Recommend me some Chinese kinos
Recommend me some Chinese kinos
Shanghai Surprise
Wolf Warrior 2
Wow what a fucking retard
is it possible to save someone at that point?
yes, this is what you get
and niggers say whites have no soul, these insects aren't human behind the eyes
No. Let him die. Ironically as heartless as Chinese are this was the correct thing to do.
Saw this yesterday, it was pretty comfy.
No, even if you save his body, his spirit will be broken for the rest of his existence.
Hey you really struck a nerve with Chang, he's going to post from his disappointed parents' wifi nonstop now.
By the time he fell over it would literally not be worth it to save him. If I was in that situation and been burning for 12 seconds all over I'd hope bystanders would have the decency to let me die quick rather than after depleting my savings in medical bills and months of narcotic induced sleep.
that was pretty cute for a dirty racemixer
Why the fuck was he walking towards it as the flame was getting bigger? That's literally your cue to get the fuck away from there.
OP posts the same 5 liveleak Chinese webms over-and-over again to troll and of course user like you get triggered over seeing Chinese men with White women.
Actually he did survived.
Him after 6 months
Even the /fit/ chinks look pathetic
is this in Canada or Asia?
His face looks like a pug
Tenda is a cool name desu
Yeah, they are pathetic
What do you look like?
>Going for playing thots in the first place
That bitchboy deserves every rejection he's ever gotten.
Needs to hit the weights desu
They didn't fly so good
>right-wingers want these working conditions so american labor can "compete" with the thirdies
5'9, 200 pounds, white with blue eyes that have specks of green in them
Jesus i don't have an issue with asian guys but this is some autist rage
>mostly spics and mutts butthurt
This is a dumb question, but I'm generally curious. Is there a difference in how polite people are between Taiwan and mainland China? If I had to go to either Hong Kong or Taipei, where should I go for the more friendly people?