The Gummi Venus de Milo

The Gummi Venus de Milo

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Not if you’re planting gummy Venus de Kilos!

The Gummy bears de Sneed

The gummy Sneed de Feed

the sneedi peenus de weenus

The Gummi Sneed de Feed and Seed

sneed sneedy sneedus sne sneedo

Her CAN sweet sweet CAN

Based and lastdigitisamultipleofthreepilled

the gucci loafer sneedus de manicuro


If we can pull off a combo spelling out S I M P S O N S, sneed will be forever destroyed. I'll start:



Lets try again




the chucki sneedus of feed!

One more time


Okay this is based

Not one of you fuckers has a gummy Sneed shop?

Matt groening feeds on Jeffrey epsneed island.

it's time to celebra-ate!



You are the worst posters I know. You constantly shit on the best animated sitcom, the show provides you with material and is the reason your meme exists and this is how you repay it? And to add insult to injury, you defecate all over its threads, and you're such a sponge. You rip off other memes, you always say "ooh, Sneed will get more OC later" but later never comes. And what really bothers me is you pretend you're this deep guy who loves Yea Forums for its board culture, when all you do is post garbage. Yeah, I shitpost, but at least I'm honest about it. I don't tell everyone I'm making the next big Yea Forums meme like baneposting. Bane wasn't a Yea Forums meme. It was spammed by redditors. And that's why you like Bane so much. He's you. God, you're pretentious. And you delude yourself by thinking you're some great memer even though you're terrible. You know, I should've known that picture was an edit, the storyboard artists would've known the difference between 'formerly' and 'formally'. And you know what I hate most about you, is your textbook discord agenda, how we should "have sex", how incels are ruining Yea Forums, how /pol/ is the problem in Yea Forums, well what have you done to help? I report off-topic shitposts, never seen you do that. You wanna help? Press the report button. And by the way, driving /reylo/ away doesn't make you a janitor. Oh wait, you don't believe in jannies, or any moderation for that matter, because "moderation is for idiots". Well who the hell are you to talk down to anyone? You failed the 111111111 GET, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a farmer, how's that crop of yours you never seed? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a bore. That's the worst of it, sneedposters. You're just a big, sad, underage bore. I'll see you, sneedposters. Thanks for the fucking (You)s.

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formerly chucks

Where is the fucking Gummi Sneed shop?!?

The Gummi Fuckus de Sucko


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nice thread you have there, city slickers

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they didnt get the get though

Dead meme

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The Chucky Fucky de Suck
