>Universal cancels the movie 'The Hunt', a film about hunting other people for sport, amid recent mass shootings
First it was the video games, now its our kinos.
>Universal cancels the movie 'The Hunt', a film about hunting other people for sport, amid recent mass shootings
First it was the video games, now its our kinos.
>temporarily paused
I wanna see Betty's Gilpins
Honestly the movie sounded kinda rp'd. If it was about wealthy liberals hunting maga people, that just demonstrates how crazy and psycho the left has become
If studios cancelled movies every time there was a mass shooting in America, nothing would ever get released
>and Trump criticism
Reminds me of this kino
>wealthy liberals
>the left
it's not cancelled, it's just temporarily paused in the wake of the mass shootings.
This is a short scene from the trailer, I assume these are photos of the country folk being hunted.
>gun thot
>alex jones
>rhyno game hunter
>KKK member
>woman with signs (one sing says something about gender politics, one is about santa sint real, the other might be: "stop being gay"(not sure on this one))
>republican (?) politicians/activists
>fat guy
I think the movie might've ended with the hunted defeating the elites and then revealing that they were the bad guys.
Honestly, the trailer looks like someone from Yea Forums wrote the script.
Truly a kino that we might never see cause Trump couldn't keep it in his pants.
>temporarily paused
/pol/ ruins everything
why dont they make movies about in-cels rising up
>Betty Gilpin
She needs a better stage name.
it will get released like that north korea movie.
Oh boy I can't wait for people to start celebrating this as some kind of win because they are literally too fucking stupid to grasp the basic premise of a movie that has been made over a thousand times already and those same people pretending to be "the other side" complaining about this while also proving that they're too stupid to grasp the simple plot of a movie that has been made over a thousand times before like every other time this thread has been made
What was that island in Indonesia where rich billionaires hunt human beings?
Yeah, a netflix release.
Elites prepping the nation for slaughtering the right and didn’t realize they had less control than they thought
Wealthy liberals don’t even want social democracy
>I think the movie might've ended with the hunted defeating the elites and then revealing that they were the bad guys
Then you're just as fucking stupid as everyone already thinks the right is
It was the leftists who complained when they found out the ones who are the kidnappers are rich liberal (leftist) elites and the kidnapped are, and I am not fucking kidding, "deplorables".
So they cried and cried that the protagonists cannot be right wingers.
just google them, she's had a bunch of nude scenes and they're fantastic
If anything the elite have been prepping the right to defend them from the rest of people
But it was Trump who complained not the liberals.
>the left
>not murderous scumbags
Hello comrade.
They made this in the '90s with Surviving The Game.
No it wasn’t. Find the trailer on YouTube. Comments are almost exclusively clearly right wingers outraged at the movie.
Defend them? /pol/‘s been posting Turner Diaries day of the rope garbage for year and years
As usual the right-wing does the lions share of violence and terrorism and blames the left while refusing to even acknowledge its heavily radicalized members
Doesn't matter it's always the left who is responsible
Charlottesville? Berniebro
El Paso? Mexican socialist
Conservatives taking to Twitter and fox news to complain about a movie where liberals are the bad guys? That's obviously because of the PC left
I’m saying that the right will be protecting the elites. I don’t think it’s entirely unlikely that were the U.S. to elect a genuine populist, right-wing pundits would deem it a “communist revolution” and we’d see militia types attempt to “suppress” it
You don't even have to do that. You can just look at the replies and comments on these articles on twitter and the actual websites
>conveniently excluding how the dayton shooter was a feminist who killed people in the name of universal healthcare and a green new deal
She's got some great knockers and an 8/10 ass.
>*laughs in antifa*
Don't mind me, just denting in some baby skulls and no one will say a word about it.
Formely "the Chase"
By “denting in some baby skulls” do you mean “banging on Tucker Carlson’s window”?
For the love of god stop proving all rightwingers are fucking retarded
Yes I left that out, and the ICE firebombing, and the senator baseball shooting because those were ACTUAL LEFTIST ATTACKS not rightwing ones that you retards claimed were the left which was the point of the post
Its classic boomer logic where they don't understand what the differences between a cause and a symptom when looking at a problem
Nope, I mean actually harming children because antifa has done so in the past. But no one seems to care.
Why is hollywood so obsessed with politics?
I just want there to be movies in theaters that DON'T shove nigger cocks down my throat
Beyond the politics of it the most dangerous game type movies was done a million times before
>BAWWWW don't you see? The racists are th- the good guys! It's satire!
>I'm crying! Fookin pol ruining my shitty life!
>b-but drumpf told me to fracture kids skulls
>left vs right
It's poor vs. rich, user. Wake up. Directional politics are just a distraction to keep you poor and desperate and pointing fingers at the wrong people.
The trend in gun violence is so clearly linked to the 24/7 media coverage and romanticization of the perpetrators as anything other than pathetic losers. Turning them into villains just plays into the "they hated me because I told the truth" fantasy of the would-be shooters. Maybe it's obvious to me because I spend my time on this stupid website, but it feels so clear it's hard to ignore the idea that the media response is intentional with the agenda of shifting the blame onto guns.
>Why is hollywood so obsessed with politics?
Hollywood is a political tool. More news at 11.
Unlike radical right wingers from New Zealand to El Paso, antifa doesn't have a single body on their record
>be alt right
>listen to Alex Jones everyday
>read all my news from Breitbart
>mad that the liberal elites are silencing conservatives
>make a movie about the evil liberals killing innocent white conservatives
>make them despicably evil
>blonde aryan main character
>against odds the heroic conservatives eventually beat the liberal elites
>show a hollywood jew the script and call it satire
>mfw he likes it
>finally a movie where conservatives are the good guys
>mfw daddy Trump complains about the movie
>mfw the movie gets scrapped
Why are conservatives so fucking stupid? It’s the first major movie in recent memory that portrays them as good guys vs liberals and they get it canceled. This is worst than First Man.
>against odds the heroic conservatives eventually beat the liberal elites
Yeah, that is surely how the movie will play out, kek.
It's written by (((Damon Lindelof))), the guy who is creating the SJW version of Watchmen and who is an outspoken progressive. Just how retarded are you ?
Except it portrays the killers as the good guys and their victims as having deserved it.
Marketing stunt
The left will gladly murder anyone who disagrees with them
I don't think people are going on shooting sprees in the name of Medicare For All.
Poor vs. rich is literally the leftist position. Leftism is based on class-analysis. The right is always the ones defending billionaires.
It worked because I'm seeing a lot of people say they now HAVE to watch this movie because of this
Literally happened last week.
>dayton shooter
>right wingers do all the violence
>then prove that they don’t
You are a genuine idiot
How does it do this?
The elites literally say that they have money and they can do anything they want while they laugh like Mojo Jojo in the trailer.
Could you point to his manifesto? I'm curious as to how he used national health insurance and a higher minimum wage to justify his rampage.
This is not a movie that has been made a thousand times over, this is a deliberately provocative adaptation of an old premise. What happens with an anti-Jewish or anti-Israel movie? Oh right, it would never get made in the first place.
He self-identified as a leftist in his every surviving writing including his anarchafeminist band. His targets were ordinary Americans, which squares with leftists hating America, and feeling that the great unwashed masses who don't read Proudhon are the thing stopping The Revolution from solving every problem.
Nice memes, but how did universal healthcare drive him to murder?
He wasn't.
What other users meant, was that he was in favor of all these things, but this wasn't the motive.
He was a socialist, a Warren supporter and an Antifa sympathizer, but he killed his sisters and many black people among others because he was a maniac that wrote he wanted to kill people.
But since he happened to be a socialist, every right winger is stroking their dick and trying to deflect from the racially motivated, El Paso shooter.
How much mental gymnastics did you have to do to get to that conclusions, fag?
The shooter was a wierdo fascinated with killing, death and gore, no politics involved.
Trump threw a bitch fit over it on Twitter.
Man, now I really want to see this shit. I hope this is just a jew marketing trick snd they eventually release it.
Even if it was motivated by his politics it doesn’t change that right-wingers have made up a majority of domestic terrorists for decades, including McVeigh. Not to mention all those Islamic terror groups operate off an ideology not altogether different than misogynist incels. And of course Republicans and the the right-wing CIA funding fascist terrorism abroad in anti-Soviet measures for decades in documented history.
Nigger he literally admitted targeting Mexicans. Look it up.
Burgers have a mass shooting every other weekend.
there's no way they can release it far enough from one.