/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Tommy
Noms: Bimbo, Cliff
3rd Nom: Christie
Veto: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


our boy is winning the veto

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hundo p

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I don’t even care who wins this season anymore

is she ratting out jackson already?


cliff broke the floor

You could choose to be productive, have hobbies, be with friends and family but instead you watch live streams of a reality show because your social life is bad. Have sex incels

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graduate high school

what if i do both

no shes saying jackson wants the group together and is willing to throw the veto

but watching this is my hobby that i do with my friends and family. where's the problem?

don’t reply to the capeshitfags

yeah, i can see and hear now. just when i first flipped to the bathroom cam. kind of surprised really. thought she would go right to her with what he said

Yeah your right, I should just shitpost on Yea Forums all-day instead like yourself.

based tommy getting big jess to target nick instead of him in the future

go shill (for free) bezos' latest tv show with the other (paid) bezosshills

>Is The Boys (available on Amazon Prime) the most kino first season of a television show ever?
>I say yes.

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will he show the secret ingredient for his cookies

>10 posters including me
More than half the people here took offense to probably true statements. Oof.

he might drop that deuce

this is more cringe than elena

oy vey the goyim know...

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i literally have zero questions for ovi
you were the pathetic beta nerd who everyone walked all over
you were willing to play rat for the dominant alliance but they just decided to toss your useless ass out instead

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I said stop replying to the capeshitfag

you don’t wanna ask him how he got his gf?

Going to be busy manifesting this win boys.

capeshitfag can still rely to you tho


>back to the jess/tommy cam

is anyone here a legit CBS shill
besides me of course
p.s. buy CBS all-access and keep it even after Big Brother is over! Watch Star Trek: Discovery and The Twilight Zone!

Also catch up on Love Island!

what is that pile of shit on the floor in the hallway?


simple as

remember when nick bullied nugget?

>i've been telling both sides what they want to hear all week, why the fuck don't they trust me?

whoever the "northern invasion" user was, The Challenge basically stole your idea


Did you mean to post a picture of Nick? Because hes /ourguy/ and hes winning it. Sorry sweetie...

im just glad turbo and bear are coming back

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>tommy asking jessica if theres a girl alliance
also jessica saying tommy is in because hes gay

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i dont know a single thing about that shit of a show and i regret making that post now and will delete it

jess is almost 40 and still talks like that

I can't read his name without mentally saying it in Georgia's voice


turbo is based, bear is too annoying. he will probably be better in this season, since he knows more people.
morgan was the challenge flop, unfortunately. she had no speaking lines because she was overshadowed by bananas and went home too early. hopefully she gets another chance.

Did you mean to make a good post? Because you certainly didn't. In fact I would say you made a very bad post. I know Nick is a repressed homosexual and you feel like you have to root for him because you are one as well, but let's be real; Jackson is winning the veto. Jackson is winning Big Brother 21. Next week Nick is going back to his dusty, depressing Aplebee's Bar and Grill where everyone knows his name. He might get asked for an autograph from some morbidly obese grandma in an automatic wheelchair. He'll get some free beer for "being that guy on tv." He'll go back to his c-bomb slampig and have a litter of ugly mixed children in an unhappy marriage until he finally commits suicide after battling a decade long meth addiction. All the while Jackson has become Mr. CBS. He went on to win All Stars, Amazing Race,, Survivor etc. etc.. They had to make more shows just for him to win them. He's replaced Julie. He's replaced everyone. Turn on the fucking nightly news and you'll hear Jackson's dulcet tones informing you what's going on in the world. Imagine not being on the Jackson train. LOL just LOL. Well, I guess when there's a winner, someone's gotta be the loser, and that loser is y o u.

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Not if our girl wins it first.

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How do I get a goofy, "I'm in my 30s but act 16" womanchild girlfriend like Kat or Rachel?

Have sex

I'm trying!

Quarky is more of a womanchild than either of those two.

kat is 29

Realistically what is supposed to do? Tell one side to fuck off?

have you tried being a chad???


he was promising them too much. it's obvious they are suspicious. he's just throwing a hissy fit right now and is offended some of them do not want to suck his dick

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he already had 4 (You)s. i figured one more wouldnt hurt

>he's a man, so i don't believe him

let me know if you find out

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/co here. I watch Steven Universe and Star Vs. and people recommended Big Brother, is it worth a watch? Do you need to watch live streams to understand certain episodes?

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holy shit, she was talking about the same shit for like an hour or something. just fuck off. you're retarded

jessica is still talking holy fuck

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>2 hour talk with tommy
>gets backdoored
cant wait

not even worried.
i just know one of the good guys is winning this veto.
it's been written

dont watch

holy shit, she's so fucking dumb.
i can't even..... how the fuck do people like that get on this show....

If you want to be a feeds fag, you'll know everything that happens up to eviction except seeing some of the actual competitions as those are saved for the TV edits. TV edits are just that. You see filtered versions of what happens in the house but don't see some of the day to day drama. Watching people piss their pants about stupid shit on feeds is fun, but sometimes (especially this season until recently) the feeds are pretty dead and mostly just people talking about random shit. It's good if you want something to really sink a lot of your time into that doesn't require much thought process on your end, but that's about it. If you want to watch the episodes only, just stay out of the threads until the actual airings.

There’s already showfags here but now you come along and now there’s an actual fag. Great

imagine talking so much with a person not in your alliance and constantly throwing under the bus people in the middle, that you could have used, just so you enemy can rat you out. also believing everything they say and being offended that others play big brother


also, where the fuck is bimbo? i didn't see her for at least 4 hours


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Hey guys, does someone have the gif of Analyse doing the boat competition, where it looks like the timer was wrong?

cliff has been studying the memory wall all morning

gee i wonder if the DR hinted to him

if the veto has nothing to do with the wall then I'm going to need to you apologize for this post.

wait a fan of the show is on the block and is doing something that might help him in a veto comp?

Apologize to my ass you dipshit

*looks at your face*
Okay, I'm sorry :^)

i will, just call me out so i know who to reply to later


lucasarts, you stupid bitch

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anal only fucks chads

have we ever gotten such a high iq player like cliff?

Are you bitches conspiring against me?

as a superfan he should know they havent done the comp since bb17 and he never talks about OTT

have we gotten a higher lb poster like user?

namefags on /bb/ get shit from me
take your fucking stupid username to reddit

Take youre autistic bullying on a thread to /b you virgin

What girl from BB15-BB21 would be the easiest to pick up if you're an obese, smelly big brother superfan?

I'm thinking Megan from BB19 or Christine

dae hate wipipo?

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amanda zuck will fuck anything

based davy crockett cliff

cliff really thinks hes the target

can you pay them?
for $200 big meech would definately fuck you

lol that zoom on the american flag

unironically quarky

cringe hogg

based hogg

he is for everyone but tommy

Have sex.

cliff going full boomer

I cant stop watching this

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yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

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outside of the house?
yea, probably

>soccer """""""""""""''''star""""""""""""""

Haha I wonder what Anal, Holly, and Christie’s feet smell like haha. What if the punishment was having to get a whiff of them haha

think of all the other girls on that field that would have been more compelling big brother players

seek asylum

/bb/ = Cliffomaniacs

God I wonder what Holly's foot sounds like

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>im a stronger player
>im smarter
>im a bigger fan
>im not here to put on a show
>i love big brother


Already a US citizen pajeet

post the other one crazy haters

cliff begging for a job


that has to suck. sorry mate :(

the one where she throws her leg blindly and scores a goal by mistake? yup, that's a good one

are we watching a funeral?

big Cliff energy

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when your hate boner is erect for more than 4 hours you should seek medical attention

was there ever anything more embarrassing about this monologue?


>125 posts
>24 posters

So this is like 10 people just rambling about third hand gossip to each other?


>For those hoping there would be a #BBCeleb #CBBUS3 season in 2020, you'll be disappointed — the BB producers have indicated CBS has opted not to order one for the next TV season. They haven't ruled it out for 2021 or beyond, though.

>based douglas pucci

>24 posters
>10 people
based retard

doing photoshop tutorials now. the glowing eyes are a coming.

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im posting from my mac on comcast connection, my iphone on sprint and my ipad on verizon

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and nothing of value was lost

Houseguests rise up

based polish bro

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imagine being a rhapag

the idea of it always seems good but then when it's on I realize I want to watch sports instead and end up not watching the feeds at night a lot. BB has to be in the summer so it doesn't compete with that

marry, kill, kill, fuck, kill

I’m happy they called Jack on his Racism, look at this diverse group and they’re all out! Has Jack ever been to a multicultural food truck festival?


CBB suuuuuuckkkkksss. it moves too fast, there isnt enough time for the pressure cooker to boil over

did they an unlikable loser convention?

glad they got booted prejury except david

if your dreams, maybe

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cliff is trying so hard to get production to rig the comp in his favor right now

place all those otev answers on the right side of the pond and put cliff on the right

unpopular opinion; christie is pretty freaking hot.

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And her feet are pretty sexy too

analyse lewd as f-bomb

>comp gets changed because cliff got injured

BB production intern here. just letting all y'all Cliffomaniacs know we did a last minute switch and now the veto will be a Memory Wall comp.
next episode is gonna be chock full of Cliff segments so don't forget to use the hashtag #BeforetheWife when livetweeting.

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jess talking about sneaking a mini vibrator into the house via her cleavage

It is an objectively good goal all round, man relax

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BELLA and KEMI lookin GOOD!

nice webm

botched that

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analyse said she didnt like rockstar and she loved angela

she is our girl, stop trying to deny it

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>analfags are just as dumb as their waifu
oh no no no

>did anybody watch over the top?


its on her weak foot
leave her alone!

literally no one watched it because of how poorly advertised it was

She's got a nice body but her face looks way older than she actually is.

go starve to death in your mud hut yuropoor

most people that go on bb actually have lives and cant spend all day watching feeds like us NEETs

why does ovi always make that retarded fucking face.
also why does david always look like he's about to cry


>why does ovi always make that retarded fucking face
...you mean smiling?

no. she's fat and disgusting
have fun getting shot

Tommy, Tyler, and Megan were all almost casted on OTT. Shame Scott and Shelby got wasted on a very good but now forgotten season.

miss you David
want to feed you my wang Bella
the rest can fuck right off

its not even a smile, its a half fear grimace. close your fucking mouth ovi

>she's fat

Post your height and weight, user

Lol Bella has awful feet. Way to pick a shit showfu


she looks like 45 year old Billie Eilish

190 and ~100.
i'm a little bit overweight, but not too much

fuck you nigger

>implying I leave my house

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like that stops some o the nbombs

I’ve been waiting for them to come get me for years

jess has been sitting in that chair and talking since like 10am

Jesus Christ when is the fucking veto

*wins bb21*

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hogg shuffling while loving life in the bb house

real boomers need to fuck off

Based Blockbro

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he is embarrassing himself and his family and the entire bb community

at least he's embarasing rhap too

start the veto already
cliff has gone full cringe

he wants AFP bad

send it cliff!

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I don’t think you understand the power of rhaptards

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made a special version of this image that will be deployed when the time comes

like shut up already

God I have to make diarrhea so badly


i think all those brothel stories cliff tells about his friends cheating on their wifes is actually him


I wonder what Sharon looked like when Hogg met her.

imagine actually listening to this dumbass

well obv

I actually liked BBceleb Tom Green was pure kino on the feeds

i did too. but i did grow up watching the tom green show and was a big fan of his.

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he exposed himself as an unfunny comedian mostly

>jessica describing the sex innuendos in the song
now quadcam on the boomer

t. ricky "dance for me" williams

>He didn't see what Tamar did

>cancels the entire shitty CBB franchise by backdooring Ryan Lochte

good job on that one, you unfunny whiny hack

Shame about her face, she looks like an English bulldogs I... user...

Its what got me into BB unironically. Lolo was something else

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>dance for me

was it autism?

With Tom? Maybe.

>starts posting here because of bbceleb
absolutely disgusting

>tfw on redemption arc even though you're off cycle and painted as a misogynist

I'm based and snackpilled

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she sucked the most, not funny and such a try-hard

>inb4 that one guy posts the webm of her leaning in

im starting to think they changed the comp for cliff

lets go!

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they are just waiting for the sun to come down

Thats so fucking based holy shit


how come Melissa hardly tweets about the feeds and the show?

women don’t have independent thoughts, they just tweet what their husbands tell them to

because the men do it for her

you got this without the text ?

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loser loser double loser

>tfw culling of the Christie fags tonight

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haha imagine if he kept leaning and fell out of the shower and you could see is penis hahah oh man

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Is he hung?

This Kat cam is giving me ASMR tingles

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remember when monte got mad at shrimpman coming out of the shower without covering himself

ummmm BASED

christ he's huge. how big do you think he is? I'm guessing at least six inches

Guys I'm starting to worry that none of Christie/Tommy/Analyse/Nick will win the veto

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That’s a good thing.

No it isn't

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Who wore it better?

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Snackson is ending her this week.

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mistie nugget hoh

i want christie to win veto or get off the block some how. this will end up with quarky voting kat out because she has a final 2 with cliff. this vote will secure her with christie/tommy/nick/anal. she'll still have jess. lose trust with jackson and holly but they never had her back anyways

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nicole trying to tell christie her situation and christie just keeps interrupting and telling her how she sees it

jfc shutup and listen for once in your life

I think this might be the first time since bb13 where there isn't a single player that is playing way better than everyone else

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the only one she needs to listen to is the universe

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thanks for the assist, I’m away from my desk

God I hope it’s the fold veto because of this plan

> mfw the veto is a watermelon eating contest

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imagine going on big brother and getting evicted 3 times in one season

Imagine shitting diarrhea into a pot, cooking it on the stove, and serving it as chilli

Everytime I put on the feeds Nick is talking about sex

that's pretty racist against puerto ricans

guys how do I play webms on a macbook

In what way?

based Victor

it's not vic's fault

Install Window

>nicole: shove me in a birdcage and uh-
>cuts to puppies





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It’s time.

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So who’s the target?

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the target of who?

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Any chance Jackson and Holly want to keep Christie?

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No way. Either way they are the first to go. Christie is a snake though.

it's possible tommy could try to convince them that the outsiders are just using jackson/holly to go after tommy/christie/anal and will cut them after when it's down to memory comps (which is true), but after all the fighting between jackson and christie, it's an uphill battle I don't think he could swing it

manifesting a christie win

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tommy wants kat out

most of the house wants cliff out except for probably nick

if christie is still otb it wont matter shes cooked

No, Michie hates her

Manifesting a fat dyke eviction

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>“She looked at her picture and saw her true self - she was just a meme after all”

>trust no one, not even yourself

i mean nicole may want to keep cliff too but if its kat and cliff still up there kat is probably going


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damn nice quads

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check’d and LET GOpilled

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Cliff is most likely not going home this week. Christie and somehow Kat are bigger targets to people

checked and correct

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>somehow Kat
Because they don't believe her and Holly's bullshit. Them and Jackson are the next targets for Tommy and Christie no matter what they must people with.

qute quarky

Quarky is dead to me if she tries to save Fat Dyke this week.

Eat my ass.

Who would you have the most chance fucking in the house, realistically?

if christie comes down. quarky has in roads in with if she votes kat out. which is what she was going to do anyway.

if christie stays up. quarky is going to vote her out.

Nicole, but she's pure. So probably Bella.


are you a bottom, user?

nick would do anything to get in my pucci

if quarky saves christie and votes out kat or cliff
I'll be a fan of her and root for her for the rest of the season

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Low key her rack is amazing

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mostly for the adventure of it


high key she's pretty as hell

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