WAIT, was he meant to be BRITISH?
They said he was BRITISH,
Did he have a BRITISH accent?

Attached: SHRIMP.jpg (1254x673, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's Australian
You dumb nigger

He's not, he's cockney.
It's a shame they removed all the cockney rhyming slang, they probably thought it would go over people's heads

He’s from New Zealand you cunts

Karl Urban is from New Zealand, though he's putting on a London accent in the show.

They gave him TEA, the ENGLISH stuff!

There is literally no discernible difference between all of those to the rest of the world.

OP is right, his accent is awful,
Only reason you're all denying it is because you're American

There is tho.
>Brits are cringe
>Bogans are based
>Kiwis are...hell idk what they are

I don't think you understand
most of creative media is made for Americans
we don't give a shit about accents
there are three kinds of accents: American, Southern, and British
American is from New York, Southern is from Mississippi, and British is from somewhere but it's still English
the rest, we don't give a fuck about


i always thought they were going to reveal he was secretly a super and only pretended british.
they fucking reference how awesome his shitty accent is like 6 times

Scottish is the best accent. Fight me

worst accent
Braveheart was good tho
that's the best I can do for ya

Karl Urban is underrated

This. Him and Simon Pegg are like the only serious actors there

Not on Yea Forums he isn't.

Attached: dredd.gif (331x240, 1.75M)

Speak for yourself brainlet. Imagine not being able to distinguish accents within your native mother tongue. The absolute state of 56 percent.
>pic related

Attached: amerimutt walmart.jpg (673x789, 68K)

>not American
>talks shit about America


Reminds me of another point,
>This is father and son.
>These two have at least 18 years between them

Attached: Pegg and Hughie.jpg (536x331, 17K)

uhhh, homelander?


Attached: 1565384164118.png (1102x702, 577K)

>why yes i do watch The Boys, how could you tell?

Attached: faggot.jpg.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Homelander makes a joke that he loves Butcher’s accent, inside joke because they’re both Kiwis

>he's putting on a London accent in the show.
He's trying to

Nothing is more British than complaining that someone from another part of their Empire can't perfectly replicate the accent from a certain five mile plot of land on their dreary island

>why yes, I do like to project myself onto others with soiboy images. How could you tell?

Attached: 6e4[1].png (644x800, 14K)

Karl Urban is no Russell Crowe that's for sure.

Attached: Russell Crowe and his Yorkshire Tea.jpg (1800x1013, 253K)

Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

They do

Was there any significance to him being British?

just dunno why they'd do that when everyone else is american


Attached: 1519007463281.jpg (900x506, 31K)

Butcher is British in the comics, so he's British in the show.

I like how hard you’re working to force this meme.

He's not British,
He's some shit incompetent mix of Aussie and kiwi

Attached: The.Boys.1-6-3.webm (1066x600, 2.99M)



Garth Ennis has so many complexes about being Northern Irish.

>not "dredd approves.gif"
Misrepresentation of a Judge. That's two months in the cubes, creep.

>American is from New York,
Midwestern is more of the regular American accent

And then they turned him into a cuck. Bravo.

delet this.

Attached: dredd-ded.webm (1280x536, 2.92M)

>He's Australian
>London's Calling plays during his first fight
What did they mean by this?

Scottish is straight up another language, i need fucking subtitles to watch limmy

Considering how flawless his American accent is I must assume bongs are in deep denial of how they sound.

Simon looks in his 40s-50s, young dude looks in his 20s, whats the issue?

This. It would have surely been this if he was an Aussie character.


Attached: 1447840792128.webm (854x470, 2.41M)

I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't mind the change with Butcher's wife. I think either way it turns out, it opens up the possibility for some fun developments.

If she really was raped by Homelander, it gives Butcher even more fuel to hate Supes, and go nuts. Conversely, if she had a one night stand with HL and left, then the foundation of his hatred is shaken, and he has to decide where to go from there. I'm very much looking forward to what happens next.

Attached: 1390143697520.jpg (571x540, 94K)

Bongs have very high standards when it comes to acting, considering they're the best at it.

Attached: england and america.jpg (635x726, 54K)

True, he's have to remove his balls to sound like a brit.

or I come from the land down under.

nobody gives a fuck about Mid-fucking-western
Westerns are dead

Bring back the transatlantic accent.

Attached: Cary Grant.jpg (1729x2200, 502K)

he didn't deserve to get cucked that hard ffs

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