Was it kino?

Was it kino?


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me on the right

why are black people so disorderly?

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I have no idea, rey

>music starts playing


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poor people in general struggle within societal norms

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Structural violence makes them act that way.

>Don't disrespect my daughter's teeth nigga!

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Holy shit lmao

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Funfact, the women in this video refused to talk to the police

imagine going to a school like that
you just want to learn but every day its chimpout after chimpout, if they arent yelling and hollering and fighting each other theyre standing on tables and banging on desks like some kind of african ritual

I have experienced this and is one of the main reason I find black repulsive.


Because the pathetic girlfriend could and should press charges against her boyfriend and put him away for a long time while the fat weave bitch would go to jail and probably loose custody of her 2 daughters.

>chucks stroller with 2 crying children in it, just assuming someone will catch it

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>That woman who just kind of jams her mobility scooter into them in hopes of breaking them up

America is a fucking joke

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Because the Nigga moment had passed and they decided to move on.


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>american schools

Kino for sure.

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>Disney expects people to take their security seriously when dressing them like that

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user, this is Toon Town. Appropriate for the Toon World


I was the only white kid in school from Kindergarten to my Senior graduation. After the first few years you actually start understanding them so much on a linguistic and cultural level to the point where they consider you an honorary nigga. You get invited to the clubs, they pass you a blunt in-between periods -- I felt like fucking Jane Goodall being accepted into the band of Gorillas.

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Wow, the Animal Kingdom has really changed since I've been there.

Did you bone any sheboons

Nah, just a cute girl from our school's anime club that acted as if she was white.

God, sounds like a dream come true. You aight white boy

nope this is

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Thanks nigga. Drop on by anytime and I'll stock up on some forty.

Those bitches are so cringe

They should really take their anger out on society and commit mass shootings like white people do.

>You just have to accept that any black person could snap at any moment and beat you half to death or kill you for something that is incredibly trivial and possibly not even your fault
Jesus no wonder Americans are so fucked up. 30% of your country are ticking time bombs.

If only there was a magic word that, if uttered, would get all those people to stop fighting each other and work together against a single target.

Despite only being 13% of Toon Town's population...

Who was fighting who and why? It looked like everyone was attacking everyone. There were no sides just a 5 way brawl.