I really liked waterwold when it came out and stil watch it every year, i dont get why the hate

I really liked waterwold when it came out and stil watch it every year, i dont get why the hate

Attached: 51QTfZtLhZL._SY445_.jpg (315x445, 32K)

I think people hate it cause the premise is a little hard to believe. Everyone knows how to sail, and knows water purification techniques, horticulture, diesel technology and other very technical and not immediately obvious survival skills. If you want to argue "it was passed down by generations" then why is there such an air of ignorance to the world? I really like the movie, but the notion that everyone doesn't know the history of their world can be hard to swallow.

Well there was never a lot of people to begin with, so its entirely possible for them to be ignorant

I've watched it for the first time last weekend and don't get it too.
The only really dumb part I can think of was them going diving while Deacon's people were pursuing them just to get caught.
Set design was great too and must have been a real pain in the ass to build.

Attached: Waterworld. 1985.Ulysses Cut. NNMCLUB.mkv_snapshot_02.28.46_[2019.08.04_17.27.09].jpg (1024x552, 213K)

same, ,it's one of the kind. like madmax on water

It's ok but Max Mad Fury Road is better in every way

Over budget. Part of a giant set got washed away in a hurricane so they had to move forward and abandon the OTHER slaver faction they were going to have.

Several people nearly died as well (drowning)

>Everyone knows how to sail, and knows water purification techniques, horticulture, diesel technology and other very technical and not immediately obvious survival skills

Yeah right. Modern civilization is so specialized that a dozen precision tactical bombs on key infrastructure areas in a country and there's literally no person left in the country that understand how power plants and the electrical grid work and 25% of the population freeze to death in 2 weeks if it's farther north than Berlin.

Meant for

Name 1 (one) thing Deacon did wrong

>Little shit can't swim
>In WATERworld

One of my fav post apoc movies. It's just so darn comfy.

I'm not a fan of Fury Road. It isn't even a Mad Max film per say, it's a Imperator Furiosa film.

Also, the stunts have no weight to them because they don't exist within our reality like Mad Max 1 and 2 were.

Friendly reminder that Waterworld is THE peak post-apocalyptic kino setting

Is Postman as comfy as this one? I understand it probably has less action and more down to earth sets.

Attached: Waterworld. 1985.Ulysses Cut. NNMCLUB.mkv_snapshot_02.15.02_[2019.08.04_17.11.56].jpg (1024x552, 344K)

>he doesn't watch the superior underrated version of waterworld: Postman
This thread is pretty faggotity already

Attached: fuck your thread wey.webm (640x640, 2.76M)

I'm the same with Sphere. Can't believe it only has 12% on Rotten Tomatoes, it's not the greatest film ever but it's bizarre it scores THAT low and has not a single positive review.

% doesn't matter. you can have 5,5/10 movies with 30% and 6.1 movies with 90%
RT is fucking shit for their binary system and should be forgotten

The setting is pretty cool, most of the action is good and the villain is entertaining. However the family drama shit is unwatchable, the kid and woman are annoying and costner lacks charisma.

Maybe not every year but I've seen it more than a dozen of times

Isnt that chick in napoleon dynomite the girl from this film all grown up? They got the same eyes.

This. It grossed decent money at the box office, but it still bombed due to the insanely high budget for the times. So it became a joke, but it's still an above average sci-fi action flick

yup, same girl, Tina Majorino.

I never met anyone who didn't like Waterworld. The movie only bombed because it was so expensive to make, but people liked it.

I'll bet the 4k is awesome. Seen this one in theaters and still enjoy it.

post apoc costner is peak comfy

So we're deep into the "rewriting history" part of societal advancement
Totally awesome

Fucking right

It’s hardly hated. It just flopped.

my boat

What about the scene when jewboy swims outside without a suit ?

Waterworld was good, same with Postman. I have weird memories of reading a book Postman was based on that also had genetically engineered super soldiers but that was like 20 years ago.

Thanks for the thread OP, gonna chill out tomorrow night, grill some steaks and watch Waterworld. Embrace my boomer status.

It's psuedo-science but they at least keep the logic consistent, they're "pressurised" when they go down below and have to spend days in a decompression chamber when they return at the end. He breathes using a handheld re-breather and very nearly runs out of oxygen / dies of hypothermia. Bending reality in a piece of fiction is not a plot hole in itself.

Pretty good flick, nonetheless !!! It definitely is “Mad Max” on the Ocean. I’m wandering who would rework this masterpiece ???

It's pretty awful