well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
just alcohol
alcohol and cats
coffee and video games
vg and cofee
Alcohol and video games is the only correct answer
just cats
booze and vidya
Alcohol and Video games
And I could drop video games easy, dont really enjoy them anymore.
alcohol and coffee
cats and games
Alcohol and coffee. Pretty easy choices to make
never stay dead and videogames
fast food and vidya
Stop drinking that shit. You may not realize it but it fucks you up long term if you drink it every day
i don't need any of them. waste of my time
Only correct answer
Alcohol and coffee.
I would also play a version of this game where I simply make metal, Star Wars, superhero films and cats just go away.
Alcohol and alcohol.
>Whole thread say alcohol
>quit drinking g coffee guys, it’s bad for you.
Just save me the booze.
alcohol is a temporary remedy for depression, unlike coffee
Alcohol and coffee
Alcohol and video games.
And I barely play vidya anymore.
Alcohol and cats.
feed and sneed
Video games and cats.
the opposite, i just enjoy fast food more than anything else on the list. Anyone picking alcohol is probably a fatty or malnourished because regular alcohol consumption makes getting meals in but keeping calories down impossible
Alcohol and coffe, I'll try to save cats too
Its not temporary if you're always drinking.
Just videogames
Alcohol over the long term shrinks your brain which is a good thing and it can kill you which is a good thing.
coffee is a temporary remedy for being sleepy after drinking
>answering unironically
I know plenty of people who claim to be ‘useless’ and not to talk to them before they have had their coffee, and they are noticeably shittier to be around in the morning if they don’t have caffeine.
my doctor recommended I drink a cup of coffee daily because I have a family history of colon cancer
In what way?
I must be late stage then because I don't have any mates and I either drink alone at home or drink alone in pubs.
Semen and blacked.com
can easily live without the rest
This. WHO found out that any amount of alcohol has a net negative effect on your health, as opposed to what was previously believed, and 1 in 20 worldwide deaths was due in part to alcohol consumption.
Junk food and video games
no such thing since at least 2010
television & film
protip: you'll be dead in a few thousand days no matter how much mineral water you drink
booze and metal
soon you'll be able to live without vidya too
alcohol and alcohol
People who think this and don't understand they're pathetic pieces of shit are GIGANTIC pathetic pieces of shit.
Metal and Vidya
Vg and cats
What type of metal is being removed?
coffee and metal
also the previous reports of alcohol being good for you was that it's only good because it's a social lubricant. Socializing keeps you alive longer. If you can maintain active social bonds without alcohol then do that absolutely. Just having a little bit of alcohol by yourself is not healthy in any shape or form
metal and coffee
Ferrous, good luck playing video games without generators with magnets which make power for you.
superhero films and star wars lol!
Horror movies and vidya.
games and metal. Faggots.
I also like videogames but my life would probably be better without them.
you know what else fucks you up long term? bread
you know what else fucks you up long term? milk
you know what else fucks you up long term? meat
stop being such a fucking faggot and eat whatever you want aside from junk food and you'll be fine and probably live to 90+.
>People who think this and don't understand they're pathetic pieces of shit
So, nobody
Where's weed?
Honestly user, I just want to start by letting you know I generally don't give a shit about your opinion in any way, shape, or form.
That being said, and whilst I fully intend to ignore your advice, thank you for the concern.
replace junk food with soi products and I'll take the soi and superhero films.
>also funko pops
I don't need any of that shit. I guess horror movies and nothing else.
Quit it 12 years ago, i was drinking every single day and than just stopped.
Never was a big fan of it
>horror movies
Never was a big fan of them
>Star Wars
Never was a big fan of the movies, but some games were great
Kinda was a fan, but i don't care for it now
Used to have a dog for 17 years until he died
>Superhero films
The quality of their scripts went down hard over the years, especially marvel and it looks like it will go full sjw and it will repeat the fate of marvel comics.
So i guess it's vidya and junk food for me, fuck you all i ain't giving up pizza every once in a while.
Coffee and hooch
Booze and cats. No contest. Everything else is just shite.
This is like 95% of normie conversations I overhear. "Haha, I got so wasted last night. Can't wait till it's Friday again to get wasted"
Either horror movies and alcohol and horror movies and junk food (depending on what they mean by that...pizza?)
I prefer yerba mate and tea to coffee but of it said "caffeine" instead of "coffee", I'd reconsider
same here user
A few thousand days is less than 10 years, buddy.
Games and cats of course
Zoom-zoom now understands why colleges have new student orientations where they talk about alcohol abuse.
Well to be fair it does say early phase / use
>alcohol is a temporary remedy for depression, unlike coffee
Idiot. Alcohol is a depressant. It will make you more depressed. Coffee is a stimulant and has been proven to boost mood in depression. Coffee is only bad if you have a anxiety disorder.
alcohol and coffee. sorry mr fluffington.
>He thinks we're making it out of the next decade alive
Alcohol and pre disney star wars
I guess video games and junk food.
WHO are litrally retards the amount of times they changed the diet plate or pyramid whatever the fuck it is now.
Easy, junk food and video games since those are the only 2 that I consume.
Junk food and coffee
t. American unironically
u know that words that sound the same dont actually mean the same thing
Based 4channeler making productive use of his time on 4channel
god damn
Can I just have 1 gf instead of all those?
just cats.
t. dog fag
Yep pizza twice a year. Video everyday.
Cats and Video Games
Junk food and horror movies
Horror and metal and alcohol and fast food and videogames.
I refuse to choose so you can choose for me.
Yeah just booze thanks
Horror and metal
>just want to say
>thank you for your concern
An overweight white male made this
Cats and coffee
fast food and alcohol so you die lmao
have fun and diet and exercise daily
Coffee and Cats
Everything is either something I've already phased from my life (Alcohol, Videogames) or something I wouldn't miss.
>Thinks about alcohol
Well of course, among many other things. That's a stupid point.
>Talks to all their friends...
What friends :^) ...;_;...
>Want to go out and drink again
I seldom go out to drink
>Talks more about getting drunk with friends
It's a conversation mover. Usually it's just idle chatter, doesn't mean I actually want to go get blasted. Also point 2.
>When they go out with friends...
No not really. It's good to loosen up the mind and tongue, but the real treat is actually the conversation.
>Feels good when drinking
Well, isn't that the point? Drinking till you're actually poisoned to near death isn't the point of booze.
No not really.
>Feels alone...
This is all the time.
Look, I love alcohol, I really do. But just because there are people stuck in their adolescent mindset of undisciplined relentlessness doesn't make alcohol bad. I rarely get drunk to the point of stumbling around or passing out. I know my limits and I adhere to it most of the time. Besides, if anybody has ever gotten actually legitimately drunk, they'll all tell you that it's a horrible feeling, maybe one of the worst. you just want to die to make the pain end. Being buzzed is the best state, but being drunk is sickness.
Feed and Seed
Alcohol and horror films.
Horror movies and superhero films. I would rather have access to film than ever be burdened by the rest of that stuff. Even though I fucking love video games, I waste my life on them. At least movies I'm learning.. gaining perspective.. in some way or another..
Booze and metal i guess
Bideo games and coffee.
Alcohol and none of the others are necessary
I suppose I kind of like other peoples cats so I will pick them
junk food and video games
Here’s the thing. If you get rid of Cats wouldn’t it have some negative effect. Especially if it means big cats get removed.
So Cats are in by obligation.
my nigger
Junk food and coffee
Cats are massively damaging to the environment. They kill shit loads of birds and small mammals. Fuck cats, let them go.
I like shoving Monopoly pieces up my own ass
>I'm smarter than an entire organization, and I haven't even done any research on the same things they've researched.
>for me, it's Star Wars and superhero movies
Probably nobody on Yea Forums, no. Other people, I'm not so sure.
Coffee and Vidya
booze and spooks all day
Underrated post
and cats i guess. don't consume or care about the other shit
Coffee & Cats
alcohol is highly replaceable with a variety of drugs, video games are a little tempting but fuck them, cats deserve to exist and coffee is the greatest beverage.
the rest aren't even in competition
who doesn't
Yes to bread. No to milk and meat.
coffee and cats
Just metal and cats. I don't want to sound edgy but I really enjoy metal more than any other kind of music (although I can appreciate anything). And I love my cats too much to get rid of them.
Everything else is either a waste of your time, are dumb as fuck or just plain bad for your health.
Pretty based
vg+junk food
junk food and video games
okay but not really a great drug, 4/10
just take caffeine pills and/or tea
>horror movies
i've only seen a handful that i enjoyed, the rest are shit for morons
>superhero films
>star wars
who gives a fuck
don't care for it
they're nice but i've never owned one and don't plan to
This. Any other answer would be objectively wrong
I can at least still smoke if I pick Video Games and Metal, but holy shit fuck that list
Junk food + alcohol.
I'm not a fatty and I don't drink but there's no reason for me to choose anything else here. (Junk food is a super broad term and worth saving more so than coffee)
alcoohl the rest is shit
Alcohol and coffee
Alcohol and Junk Food, Metal close runner-up.
Sex is a conspicuously absent option. Really ought to be on there if the artist was intending to make this a difficult choice
Adulthood is coffee ("up") and alcohol ("down"). This raises the question of who in this society is interested in adulthood.
...Is My Chemical Romance metal?
I can’t determine which post is dumber. Both are retarded, but it’s hard to gauge which is worse.
do I have to keep two?
Based Yea Forums alcoholics. Straightedge nerds can fuck right off.
id rather be rid of them all
top zozzle
Alcohol and video games. But good games, not that mario bullshit
even though i want to mock you for being a cool wine aunt this is the only correct answer
Junk food and vidya
Superhero movies and Horrir movies (but only bone-chilling slow burns.
They think videogames are bad but trannyism is normal.
Thank you for reading my post. You may now respond with 'based'
Patrician taste, besides drugs (Uppers and hallucinogens) are vastly superior to alcohol.
Ok, then I can do without metal.
t. cool wine aunt
I can survive without any of this though
VG and Junk food
t. person who picked alcohol
>dont junk food
>dont alcohol
>dont coffee
>dont horror movie
>dont star wars anymore
>dont metal
>dont cats
Quite easy, video games and superheroes
cats and videogames. cats are great pets and i cant sacrifice an entire artform, especially when you consider all the crazy vr shit we might get in the future. just imagine missing out on all that interactive porn. coffee is also going to get really expensive when the workers start getting livable wages, a cup is going to cost 10x more so you might as well bite the bullet now. its however going to take a long time for that to happen and automation and gmo advancements are probably going to cushion the blow somewhat. alcohol is also great but its somewhat replaceable. Amanita muscaria for example almost stimulates the brain in the same way as alcohol and other drugs like weed could also work as social lubricant.
very based
>cracks open a frosty cold beer
>"See, the thing about the pope is.."
covfefe > metal >>>>>>> alcojew >>>>>> the rest is trash
never really eat it
drink like twice a year
i drink tea
watch a fair bit
fuck capeshit
shits dead
shits dead
huge part of my life
don't own a cat
Looks like its Metal and Horror movies for me
the ultimate manchild
I have an anxiety disorder, but I love coffee, its hard limiting myself to a cup or 2 on the weekends. That bitter black elixer just coats the tongue and warms the soul too well.
Vidya and junk food but I'd really miss metal and cats
Coffee and Cats
i'd die otherwise
>Yep pizza twice a year
That's just sad.
Star Wars and cats.
Weed and video games. I don't care if weed isn't on there. I put it on there.
Anyone who drinks alcohol or caffeine should just kill themselves now and save themselves some suffering.
Videogames and cats. Easy.
Im more of a Video games and junk food kind of guy. But if you were to replace alcohol with just generic "drugs" to capture everyone's preference, I would have to go with drugs and video games. I don't like alcohol it's a pleb drug.
metal and coffee master race reporting in
Videogames and alcohol, don't care about any of the others.
Will miss junkfood and coffee a bit but nothing else at all.
Cats and video games.
Killing all cats would probably have some strange ecological effects, and the only other thing on that list I care about is video games. Getting rid of junk food would just help me in the long run, and I can live without coffee.
That said, while alcohol is one of the single most destructive and awful substances on the planet and I would do nothing but rejoice if it was gone, it's a damn useful cleaner, industrial product, and medical solution.
Highly Basado y Rojo-pilled
Coffee and metal
>That said, while alcohol is one of the single most destructive and awful substances on the planet
vidya has made more harm to society than alcohol did in millenia
Video games and I guess just throw the second option in the trash.
Can I just sacrifice Capeshit, Star Wars, and cats to keep the rest?
All 9 are degenerate how about none.
alcohol and video games
yet here you are
junk food and video games
coffee and alcohol easily
Coffee and junk food, metal and video games are what I would have picked at first glance but I know full well that I'm better off them to begin with
Lucky you. without my cat the whole damn house would be infested with mice again. I genuinely need my cat
We both know you don't believe that, so why even post it?
Don't get me wrong I enjoy a drink and all, and obviously I wouldn't support and sort of prohibition type shit because it would never work, alcohol is too huge part of our civilization, it's like banning sex, but in a fantasy scenario where I could just wish away alcohol forever, I'd be more than happy to bite the bullet in order to get rid of such mindbogglingly harmful thing.
coffee for sure
cats vs videogames is tough for me being a retro collector and cat lover but the rest can go burn even though i love the star wars OT and some superhero movies
best combo
Literally me just swap in ‘Homies’ and ‘bar’