Genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever seen put to television. Supremely underrated

Genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever seen put to television. Supremely underrated

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Watch more tv


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>t. Mad Men watchers
Sorry, but Cult is great. Should be considered among sopranos, brba, etc

God damn it trypophobia

Eh, thought it was funny for the first or second episode but then just got dumb.


The first few episodes were pretty funny. I liked how it's making fun of both sides by exaggerating how much people were overreacting to the election. But most people are too stupid to realize that.

>bro it’s a comedy

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asylum is unironically a pleb filter

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>I am a "straight" man and I watch AHS

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>Dude humps the tv when trump wins and blends cheetos to smother on his face
>Cripple proudly dons a maga hat in the market
Yeah, it was a comedy, autist

Is this real? Fucking lol

holy BASED!

Why yes, I’m a straight man and watch AHS for Emma Roberts, Lily Rabe, and Evan Peters while also enjoying its kinography, why ask?

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Cult gets a lot of hate but at least it was more tightly written than most of the other seasons. Apocalypse was literal garbage and this next season actually looks like the worst yet.

Is this "not an argument" meme stratego

It’s a drama with satire elements
Not to me!

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Cult is probably among the top three of AHS

Next season is going to be comedy. It was actually supposed to be the setting/theme for scream queens but then it got cancelled and Ryan Murphy just can’t fucking let it go. I actually liked Scream Queens too but it isn’t worth sacrificing AHS for.

Yea Forums mafia owns this shithole site brother

AHS is the tv series for lesbians and trsnnies that think being satanist is cool

>you are a fraid
but not afraid to shoot some NIGGERS AND SPICS ayooo!

if it is horrible, at least we’ll have more best Emma fapkino

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Only good season of this show is the haunted house one. Fact

>trump supporters all take on clown personas
How the fuck did they know?

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>I watch shitty television to ogle actresses, like you fellow straight men
No need to lie on an anonymous board.

>not watching for Emma

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