This is the ideal Star Wars movie. You may not like it, but this is what peak kinography looks like.
This is the ideal Star Wars movie. You may not like it, but this is what peak kinography looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
It's actually pretty forgettable as a whole, but every scene with Luke in it is somehow 10/10 kino.
Not to embarrass you, OP, but I think you meant to post this pic instead. No worries, mistakes happen!
Nothing happened in this movie. Just the good guys getting their asses kicked, totally boring filler.
>implying anything in ESB is as good as the scene with Luke, Vader, and Palpatine in the throne room
>han solo being useless
>leia being useless
>boba fett dying like a retard
>second death star
Luke really is great but he can't carry the whole movie. There are too many things that bring it down.
Hoth tops that. RoTJ gets shot in the foot by everything on Endor's surface. Ewok shits? Fuck you, Lucas.
I got a stiffy to the Leia scenes
pure kino
>RoTJ gets shot in the foot by everything on Endor's surface. Ewok shits? Fuck you, Lucas.
ESB is normie reddit trash without ROTJ to support it whereas ROTJ stands on its own and doesn't give a fuck about what edgy faggots think
You're not fooling anyone, OP.
Its not the best of the original trilogy but it is my favorite. I think for a lot of us it was our favorite when we were kids and that has carried over into adulthood. A very flawed but comfy movie.
RotJ is personally my favourite, however it does have its flaws.
Yet the peaks of this film completely surpass every other part of every other film.
>Luke and Darth Vader
>The Emperor in general
>Luke turning up at Jabba's Palace
>the vibe of Jabba's in general
>Lando flying out of the Death Star
>speeder bike chase
All pure kino.
I never said I wasn't OP, I'm allowed to make more than one post per thread
Best Star Wars film by a long shot.
The only Star Wars movie that is pure KINO.
>Luke turning up at Jabba's Palace
>the vibe of Jabba's in general
These two things alone make ROTJ the ultimate Star Wars kino.
As someone who didn’t watch the movies in theaters, but also who watched the original VHS tape set before Phantom Menace came out when I was ~7 years old, RotJ was and still is my favorite. Honesty Empire Strikes Back was my least favorite cuz it felt so grim and not as epic post-Hoth scene.
V > IV > III > VI > II > I > R1 > VII > VIII
>speeder bike chase
Even though I think the ground and space battles of endor are the greatest battles in the franchise and some of the uncontested best special effects in history, the speeder bike chase above all others is the thing that most captivated and enraptured me.
One of the greatest tragedies and regrets is that I will never EVER be able to participate in the Speeder Bike chase irl. The only thing more depressing is that Jurassic Park will never be real.
Yes, Mark Hamill has the most understated acting across the three movies. He plays the same character in them but he is played differently each time. Masterfully done
>click play
>hear woman speaking
>immediately close video
lol the woman has like 15 seconds of talking in the entire video dude
>Jabba muppets
>awkward shakespearerian dialogue
It's fucking shit.
The first Star Wars movie is the only one worth a damn.
>inb4 ESB
>ESB which gave us luke in a diaper and 45 minutes of muppetiering
>Not to mention it cucked Luke out of a relationship with Leia
>no coincidence it was written by a Jew
Why are plebs allowed to browse Yea Forums?
Yes, it was your favorite because you were a dumb child who just wanted funny men in teddy bear suits throwing rocks at robots.
ESB is objectively the best in the series
ESB was bad for Star Wars as a whole (see ), but you'd have to be an actual idiot to not be able to see it's great filmmaking.
fuck off contrarian faglord
It's the best but also the most bland in a way.
ANH feels like a solid standalone sci-fi adventure movie and hold up on the merits of just being a damn good movie.
Not to sound like a meme, but ESB feels kinda soulless in the sense of it's everything a sequel and second act should have been, it's great, but so predictable and manufactured.
Not that I'm gonna defend ROTJ all that much, as has been said, it has some of the best highs, but also by far some of the lowest lows.
the worst prequel
of course it's still a 10/10 film but attack of the clones and the phantom menace are both objectively better
Weakest OT by far.
>Sam Witwer Defends Return of the Jedi as Brilliant
That video has the same shitty defenses as the TLJ because it talks about the intended themes and key plot points while ignoring the poor execution of everything else.
>comparing ROTJ to TLJ
>all others is the thing that most captivated and enraptured me.
It's a drawn-out sequence of awkward actors sitting on bikes in front of greenscreen effects worse than ANH and ESB. Getting enraptured by that is silly.
No. Star Wars 1977 was the only good Star Wars movie. Honestly, I could put up with Yoda and the weird and unnecessary bacta tank scene if it wasn't for Luke getting cucked by Han. That was spiritually bad and had a bad effect on generations to come.
It says that being a hero, learning the ways of your ancestors, and fighting (((the establishment))) won't get you laid/a girlfriend you'll have kids with. So here we are now with TLJ where Luke is a virgin faggot, instead of having had a relationship with the princess he rescued in the first film, and passing on the Jedi tradition to his biological offspring. Making Leia his sister/cucking him with Han was a Jewish decision by the Jewish writers and it's fucking retarded soap opera drama, polutting what would otherwise be Joseph Campbell's monomyth.
Luke should have ended up with Leia, ESB is a bad movie because of the direction it took Star Wars in, and you can't change my mind.
I always liked the sarlacc pit scene when the whole gang is finally together
>but ESB feels kinda soulless
Nigger what? ESB has the most soul out of fuking all of them.
Stop posting here, go to reddit or some shit
No, I compared a ROTJfag's defenses to the typical TLJfag's defenses. But leave it to an ROTJfag like you to be illiterate.
fuck you the one i posted is bigger
Return Of The Jedi is the best looking Star Wars film by far, and while a 2nd Death Star is kinda boring it does make sense why an evil empire that still has the plans on how to build them would want to make more. Endor sucks though, the Ewoks are annoying and completely unbelievable as threats, the scenery is just a big forest, and everything about it seems to just drag on and on and on. Tatooine was perfectly paced though, and the space battle and throne room battle was kino. If only they hadve rewrote everything on Endor it would've been the best of the franchise
>here's something I don't like
>time to blame the jews!
>attack of the clones
>only good scenes were i hate sand and the water planet
>constant rollercoaster of emotions
>every shot is beautiful and perfectly framed
>perfect climax
kys user
Lawrence Kasden
Notice how you ROTJ fans consistently praise the throne room scene and ignore just about everything else in the movie. You're like the people that praise RO just because of the last Darth Vader scene.
>if it wasn't for Luke getting cucked by Han. That was spiritually bad and had a bad effect on generations to come.
based muslim sister fucker
i'm about 800lbs smaller
we have people explaining why they like Jabba's palace, the ewoks, the speeder bike chase, the space battle, etc, it's not my fault you refuse to read them
Being a hero and getting a girlfriend are not related. They're separate spheres entirely. Romance is about having a connection, not a checklist of accomplishments. Saving the world is about doing what's right, not getting laid.
Some things, like the fate of the galaxy and the redemption of his father, are more important than romantic relationships. Luke had a lot of bigger things to worry about, and he ended up with Mara Jade anyway, who is way hotter because she's a redhead.
Jewish Kasden turned them into siblings for soap opera drama.
>reading the novels of a sci-fi movie series for children
Nigger nobody but nerds read those books. The spiritual impact of cucking Luke on the big screen was horrible, and Jewish in origin. There's no reason Luke couldn't have saved the galaxy and rescued the galaxy without also getting with Leia.
In terms of actual story, yes. I guess "identityless" would have been a better word. It has the same kind of quality as Force Awakens(but being an actual good movie), it doesn't really feel like it was made with a sense of passion. It might sound pretentious, but Star Wars had a sort of rebellious, punky, "it's never gonna work" production which left it with a special kind of identity. ESB is a commercial production through and through.
Thank god we have Sidious and Vader and Lando too then. Seriously Sidious is absolutely magical through and through. No one can cackle like him
The incel problem would definitely not be as severe if you didn't have multiple generations of boys raised on movies where the hero goes of on fun adventures and never gets a girlfriend and instead has some gay reconciliation with his father.
Peter pan syndrome bullshit.
Fuck star wars to hell. So fucking autistic.
i'm sorry your father abandoned you and your wife is a fat pig
The nice thing about the original 3 is that each movie can be reasonably stated as the best, for example rotj has the worst and the best scenes
imagine if they put daisy ridley in a slave bikini in the next one
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. A New Hope
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Phantom Menace
6. Attack of the Clones
7. Rouge One
8. The Force Awakens
9. Solo
10. Clone Wars
11. The Last Jedi
>aboo aboo if the hero doesn’t get the girl I don’t like it
Go watch Titanic or the notebook you fucking woman, the idea that a man needs a woman to be happy was invented by lonely women to be more relevant, Star Wars is perfect for the exact reason you stated, the most important person in a mans life is his father and his son. The woman is not important as long as she is genetically and aesthetically acceptable. If you had sex once in a while or ever you wouldn’t have put pussy on a pedestal and realized this.
The last half of return of the jedi is amazing. But the first half is kind of mundane. It could have executed better.
Still over all a great starwars movie.
Hitler should have won.
can we all safely agree that anybody who puts ESB at the top of their list is a reddit herd animal
What belongs at the top of the list then?
Liking any Star Wars movie is reddit.
t. daddyfucking homo
Liking any movie is reddit
You know, that's actually, arguably, completely true and valid. Movies have been a net-detriment to humanity. Except for maybe Nazi propaganda films.
Where does this tvkino fit in the rankings?
Close, but you mistyped
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Leprechaun
5. Anal cancer
6. Any of the other garbage senile Lucas and Mickey Mouse shit out to slap the faces of all the true Star Wars fans in the world
fuck all star wars, how about that, pussy?
Only slightly above TLJ.
aight imma be honest witchu guys
2. Star Wars
3. Revenge Of The Sith
4. Empire Shits
5. all the other garbage in the star wars franchise
Rebels is the best Star Wars
want some comfy father daughter mercenary adventures movie set in the star wars universe but that'll never happen in this timeline.
>slave leia banned
>putting a "strong" female character in suggestive clothing in the current year while madam Kennedy is in charge
Keep dreaming
t. 10 year old
ESB fags need to neck themselves. Star Wars is way better as it can actually stand on its own.
from best to worst
>new hope
>rogue one
>the other two tie for last since they are both trash
TL;DR I assume as a 10 year old you don’t have the skill to write a proper summary
seething GoTranny
>film sequel is better within the context of the first film
Wow, who would have thought?
>who would have thought?
The people that recognize ROTJ as the superior sequel :^)
I would switch II and I, but overall, pretty good.
Why is his head shaped like an egg?
because the top of his skull was fractured and scarred in the fight with obi-wan and it never healed correctly
IV > VI > I > III > V > II > solo > r1 > vii > viii
>Star Wars rankings
>Disney fan fiction rankings
7=8=R1=Solo=the dog shit in my front yard
>Spiritual impact
It's just a movie you faggot
Get out. Empire is best SW movie. ROTS is second.
Your just a retard with a sub-80 IQ.
The space battle alone saves the movie.
top this fight
t. NPC
>fuck all star wars, how about that
Now you're talkin'.
Why are the lightsabers so skinny?
cringe zoomer
Episode 1 duel of the fates. Animated battle can't compete
I dunno, ask Lucas
Friendly reminder that thinking Empire is the best just because it’s the darkest doesn’t make you edgy and cool, it makes you a sheep
unfortunately my best and most autistic star wars friend hates admitting his favorite film is ESB precisely because of this effect, he hates how other star wars films get ragged on because of ESB's critical popularity and how normies have turned his favorite film into a sacred cow
>Classic droid humor at the start with a super tense build up?
>Jabba's Palace?
>Luke going full badass Jedi Knight in command of the situation?
>Luke kicking arse?
>Han bumbling about the barge?
>Sexy Leia Luca Brasi'ing Jabba?
>Yoda's death?
>Emperor's dramatic arrival where everyone including Vader is absolutely shitting themselves?
>Luke and Vader sensing each other across the void of space?
>Speeder chase scene?
>Cute little Ewoks?
>Luke being super chill and amused by the whole Ewok situation?
>Ewoks worshipping C-3PO of all people?
>C-3PO retelling the events of the first Star Wars?
>Ewoks, the little guys of the galaxy, standing up to the might of an evil empire and winning through sheer courage and creativity
>Little Ewok mourning the death of his friend?
>"You rebel scum?"
>"I love you" "I know?"
>Chewie piloting that AT-ST?
>best space battle of the saga?
>literally everything in the throne room from dialogue to fight to sacrifice?
>the final farewell between father and son?
>a uplifting happy ending with the evil destroyed, Luke a proper Jedi and behind him the spirits of those that came before him looking at him smilingly and towards him his best friends?
Anyone who hates on Jedi is a spiritual and quite possibly literal faggot.
Unironically the best prequel and anyone who says different can come round my house and fight me
ROTJ Luke had such a perfect balance between Jedi maturity and Luke’s innocence. No other actor has pulled off a better Jedi performance since.
>tfw I actually enjoyed the Ewoks and still do
I-I can't be the only one right?
the most based and redpilled and also the most autistic post in the thread
how do we save the franchise bros?
Let Lucas buy the rights back for pennies on the dollar
This. It's my personal favorite too.
You forgot a few
>Rancor’s death and his master’s reaction
>Luke’s reaction to Obi-Wan admitting the truth
>Luke joyfulling meeting and hugging his friends on the rebel station after leaving Dagobar
>Luke telling Leia the truth on Endor
Yup, it’s kino
>Luke’s talk with Darth Vader after surrending himself to Empire troops
Kino again
Every frame that has Mark Hamill in it in ROTJ is kino
My personal take:
>han solo being useless
kinda true, he still does stuff on the surface of Endor
>leia being useless
She kills Jabba and helps Han
>boba fett dying like a retard
He was a supporting character, not really that big of a deal
>second death star
Eh, I thought it was kino. Better than the UBER DEATH STAR KILLER or whatever was in the Force Awakens
Cute and kino, provide some comic relief
Anybody who says they didn't enjoy the ewoks is either lying like a contrarian baby because they can't admit they enjoy fun things also enjoyed by children or boomers, or is genuinely an edgy no fun faggot
>everything Lando does?
>fucking Nien Nunb?
>mondo cool John Williams score?
THERE'S MORE I JUST really need to go to bed
This and Jar Jar was funny as fuck back in the day don't even care, I'll say it again.
>lucas sells it to Disney for 4 billion dollars
>Disney devalues it so bad he buys it back for 1 billion dollars
>3 billion dollar net profit in just 5 years
chad as fuck
Jar Jar is perfectly ok 90% of the time, RLM babbies just focus on the 2 non-consecutive minutes of screentime in TPM where he's an insufferable baby
Based and free-thinking pilled
based and truthpilled
I can't hate 'Jedi'.
Space battle is still epic. All them TIE's after "Fighters coming in!" is still thrilling. The speeder bike chase and the stskes involved zipping through the forest. Jabba's dank party. The Emperors scenes, the music buildup during Luke and Vader's scene where he fucks his hand up.
I get it, though; Ewok's are lame and drag the party down a bit, but Jedi is still dope as fuck in all other departments and hits one or two home runs.
'91 fag here, I too love RoTJ, and it always was my favorite when I got the OG remastered trilogy on VHS. I got goosebumps during Luke's final battle with Vader and the Emperor, and the whol atmosphere was simply epic.
Empire Strikes back is good too, personal favorite scenes are Hoth, Dagoba training and Han gertting frozen was pretty kino.
>This scene that is largely irrelevant and intercut with lando actually saving the day and fucking ewoks
cringe and hard pass
>Han gertting frozen was pretty kino.
It would have been if the entire sequence didn’t have that Chewbacca faggot making retard noises over the whole thing
Nah, Ewoks held up in my eyes while Jar Jar just seems stupid now.
Star Wars is filled with goofy puppet shit as a kind of comic relief, and to appeal to kids, get over it.
>emotional and thematic crux of the entire film and retrospectively the entire saga
> irrelevant
You are a very stupid cunt
>intercut with lando actually saving the day
>and fucking ewoks
fucking kino
user you can't post my wife
t. clone trooper
>This scene that is largely irrelevant
lol wtf is this how low ESBfags are stooping now?
>'91 fag here
based and same, I first watched the star wars trilogy when I was 4 and it stuck with me ever since
holy shit you are a massive, unapologetic, tremendous faggot, kys
It's the same reason T1 > T2.
T2 is the better movie though...
ROTJ's screenplay sucked but Hamill's acting and the special effects carried the day
based and kinopilled
Those are really good George Lucas/Lawrence Kasdan impressions.
Yeah. Nah.
scout troopers are the most aesthetic stormtroopers, so yes