Actually the most unlikable character in the show

>actually the most unlikable character in the show
>multiple threads with people creaming their pants over him because he's le white blonde muscular mayo who kill le womyn XDDD im secretly homosex and wish he fugg me poopyhole :DDDD

This site has become a parody of itself at this point.

Attached: the-boys-homelander-1014x570.jpg (1014x570, 56K)

Embarassing thread

Have you even finished the show faggot? Clearly not


Reminder that anti-Homelander threads are the easiest pleb filter of the year.

I know that this is a bait thread but likeable ≠ morally righteous


It's cause he's a great actor

Homelander isn't likable. He has two expressions: fake smiling and emotionless. Even The Deep is a more engaging character or the Batman guy that literally never says anything.

Why do brown people seethe at this character? He's the bad guy you know, you don't need to feel jealous

>not the most unlikeable character

I agree. Usually Yea Forums is bang on when it comes to identifying anti-heroes, but this was just retarded. Fucking zoomers infesting this site.

>story set up to emphasize with The Boys
>end up rooting for the "villains"

And to be clear, this is done on purpose. The showrunners actually know their shit.

Hi newfag.

>Projection: the post
BIG fucking yikes.

What the fuck

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>>story set up to emphasize with The Boys
no it isn't

Um, are you trying to project into my mind that you think it's projecting by saying that? Please stop projecting, sweaty.

I'd emphatize my dick with the Female if you know what I mean

She’s so pretty. I don’t even mind the lip sore.

>end up rooting for the "villains"
Nobody in their right mind would end up rooting for the villains in this case. Having sympathy is not the same thing as "rooting" for these maladjusted sociopaths. I swear Yea Forums gets worse by the day when it comes to basic analysis of what it is they're watching

posting this over from the drawthread

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starlight is cute

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I've seen nothing but people shitting on Billy Butcher for being cringe but I like him. I'm a big Karl Urban fan though.

I'm not sure if the show will have legs if they keep focusing on The Seven. They need to move focus to the wider world next season or they are gonna blow their load too soon. They already kind of did with Hughie getting disillusioned with the whole revenge schtick in the first fucking season

he's fun.

>ep 1 handsome boy son of mayor killed in plane eye-lasered by Homelander

>handsome boy
He was a mutt

Finishing it in the 2nd season is the best they can do.

They probably could finish all the seven stuff by the end of next season, and then another for the Billy Butcher villain stuff, but I doubt many people would watch that.

It's still a white man's world, despite what MotherJones and gamerghazi tells you, OP. Deal with it

That wording and spacing just screams newfaggot

that’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg


>another for the Billy Butcher villain stuff
user please, is the current year, you can't make a literal cuck the bad guy.


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So Butcher's wife son is his...

He's the most interesting character

>he's le white blonde muscular mayo who kill le womyn XDDD im secretly homosex and wish he fugg me poopyhole :DDDD
Jfc kys

He's straight like an arrow, dude. Literally the Batman of superheroes.

Yes and?

>muscular mayo

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op is a fucking faggot


Have sex

>the Batman guy

He is fucking based. I really wish the showed him and Homelander having a decent friendship between them to mirror Superman/Batman even more.

Will he get his deserved redemption arc?

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>It's still a white man's world, despite what MotherJones and gamerghazi tells you, OP. Deal with it
No it isn't. White males gave up power the moment they decided that sky jesus would show up over jerusalem in their lifetimes.

Can we ALL agree that Black Noir is LITERALLY -OUR GUY-?

So did Hughie kill Popclaw?

I'm fucking tired of the VCU movies being pumped out constantly and who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put Seth Rogan in charge of a Black Noir movie

the most unlikable person is that old hag who was running vought.

Stupidity should kill, so redditors would wallow in their own pain and stop ruining muh boards

>dude unironically loves the sea and actually wants to save nature
>gets bullied by everyone else because his power is talking to fish
>Is a sexual creep because he inherited the dolphins' rapeness, so Vought is at fault

Deep is Deep man.

>actually liking Black Noir



why can't you plebs stop talking about capeshit?

I hope so. He should fuck off to the ocean and be a surf bum.

Dilate. The Boys is Capekino tranny.

I even felt bad for the dolphin and the crayfish. He should pour a tank of V in the sea exterminate all the humans with his seabros. Then we'll see who laughs.

This might just be due to the fact that I'm a massive cumbrain, but does she look a lot like Sarah Vandella to anyone else?

ALL CANCERSOUS an went throu the asbestos air .. Keks ,, stage riddled with it . will carry on if nuke zone .. but they disclaimer in b4 every thing

Was the dolphin male?

I'mma say yes.

God, I want to stick my fingers in his gills

Yeah he can just live his life fucking up Jap whalers in the pacific.

I'm pretty sure he referred to it as a she at some point but I could be wrong.

And fat. it's homelanders son that's cute

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Honestly all of the Seven except for Homelander are interesting enough that I really don't hate any of them.

She legitimately looked 1-2 years older every fucking scene that passed in the movie she was in. Starting I thought early 40s maybe late. By the end, like jfc is she 60s now?

>back dude is a criminal who runs really fast
Jesus Christ!

Yeah, fuck her.

>Commits a hit and run while robbing a bank, fucks a white girl who gives him drugs, then kills said girl with drugs.

OP sounds like he has superhero envy!!!FACT!!!


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And sells sneakers.
Showing, once again, how profoundly racist these writers are.

>story set up to emphasize with The Boys
t.Didn't read the comic


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To the guy who posted this, what do you look like?

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>To the guy who posted this, what do you look like?

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>THE only person in the entire world that could barely manage to "control" Homelander is now fucking dead

The Earth is fucked, isn't it? I mean how can anyone even try to stop someone like him?

I'm all for trying to minimalize the use of white in a drawing, but I have to be honest, you can push it too much. The blue teeth are ridiculous. Still good though.

read the comics

He's scared of the black dude that was above Shue's character

Go fuck shamu in the blowhole.

>dude was Gus

What's with that actor and always doing the same characters?

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Execs in Vought are replaceable. Just wait till James shows up.

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The art in the early issues looks like fucking vomit

>reading something that bad
>especially now that the show is barely following it

I dropped them like 10 years ago. And they changed a lot of shit anyways.

I'm still not sure why he hasn't done this. What are they going to do? Worst case, he has to flee underwater. Except he has the superpowers to be the king of the sea for real.

Or why he didn't outright walk up to a Navy Recruitment Office as soon as he heard supers were going into the military. Fuck what the company wants, just resign and go for it.

A company like Vought-American would probably just have him killed/assassinated if they felt he would ever do something that damaging.

They're making most of the supes too relatable. I highly doubt they are going to kill most of them.

user asked how are they supposed to stop him now, that answer is still very much on course no matter how much story of the show has changed for now.

Honestly though, I'm curious what all the basedjack posters look like.

So, how they stop Butche's wife son in the comics?

Homelander's son is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

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Actually his two expressions are based and redeyepilled.

Incels are faggots on denial

Attached: im repulsed by women.jpg (762x502, 67K)

He joins The Boys

>2 expressions

Don't lie, it's embarrassing.

You're really selling the actor short, he has some genuine smiles, they're just when he's killing infidels, and he gets butthurt plenty

>he's a boy
>join the boys

He's still pretty damn superhuman. They'd have to send somebody like Homelander to do the killing, and would they risk the damage to their image? Especially if he's just decided to retire and chill on a beach. And if he's in the military, then he's in the military, you think the government isn't going to fight tooth and nail to keep hold of their brand new super-SEAL?

So, before A-Train and Homelander started their "give terrorists superpowers" bullshit, there were NO non-American supes?

And no one ever thought that was weird?

I love it when smoothbrains out themselves.

He has just about every single evil trait you could think of
Also the Deep's scenes could be a lot better, for instance he could have bought the whole lobster restaurant instead of buying one lobster that was going to very very predictably get butchered anyway
Or actually going in and stopping fishermen from doing their torture job

Hopefully he'll get to do some actually heroic things next season. I'd like to see him actually rebel and put his powers to good use since that's what he seems to want to do deep down.

The way the governor talks about the "rumour" of Compound V and that Vought obviously wouldn't want what he knows getting out, it's likely that there are people who have investigated, know, or otherwise figured it out.

It capeshit, it only pretends to be consistent at surface level.

I am still surprised by just how likable each and every character in this show was. Even the women were great, and not just great by female character standards.

it wasnt on porpoise

what the fuck was he going to do with that lobster?

lol go back to redbit and have a communal cry about how much racism upsets you , you faggot.

Christian propaganda

Have Sex.

this was unbelievable. homelander would have just smashed his legs and broken this guys' facade when he screamed in pain to flicked the guy's head off and be done with the annoyance.

the whole "hey he isn't scared of me, this annoys me so much but I can't do anything about it" was dumb

Black Noir is literally played by a black actor, they changed it

>the deep spin off show
>basically captain planet,but with aquaman

Free it.

Yikes. Cringe. Have Sex. Dilate. Sneed. "My Bad". Oof. Incel.

they're posting self portraits

I'm sad they removed Jack but I guess a tranny chaser wouldn't work in 2019.

Homelander was still scared of him
And he still felt he had to prove himself to him
Homelander's massive insecurity is the only reason he couldn't and wouldn't touch Stillwell

they didn't show his face, they probably just got someone that was good at martial arts, he can be anyone

>actually watching even a millisecond of capeshit voluntarily
kill yourself

>>actually watching movies instead of reading books
Consider suicide, it will improve the genetic pool.

>reeeee people like someone I don't like reeeeee, they're all wrong reeeeee

Nu4chan is just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, dont try to make sense of it

he rapes a boy in the comic

incredibly based

really activated my yellow fever again to be honest

I can do both because my IQ is >120 (guess who is my favourite director)

He's the most morally wrong, but seeing both the character and the actor doing a really good job made his scenes a treat.

stop watching porn

>He's straight like an arrow, dude
He has sex with the comic equivalent of Captain America. Although he claims its not gay so its not gay.

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So did he rape Becca or did she willingly fuck him ?

What? Isn't literally one of the biggest talking points in the entire season that Voight or whatever fabricates them and they're all created by their formula, hence them all being concentrated in that place?

no way to know until season 2 happens cause they could easily change whatever happened by revealing what went on in the room. In the comic it was rape but the show really doesnt follow the material closely

Isn't this like an alternative universe, would they do this in the show?

>there were NO non-American supes?
>And no one ever thought that was weird?
I mean they literally thought Starlighter was a gift from God.

That's the point I was talking about user.
If all supes are manufactured, and American, it's weird that pretty much no one in that world thought something was wrong.

oh I thought they only parodies DC heroes. Is there a Batman equivalent in the comics?

Fuck it

Herogasm is just a spinoff comic, they directly mention it in the main comic several times and its even part of the timeline

Some Batman-Ironman hybrid IIRC.

No, Homelander is straight in the tv show

Fact and compound V pilled

The way she was putting her shoes after they fucked in that video seemed more like
>holy shit that was a good fuck, let me try to appear presentable
and not
>I was just raped by someone that could kill me with an ejaculation

any idea where I can find a Homelander costume for Halloween? I'm tall and muscular and blond so it's like I was meant to be him.

>a Batman equivalent in the comics?
The closest is Tek Knight, hes literally Batman in every aspect except the actual personality, has an Alfred and a Bat Cave and everything.

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OK, thank you

>tfw Tek-Knight isn't around to save us meteors anymore

To be fair that never happened.

Why wouldnt she finish dressing in the room? She was clearly uncomfortable about what just happened. I think she was raped.

>tfw Transulcent threads get less than 5 posts
>but Homelander threads hit bump limit

this is suffering

>chronic masturbator that dies after shoving something up his butt
Too close to home to discuss here.

actor deserves award consideration

He was actually the most relatable and likable character on the show along with Billy. Prove me wrong.

but thats the Deep

The Deep was comic relief.

>gets gillraped by a woman half his strength
>just sits there and takes it
yeah very believable haha

>Well, Hughie, you just offed one of The Seven, mate

Cure herpes

Overall a good show, only brought down a few notches by some strange pacing issues (events moving too fast sometimes) and dialogue that is sometimes overly expositional but then, ironically, not expositional enough when it needs to be.

For example, Hughie could easily have explained to Starlight the entire sequence of events that led to him getting with THE BOYS™ when she invited him to talk in the park, and she most likely would've understood him at that point, as any reasonable person would. But, instead, after being found out every interaction between them stopped being personal and became


Which was pretty ridiculous.

Yeah I was noticing this as well. Alot of times the dialogue between characters were fine, other times it felt rushed

You guys are all fucking gay, if pic related aint your favorite character, you need to off yourself mate

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he's brilliant. And i love the Deep too

Based FUCK The Seven

I love being deep in your mom haha

Karl was the main reason I decided to watch the show in the first place. He's always kino.

I've only seen Episode 1 right now, do The Seven get some character development later on or something? They all seem like pure cunts.

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thats what makes him scary. his subtle actions show and vocal undertones show his real "face" you mong.

>the part when talking to the deep where he goes from patting him on the back to slowly placing his hands around his throat
>Hueys baptism
>"haha... you dont think im dumb do you heh heh?"

without spoiling it all of them except blackman and invisible man get some character development. More so starlight and the deep

Okay, does the Butcher become less badass over the series's course too? I hope not

>Everyone in the Seven are irredeemable cunts except conveniently the two women

This show is pretty heavy handed with its various messages. Also, why are heros so horny and does the show act like being horny is evil.

that he is an irredeemable piece of shit, but how he got that way is completely soul crushing

They really made Billy Butcher a cuck. I can't fucking believe it. I thought you guys were exaggerating. Who thought that was a good idea. He's seriously going to be an angry incel in S2 who kills because he's too big of a faggot to satisfy a woman? Jesus christ that's embarrassing.

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I have news for you pal enjoy

The Deep is going full gymcel is season 2. Wouldn't be surprised if he joins the Boys just so Billy Butcher has another target to kill after he becomes the villain of the series

go back reddit tourist

>tfw Starlight and Maeve don't make out at any point

>fake smiling and emotionless
seems like you didnt actually watch the show

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It took me a couple episodes to realize they were say "Supes" and not "Suits".

you are not a smart person

you shut the fuck up - marty fought to protect that smile

"Supes" sounds so lame. I wish they were called literally anything else

Had to be a jelly nigger.

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i really like that they gave his laser eyes some character. there's collateral damage, it takes him a second to focus, it's just two beams and they move consistently. i like that his laser beams arent really magical or perfect

thats not what a cuck means
he didnt raise the baby
he just got cheated on, or she got raped. either way it was with literal godmode superhero and man even Chad Thundercock could have it happen to them

Interesting how just a good actor can make a cringe character from annoying to very likable.

In the comics he is straight up insufferable.

>recognizing the term but being unable to discern the irony/criticism
>proving it cut deep because it spoke to you and you know where it came from

THIS IS Yea Forums IN 2019

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>chapoturd coping about called out for being a plebbitor

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The subject of Billy's obsession had a kid with his #1 enemy and when he finally gets the chance to enact some payback he completely silently listens to a five minute monologue of homelander describing having sex with his wife.

Only people I see using that word are either niggers and wiggers. KYS if you put that shit on your vocabulary.

Actually no, thinking straight I believe you should put that on your vocabulary a lot, because at least them I can identify your bunch and disregard your opinion in sight.


It's all the Hawaiian shirts

And you believe Homelander why?
if anything its just a statement on the whore nature of women
he can still hate supes for using their powers to fuck with humans, kill them etc.
there will be evidence of Homelander being a psychopath and letting people die or whatever and that could be enough reason for him to continue his anti-supe crusade

It just unnecessarily emasculates Butcher to an insane degree

You're trying too hard.

so is their any comic writer who hasn't ripped off moore?

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we've seen less then 15 seconds of that scene, we have no idea what is going to happen next, why are you just assuming all this shit?

>implicating himself FURTHER by proving to have been in direct contact with the source


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Who is Butcher raping here?

He should have played Translucent Man

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No. He's the best for a reason.

Dr. user, she's CIA.

It's hatesex, not rape

Reminder that THIS is what a Chad looks and acts like

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Why do nu-socialists love white masochism? It's honestly embarrassing and counter-productive unless they wish to lead a revolution full of yuppie hipsters. Playing right into their hooves, lol.

I hope this is bait.

Shut the fuck up.

I hope this happens

>mommy gives him milkies


someone has to edit the mommys milkies pasta for homelander, not me but someone

You ate a brainlet that didn’t understand the show:

>not making any sense
>all caps spergposting
oh no no no

I thought so, I was going to give the boys cmoic a shot but fuck it, Im reading miracleman again

>trying to copy me

u think u can troll ME bitch? I f*cken own this place
why dont u get ur lily white ass back to where u came from huh

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No you, neo-lib scum

he's so god damn based

Homelander was fucking terrifying. Fucking hell that actor is good

*homelander lasers you*
what now faggot

Most useless superpower coming through

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I legitimately don't know what mayo means.

We have found our live action gilgamesh

>calling Based Noir an irredeemable cunt
>implying one of the women isn't just a regular cunt

like almost all of them shes still much stronger and more durable then people, still yea she sucks

its a parodie of celebrities, how the fuck can people not get this? and yes of course the women celebs have the most redeeming qualities its current year and seth rogan, but its not nearly as bad as some shit, everyone is a dick even starlight and huey

Wow, you showed you're a retard in only for words. That's got to be a record!

The other black dude is denzel-lite so it works out


>dialogue that is sometimes overly expositional but then, ironically, not expositional enough when it needs to be.
That's not what exposition means. The viewer already has all the background information.
>Hughie could easily have explained to Starlight the entire sequence of events
He's a terrorist who used her and lied to her, why would she believe anything he says? She only starts believing him when she confronts her mother and she confirms the stuff about compound V. It's a completely reasonable reaction.

wtf is this cuckd feminist bullshit?

>Girl trades sex for job, regrets it and falsely calls it rape
>Biggest chad is in love for a woman twice his age and the show even tries to make her look sexy, a sexy grandma
>Black chad is a little pussy for his bitch, blowing smooches and bending over backwards for her
>French guy's gf grabs him by the balls and holds onto him while he makes an 'Owie-zowie' face
>All the bosses are "successful women" when we all know in reality female bosses are useless shitheads that are not only cunts but loose companys revenue (Ex KK - SW)
>Only other hot female character is a dyke
>Guy who traded job for sex, gets "raped" later by a random chick (he's a fucking superhero ffs you know with super-human abilities) and his life gets completely destroyed irrelevant to the plot.
>Protag is a literal soiboy who likes stronk women

Anyone who watches this and thinks it's not abnormal is an absolute faggot-cuck..

>chad has sexual relationship with a woman over the age of 12
>black chad doesn't smack his gf around and tell her to shut the fuck up
>CEO is a woman
>lesbian character is attractive

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seethe more

I hope season 2 starts right off the bat with that scene outside the house

I'm happy the mommy fetish is now making it onto television

it will, no question

How do you think it will go? Butcher has nothing on Homelander to threaten him with now

>the boys rescue him
>the kid is OP and homelander runs scared
>homelander and the kid are fine and homelander laughs as butcher runs/limps away
2 or 3 other scenarios maybe, but just like if the baby lived or not we won't know for a year or so

Homelander is the only one that is realistic about his situation and doing things "for the greater good" instead of alturistic bullshit, everyone else is just a retard on his way doing things for selfish reasons, even if he has his personal faults, he should just go full dictator of the world, line up every politican and laser their skull.

Attached: The.Boys.2019.S01E05.Good.for.the.Soul.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTG.webm (1024x576, 2.94M)

Because even if he is "the bad guy" everyone knows that secretly they would want a leader like him.

>he should just go full dictator of the world, line up every politican and laser their skull.
Hopefully this is how the show ends

Elizabeth Shue has always made me puke. Disgusting woman.

Homelander lets him go. He becomes slightly less extremist because he realizes his wife is alive and he got cucked. They find something else to use as blackmail.

starlight is a slave to INDIAN COCK

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they're not doing the dumb clone in the show

Delete this

>This site has become a parody of itself at this point.
and that's a good thing

>multiple threads with people creaming their pants over him because he's le white blonde muscular mayo who kill le womyn XDDD im secretly homosex and wish he fugg me poopyhole :DDDD
you pulled this out of your ass, good bait though

Attached: 1557235023542.gif (340x480, 2.1M)

>>actually the most unlikable character in the show
even if you don't like him there's no way he would be the most unlikable

idk man i feel like just having super-strength alone would be cool enough for me

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I’ve seen a lot of people like him user

>hypocritical sex obsessed psychopath that only care for money, fame and his corporate overlords
He acts like the average American.

In the comics Homelander didn’t even knew Becca, the rapists was Black Noir

>i-it was my evil twin
How convenient.

>Projection: the post
But he stated the facts.

He's a great villain. The airplane scene was the highlight of the season. The only fact is that OP is a faggot.

>Squats 10 pl8s
>zero quads
No, thanks, I'll stick to squatting 3pl8s and looking like a god.

fuck off shill

oh man that scene

Attached: airplane.jpg (594x596, 77K)

>muh shill paranoia
take your pills, user. and pull that stick out of your butt

calm down fagot

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And it took 4 posts for somebody to point it out

> He's a manlette


Attached: He a Manlette.jpg (640x636, 354K)

Katana is very qt

she's got my back

user, in the show, stillwell is already dead, she was te woman with the weird mommy relationship with homielander

again, tv is full of bitter incels who want nothing more than be chad or at least the sidekick of chad. its a power fantasy for them like captain marvel is for ugly and weak females

there's still her boss

have you not watched the show? homelander is the villian, the "heros" can barely hold their own

but hes a cuck. maybe if he can redeem himself in the next season

>black dude has superspeed
>arab dude has explosive powers
Based and redpilled

It was the most unbelievable part of that arc, like what a sixteen year old imagines some cold exec to be

The Stillwell character was done much better in the tv show where she admits she fears him

Americans are so blind to the outside world that it probably didn't occur to them at all.


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It seems like it wasn't rape.

>3 hour encounter
>she leaves the room looking flustered, but not visibly shaken
>Homelander claims it was entirely consensual
>he came inside and she didn't take the pill for some reason (or maybe the baby was super, so it resistant abortion)

That's kinda the point. Most people in the series, if not all, are kinda cunty. Just like real people huh?

Are you a fucking retard? The only person that might be considered good in this show is Starlight, and then she's unfailing naive for most of it.

>sucks cock to get a great job
>cry rape months later
Literally the #metoo of capeshit.

You're the kind of guy that reduces every man to alpha and beta, and can't stop talking about how beta everyone else is aren't you? Have sex mate.

>zapping mud people scene
>Shareef don't like it starts playing

She already had a great job, Deep pretended he would get her fired, so she sucked his dick. Also she never claims rape.

This honestly
>Working for the most famous man in the world, super charming, literal superhero
>Convinces her to cheat
>He gets her pregnant
>Obviously can't pass off a blonde supe as butchers kid so she just up and leaves

>so she just up and leaves
Also Vought made her to sign a NDA and disappear if she wants them helping with the birth (and probably to raise the kid).

Yeah that as well, a nice house in the suburbs, they had all the reason in the world to quietly monitor the first naturally born supe, the scientist himself said he wished he'd raised homelander more like a kid than a lab rat and it's exactly what he did with homelanders kid.

Hey guys, make sure to watch The Boys™ exclusivesly made for Netflix™ subscribers so you can talk with all the web about the new amazing show that everyone else is talking about!
Only $20 a month to see a made for tv movie cut up into 14 parts and served to you all at once without ads!
What a great deal !

Attached: shill.jpg (1138x640, 568K)

How good is the music in this show? I wish they didn't blow their wad so early in the season with all the bangers, I'm hoping season 2 just ramps up everything

its not on netflix you dumb fuck

> Hey guys, make sure to watch The Boys™ exclusivesly made for Netflix™

> It's an Amazon series

Oh, and you tried ever so hard!

Attached: fail.jpg (650x508, 36K)

>Karl Urban is not a manlet

No wonder everyone likes him

I feel bad for him. He was molded into the psychopath we see. He literally never even had a chance.

>Literally the #metoo of capeshit.
How smart you are for spotting the similarity. Next you're gonna tell me Homelander is a parody of Superman?

You're aware I'm spoonfeeding an idiot, right?

In the comics, yes, but the show is going for a very differenr homelander, It doesn't even look like black noir is gonna matter at all

No, you weren't. You were using it as an argument for why Starlight is a bitch as if just drawing the parallel proves your point. There's already a thread about this, keep it in there

>low IQ reading comprehension
You're dumb as a brick, m8.

This guy’s basically Patrick Bateman with superpowers. There was no way in hell Yea Forums wasn’t going to love him.

You have unironic retards calling him a based "conservative christian" character, they don't see him as a cool villian, but as a power fantasy

Plenty of capeshitters (because this is capeshit, don't kid yourself) believe that Thanos guy have a great plan and is a relatable character. And compared to him, Homelander is a fucking genius.

this post screams retarded female.

Capeshitters are retards
t. fag

>Capeshitters are retards
That's implicit.

>Homelanader is a chad off and on screen
why is he so cool

>where i wipe me dick love
what does this mean? where does he wipe his dick?

Curtains, you virgin.

>implying these are the reasons we like him
>implying it’s not just because he’s a mommyfag

CIA girl, they have hatesex

>Everyone in the Seven are irredeemable cunts except conveniently the two women
Actually she's a cunt too.
Make up your mind.