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I fucking love this show.
I really fucking hate this show.
I'm indifferent towards this show
I don't know what show this is.
Set condition one across the fleet
Play BSG Deadlock.
Best girl.
what the frack is going on in this thread?
I don't know what those numbers mean but they sound cool
Saul and Adama bromance gives me the biggest man emotions
Pure kino
I like the implication that Naval tradition is a genetic memory in the human race that is carried on 10,000s of years later
>implying all this hasn't happened before
Fpbp they don’t make sci-fi like this anymore
What is it like? I’m skeptical of movie/tv tie-in games
Deadlock is a turn based-real time tactics hybrid. You plot out your moves, and then watch them play out in real time. The story is kinda meh, but the battles are fucking amazing.
Also, there is a constant release of new expansions. Season 1 just ended, season 2 just started.
I just finished this show about a week ago. Not sure about the ending. The fact that they settle on ancient Earth and it's our Earth makes no goddamn sense considering the traditions and technology we've seen them use. You're saying that they invented lamps and cars and the ship the President flies on is called Colonial One and then 150,000 years later we invented the exact same lamps and cars and the airplane the President flies in is called Air Force One? Also, Tory being one of the Final Five was a fucking waste. Should have been Gaeta or Helo.
Blame mystery boxes.
Me? I didn't do anything.
And they had a shaky cam during 100% cgi space battles. They wanted a naturalistic setting that the viewers could get immersed in without needing exposition for every single thing so they used modern conventions when possible
Based and bsgpilled
Is it multiplayer? Because BSG Online was multiplayer that turned into pay-to-win so fast it literally made me nauseous.
Yeah but it didn't pay off in the end, did it? I still liked the show overall and the concept of them settling onto Earth in the past is kino I just don't think it makes sense, that's all.
It has a multiplayer mode, yes. But it's not an MMO.
>in the end
Well no but it was quintessential Bush-era kino. They didn’t really stick the landing mainly because they never really had a grand plan to begin with. Still, watching at when it was on was amazing. You missed out, zoomer.
I'm not a zoomer, I just didn't watch it when it was on because I wasn't aware of it. Back in 2003 I was watching shit like Smallville and stuff. I was into sci-fi but didn't really get into sci-fi shows until later on. I wish I could have watched Babylon 5 as it was airing desu.
I will buy it next time it's on sale
>remake movie already in production
How hard are they going to ruin this one?
I don't think BSG need a remake. The miniseries was already perfect.
As with the series remake, even less sf and more drama!
I could never get into it. The series feels too dated. They should remake it with a better ending as I hear the one they picked sucks.
>They didn’t really stick the landing mainly because they never really had a grand plan to begin with
There was a lot of stuff that obviously wasn't planned out like The Chief being a cylon, but a lot seemed to be, like Head Six being a vision sent by God (which she claimed in the first episode), and settling on Earth, which they also talked about as their goal in the miniseries (despite the bump in the road of their Earth being destroyed), and it was also how the original BSG ended.
>not "throughout"
Who would make this shop?
A real Boomer.