letting a jew play a powerful jewish pedophile
oy vey won't happened
he'll be played by a german guy and his name will be changed to Jeffrey Winston
It is a red herring because they know nothing will come out of it. They are confusing people while making fun of them.
No Bread
No Circuses
*How the fuck did the Mossad get away with it time and time again
isnt the point of all this that its the dems who are pedos?
the lefts only meme seems to be "no u!"
The only way nothing comes out of it is if everybody stops caring. Even each side blaming each other is more productive than everyone agreeing
>oh it's just power and wealth in general honk honk nothing we can do
So you're telling me Clinton has the power to get tein suicided by tampering wth cameras ad removing prison guards but the current sitting president who is deep with Stein can't?
that's the distraction and false flag to halt momentum on people taking it seriously. divide everyone then let it blow over.
Nu-Hitman is good, and there's nothing you can do about it.