Is edgy comedy dying?

Is edgy comedy dying?

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Other urls found in this thread: helicopter/

It's been dead since 2002, son

it's dying if you pay attention to twitter literal whos
it's alive and well if you're not a teenager

Not really, it peaked at mid to late 2000s

Is this a fake account?

They REALLY hate that attack helicopter copypasta because they’ve got no counter argument for it.

Comedy all around is dying because under the tyrannical left your not allowed to offend anyone (except them ebil nazis) and that’s starting to get unbearable


Is dragonkin a race?

>Is edgy comedy dying?

No, it's just evolving

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>be racist
>cry about racism
Is everyone on twitter shoot retarded?

I don’t think so, I mean it certainly isn’t dying on Yea Forums. I guess I like “edgy” comedy, but you cunts talking about “raping and killing babies is funny and you’re a faggot normie if you think otherwise” are absolutely insufferable. Even if you are just le trolling, that shit is just ridiculous and unnecessary. And most importantly, it isn’t funny.

black guys be like "white guys be like"

>raping and killing babies is funny
fucking based
>tfw a baby gets its head twisted off

No, IASIP perfected it. Anything can be funny if it delivered proper.

The black guy at my work cracked up laughing when I said he wasn't allowed in the maintenance are of my work because of this sign, but we are friendly and he is an african black so it might be different. Racist jokes are awesome to blacks aslong as you deliver them properly and not with hate.

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I think the problem is that society became a deprived immoral mess, so it thinks dark comedy is making fun of it, when in reality, society IS the joke.

No, normies love it. Retards that spend all their time here and twitter are just extremely jaded. You've all forgotten what a normal person says and thinks.

>raping and killing babies is funny and you’re a faggot normie if you think otherwise
I have never seen anyone on this board act like that


>black guys
That guy (or gal) is probably white himself.

I was referring to black people and black comedy in general. A huge portion of black comedians jokes are about race.

Well yeah it’s not that common on the blue boards, but those faggots are everywhere on r9k and b.

>holds fetus head between index and thumb

The only thing I hate more than racists is white people.

>r9k and b
found your problem

all comedy today is
>political hackery
>"man old comedy was sooo problematic! Could you imagine liking that stuff LMAO"

What if there was a boy, who was given hormone blockers from a young age in order to become a transwoman?
Wait it gets better! What if those hormone blockers prevented his penis from growing, causing his post-op vagina to be very small and fragile?
And then the wall between his vaginal cannal and rectum bursts, so now he must shit through his vagina?
And all of this was filmed and put on tv?
Now THAT'S dark comedy

And we'll call it... The Aristocrat!

I thought SJWism was taking over but then I joined the army, racist humor everywhere and it's great. Even the few colored people are in on it, but I guess they don't have much of a choice.

A couple of weeks ago one of our sergeants even popped the joke:
What separates humans from apes? The Mediterranean.

The current king of Youtube who gets more views with one video than most television shows will over their entire lifetime and who curbstomps the late night shows shoved into every trending section without breaking a sweat released a video where he made a bunch of jokes about slavery and kidnapping people.
Is somehow more famous than any comedian currently airing right now, let that sink in. A swedish guy who screamed nigger at someone is more popular than they ever will be despite the fact he just talks in a funny voice.

Not saying he's good, just pointing out that as far as the demand, there's a lot and the people supplying it are getting success, while the SAG fags are too afraid to step out of line lest they be blacklisted from playing pretend to actually go mean spirited unless your skin is the right shade and your political party is the correct target. You can't expect a union tightly controlled by prudes and monsters who cover their tracks with woke signalling to let them go out of line.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Hi newfag

damn that's funny

fr*ck libtards and fr*ck feminists

I'm openly racist but I rarely use it as a source of comedy. Only really for impressions of asians.

I'm a "mulato" and like dark jokes. What is with these "people" and white dudes?

>raping and killing babies is funny
Only if you are leftist supporting Planned parenthood.

How is this garbage thread Yea Forums related?

Do your fucking jobs mods

Success breeds jealousy.

you are a dark joke ecks dee

>Not saying he's good
He actually is. there is something smile worthy in every video, considering that he puts them out every single day. And his post breakdown videos are absolute gold.

In my experience, black people laugh their asses off at my obscene yet clever Chappele-like racist jokes. It's always the light-skinned 1/2-black people that overcompensate and get all pissy because of some sort of inferiority complex.

I like black people a lot but holy shit I try to avoid mulattos and their obsessive BLM woke mindset like the plague

Pretty much this. Moderating ones behavior is a matter of personal freedom as long as it doesn´t affect another´s freedom. A comedian has the right to make any joke he wants, members of the audience have the right to not like said joke, get up and get the fuck out of there to complain on the internet.

There's no rationale. It's just a cult mentality

>The classic attack helicopter joke
If these retards find this offensive imagine their reaction to other really hilarious jokes

haha look everyone this guy is part eggplant

I would definitely agree, mulatto's are the ones leading the anti-racist movement from the black angle and are always wet blankets.

>raping and killing babies is funny
literally a leftist platform and leftist comedy
>lol just had my 3rd abortion #childfree #ladiesnight

Honestly, the tyranical left is just taking what is given. The real problem is the huge corporations getting their panties in a twist the moment some "controversy" starts happening and they fire everyone involved and put out a public apology.

Meanwhile Twitter thinks smugness, barely concealed rage, and passive aggression is peak comedy and doesn't just annoy everyone.

>I haven't repeated the same three jokes since 2014 because I'm a brain-dead retard incapable of original thought
>It's c-cause it Triggers the Libs!

>bemoans death of edgy comedy
>is a total pussy

He only laughs because of internalized racism and the fear he feels if he doesn't "play ball". Professor Schröderman at my university explained to me how modern day black people are so brainwashed by white supremacists they can't even detect racism properly. So white people like me and my professor need to pick up the pieces.

What if it is a very good raping and killing baby joke?

it's the confused identity problem, hapas have it too where they don't feel they really fit into either race and go crazy

There is a difference between people who take racism overboard like frowning at niggers walking on the street and people who make jokes about niggers looking at other peoples shoes instead of where they are walking XDXDXD


It's stake as fuck, sure, but it still exposes the ridiculousness as well as it ever did.

women are trying to murder comedy atm but they’ll get bored eventually and ius edgelords can go back to making money telling edgy shit to drunkards

Na, you literally have no idea, probably never hung out with a black in your life without being obsessed about race. It comes down ultimately to class me and this black bloke are factory workers and joke over race and you are just a limp wristed sodomite taking your professors cock in your ass writing poems.

>I can't refute your argument so I attack you and call you names instead of evaluating my own ridiculous views

>I'm asshurt by joeks
kike fragility

holy shit, it never stops working


slow clap

No. Anthony Jeselnik is doing well and still releasing specials. Probably the best comic on the circuit right now.

What did we do?

His last special was so boring i turned it off halfway. Maybe it was me, but it felt very tame overall.

Subpar joke. Replace Dutch with a group of people who actually have no culture like Basketball-Americans and you'd get an actual reaction.

You know what you did...

man i dont know if james gunn could help

>mid to late 2000's
>dude weed
>Christians amarite fellow athiests?
>Politicians amarite?

Not really. Vertel eens wat we gedaan hebben.

Twitter and social media is just a soapbox for amateur opinions and a place where people who don’t have what it takes to make it in real media can get attention to convince themselves they’re still special
And people are starting to catch on to how pathetic it is

slavoj zizek talked about this, if you could say nigga to a black person and make him laugh you are friends

slavoj zizek > professor shlomo at your university

Something in this spirit actually happened to me as a little kid. I was play fighting in elementary school with a black kid I was friends with and we both were literally laughing while doing so.

A teacher saw it and immediately shouted at me to stop bullying other kids because of their skin colour. I told her we were just joking and that we were friends to which she answered that he was only laughing and going along with it because he couldn't defend themselves against me and that he was actually terrified. She wouldn't even listen to the other kid.


I've seen some variation of this tweet countless times over the last few years, why can't lefties get new material?

Hey man, cool it with the anti-semitism. The fact I or my professor being jewish has nothing to do with the modern day standards to how we treat black people? Whites need to stop it and start feeling responsible, that's what i have done. So why can't you?

>someone made fun of me
>this is now a formal debate and calling me a retard means I'm winning

Never change, chud

>says he likes dark comedy
>just uses it as an excuse to talk about fucking kids "ironically"
Why do leftists do this?

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Jy'd ons nog steeds nie toe gelad om huistoe te kom nie ;_;

Ultimately, /pol/'s way of thinking is what won. All the obsession with identity, purity, culture, smugness, meme propaganda, lack of self respect has been imitated by Twitter. They actually do love that shit and that's why Trump was chosen.

God I wish you could. I'd trade a billion North-African monkeys for South Africans to come home so you can get the respect that you deserve.

comedy is dying there literally hasn't been anything funny to come out of Hollywood in nearly 20 years

that's kind of the point of the joke that the Dutch are such inoffensive people that they are hard to hate. Of course, this glosses over their colonial history....



The times we've gone to an area en masse I've heard things are always fine. There would be less mountains than I'm used to but I could easily enjoy the NL.

I had no idea Yea Forums was such a leftist board

you know it's a ridiculous ideology
essentialist garbage backed by bullshit
you're angry because illiterate laypeople aren't completely fucking retarded and see through it
stop reposting Weird Tweets™ and Share Zones™

Huh, I wouldn't have approached it that way considering the Dutch get shat on on /int/ all the time. And our colonial history isn't all that bad either really. Most of the slaveship owners were jews and the Indonesians want white people back.

all of his punchlines are some edgy twist. it gets old

Fags like this are the reason edgy comedy is dying OP.

>brain dead retard
How now, watch that edgy offensive humor.

they take more leftist positions than most twitter social democrats

It's not even really a joke. It's a response to the stupid shit they believe, and they still believe that stupid shit, so...

til the next war

You know what the best thing about dead baby jokes is?
They never grow old

wow i guess you really were a white woman after all
"my bad"

For how long can a negress hold her shit in?
9 months


>obvious dumb joke even retweeted by sonic twitter now used as legit argument against (???)
literally what is your point?

Trannies are mentally ill but the attack helicopter meme is Chuck Norris tier at this point.

You is what you is, not what you feels you is.

>get culture stolen from them and transplanted somewhere entirely different
>fucking NIGGERS get some culture

>a video where he made a bunch of jokes about slavery and kidnapping people.

Pewdiepie has a fucking dungeon and a sex chamber where he breeds villagers so they can sell him enchantments.

Plus casually letting all of his beloved pets die through hubris.

>im going to chop off my bepis, wear a dress, and call myself a woman
>attack helicopter, lmao thats just stupid

Yea Forums- twitter and virginity

How about we have sex, two birds with one stone

Total braindead people

depends, are you a tall and fit dutch girl?

>y'ever bone your grandma to death?

Im a tall and fit german guy
Are you a bite sized questionably aged hispanic girl with school girl stockings?


>society IS the joke

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he was being facetious

No I'm a half-blind 5"2 blasian mulatto goblina with acne and bedsores.

Maybe next time then

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I suppose if you gave me a few years worth of hormores, a tanning bed and a trip to Goodwills it might work out.


Too many comedians think the point of edgy comedy is to be edgy, rather than funny. Edginess is the setup, not the punchline.

Are you an archaeologist?

The reference
Your head

i fuck dead babies you fucking nigger

No I'm a woke Twitter influencer of course

Shame, because I have a large bone that needs examining.

so who decides who you are besides yourself?

absolutely SEETHING.

Ya steamin lil guy?


are you a chef

shock value was most assuredly the point of "edgy" humor for a long time. The internet going mainstream ended that game by putting everyone a click away from all manner of gore, racism, every sex act imaginable, and schizophrenics.

My high school gym teacher is a comedian?

Thus, I identify as an attack helicopter.

Literally OBSESSED with wanting to fuck trannies

LGBT living in your heads rent free, pol.

You hate trannies because you all want to be one, classic projecting. I bet you're going to say DA J00S are why you cant get laid, right?


>If you hate racists it's just because you want to fuck a klan member

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Full of faucets? What, he's a plumber?

First person to put a name to something, generally.

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That David Duke tho...

Thats not the motto?

>anyone who is aware of a concept has the literal form of that concept living in their head

3/10 bait, absolute waste of perfectly good dubs

holy shit

Oh, let's see how /lgbt/ handles the classic attack helicopter meme helicopter/
> Girls someone epically owned me on the internet today by identifying as an attack helicopter I think I'm going to have to detrans


Why the fuck is Twitter so terrible? Why is it people post these inane tweets here and they actually have some six-digit number of likes?

t. someone who thinks "Trump sure is orange" is still hilarious

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Im surprised his reply wasnt “wow i cant believe this got so many likes! Follow instagram/soundcloud/whatever social media. I fucking hate twitter users so much. Especially niggers