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So this is the power of free speech in America...
it's a private company they can cancel your movie if they want sweaty :)
Atleast spell it right dumbass
Now I want to watch this more. Well played.
>satire movie
The world is satire
But Emma Roberts
Release it so people can once again be reminded of what Hollywood and the elites think of people they don't agree with.
>robbed of human hunting kino again
They're choosing not to release it because it's in bad taste in light of recent events, and it would not do well. Not because they're being forced to can it.
What recent events? Shootings?
America has them all the time
And they say we have no power outside of Yea Forums. Another win for the right, time to drink those libtard tears boys!
There's only one The Hunt
I feel bad for Betty :(
>Trump criticism
when will summer be over?
why? she got paid
Betty would have made an excellent Valkyrie in the marvel movies
Instead we have a stubby negro
Lefty fragility
I don't. Shes still getting paid and now doesn't have to worry about a shitty movie tanking her career
I mean it's definitely going to be released somehow, right? It'll probably go up digitally.
That fuckin North Korea movie went up for free after the Sony hack.
This movie looked like shit anyway, it's only kinda novel because they actually let the blue state people be evil, and the protagonists were normal red state folks.
>The racists are the good guys
I wish.
Wait how is this a win for the right? The movie portrayed liberal elites as blood thirsty sadistic villains while the common working class white people were the victims/heroes.
They only have to wait a week before the shooting has been completely forgotten.
Do you need a /s mister
it's her first big movie
>I mean it's definitely going to be released somehow, right? It'll probably go up digitally.
Yes of course it will be available on streaming services, Universal Pictures is practically bankcrupt, they need every cent they can get.
so they make a movie where the deplorables are finally the good guys (last i checked, rich elite mass murderers tend to be the evil bad guys in movies) and YOU guys, not the sjws, cancel it? and yall are still gonna complain that trump fags are never the good guys in movies?
MAGAcels are too dumb to understand that
No, they cancelled it themselves given that there has been a lot of real-life shootings very recently, have you been living under a rock for the past weeks ?
I just want more Gilpin titties
Hey, I'm not that bad.
She will never be known for anything than showing her tits on Nurse Jackie, those are her only actual talents.
They're choosing not to release it because recent events will cause them to make less money than they could have made.
Lefties be like, NO THAT MAKES US LOOK BAD!
bs. they dont cancel shit because of mass shootings. was anything cancelled because of christ church? or anything else in the past 5 years of shootings? weve had purges come out right after shootings
>”Trump’s rhetoric is causing mass shootings!”
>Make movie that glorifies killing right-wingers
We are truly living in the strangest times.
It's actually america's worship of violent individuals, celebrity and widespread social alienation and media pundits turning shooters into celebrities that leads to mass shootings
>He spelled it wrong
They are choosing not to release it because they think it might hurt their party in the next election.
That’s not why people wanted it not to be shown and they know it. They didn’t want bad publicity for glorifying the killing people they disagree with politically.
Killing Eve's pretty big.
It actually portrayed the people hunters as the good guys.
that movie would be something like girl with a dragon tattoo where some antifa vigilante goes around killing right wingers that raped her or whatever. this isnt that. its the liberal elites that are the violent killers...
no it didnt. did you see the trailer and are familiar movie tropes?
[citation needed]
>The protagonists were normal red state folks.
Everyone who worked on this movie was a liberal user. They are going to violently kill off every protagonist with a right wing opinion and have the survivors be people who give radical left wing opinions. Screenshot this.
This is sarcasm, right? Or really bad bait? There's no possible way anyone is actually this retarded, right?
Show me one conservative who was working on this movie user. Better yet, show me one person who wanted pic related to have a theatrical release. You are so fucking stupid.
aren't conservatives supposed to be PRO-freedom of speech/expression?
>censorship to own the libs
it is le joker world!!!
Can't tell if you're trolling or face blind.
Sweetykins? Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, ok honey-buns?
Reactionaries are inherently contradictory in what they preach
They are "pro free-speech" but despise and attack any sort of criticism or challenge to their status quo
They are "pro-expression" unless it does as above
Likewise they are "free market" but provide tremendous government subsidy and support for the ultrawealthy and monopolistic corporate cabals
They are "pro working-class" but bus unions, cut wages and worker protections and environmental and workplace regulation
Reactionaries literally only care about themselves
Sorry sweetheart, but in a free market the audience gets to decide what they want to see. If they don’t want to see it, then it won’t be profitable. ;^ )
hopefully in the future she will be known as blacked betty, if you know what i mean, bam a lam
Ummmm, Universal Studios is a private company and can do whatever they want with titles that will hurt their brand. Don’t like it? Build your own studio user. :^)
she's a two time emmy nominated actress
Fake marketing stunt, will get "leaked" and it will have that "banned" "forbidden" allure, because it's probably super mediocre and wouldn't have done well at box office, but they still want their "kill conservatives" psyops to spread
>all those people replying "good, what kind of sick person would make a film like this?"
What happened, I thought we love violence in movies? Films like this and the purge are the modern replacement for the coliseum since we can't have those anymore
If movies like the Passion of Christ can be labeled as AntiSemitic, why can’t movies that openly attack a demographic of people be deemed bigoted or harmful?
Lol no
But Passion of the Christ wasn't attacking anyone
It's sort of amazing that a movie can get cancelled because it might contradict the Democratic Party's new political strategy.
The pedophile space pizzas?
I was looking forward to this movie :(
no this isnt reddit you fag
it didn't attack jews but it showed them for what they are
I changed my mind when you fucks killed infinity. Go fuck yourself
>the state of retarded /pol/cels
MAGApedes are the biggest snowflakes of all
Yes retardERA. Hate speech is not free speech, faggot.
yikes. CIA pls leave
Right because people never identify with the villains of a film?
honestly this, its probably trashy but I have a soft spot for the human hunting subgenre like Running Man and Happy Hunting
Wow, someone on Yea Forums that isn’t a drooling dunce. Amazin
>private company exercises their right with their product
ok, and?
I'm not an expert but I always saw it as the right being mostly opposed to free speech and more prone to censorship than lefties who just want everybody to be able to make whatever they want
but in these times it seems like it boils down to both groups trying to cancel whatever doesn't align with their politics
More like
>We have a movie that is obviously shit and will probably bomb, what do we do?!!!
>Say we cancelled it because of the shootings and Trump! The dumb masses will call us brave and stuff!
it’s called subjectivity, sweaty :)^
Those are some serious funbags, where has she been hiding them?
ummm, it’s called ‘irony’, sweetie;)
>I always saw it as the right being mostly opposed to free speech and more prone to censorship than lefties
Universal suffrage was a mistake.
Why should leftists be allowed to have free speech if they don't believe in it?
lots of movie studios have pulled movies before release. were all of those irony also?
it was like that since the hippies, not counting sovietfags.
something changed in the last 20 years
don’t try to straw man me sweaty
Who cares.
Just watch “the most dangerous game” from 1932
Basically the same premise and more kino than the hunt could ever be
Solid plan. I had never heard of it before now
>trailer looks bonkers
>i enjoy a good human hunt movie ala surviving the game or the pest
>damon lindelof
fuck that guy
why do you have netflix if you dont like the movies they have ?
you get it free for being a registered democrat
t. zodiac
So now movies with humans getting shot are getting shut down?
It’s a ploy. They know it’ll bomb in theaters. The publicity it’s getting and The President of The United States talking about is only going to create interest. Watch as it crops on on video and becomes a top rental
Go to bed grandpa.
Box office cancer kek
>Dude give us your guns nobody is going to hurt you, you’re just paranoid.
Liberals are so fucking dumb.
Literally who?
>guncel randomly inserts their fetish
We haven't cancelled anything grandad
I do agree it's a stunt. But I think the delay is legit. The recent shootings have genuinely put pressure on Unoversal to put the movie on ice. But they know like Disney does that controversy sells. There's some 4D chess going on here. Universal is taking a temporary L on this one so they can hype the digital release later.
If the people (((((((they)))))))) dont like are the victims, then it's okay, goy. Er, I mean, my boy.
Like a house? Why would anyone want to rent a movie?
There is literally nothing wrong with communism
>Incel saying machine
"Incel" is really the "cuck" of the left
>Blumhouse garbage
nothing will be missed
It’s the Interview all over again.