so, what happened?
(((the hunt)))
/pol/babies cried enough about it that they pulled the film, since you can ask for the day of the rope for Jews, liberals and communists, but not for Trump supporters.
You incels cried and got it cancelled because you're snowflakes
>believing a film was pulled because /pol/ didn't like it
Funny these lefshits talking about hypocrisy when they also have murderous thoughts. Has Holywood made any current or old films where socialists/ democrats are hunted and killed?
The backlash from right-wingers was literally why, are you dumb?
>it's a /pol/cels can't handle the bantz thread
>coming from the types of neets who constantly scream about gassing Jews and hanging blacks from trees "for the lolz"
reddit pls leave
that's obviously not the reason; right wing backlash never stopped anything
>right wing backlash never stopped anything
How fucking young are you? Zoomershits pls leave.
It fell apart because they only hunted a third of the scum that is ruining everything.
>Rich metropolitans trying to kill something besides a case of pacifico
City slickers couldnt kill me even with rifles. They would have to break my ankle or something
Nothing more Reddit than not being able to handle bantz.
You're probably overweight with diabetes, they just have to gut shot you once and close down Bojangles for a week.
My personal theory is they accidentaly portrayed the trump supporter avatars too sympathetically.
don't joke about closing bojangles, user
Maybe if they had thermal optics and let me go at night. Maybe
Only seen the trailer but didn't see how it's liberals hunting trump supporters?
Also the pull back is most likely because of mass shootings, can't call for bans on guns when glorifying violence in films.
I'm mixed race(part black) and not a sick racist retarded who unironically think that any group of people should be attacked and murdered without any worthwhile reason. And none you answered my question.
>white Trumptards as the oppressed protagonists
>being hunted for sport by elitist liberals
>who are the villains
Most subversive film made this decade. No idea how it even got greenlit.
Can bet it tore liberals a huge new asshole. No wonder it got pulled. But yeah, let's pretend it's righties crying that got it yanked.
^^^ this is kind of how you know you're way out of touch with reality, when this take failed to occur to you.
>“enlightened centrist”
I’ve literally never even heard of this, sounds like a publicity stunt
This is such a transparent marketing ploy. No one would have given half a shit about this, but now it'll get released after they milk the """outrage""" and """controversy""" for all it's worth and make twice what it would have because people are fucking morons and fall for this shit everytime.
never seen it
Conservatives have been crying about things for longer than you have been alive, user. Not anyone's fault that you fell for their propaganda that is was "da other guys".
>Rich metropolitans with local militaries funded so well, they are basically small militais financially backed by the biggest companies in the world, in parts of the country that make up over half of America's GDP
>Are going to lose to some fly over state retard with a handgun
There's no such thing as bad publicity. Id never heard of this movie before now
If you fed me two tabs of acid, and stabbed me in the belly with a knife, and then let me go, your yuppie ass still couldnt get a bullet in me
every time you're kind says flyover state you just show how weak you are and you don't even know it
Did you graduate first of your class too?
They seriously need pruning. Such a waste, it's like abuse.
Lol what is even "my kind"? Most metropolitan areas make up almost 90 percent of all trades and business deals. Who gives a shit about you?
lol nobody tell him
as i said you dont even know
Yeah remember how it killed DND and rock music?
>since you can ask for the day of the rope for Jews, liberals and communists
what recent movies were those ? I want to watch.
Lol. You cant stalk your tinder date on facebook. How the fuck are you gonna stalk me
lol nobody tell me what? That the military is a force run and owned by the federal government and that time and time again, they won't care what your fringe political leanings are? They'll just shoot whoever they are told to. HAHA nobody tell me that, amirite?
I really do love this meme that a sniper is just going to go "damn, he's also Republican like me! I better abandon my duty and my sworn oath to join his obviously disadvantaged side because MAGA". That will literally never happen. IF there was ever a Midwestern insurrection, the FBI would infiltrate it, suicide all its members and neuter the movement before you can say "don't tread on me". It will never happen.
Probably because it's a strawman.
Imagine being this new that he doesn't get one of the oldest memes...wew.
Trump tweeted about it yesterday. Are we tired of winning yet?
>thinking this has anything to do with the the cancellation
>the leader of the free world types like a pearl clutching Boomer retard
What happened?
election tourist pls leave, you can return in some months
Is your implication that Trump is the best viable candidate to be a President in current year? I'm not a zoomershit, this wasn't my first election
>Oh no, I cant watch this guaranteed trash movie with my libshit trannies on discord
A movie bombed in screen testing, and they are burying it.
Why are you neets so obsessed with discord?
It made the left look as crazy as they actually are.
Go to right wing twitter or instagram and you'll see the most buttflustered people on the face of the planet
objectively false; but even if true, it has nothing to do with the topic
He's a pearl clutching boomer retard maybe?
It's a place where faggots like you should stay. Dilate.
Do you register how stupid you sound?
He's right, though. No one likes you.
It's not false, you just agree with their crying and hurt feefees
Lol everyone is a tranny huh?
Which movies call for the day of the rope for jews, liberals and commies?
No, not everyone. Some people are completely sane.
Everyone on discord
I don't have a discord you triggered idiot.
No, you agree with the people who can be described as "most buttflustered people on the face of the planet", hence you ignore their crying and think that is an apt description of right wingers. However, right wingers not linking this film has nothing to do with its cancellation, so this is completely off-topic.
I don't believe you but that doesn't preclude you from being a tranny lmao. I'm not even that guy. I'm just telling you everyone on discord is a tranny.
>90 percent of all trades and business deals
it's not about money, user.
it's about sending a message.
that's the loyalty of a hungry dog.
let's see you city slickers feed your "local militaries" with gucci loafers.
I really hope you eventually hear how ridiculous you sound with this obsession.
What obsession?
>he keeps replying
tranny spotted
That everyone is a tranny, anyone who responded to your autistic crying is a tranny, that trannies are everywhere.
No one is obsessed. Most people would rather you just went away.
These are literally all my posts ITT schizoanon. All I've ever said is that all discord users are also trannies because it is true. You're the one malfunctioning over it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Jumping at every shadow that could possibly be a tranny (they aren't) is obsessed.
No one is jumping at shadows. You're projecting.
You are literally the only one who brought up discord
Yeah because every on there is a trannie.
>all the millions of people who use discord are trannies which are less than one tenth of a percent
Yep that's the jist of my posts.
Then you are absolutely retarded. Christ.
Says the guy who needed me to clarify it at least 3 times before he understood.
Where do you find liberal gun nuts exactly? This is either dilusion or bait.
>Over all, gun-owning households (roughly a third in America) backed Mr. Trump by 63 percent to 31 percent, while households without guns backed Mrs. Clinton, 65 percent to 30 percent, according to SurveyMonkey data.
As per NYT.
He thinks they're so rich, they're just going to hire mercenaries.
Yes. These are the same people that spit on the military and scream about the police being racist fascists.
Just watched the trailer for this and where are people getting the idea that this is about murdering conservatives? From what I saw it's just the whole rich people hunting normal people for sport thing being done again, I didn't notice anything that indicated the politics of either group. Are right wingers just trying the old "working class = conservatives, rich = liberals" shit again? But even if it's about that, surely people watching are meant to side with the people being fucked with by the rich so what's the issue?
>Where do you find liberal gun nuts exactly?
um, I dont know, how about the fucking 31% of Clinton voting gun owners you cited??
Have you not been paying attention? The left loves sucking off corporations now and if you don't like it you should have sex you racist.
Every hour of every fucking day now, you zoomer shits have been spamming this nu-/pol/meme about imagined trannies that nobody cares about.
You realize that our military is far more organized and lethal than your average Cletusnigger? What sort of resistence do you think you will put up against drone strikes?
That is what we call a strawman, bucko
Same kind the taliban did you fucking brainlet
>being a capitalist is bad when da leftists do it
That's literally what he said though.
Don't worry sweaty, no one actually expects any consistency from your ideology.
Let's pretend for the sake of argument, that "the Right", whatever that exactly is, rises up as a homeland terror to fight a guerrila war with essentially both the West and East coast. Not only are you landlocked by two warring sides, your enemy is the United States military. Let's assume at first they squeeze you economically. It would take literal weeks to starve out not only the south but the Midwest. The government places an embargo and we wait you out for a decade. No UN country steps in, because you are basically a terrorist cell. Then, the FBI infiltrates every nook and cranny of your movement and either turns them or kills them. Nobody is going to fight this war for very long and when they do decide to take you seriously with troops, you are going off against an organized global military force that has no qualms going into your home and wiping out your family. Or just drones you into oblivion..
No it isn't, you illiterate faggot.
Since when? It's the right who services corporations on any issue with a meaningful impact on people's lives. Who wants to cut their taxes, eliminate their regulations, fights against increases to the minimum wage, and does all the other things that benefit corporations at the expense of everyone else? Because it's not the left. The issue is that /pol/'s idea of "fighting corporations" takes the form of boycotting movies because it has black actor in the lead, so calling someone a retard for doing that is their idea of "shilling" for corporations.
The US military hates you people even more than you hate them.
Lol imagine companing some disgruntled alt righters in Alabama who wear polo shirts, to the fucking taliban.y absolute fucking sides.
You know the taliban lost, right?
It was a one off joke which short circuited your stupid brain so hard you threw a shitfit over it. The whole mistaken identity shit is bound to happen on anonymous sites so I'll give you that first butthurt reply but after a couple posts and me directly telling you, you should have taken the hint that maybe you were misdirecting your anal pains in my direction. Instead you double down and now your neverending shitpost storm is full locked on to me. Feel free to keep busting a hemorrhoid and sending me (you)s over the post I made an hour ago but I'm done with this designated shitposting thread for now.
Also discord is made by and for zoomers exclusively so don't even try you wojak obsessed discord tranny reddit transplant. Have fun with that fucking aneurysm.
So your goofy assumption is that millions of armed soldiers just mutiny because of a vague dislike for sjws online?
This is what happens when you spend your entire life in an echo chamber.
>It's just a joke I pretend to be a spamming retard
Zoomers are literally constantly complaining about discord.
I think if it got to the point where you had them slaughtering their family and friends in flyover country, they'd get rid of you.
>they would get rid of the federal government that signs their paychecks and pays their bills and side with literal terrorists
Oh yeah the US and Russian armies sure showed them
You don't know a single person in the military, do you.
Everything he said was true. The party of corporate dick sucking has always been The Right. I'm not sure how your brain doesn't shut down when anyone mentions how the fucking President is a Wall Street billionaire
My whole family served, you retarded neet cunt. You live in a fantasy world if you think anyone is going to AWOL for the oh so tempting Unite the Right faggots.
You act as if the military would be the aggressor. In this scenario, the military would be putting down an insurrection started by far-right-wing retards like yourself (that is, if you had a spine)
The Taliban is literally destroyed
My fucking sides are destroyed dude
Lots of trump supporters at Universal?
Good lord you chimps are retarded.
>the Right gets angry and Disney flicks with blacks and can't even organize itself enough to get more than 50 people to buy tiki torches in person
>Somehow is going to conduct an elaborate gurellia war with the entire US government and its allies
I think you should get out of your echo chamber before the typhus rots your brain any further.
Yeah I remember when The First Purge got pulled from theaters and Trump dabbed in his State of the Union address
Do you personally feel threatened by the Taliban, user?
You're literally in an echo chamber if you think even half of Americans in the real world even reflect your /pol/nigger sensibilities
This is what a life of virtue signalling on twatter does to a person's brain.
can leftists stop saying nigger to sound edgy? that's sad
But remember. You're the racist.
Is the right pretending they're victims again?
I didn't predict all this derailing. I just wanted to know why the flick was pulled.
>now not only /pol/ crossboarders shitting up the board but /leftypol/ faggot refugees are here too to argue with and shit up the board together
There should be another Global Rule: No politics outside /pol/ and Mods should enforce it. Just look at the sewage that is this thread.
Every day of their lives. And it's only going to get worse as the election gets closer.
Why? Which of the two dozen retards you have running has even the remotest chance of winning?
No you are right, everyone posts pepe memes and cries about black Ariel and the white genocide
That's normie stuff
You're making yourself look like a complete idiot.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Where the actual fuck does it imply anywhere that this is about Trump supporters? How the fuck?
The official reason the studio gave is they thought it would be bad timing due to the recent walmart and bar shootings.
But meanwhile we all know the actual reason is whatever we speculate it to be.
you're the one who thinks that your views represent even close to a majority outside of autismo Yea Forums world.
Care to retort? Do you think you absolutely wouldn't get btfo by the US military or something? Must be nice, to live in la la world.
Internal government wargame plans for a civil war anticipate a minimum of 50% defection rate within the military
>gas the kikes
Expel this terrorist. Make sure he never works again.
>shred the cuntservatives
Top bantz bro, just a joke bro XD
uh-huh, what video game told you that?
Biden and Bernie both poll higher than the current President. People are beat into submission by this term of his, even conservatives are sick of Trump. All Biden would have to do is debate Trump.
Though honestly, Trump might win by blustering through a campaign a second time. Won't know until it happens.
people aren't going to vote Trump in polls because they will get attacked by antifa
God please delete this fucking thread
Those involved in the wargames.
What mainstream media organization told you otherwise?
You sound like a schizo. Literally source anything proving that.
>"for the lolz"
You don't belong here.
Go back
Fuck off with your boogeymen. ANTIFA never was a major threat to begin with, they don't have a kill count.
neither do you, you're on the wrong board tourist.
Biden is literally senile. The man can barely form a coherent sentence. Bernie has been a joke for fifty years. He couldn't even beat one of the most hated women in the country.
I'm busy, why don't you cite something that proves it wrong
>Bernie has been a joke for fifty years
I love this meme where if you did even a basic Google search, you'd see all the bills he's co-signed, how he has orchestrated most of the Vet benefit bills of the last 20 years and sat on a budget advisory committee for the federal budget for almost a decade. I really don't get how you can fall for right-wing memes as blatant as these when you have the internet. He also marched with MLK, which baffles me that this fact alone doesn't make him highly sought after in the polls.
Well, regardless of the lies you were fed, overall he scores higher than any running Democrat.
No, we don't prove negatives you fucking stupid faggot.
it's all about that Yang and them gibs
Is it a negative? You're proving that military and police, who are largely comprised of the people you think you are targeting, would in fact carry out your genocidal orders?
There is no response to this, people live in fucking echochambers, left or right
>Is it a negative?
You made up some secret statistic that "40 percent of the military would defect" and I'm asking you to prove it.
>the military is largely comprised of the people you think you are targeting
That's where you are wrong, the polo shirt wearing tiki torch faggots are not "the majority" of the military and if you honestly believe for a single second that the US military forces are just going to defect and praise kek and start some second Civil War because of dumb /pol/nigger beliefs you hold dear, then I really do wish there was a war. You'd be the first to be accidentally suicided.
Why the fuck did conservatives sperg out about this movie that literally shows them as oppressed by liberal elite villains?
Here's your response. People who go "AHH GAS THE KIKES" are either ignored or deplatformed from the media sites owned by private companies. Otherwise, nobody cares.
>ermahgerd da right wing memes
You are legitimately a walking parody.
>everyone who thinks /pol/ is retaded is /leftypol/
I know you are new here but we have been mocking /pol/ for over a decade.
>You made up some secret statistic that "40 percent of the military would defect"
Actually I said it was over 50%
>and I'm asking you to prove it.
I already told you, I'm too lazy to go digging up proof for some faggot on an anonymous imageboard that would just discount it anyway
>That's where you are wrong
No, I'm not
>t. actually involved in paramilitary organizations and know a lot more military and law enforcement than you do, they all hate you and are right wing as fuck
>"the majority" of the military
Demographics are a lot closer now, the military has been pandering to brown people for a long time and is the most liberal it's ever been. Infantry are still mostly right wing white guys, though. As is every veteran over the past 40 years
>US military forces are just going to defect and praise kek and start some second Civil War
They aren't starting the civil war you dipshit, that scenario wouldn't make any sense
Fox has literally made it a mission to spread disinfo about Bernie along with corporate Dems. It's why they made shit up about him for the last few years.
I bet you didn't even know he sat on a federal budget advisory board at all. Or that he has been Chairman for the largest Vet lobbying commission.
I don't give a shit faggot both of you belong on /pol/.
This guy's right though. I know lots of operators in the military. Lefties to the core. They're going to curb stomp all of us. This guy might look like a soi infused faggot, but that's just a cover. He has over 300 confirmed conservative kill on fourteen continents.
>I'm too busy to prove my stupid argument
okay, opinion discarded then. Thanks for playing, retard.
>He also marched with MLK, which baffles me that this fact alone doesn't make him highly sought after in the polls.
Because very few people actually give a shit about MLK. Oh, sure, everyone pays him lip service and he gets his holiday every year but that's pretty much all there is to it.
>he has been Chairman for the largest Vet lobbying commission
Is that why the VA has been absolute shit for as long as I can remember?
They didn't. You're literally imagining things. Again.
>They aren't starting the civil war
No, your /pol/nigger warriors are apparently. That should be hilarious to watch.
>ermagerd da faux noooooos
>it's not a major feat to count yourself as one of the organizers at the famous sit-ins with MLK himself during the Civil Rights Movement, nobody cares about that
fucking wew.
Very few people outside of your echo chamber are jerking themselves off over mlk.
You mean how Republicans once in office, continuously try to defund or fuck up Bernie's bills to give Vets' extensions on medical care like Trump did? Yeah, it's his fault it's shit ;)
You people have no fucking clue what either parties shill for half the time.
>is a famous Civil Rights activist, has his own holiday and is brought up constantly due to resurrecting racial tensions
>"nobody talks about him bro, I swear I'm not in an echo chamber"
whatever you say, retard. Imagine needing to downplay MLK just because you are brainwashed to dislike Bernie.
Oh boy! I get to post it again.
As you yourself said, you're baffled by the fact that this fact doesn't make Bernie higher in the polls.
To me the best explanation for your bafflement would be a perceptual between yourself and whatever internal rating you use for such things, and the rating used by the general public which is being polled.
Basically, when your preferences fail to match up to reality, it's probably your own preferences which are wrong.
I'm not reading your /pol/ compilation made by some retard who thinks the average Joe stands a fighting chance against the federal government in a pitched fucking war.
>you have to prove people won't kill their brothers but I don't have to prove they will :>)
I'd wager that's more likely of lefties
Or maybe it's you? I don't know where you even live where people don't care about MLK or downplay him like you do. It more seems like there is disinfo trying to prevent you from even knowing he had a part in the Civil Rights marches in the first place.
>racial tensions
Is that when you call it when you lose your shit after someone points out that black people really like to commit crimes? Yeah, no one really cares. Almost all of that crime takes place in democrat ghettos. Blacks burned what little good will they had built up during and since the Obama years. They had a lot of help of course.
>the coasts are going to starve out the people that grow all the food
>>you have to prove people won't kill their brothers but I don't have to prove they will :>)
At that point, you are a homeland terrorist taking part of your country hostage because you're an ideologue and most people in the military are going to do what they are told and if you don't back down, will shoot you. You act like it takes a lot for burgercans to shoot other burgers.
>You act like it takes a lot for burgercans to shoot other burgers.
Where we live, it does. Maybe all that violence surrounding you has desensitized you to reality.
you can go here anytime and complain about blacks.
Not that user, but I personally find MLK to be overplayed. Everyone makes such a big deal out of his dream and attaches an almost mythical significance to it. Alot of people talk as if we had some kind of obligation to cause it to be fulfilled. But I never saw the point in this. What makes his dream any more worthwhile than the dream of any other man? Why should I try to fulfill it? Just because he was assassinated?
Apart from that, I don't see why Bernie should receive kudos merely for association with MLK. Should he not stand on his own merits?
>At that point, you are a homeland terrorist taking part of your country hostage
You sure have a narrow idea of what the public perception of a civil war would look like.
The Coasts can live off of resources without the midwest for years, bud. If your crops aren't physically repossessed by force or scorched, we will just get them from overseas. It will take a lot less time for the Midwest to starve, I'll assure you.
There is no version of your fantasy where you win against the federal government. It's tremendously silly.
Why would I feel the need to complain about them? They live with you.