Yeh this is straight up left wing revisionism isn't it?
Yeh this is straight up left wing revisionism isn't it?
No, it’s corporate pandering
It's always left wing revisionism.
too white xd
cringe OP btfo
>sheeeit y’all crackas gotta rememba 2 carry da fo
i would fuck that black girl though
>In 1962, as NASA prepared for the orbital mission of John Glenn, Katherine Johnson was called upon to do the work that she would become most known for. The complexity of the orbital flight had required the construction of a worldwide communications network, linking tracking stations around the world to IBM computers in Washington, DC, Cape Canaveral, and Bermuda. The computers had been programmed with the orbital equations that would control the trajectory of the capsule in Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission, from blast off to splashdown, but the astronauts were wary of putting their lives in the care of the electronic calculating machines, which were prone to hiccups and blackouts. As a part of the preflight checklist, Glenn asked engineers to “get the girl”—Katherine Johnson—to run the same numbers through the same equations that had been programmed into the computer, but by hand, on her desktop mechanical calculating machine. “If she says they’re good,’” Katherine Johnson remembers the astronaut saying, “then I’m ready to go.” Glenn’s flight was a success, and marked a turning point in the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union in space.
>the work that she would become most known for
>to run the same numbers through the same equations that had been programmed into the computer, but by hand
wow so amazing
How sad is it to be you?
>She became famous because an boomer didn't trust computers
Nope. She was just a human error checker, like an algorithm. She played no major role in the moon landings and was easily replaceable
Not as sad as being a nigger defender lmao
Powerful.... Von Braun aint got shit on this strong big brained wakandan kween
time to go dialate your fronthole nigger
if she was born today, she would be considered white, even by feminists
oh imagine, a white woman who actually contributed but no one cares
Biggest cope of all time.
I doubt that
So who's the next hidden figure they should make a film about Yea Forums? I'm thinking the jewish slave ship owners of the atlantic slave trade
we are talking about a nigger that helped us get to the moon. ill defend that yea. just shut up retard
Nah it definitely is, nigger apologist
>only ONE in something somewhat related to science / math (economics)
yeah but does she have her own lego
>sheeeit gotta copy dem numbas for dem whypeepo so i cah afford dat fried chicken fo my 9 babies
kind of frightening how it went from a story of acceptance based on her ability rather than her looks into a story about how all dem whypipo be racist yo
Its because a woman of colour is more financialy exploitable and its 2 birds with one stone rather then 1 bird (Woman AND Minority instead of just being a woman). If she had been a native Indian/black/jewish, she would have had a movie dedicated towards her allready.
t. faggot that cant even divide numbers without a calculator
I have nothing against this woman, who is one of the 0.001% of niggers who goes on to be a contributing member of society. I do have a problem with far left propaganda aimed at the zoomer generation, which is what this is
So to answer OP, yes. This was complete revisionism
Useful idiot
actually it's right wing revisionism made to appease the masses
>haha she puts her phd to work to provide for hwr family
You sure triggered them libtards epix style droput incel neet
>mmhmmm ya'll see yuh jes gotta multiply 'whitey on da moon' times GIBS ME DAT divideded by RAYCISS and dats do answa
It’s not “far left” when corporations pander to minorities, if anything it’s supposed to make them complacent and content with the system
What system, right wing nationalist system?
>it's not far left when far left corporations with far left ideologies based in a far left state pander to minorities
huh ok.
Neoliberalsm a.k.a. Capitalism
>far left corporations
Jesus Christ, goblino rangeban when?
>with far left ideologies based in a far left state
Tea party lolbertarian spotted.
So did this quadroon do anything special or not?
>censor facts you don't like
leftist spotted. dilate, m8.
>the presence of black people is left wing
>women succeeding professionally and financially is left wing
>the American democratic party is left wing
>the Clintons are left wing
>American news media is left wing
>Hollywood is left wing
I honestly know of no place online with a worse understanding of politics than Yea Forums.
It’s America in general.
I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings my mutt friend, I wasn’t seriously advocating banning you.
Holy fuck
>entire "story" is only verified by her and her biography that was written decades later as a PR attempt by nasa to rewrite niggers and women into history
Yeah, and madam curie totally discovered radioactivity lmao
Use your fucking brain retards
>shieeet y’all crackas forgot to use the new welfare rates! stupid ass whiteboys
Back to t_d, gramps
that shirt is clearly navy blue
literally any movie "based on a true story" is a complete fabrication because they don't point out what is real and what isn't. it's all bullshit.
I don't know shit about her or the movie but she was probably just some office drone and she did math at a desk and it was all very boring and uninteresting. Manual calculators just sat at desks and plugged numbers into equation tables. It's really boring
imagine not being able to see the full picture. you must be really retarded