Will S4 suck or will it be better as S1 and S2

Can S4 save the show from ending in total disaster

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>Can S4 save the show from ending in total disaster

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>watching Reddit and Memey
oof lil bro, oof

God damn it user

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It was over the second their heads got waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up their own assholes from it being a hit. All of s3 is soaked with it. Completely ruined the feel of the show.

it was over mid season 2 when rick is batman doing reddit serial plots

It will never recover.



Did you honestly believe that we're gonna have about this cringy crapfest on Yea Forums?

This is Sneed-country

can't say, i stopped watching at pickle rick
was on a Yea Forums break at the time so i wasn't even aware of the meme

Chuck and Sneedy

This show sucks

They learned nothing from Season 3 and it's their highest rated. Get ready for 1 dimensional comedy characters to get explored and stay 1 dimensional comedy characters.

Women can't write.

If they kick all the shitty women then yes

>The Negativity removal episode
>The citadel episode
Were there any other good episodes in S3? I don't remember

when rick defeats a whole team of superheroes while drunk, frickin epic!

i thought season 3 was fine and im looking forward to the next season. if it ends up being bad then i just wont watch it

>he's just like me!!

but in all seriousness, rewatched the first season and the quality of the character writing for rick is so much better. in the later seasons, he's this omnipotent god who can just outsmart and defeat everyone and even when it looks like he's going to finally meet his match there will be something that comes out of the blue, always something of rick's doing, that saves him. this can work in characters like one punch man, which satirises overpowered heroes, but with rick we're meant to believe it's serious. i think the only way season 4 can elevate the series as a whole is given rick a real challenge.

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He's just a drunker, angrier Doctor.

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people get angry when anyone "challenges" or "disrespects" rick

the prison escape one was pretty funny

Pickle Rick is the worst episode of the entire series

The meta of Rick and Morty is Rick is so smart he's self-aware that he's a cartoon character and needs to keep doing interesting and entertaining things or risk being cancelled.

Don't mock my god-king super badass, ur jus not smrt enuff

>remembering when /pol/ last year said they were going to get Rick and Morty canceled.
>larped as a faggot saying they wouldn't
>get tons of you's from t_d brainlets
I'm looking forward to Season 4 just so the /ptg/ faggots lose their shit.

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Congratulations. You're as retarded as they are.

I've never really watched Doctor Who beyond a few episodes here and there but isn't there tension created between him and the daleks/cybermen/master of being the only ones who can defeat him?

Yeah, most viewers are content with just watching le epic badass science is fuckin awesome guy pull shit out of his ass at the last second for a full season. Slightly off topic but I used to work with this neckbeard redditor who used to pretend to have an alcohol problem and try and make really funny quips (he was ostracised pretty soon) because he loved rick and morty so much, that's the average viewer

I'd take that explanation if it was expanded on, I wouldn't be happy about it because it's a total cop-out but whatever

Not really. He slaughters millions of them on a semi-regular basis.

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Whether Season 4 will be good or bad depends entirely upon whether or not it is written by men or women.


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Fair enough, the only thing I've heard about that was that the newer generations of the doctor are basically overpowered quirky quipmachines with no real focus on plot or substance

You're a huge faggot in real life.

He was always like that. Where do you think they got the idea for Rick?

The batteryverse episode was the high point of the whole series. Only went downhill from there.
I don't think even it starting to tank could save it.
But I guarantee there won't be another order after this huge one they're on runs out. They'll have well exhausted it by then.

They bastardised the character of doc from BTTF films and I assumed they just kept it rolling until it was out of hand and nothing like the original character. It makes sense though



Found the /pol/tards!

imagine being obsessed with a /pol/ thread from 12 months ago. You should literally an hero.

Rent free.

>imagine being so salty over some user who was recalling a time on /pol/ when t_d were spamming non-stop about Dan Harmon.

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>implying it's just /pol/ and not everyone hating dan harmon for causing every board to be shit up when a new season comes out

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lmao which episode?

Come on now, I'm a /pol/tard & that shit over the Harmon "fucking the baby doll" sketch, while faggots were still hot & bothered about getting Gunn fired, were fucking embarrassing.
Don't be salty. Eat the crow.

*burb* L-look at that Morty, what Rick? t-those fucking farmers Morty *ulp* t-they just s-sit there morty, just fucking sitting! sitting in front of the suck n fuck all day g-goddammit Morty its inhumane! whoa easy there R-rick I.. I'm s-sure there's another feed n seed in the other galaxy on the way ba-NO MORTY NO! THE SUCK N FUCK IS THE GALAXY'S MOST PRICED PLACE TO GET SUCKED N FUCKED MORTY! C-CANT YOU *burp* UNDERSTAND IT? ITS NOT THE FEED AND SEED MORTY, ITS THE FUCK N SUCK! THE FARMERS M-MORTY THEY *burp* THEY FUCKING KNOW! THEY WERE FORMERLY WORKING FOR THE FEED N SEED M-MORTY BU-BUT NOW THEY DON'T! *burp* oh jeez rick I.. I didn't know, I thought it was just a regular feed n seed I didnt know about the fuck and suck R-rick I.. I'm scared Rick what do we do now? WE DO NOTHING M*burp* orty! we..we just waltz in there and if those farmers give us any lip I want you to shoot them with this gun*burp* you understand that Morty? oh jeez rick shoot them? i mean.. they formerly werent our enemies rick.. can't we just I dont know.. leave them there? FINE MORTY! BUT DONT COME CRYING TO ME WHEN ONE DAY YOU WANT TO GO TO THE FUCK N SUCK BUT END UP AT THE FEED N SEED M-MORTY! D-DONT COME *burp* CRYING TO ME M... MORTY!

This probably seemed like a good idea when you posted it.


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Fuck, I always forget that one is S3. I kind of think of it as S2.9

It was over the second they got female writers into the room.

It took what feels like seven years to write, so I don't know... maybe.


Yikes. Is your brain that shrivelled from posting wojaks that you can't even come up with a post to shit on OP for liking Reddit and Morty?


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Season 2 was still pretty good, and I had no problem with them exploring the family dynamic in a more serious way, so I was excited to see how Rick imprisoning himself would play out long-term. Then they literally negated everything in the first 10 minutes of Season 3 and went on to ruin much of the show for the rest of the season.