How in the fuck did people in the 1960's enjoy this?
What kind of a sick society produces soulless humans that enjoy this, find this sexy, find this anything other than grating?
How in the fuck did people in the 1960's enjoy this?
What kind of a sick society produces soulless humans that enjoy this, find this sexy, find this anything other than grating?
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Anne Margret is better looking any female since
So I guess your not a big theatre guy, because guess what they there...
>implying you enjoy anything
the outro is better
the only thing that annoys me is the way she says "birdHie" but whatever
dunno why i find this song sexy
she's fucking hot bro, I just wanna take her and make a wholesome family with her
this is a fun picture and Ann is fucking hot, hot, hot
she was even hot as fuck in the flintstones
Did they ever explain why she was in the Stone Age or was Ann Margrock just her great (x100) grandmother
60's girls were hot af, a truly singular decade of superlative femininity
OP can't stop being a faggot
>s h e ' s t h e o n e
>r e d d i t
The reason why boomers are so grumpy nowadays is that they can't masturbate to all the beautiful women in TV shows and movies anymore.
What's so hard to believe about it? This website is full of people who listen to atrocious kpop because "cute" girls dance around
January is so sexy
Ugh look at her hairy butt
holy shit
what is this from?
star trek?
>peachfuzz is the same as hair
do you think they... you know...
Was that from the Ghost in the Shell episode?
TOS is literally filled with 60s waifus.
This is the girl.
fff why didn't the rest of the get the memo?
clearly all star trek serieses need to have scantily clad big tiddy models running around
not just one or two like tpol and 7
Real talk, how many times you gonna make this thread? queer
>60's Trek isn't worth wa-
It was a different time and had to be updated to be more in line with liberal ideology.
the whole episode is basically the plot of a fanservice anime
star trek needs to follow tradition
big tiddies everywhere is nothing but being faithful to the source material
>not including the best one
Star Trek is a pretty good show
Anyone have the names of each actress?
If you saw the movie it would make sense.
Stupid sexy Yeoman with her stupid chess desk hairdo
I never would have figured that ost was filled with hot white women because uhura was always the most recognized woman from the show and shes so ugly
The 60's were great. What the fuck is OP on about. I mean sure it's not a world where Hitler won, but it's still pretty white and beautiful.
When did the world took a wrong turn?
in the 70s
where atheism and feminism became rampant and the church was lessened
Somebody thought actually putting the hippies in power was a good idea.
The mid-60s was a weird time where the sexual revolution had happened but feminism wasn't really a thing, so you got crew members in miniskirts and go-go boots and a starship captain who had to be a man
there is no way jon hamm doesnt have a massive lap hog
>the church ever doing anything good
Nigger you wouldn't have shows like 60's trek if the church had its way.
Hitler should have fucking won.
bless the man who directed this
> I'm a dicksucking gaytheist
the church was in full power in America and almost everyone went to church
but there were still plenty of shows with hot scantily clad women around
because women were still valued for their beauty and were viewed as sex objects and lesser than men (as they should be)
getting rid of the churchs influence in America gave rise to feminism taking over because the nuclear family is no longer the most important treasure of America
and feminism gave rise to lgbt because no importance on family
and who's responsible for reducing the church's importance?
banana in the butt gaytheists ofc
the church was in full power in America in the 50s and 60s*
>church's anti- Gorn stance stops star trek from being made
is it even possible to hate jon hamm?
The arguments that brought it down didn't come from atheists, they came from other christians. The church killed itself.
nothing wrong with a little bit of fuzz, that's a cute ass
Congrats: You're a faggot.
I miss madmen
Imagine being as hot as Betty but aslo not being retarded and being nice.
Fucking January is a 10/10
This, the rejection of aesthetic beauty and the celebration of the ugly and obscene
We live in satanic times, philosophically.