This is worse than that time i worked suicide watch for jeffery epstein in prison

this is worse than that time i worked suicide watch for jeffery epstein in prison

Attached: peter_car.png (835x617, 508K)

holy crap louis now im fr*kin' sneed

Attached: sneedah.png (932x1200, 264K)

*cut to peter walking past jail cells, stopping at jeffery’s*
*end scene*

>told to take a hike for a while
>has to watch "I Am Jazz" for 3 hours

This is worse than the time they turned the fuck and suck into a feed and seed


How will "THEY" sweep this one under the rug?

sweep what under the rug

This is worse than the time I used to sell fucks and sucks with chuck

There's no need to. People don't care. It'll be forgotten inside a week and everybody will be back to arguing about capeshit and Drumpf. The rich and powerful can literally carry out hits on people openly now and the general public don't even bat an eyelid.

forgotten before the day even ends

outrage culture will lose its potency once everyone realizes how fickle it is


It already has been.

dirty bomb at times square

What are you even talking about?

This is worse than the time I killed Weed

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His rich and powerful accomplices getting away with it after his death satisfies the cable news bloodthirst. The idea that they're all jewish is fucking stupid though. Some of them, sure, but the only thing connecting every single one is that they have immense wealth which makes the capitalist system their rape playground.

Don't need to. Nobody because you sperg incel school shooters gives a shit about this.

Epstein was a Mossad asset. The pedo Island was a blackmail operation by the Mossad to get powerful people to do what they want.

>Epstein was a Mossad asset.

It's literally front page news in every news site you stupid discord tranny. Dilate and stop being so angry.


the mass shootings and the Incel Question are much more in the public awareness

Attached: pol incel shooters.jpg (1181x530, 117K)

yeah and they're all saying trump/republicans did it. great job lmao.

>everything about this looks shady as fuck to even anyone with an 80+ IQ
>nah, don't look at that, keep looking at the WHITE guys with the guns, ignore the black ones
I actively root for extinction, every day.
We're too dumb to be of any use.


>trump/republicans did it.
Why didn't your hero Mueller look into Epstein/Trump connection? Because it's bullshit. Dilate, discord tranny.

When niggas start posting racewar manifestos and shooting up schools and walmarts well start caring

>lol who cares?
Why has there been a guy defending Epstein in every thread?

keep saying it

>Insinuating the rich won't rape kids on their private islands without jews tricking them into it

>implying you'll give a fuck then
10/10 sidesteppin'

>"Why don't you care about A just as much as B!!!!"
"Well A is pretty different from B, and happens for totally different reasons"
>"Well if they were the same my ass tells me it wouldn't matter!!!"

>unable to fit this into the larger, overall pattern
Yes, this one thing is it. There absolutely hasn't been a decade of "white mens bad, ONLY white mens bad" bullshit leading here.

that's not the el paso shooter. this is
the guy in your pic is some 15 year old with the same name

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Unironically capeshit and mass shootings. Americans are trained from birth to CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME and forget every negative thing in their society

Is that Dunkey in Dayton

another mass shooting by a white incel at an ice detention center or something

how will they sneed this one under the chuck?

I’m sleepy, let’s take a nap guys

>There absolutely hasn't been a decade of "white mens bad, ONLY white mens bad"
>White guys are shooting up schools and stores because people are mad about white people shooting up schools and stores
That's quite a pattern, retard. These guys are doing mass shootings because they're losers and they think brown people are the reason they can't get dates (unlike the vast majority of white people, who do quite well in the dating scene)


>The after school MTG club from hell

>outrage culture
ah yes, all those people outraged about a pedo pimp

truly those people are the problem

keep sayin it

uh guys, where did New York go?