ITT: Times you have been fooled by Yea Forums

ITT: Times you have been fooled by Yea Forums

Pic related. For months I have seen threads about Alita fill up the catalog. I didn't really read them because "hey it might be good and I don't want to be spoiled" but it was hard to miss the praise the fucks in here were giving to the film.

Finished that pile of garbage 5 minutes ago. Who was it aimed for?? The film had some violence so it can't be purely a kids movie, but everything from the dialog, the rushed dumb plot, to the main characters confessing love to each other after they just met, felt like a morning cartoon for children.

And I kept on watching the whole 2+ hours thinking "there has to be some good twist or some redeeming quality about this, maybe some ebin ending" — only to be cucked by a retarded cliffhanger.

Fuck you, Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Alita threads were literally just four autists. I think they even had a meet up in Long Beach. It was pathetic. The movie sucked.

The Alita movie was just a way for Cameron to have some extra funding for his computer technology experiments. He didn't care about the quality of the movie itself.
The Alita threads were a group of hopeless tards no better than the Reylo fags, I'm sorry you were fooled.

After the GITS live action movie I should have learned to stay away from films based on manga/anime.

>I didn't really read them because "hey it might be good and I don't want to be spoiled"
user please

This. They’re schizophrenic too, always screaming about roasties and trannies.

Nice bait, no one can be bothered to read all that shit, let alone believe it.

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I see

here they come:

(you) guys are so fucking cringe.
Or should I say guy, singular.

you wanted to watch Alita anyway. Not because Yea Forums told you. Why else would you try not to read spoilers. Jesus christ you are dumb.

Unironically this

Some action scenes are "good" and the vfx and photography are cool too but the movie is really bad, to me because most of the dialogs are shit, it's Ready Player One lv

You know you're responding to another poster, right?

You have to go back.

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I thought there were literally 2 people on Yea Forums. (you) and (me)

hello discord

I always thought the studio was shilling the movie. Glad I never took the bait and watched it. It looked retarded

>Alita was such a bad movie

Grow up, and learn to enjoy a fun movie. Apart from the abrupt ending there we're no major problems with the movie. Guys like you are the biggest crying whingebaby's, you lap up the years more recent capeshit, but despise something like Alita. Something is seriously wrong with Yea Forums and the state of the movie industry.

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saw it in theaters before all the faggot generals. it was pretty decent. sorry you got tricked into seeing it thinking it was kino.

>you lap up the years more recent capeshit
No, capeshit is equally retarded. I think I can dislike bad films in general, rather than taking part in your autistic bickering.

You guys need to have sex. PLEASE, it'll be for your own good. Just. Have. Sex.

the movie is garbage, but for permavirgin fatties who jack off to cartoon elementary school girls -- its all there is

have sex

Hey, Edge of Tomorrow is pretty good.

>low quality alita hating bait
get back in your discord tranny

>t. discord tranny
Go back.

>GITS live action movie
How can you possibly compare that to Alita? With GitS they basically threw out everything that made it special or otherwise intentionally got everything wrong, whereas Alita - while no masterpiece - at least tried to be faithful to the source material.

checked and agreed. it was a fun movie.

>Trusting Yea Forums

Most posters here don't even watch the movies they spam about. The Real kino is stuff that doesn't even get discussed because there is nothing to meme about:

nice trips and selfie

Dark City (1998) was unwatchable

I enjoyed the film as a good first episode of a series of movies. It would be a hit if it was released 4 or 7 years ago, before Disney's monopoly. I think a second film would be better, but it'll never be made.
I agree the pacing is a problem and the love story could be cut without hurting the plot.

>haha it le kaiju kino!!
>it's really just boring garbage with shitty human dialogue taking up most of the movie

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You can tell they didn't care about this film when they cast a crackhead goblin.

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cameron pick the wrong director alita needed a director with balls someone like Neill blomkamp

it was pretty bad. godzilla being a bad ass was great but the everything else bleh

>main characters confessing love to each other after they just met

>no u
learn something new alitashitter

>Spent the whole movie thinking “huh, this really feels like a Spy Kids movie”
>Directed by Robert Rodriguez

It was a solid 4/10 and anyone who says otherwise is blinded by waifushit

what did he mean by this

it's a manga, any value it has is inseparable from the art and the weekly serial nature of manga. They don't work as films and even animes are usually disappointing. The stories are too shallow and based on spectacle and the artists own imagined world.

Alita was based and Blomkamp’s script would’ve sucked, though he would’ve made a pretty badass director

Yall faggots. I love Alita.

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>You can tell they didn't care about this film when they cast a crackhead goblin.
She's quite pretty but she doesn't appeal to Alita incels....she's not preteen and she's a real human being.

I disagree. She looks like an adult with Crouzon syndrome.

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Plebs, go back

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It's the usual "try and adapt something that's way beyond the scope of a feature length movie and keep it PG13". Way too much getting either rushed, glossed over, or skipped entirety. I wasn't even familiar with the source material and even I could tell it just didn't feel right.

Alita threads were spawned by right wing fags upset about Captain Marvel's success, then piggybacked by DC cucks.
Once you know that, you'll know it all.

I hate capeshit but not even capeshit felt as bland as Alita.

Everything in the story was telegraphed. Hey that boy she ran into who can't act to save his life, how cheesy is this. You know exactly what will happen.

Bland and cheesy but too violent for kids to get into. The only people who like it want to fuck a CGI character.

Christoph Waltz who is usually a good performer didn't really know what to do and came across as bored and in it for a pay cheque.


underrated summary

You are not allowed to enjoy anything that's not marvel

how can this movie be bad it has idris elba in it

>With GitS they basically threw out everything that made it special or otherwise intentionally got everything wrong

exact same thing happened with alita. both movies are built around scenes copied from their respective source material, but with altered/zero context resulting in completely flat execution. Alita may not have anything as utterly fucking stupefying as the CFL bed scene, but they're pretty close in all other respects.

just stopped by a Wal-Mart and saw only two copies of Alita on the rack, while captain marvel was fully stocked, Alita haters just might be wrong in saying there won't be a sequel.

Box office begs to differ.

Stay mad Alita shitter. Normies literally preferred the ugly Brie Larson to your computer waifu.

Alitards are unironically buying DVDs and leaving them up for grabs in public places just to shill this film.

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Another poor soul duped by the discord tranny waifufags

>he fell for the box office meme
dilate discord tranny

You're literally the discord tranny who wants to be Alita.

>box office is a meme
Film jews beg to differ.

the manga was pretty disjointed. itstarted interesting, completly switched gears to a sports story, then again hard 180 and alitainstantly becomes a god of death. probably really cool when it came out but i couldnt finish it.

I'd imagine it just gets thrown away, or donated to a nearby ditch by public cleaning services

>crackhead goblin
have sex

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>return to spot

it really is autism.

She's ugly.

Post Moner instead.

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I don’t see how this movie could be considered remotely fun unless you just sat back in your seat pretending she was your girlfriend the entire time

I'd imagine they were picked up by hobos who tried to hock them in pawn shops and got $2 for each copy.

lmao this is pathetic, not even capt marvel was shilled this bad

this teeters on mental illness.

Doesn’t make it good faggot lmao

>alitafags have abandoned the thread completely

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This. There are tons of hot latinas but Rosa isn't one of them.

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Someone is mad.

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i can't imagine how hard this guy has been seething the last few months, being all smug about avatar keeping the crown then losing it to endgame and now has to move to defend flopita when people aren't even talking about marvel

and he does it for free

Sorry your waifu is a dog that's only fuckable when she's a cartoon character.

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>why won't they just HAVE SEX, old top?

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ow, the poor baby got mad

Look at that face. No wonder this flopped and the sequel is never.

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Ah, so you have finally discovered what shilling tastes like. Now that you know what it tastes like, will you consume it again?

>Stay mad Alita shitter. Normies literally preferred the ugly Brie Larson to your computer waifu.
Brie Larson is NOT ugly.

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Its hilarious how rent free Captain Marvel lives in the average Alitans head.

>Look at that face
The face that's never seen in the film? Your not that bright, user.

yep. felt like a movie for 6 year olds until fucking people started getting chopped up.
the manga and anime are shit too. dont let anyone fool you on that.
now go watch the kite anime (not the remake movie lolol)

You're right, she's just a horrible person who smells of piss.


Your waifu is shit.

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I wonder how mad Rosa was when she found out she was being CGI'd out of the movie but based Jcon wasn't.

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>Laurel wreaths everywhere
Oh boy we know we're in trouble now.

>t. incredibly shit taste
Your mind has been warped by DC and Marvel, you're incapable of enjoying anything genuine and are conditioned to only like dishonest movies.

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I forgot the name of a French film I saw recommended here until hours later when I remembered that it was "L'ascension du chevalier noir." I excitedly looked it up only to realize that it was just French for "The Dark Knight Rises."

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

I saw some threads saying this movie was boring; but rented it and it was a hidden gem.

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>implying there is anything genuine in this movie

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haha rekt

I think its a good movie given that 99% of all the bullshit that hollywood produces is full of progressive agenda and white hate.
Feels good once in a while to find something less drenched in propaganda.
Alita wasn't perfect but it was, in a way, wholesome.

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A genuine attempt at making a good film, with an exciting story and unforgettable characters. There are a couple of scenes and performances that weren't exactly oscar-worthy, but as a whole its a great film.

I clapped when she killed the nigger.

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>there’s no white hate in the movie it’s so refreshing!
>big bad is an immortal white dude who lives in a sky city lording over the poor brown people beneath


How retarded are you?

You say wholesome.

I say bland.

Seriously, most of the acting in the movie was bad and the plot wasn't very exciting. We knew what was going to happen.

I like a bland blockbuster sometimes as much as the next person, only I admit it was bland.

Was Alita enjoyable enough? Sure, it passed the time. But it wasn't anything like you lot portray it as.

Why do these retards keep insisting that the only people who could dislike the sub par movie called Alita "just have to be into marvel / DC capeshit"?
Again, I don't watch superhero movies. You are too fucking autistic to realize that not revolves around your söyboy cinematic universe

Because they are mad that awful capeshit movies are better received than Alita.

Literal jealousy.

Why try and adapt a long series heavily based in transhumanism with lots of body horror when your stuck with a PG13 raiting and real actors.

The funny thing is the only other media they discuss at length in their discord server IS capeshit, they even recommend to each other to watch more of it.

If it doesn't have a cape or a mask they won't watch it.

why are spics so obsessed with this franchise? i noticed the spanish dub of the anime ova has millions of views on youtube

Because you always seem to have an opinion about what these movies are supposed to be like.

>Is actually in the discord server of a movie he hates
Rent. Free.

That's based on a book.

I don't hate the movie. I hate you.

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Jesus christ it's like the holy trinity of cancer.

its a cookie cutter teen movie sci-fi plot, the only interesting decision was to make the eyes big.
>inb4 mouse shill
>inb4 capecuck
>inb4 wojak
your movie sucks schitzo alita fag

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How there are rosafags is beyond me. She is genuinely hideous.

I don't consume teen sci-fi regularly so I wouldn't know. I just know its better than most of the movies I've seen recently.

i thought they were stealth pedo threads?

Well congrats faggot. Now go watch some other movies you can call genuine, like hunger games or the mazerunner.

I did. They sucked. Which is why I avoid mazerunner and hunger game threads.

>people made posts about a movie so they must think it’s good.

Mental Retard

Honestly, you know what your issue is? You can't just enjoy a movie and have to seek validation for your media choices. "Oh no someone has a different opinion and wants to dissect movies! Oh no!" If you want a circlejerk, go to Reddit.

Enjoy Alita all you want. Critical analysis and enjoyment are different. You can enjoy a so bad its good movie like The Room.

Alita was bland. Audiences didn't watch it. It didn't make much money and won't get a sequel. Many people didn't like it. if you enjoyed it? Good for you. But that doesn't make it good critically.

Stop getting literally butthurt that people don't share your opinions.

>twitter meme
yeah, i'm thinking i'm not reading past the first sentence

>t. Moonlights biggest fan
"critical analysis" what a fucking joke

>We knew what was going to happen.

you always know what's going to happen
good guys win

you clearly didn't watch gits 2017. i absolutely resent to appeal to the idea that soemone who has actually seen that would misunderstand it to such a fucking abhorrent degree. there is no way you're actually this fucking stupid. holy shit..
here, moron. since you haven't seen it,

>a movie that triggered me was highly praised thus all highly praised movies trigger me

you have autism

>you always know what's going to happen
>good guys win
That is not what I was referring to.

I was referring to literal plot points spelled out like the bland love interest.

Not as much of a joke as you jacking off to a CGI character and letting your cumbrain do the thinking.

>acclaim and box office performance are reliable indicators of the quality of a film
I'm not the one with autism pal

>>t. Moonlights biggest fan
Where was that mentioned.

Alita was shit bro. Get over it.

Shill your gay channel on reddit you little queer. By the way nice voice lmao, hope your balls drop someday.

Are Alita fans the new DC fans?

>wahh release the Synder cut

Your movie was shit though.

>t. Endgames biggest fan

>muh CGI waifu is the only reliable indicator of quality

>Alita's biggest fan
Enjoy the sequ- oh wait.

They're marvel fans acting like DC fans who love a shit movie.

box office does indicate whether or not it will get a sequel. in the sense it won't.

Besides, people have seen the movie and come to the conclusion it is garbage. This fantasy of yours that literally everyone who sees the movie likes it has got to break at some point.

Are you an idiot? I never said box office indicates quality. There are LOADS of factors that can indicate quality.

But guess what? Alita had none of these. It was shit.

>t. Avatars biggest fan

>Denying objective reality's biggest fan

Am I supposed to just take your word for it?

you've been wrong with literally every post like that.

>Chucks biggest fan

>get the impression that drive is somehow a based film with a relatable protagonist
>main character is dating a single mom with a brown kid who’s the son of a Mexican gangster in prison

you're supposed to be able to think in terms beyond "i like so is good and will get sequel cuz I always get what i want!"

>my word
No, don't take my word for it. I am one person.

>Take a whole threads word for it.
>Take the box office word for it.
>Take critics word for it.
>Take societies word for it.

The majority of people didn't like this film. It was a bland blockbuster. People don't remember it already. It isn't a classic or a cult classic. It didn't push cinema or wow audiences.

It was a forgettable flop like John Carter. You enjoyed it. doesn't mean it was great.

Fuck Alita. It trivializes that dogs death as though it were made for Chinese audiences. After John Wick, Americans want to see actual vengeance after a dog dies.

>Oy Vey!
>Stop watching Alita goy!
>Only watch 'certified fresh' films and capeshit!

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>good goy
>keep fapping to CGI Disney eyes!

The funny thing is that Alita wishes it was capeshit. Big Disney eyes. Sequel bait. Action.

Your movie was bland capeshit. Heck it was based on a comic too.

its just utterly incomprehensible that any group of people would think "yes, having a girl wipe puppy blood on her face is how we will endear her to audiences."

so what
Alita a cutie and Motorball is cool
do you need more from a movie than a pretty girl and cool action?

God that scene was fucking weird.

>t. strawman arguments' biggest fan

Have you not been keeping up with the thread?

Enjoy what you want to enjoy.

It doesn't make it a good film.

Alita fans have overtaken DC fans as the worst.

Congratulations guys!

>Who is McTeague?

Why did no one who could dress or lift come out?

It was made before disney bought fox genius

Are you a fucking retard?

I was referring to the style of eyes. Not who owned it.

God you're retarded.

Can anyone find that turbo cringe cover of Lowrider some alitard made? I need a good laugh

>ITT angry weebs angry their waifu is shit

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>caring about which multinational owns what

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>Le big eyes remind me of Frozen
Didn't know Disney bought the rights to big eyes

Literally was referring to big style of cutesy eyes.

Man you're autistic.

They aren't even weebs. A weeb can accept their franchise is shit despite it having cute girls. These people are just incel cultists.

Your autism is showing.

It is a literal turn of phrase about the style Disney have used for literally over half a century.

Dark. Every time I mention it some faggot whines about how good it is. It's shit, the story is indistinguishable from an AI generated script. Netflix and mouseshit need their own board so I don't have to waste time on suggestions from brainlets.

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>Didn't know Disney bought the rights to big eyes
You didn't know. But your wife's boyfriend did.

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What attracts spics to this movie?

Get fucked Alita fans.

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>we wuz robots and shit

>incel cultists
I can believe that.

the anime style the nips have used for decades was based upon disney's stylistic trappings in the 40s and 50s.

Someone post the tranny discord I need to ask them where this song is

Pretty much.

have you ever watched a godzilla movie?

Wreck it Ralph, Frozen. They got spammed for months and they suck

>pile of garbage

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but it DOES make a good film
a good film is entertaining
thought provocation is so 1900s

>tfw you personally murdered 500 generals with a few shitposts
Still going through the exif from the archived threads I haven't seen

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Nope, post Vjuice

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negro, everyone won't share your opinions on what is enjoyable.

You liked something. Congratulations. That doesn't make it good. that doesn't mean everyone has identical thoughts.

yes because captain marvel was watched in the movie theaters and is pretty much a money printing machine

>mfw the Alita sequel is dead just like Vjuice's career

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quality of a movie =/= worth a sequel

imo alita was a fun movie and if Yea Forums's autism didn't mentioned it i probably wouldn't watched it. however the hype isn't appropiate

>the alitafag begins to babble incoherently


Best movie of the century so far

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Directed by a mexican, lead actress is a mexican. No other reasons

my thoughts and the constant threads on Yea Forums prove that there is a consistent conscious collective content with the content
suck my dick and balls, you un-relativist shithead

You mean the collective incel consciousness lmao. Learn English, Jose. It's consciousness not conscious. Have sex

>fast food is good food because I enjoy it!!

>four people constantly make threads
>therefore everyone loves it!

the fanbase for this is about the same size as the fanbase for the average middlingly successful anime. the difference being anime fans know sequel animes basically never happen.

>movie Yea Forums fanbase consist of trannies who dilate and call other trannies for not dilating hard enough.

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Discord tranny general thread?

>gets BTFO for posting stale bait
>crys like a bitch
Get back in your discord dickless.

It was pretty forgettable overall and they were too afraid to go really all the way with the source material, especially considering the violence.

In the end I prefer the manga like a true cultured gentleman, thank you very much.

You trannys have a discord to work on your bait and this is the best you can come up with? Get your ass back in your discord and don't come back till you have fresh bait.

Sorry kid. You you have to be at least 18 to be considered a "gentleman" as well as post on this board.

how does it feel having an axe wound instead of a dick ?
don't forget to dilate to get the hair and pus out tranny.

>The only people who like it want to fuck a CGI character.
Aka how things get popular on Yea Forums. Ask Yea Forums what cartoons they like. Same thing and it's pathetic.

Why are you here? Besides to post weak bait of course.


You didnt liked something. Congratulations. That doesn't make it bad. That doesn't mean everyone has identical thoughts.

>Cartoon for kids

Yeah sure. That's why people were dying left right and centre and in one scene she gets cut into 100 pieces.

why the fuck would I use consciousness there, it's a fucking noun
dumbass alita-hatin motherfucker

>the autist posts a "no u."

... for the love of god dude, know when you don't have any arguments.

Personally I blame Peaches, the namefags and the stoners from Colorado. They were trolling the threads to keep them bumped. It was a dead giveaway when they went to the meet up and the trolling stopped for 72 hours around the meetup. Once the jannies found out the general was killed pretty quick.

have sex

They're both dead in the water nigga. Don't @ me again or I'll heem you

they started banning the generals because all you people will do is spam the same tiny handful of shitty images endlessly

You're the one who needs sex bruv. Since you can't fuck a CGI character.

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>keep seeing Alita threads even though movie is out of theaters
>decide to check this one out
>the entire thread is nothing but cringe posting love or hate for the movie
All of you get off my board. Cringe posting faggots like you are why Yea Forums is shit these days. Leave now. Go back to where you came from. Stay there. You aren't welcome on Yea Forums, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

>posts blatant lies
>expects to be taken seriously

>fence sitting faggot

>complains about images being posted on an image board
Do you even know where you are?

It was a bunch of trannies that praised it because they wish they were women. They even had a discord for it. Now they do the same for tht women that plays captain marvel. Then the janitor started deleting the a bit late and you probably wont see this but LURK MORE

>t. shitposting dickless tranny with zero valid arguments complaining about shitposts responses
Go back to your discord dickless. Your tranny friends are waiting for you to join them for your dilation session.

>cancer uses the standard cancer argument

Please go back to wherever you came from.

>w-we don't have a d-discord y-you do!
>w-we're not tr-trannies y-you a-are!!

dude, this is pathetic.

(you) are completely wrong. It was a bunch of trannies that hated it because they wish they were women. They even have a discord for planning bait posts to troll Alita threads. Now they do the same for that women that plays captain marvel. Then the janitor got sick of the flame war and started deleting the threads. I'm pretty quick on the response so you probably will see this so LURK MORE before posting such bullshit again.

>cancer uses the standard cancer argument
Please go back to wherever you came from

how retarded do you need to be to think angrily calling people "tranny" is an effective strategy? Is your goal to appear so retarded that people just bail on these threads so you can have your little circlejerk?

I'd bet money that I've been here longer than you've been alive, even if the safer bet is longer than you've been literate.

Not as pathetic as (you) crying like a bitch when your same stale posts are tossed back in your face. You can leave any time you want. Your Discord is right there in the other tab. Just close this one.

Dilate and cope trannys. Its all you can do at this point.

>you're replying to me therefore you are crying you're such a bitch haha lmao look at the little bitch!!!

seriously. are you 12.

Yeah, it was a bit underwhelming and terribly paced. Plus was written like a family sports film. But ultimately, it was pretty comfy. I liked the robots and the world building and some of the action was fun. For me, the problem was the love interest, he was retarded and they literally had him die twice, killed the pacing at the end. Still, I'd probably see a sequel.

This is just the kind of response that I would expect from a 12 year old tranny. Comes as no surprise of course. You have already proven yourself an immature tranny. Sad really.

>another "no u."

so that's a yes to my earlier question? Your goal is to appear so retarded that people just stop replying to you?


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It's aimed at a YA audience. The same audience as Twilight, Hunger Games etc.