Its a Hal episode

>Its a Hal episode

Attached: malcolm hal bowling.jpg (462x700, 57K)

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Hal was my favourite. Craig was my least favourite. Used to wank over Lois.

Craig was based af

Attached: craig singing.png (823x458, 640K)

>implying Reese isn't the best character

Attached: reese.gif (500x375, 831K)

Craig and Hal are a kino duo though

>Used to wank over lois

Which were the best Francis seasons?
Military school Francis
Alaska Francis
Ranch/Hotel Francis
Unemployed Francis

The above were my favorite in that order.

She is milf kino

Attached: Malcolm Lois milkers.webm (852x480, 2.62M)

Dick in hand, think of Lois and crank her. Had a few wanks over the Dyke too.

Good order, Unemployed Francis was shit tier

Attached: francis.jpg (640x480, 28K)

Attached: Hal shaving in mirror.webm (1024x576, 2.85M)

I always thought it was stupid that they followed francis around to whatever unrelated shit he was getting up to, I feel like it detracted from the show. But military school francis was okay. Ranch francis was 0/10 though.

>Ranch francis was 0/10 though.
Never post again

Attached: malcolm komodo 30000.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

For me its
Alaska Francis
Ranch Francis
Unemployed Francis
Military Francis

>its a tommy episode

Attached: 1490046810374.png (372x305, 148K)

They'd make a killing if they just sold the entire series in a single fucking box set at a reasonable fucking price!!

How can one post be so wrong, Military is the most kino Francis by a mile

Attached: malcolm in the middle francis 100 quacks.png (816x446, 679K)

Look my main issue with the ranch Francis saga is Otto. That fat german cunt is simply unbearable.

The best francis is Piama francis, god that gook had a pair.

Attached: 1490392369932.png (631x346, 344K)

It wasnt about Otto though it was about Francis completing his arc

Hal > Reese > Francis > Lois > Dewey > Malcolm.

Only good Francis bit was the soap opera prison

Most kino side character incoming

Attached: malcolm techer hates him.png (1280x720, 1.69M)

That guy is just an adult Malcolm

>its a ranch episode

How can one show have so many different kinomatic moments on one character.

I thought Jason Alexander was adult Malcolm

wasnt she a native?

can we all agree that stevie was the worst side character?

Attached: stevie.jpg (630x357, 41K)


>he doesn't like strong women
bloody non-saiyans

Military school
(Power Gap)

This. Francis learned responsibility and matured without school.

Ranch Francis was fucking garbage. Military school was kino.

Going on the survival trip trying to out"pack light" each other was one of the best none Hal gags on the show.

I have never seen an episode of Malcolm in the Middle. Not a single one.

Are you underage or overaged?

23 y/o boomer.

good character, bad usage 50% of the time.

his. breathing. being. slow. does. not. make. it. funny.

weird. you would probably still find it funny to watch

>Ranch Francis was fucking garbage
Imagine being this wrong.

not even close

Attached: feldspar.jpg (500x500, 36K)

Her tits are fantastic. I love that webm of her cooking with Reese, fucking delicious

Didn't Hal fucked Dewey irl?

That'd be hot

Can you even find a torrent of the full series anymore? This show is a lot more obscure than I would expect

Lois gave me a mommy fetish I still have to this day

Holy shit I forgot about those absolute WARLOCKS