Is this the ultimate kinosnack?
Is this the ultimate kinosnack?
No, that’s raisenets and popcorn
Jorge in the back eating pizza and chillin
While I do feel sorry for the children, it's ultimately the parents' fault for not immigrating to the US legally. They're willingly putting their children's lives at stake, so it's on them. ICE is merely doing their job as it is written.
Oh no! my parents commited a felony but nevermind that, release them because i am a child and crying.
"H-hey little girl, can you bury your face in your hands real quick? Just try and look like your real sad that these adults you've never met up until today were taken away by other adults you've never met."
"But I just want to eat my pizza."
"I'll buy you another sprite if you pose for the shot kid."
>First day of school is nightmare
>It's pizza day
this. 90% of kids don't understand the fucking difference.
yes and think of all the advantages of deporting their parents so the US taxpayer has to take care of them, which are that ADVANTAGES GO HERE
They're immigrating to better their children's lives you imbecile, not to deliberately put them at risk.
I don't see fat third worlders and drug traffickers, I see doctors, engineers...
>the only one drinking water is the fattest
Why don't they better the lives of all future generations by fixing their own country instead of running away to leech off someone else?
that's textbook economic migration and not the definition of asylum. they don't belong here.
Hi /pol/
USA ruined their country
>early August
>first day of school
it's their fault for losing the war
They're illegally immigrating to improve their own lives and put their children at risk.
Do it the proper way and this shit won't happen. The alternative is letting everyone with kids in because "MUH BETTER LIFE"
I thought Mexico was great and America was shitty and racist, why come here anyway?
Fuck them. There are enough illegal cocksucking spics in California alone to ethnically cleanse Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho off the electoral college and the House of Reps. I want every single fucking one gone. Yes, I am willing to fight a civil war over the issue. Civil wars are fought over mass disenfranchisement. Problem?
All 3 kids in that pic are already obese. Holy shit parents are letting their kids down these days.
Its disgusting, at least they should have taken kids too.
>i-i-its America's fault Mexico is a lawless hellhole...
Fix your country, taconigger.
Why can't they just send the kids back with them?
>tfw school had too much A4 paper so they started using it as napkins,
>Commit a crime
>Get caught
So many pepperonis. Jelly.
Not anymore they’re not, top kek.
They don't have the right to do that
>come on dude i was just robbing this bank for my kids haha you'll let me go right
then why would they take actions that directly put the children directly at risk?
solid bait, got plenty of (you)s
leftist bait works every time
At the theater, popcorn. I like to get a mix of butter and cheese. But when I was a kid, I liked bringing in fast food. I remember watching Fast and the Furious 2 while eating smuggled Taco Bell tacos. White Castle was also really good.
Americans don't have to show birth certificate etc when signing up for school?
Well how did that work out for them? Poor decision making desu senpai
My theory has always been that Trump's plan is to make America so shitty no one would ever want to move here.
its generally the poor with the fattest kids, also mexicans, but that may be because most of them are poor.
I believe hotter parts of the USA has summer June and july
My parents came here legally but brought my sisters illegally. Then just fixed the paper work over the border for them at a later date. It was the smarter move desu
> instead of running away to leech off someone else?
I hate this viewpoint. The entire point of the US was fuck my country I want to go somewhere better. The only difference is that it's brown people doing it now.
Wow, if they were in the leftist paradise of social justice and equality in Mexico, this would never happen. We need this generation's very own Schindler to save them.
I hope you and your spic family gets walmart'd
>Tfw I was fat ever since I was born at 11lbs
>Mom thought me being "chubby" as a young child was cute
Why did you do this to me? I'm an adult now and have trimmed up a bit but talk about setting me up for failure to live a healthy lifestyle
Business idea: become a modern Schindler and smuggle poor oppressed immigrants away from oppression in western countries and back to their idyllic homeland
Good luck with that bucko
>The entire point of the US was fuck my country I want to go somewhere better
In what fucking universe did people come to the US to reap the benefits of an already established nation? Are you fucking stupid? The people that came to America came to build something new. Pioneers are not economic migrants you delusional faggot.
Not that hard to understand. Raise your children in a druglord-infested hellhole or take a risk and maybe give them a better life. Some people choose the shitty sure thing but many choose the risk. Same reason the lottery is so popular with the poor. The economy is broken and they're desperate enough to take chances that could potentially doom them and their families.
Welcome to America!
*takes your parents and gives you floor pizza*
Even if your strawman were correct, what would be wrong with that?
>Raise your children in a druglord-infested hellhole or take a risk and maybe give them a better life
There's the third option of fixing the druglord-infested hellhole and making it a livable nation for future generations.
oh yeah people were totally coming here and claiming free land via the homestead act in order to advance the white race, not to better their own situation
pure heroic alturism
No, the only difference is that when the new world was colonized, they built it from NOTHING, into the richest country in the world. Spics hopping the border to steal welfare aren't building shit, they are leeches.
If they were like the settlers of the new world they would work to make their own countries better
>The people that came to America came to build something new.
completely, laughably false.
Literally nobody came here to "build something new", not even the original colonists. I know you have a white messiah complex, but I assure you they did not give a shit about building a country just for the sake of building a country. They came here for cheap land.
Claiming land, hundreds of miles away from civilization, surrounded by animals, and violent Indians, and requiring you to turn the land into something useful like a sawmill, mine, or farm in order to earn it.
Yeah, that's totally what Juan Rodrigeuz and his thirty seven children are doing.
there are nice parts of mexico though why not go there
Do you guys just sit around and post fake news with each other all day or what?
Are liberals really this brain dead?
this, poor people buy fast foods and give their children candy because they often don't have time to cook and fattening food is cheaper than the healthy ones.
Like, you guys realize that OP's story is fake and from a picture where they're at the gym right? You guys really fell for that without questioning it? How fucking stupid is this board?
They came to build their homesteads you jackass, no one is claiming they had a grand master plan to create the modern US. Spics aren't building anything they literally only come for the free cash handed out by dumb gringos
Is it weird that I want a desperate child of illegals to come live with me?
>fixing their own country
>fixing the druglord-infested hellhole and making it a livable nation for future generations
Conservatives love to use this line, but can you explain how low income families who expend all of their resources just getting by and feeding their families would be able to "fix their country"? Can you be more specific about how they would accomplish that, especially after their economy was eviscerated by NAFTA during the Clinton administration? Oh that's right, you don't care about specifics and just want them to fuck off.
Nothing wrong with that, they all have manservants over there
wtf why can't I break the law!?
>Oh that's right, you don't care about specifics and just want them to fuck off.
Damn right, it's not my fucking problem how they fix their shit. They just need to stop coming and ruining my nation, because what I care about is MY nation and MY family and MY living conditions. No amount of leftist seething will ever change that.
Mexico was the chief benefactor of NAFTA, you stupid spic. As for the rest of that shithole, they're overdue for a civil war to fix their corruption problems. It's just how their countries work. Right now they're just using America as a safety release valve, to funnel all the people who WOULD fix the problems out of Mexico, perpetuating the cycle.
>show up with no documents of any kind, trying to illegally hop the border
>just a kid, or kids, they claim are theirs
>most of the people you're arresting are sex slave traffickers or just straight up rapists themselves
>separate them and house them in clean detention facilities while you try to figure out what to do with them
>in any other country you would simply be rounded up and shot on the spot
>later, be demonized by the media for not letting these people just flood over the border and turn the southern states into a set for the next Sicario movie
>Can you be more specific about how they would accomplish that,
by voting for people that actually want to build the country and not puppets for cartels that promise the dumb masses free shit just to get in the door.
>Oh that's right, you don't care about specifics and just want them to fuck off
It's not my job to fix their shithole for them anyway, after the revolution King George didn't sail over to the new US to instruct them on how to run a country. They wrote the constitution themselves.
who cares faggot? pic is just a pretext to talk politics on a film board anyways.
You have to start somewhere, dipshit. Growing up in a hellhole of a country where you never learned to treat your neighbors with any respect because it’s a literal free-for-all, then immigrating to another country where you drive up the crime rates just to ruin someone else’s home is NOT any better. You don’t get a free pass in trashing someone else’s hard work because you’d rather take a siesta than fix your own government.
>They're immigrating to better their children's lives
Well that was an epic fail gangnam style then given that their child is now an orphan.
>but can you explain how low income families who expend all of their resources just getting by and feeding their families would be able to "fix their country"?
Getting together and lynching the drug lords and/or corrupt politicians would be a good start.
>Oh that's right, you don't care about specifics and just want them to fuck off.
What's wrong with that?
>dude just invite new problems into an already problem-ridden country
you just admitted that the best Mec
The angels in my dreams
Have turned to demons of greed that's mean
one thing is talking like a faggot, actually typing this shit is on another level
>dude who cares lmao just join in the political shitposting
You people are fucking retards. Learn to check sources before you blindly follow what you're told - oh, but I'm talking to conservative niggers, that's right, you fags dont care as long as it lines up with your gut.'
Thanks for shitting up the board!
Indeed, how about the CIA stop working its drug network and the FBI stops the proliferation of drug trafficking in the US?
>Go to new land
>Don't plan on building something new
They just wanted the gibs and government handouts.
Why isn't the child sent back along with them? I never understood that.
Says a lot about water in our society...