*dilation intensifies

*dilation intensifies

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ig1ZDZ3.jpg /

is this the bighead's son who was an animator?

It’s hilarious how Rocko’s special after over two decades of not being on TV has nothing to do with him and is all about some chopdick tranny freak.

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>a message to stop living in the past
>presented by a reboot of a show from two decades ago
What the fuck were they thinking?

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Based and nazipilled

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>literally turned the friggin frog gay


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-09-16-49-09_1.jpg (682x1137, 171K)

We had the same thread yesterday and you spammed the same pics. Wasn't that enough?

so... they revived a 20+ years old show just to make propaganda?

What the fuck straya? Explain this shit.

Imagine being such a mutated and deranged human that you can only resonate with drawings

never seen this shit, never going to, but did they keep the male voice?

where can i watch it?

>the 100th topic about this shit
OKAY. This HAS to be viral marketing, because im going to go watch this now. You did it.

Attached: blpblbblllrrrr.png (640x640, 12K)

Yes. It's comedically deep

And destroy my childhood, yes.

All of the praise this is getting is because it has a tranny. This is a mediocre extended episode of Rockos modern life.

>Formerly Ralph
What did they mean by this.

Attached: ED5A3B95-A73A-44E8-89EF-43C907EDB340.png (250x188, 67K)

>wax my balls bigot or you're a nazi

>person in screencap is happy
>OP isn't


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-06-44_1.jpg (672x1003, 136K)

is this gonna be like eddie izzard? he dress like a chick, but for a laugh?

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are they doing a mock female sound or just unchanged male baritone?

It's about Rocko coping with modern life. Same as it ever was.

>clinging to the past will make inhibitions to the present.
Then why use a TV show that has been dead for 20 years.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-07-16_1.jpg (686x935, 136K)

Completely unchanged.

>gay = Transgender
t. Ruhollah Khomeini

All part of the demoralization plan boys

Trans people exist. Showing them in a positive light and having intolerant personalities change to be more loving and accepting is an objective good for our society. Every decent person knows that we must all coexist peacefully. "Love thy neighbor," ever hear of it? Transgender individuals experience a disproportionate level of violence, bullying, and harassment compared to CIS people.

Get over yourself. Not everyone wants to think about trannies 24/7. Except you, apparently


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-07-54_1.jpg (673x1029, 94K)

What the fuck did they do to my childhood cartoons
I never asked for trannies
Who the fuck even asked for trannies ?
I would fucking run over all these abominations in a fucking tank if I could

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epstein committed suicide when he found this out


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don't even dilate, just go straight to the last step and that is killing yourself

Damn, that is a massive crotch bulge. Rachel must be packing a 15 and half inch dick. It looks a little lonely.

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This feels really in-character actually, in the show Ralph always seemed kind of miserable.

Trans is basically just another flavor of schizophrenia. Playing along with it is damaging.

fuck that must be funny to watch

Alex Jones was right

you will never be a girl

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It's all so tiresome.

>Transgender individuals experience a disproportionate level of violence, bullying, and harassment compared to CIS people.
It's almost as if trannies contradict evolution itself. Damn, who would've thought

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>new doug series
>skeeter and roger clots are gay married and
>beebe is a FtM
>mr dink gets cucked on the reg
doug is realizing his sister gets blacked and that being with patti he is miscegenizing his race and becomes an online supremacist in secret

I can't wait for the year 2030 where everyone looks back at trannies with disgust like we do right now at lobotomies or electroshock therapies.


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Nobody denies their existense, the worrying part of it is just allowing mental illness as something natural or regular...

this. just have yellowstone explode already

ministry of history will scrub their entire presence away

More proof we live in a clown world and the 90s was superior


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Did you come up with that theory yourself? Maybe publish a paper with your findings in a scientific journal.

Surely the entire field of psychology is wrong and you're the only one that can see the truth, right?

>Trannies have absurdly high suicide rates
>Trannies are created socially, by spreading the concept to impressionable children and teenagers with aspergers or autism, who are vastly over-represented
>Promoting (creating) trannies is good for society

Right about frogs
Right about globohomo
Right about Epstein
Right about pizza gate

LITERALLY no joke. If you still thing Alex is crazy then just kys because you are too far gone into the mind control to wake up to reality.

Attached: Alex-Jones-Facebook-1027224992.jpg (2400x1801, 413K)

A visually accurate portrayal of trannies.
Also reminder that all trannies must be exterminated.


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Well, at least Angry Beavers is safe.

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appeal to authority

I'm not trans, I'm just a good person


>peer reviewed fields of science are an appeal to authority

>Check our my newest invention! The inflatable, intersex changeable erector 3000!
>VERY expansive ayehck
>”Don’t you mean expensive Mr Dink?”
>”I know what I said Douglas”

Attached: 4BD135CD-9614-435E-A0B9-4043A46771FE.jpg (640x368, 20K)

>Appeal to evidence and the scientific method
Fixed that for you.




Evidence: Deformes gore between your legs is mentally healthy.

They even took the time to make it so Ralph was was no longer interested in making cartoons. When asked if he'd continue after the special he makes of The Bigheads at the end he says "No, I have more important things to do." Pretty much pissing in fan's faces who wanted Rocko.

Who is the intended audience for this?

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Why must globohomo ruin everything

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You're goddamn right I'm seething, but 5 minutes later, I won't, and you'll still be a suicidal tranny


>9/10 doctors say that being a tranny is a-okay!
that's unironically a textbook example of appeal to authority.

>The guy hates tranny shit = He's a Nazi.

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can't find it on rarbg

Hearty kek

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But I'm not trans. I'm just sick of this garbage being spammed on the movie board nonstop

>The original hate girls comic was about tomboys becoming girly when they grow up, not a tranny boy
Why must trannys ruin everything like this. They're doing it to actual tomboys too, treating tomboy young girls as if they are trannies.

Attached: tomboy horror.jpg (600x479, 107K)


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>The guy ignores tranny shit = He's a tranny

Attached: d2d.jpg (501x697, 104K)


Seeeeeethe haha

Trust me user, you will run out of pictures in your obsessive tranny folder long before I run out of will to post

Apparently everyone...

Fuck this clownworld

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First, who are you quoting? Second, taking medicine is an appeal to authority by that idiotic logic. You haven't studied what the medicine does. You're placing faith in an authority that it will do what it says.

People like you are the reason we still have flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and climate change deniers.

>cartoon has trans character and trans sentiment
>trannies instantly latch on
>likely never even watched the show back in the day

This shit is on all boards and it won't cease until all trannies are purged from this clown reality

>tfw this comic was created by a reddit tranny to try and btfo anti-trans rhetoric
>tfw trannies self-harm even when trying to hurt others

Attached: fas.jpg (428x470, 100K)

>mfw read this in their voices

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-28-17_1.jpg (674x1099, 100K)

Sounds like Twin Peaks desu senpai

>likely never even watched the show back in the day
they weren't even alive to begin with

Actually I crosspost on most interest boards and this is the only one where it's shoved down my throat every day.

Almost like you are obsessed or something I dunno

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>starting with “I hate girls”
Nah trannies worship women, hence the reason why they would want to become one. I think you mixed up trannies with masculine gays

Trannies 100% deserve all the mocking and bullying. The only people who defend them are naive people who have never met them, or are using them for social justice points

Attached: 1563544294017.jpg (225x225, 14K)

>Girls can't let gender norms define them
>If a girl does not conform to gender norms, that means she's trans and needs to be put on hormone blockers

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I legit miss the days shit like this would've caused a huge controversy and land the people responsible in hot waters.

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Me too

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>my precious science could never ever wrong
Just like lobotomies were approved by scientists back then, huh?

I'd bet any amount of money you've never met a transperson.

>someone says something bad about trannies
>tranny brings up "oh you're just obsessed with us"
What's next in your repitoire of 16 year old girl arguments? "You're just a hater because [armchair psychology]" Kek, kys yourself


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-28-53_1.jpg (679x676, 93K)

>First, who are you quoting?
You. Technically paraphrasing since you are a pedant.
>You're placing faith in an authority that it will do what it says.
Except this is not equivalent to what you're doing. You aren't the authority that you are appealing to.

>People like you are the reason we still have flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and climate change deniers.
This is some sort of synthesis of a red herring and an ad hominem. Great job!

Tiwitter is the sewer of the internet


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This is perfect

It needs to be flushed.

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>Mr. Bighead right now

Attached: JUST.webm (800x502, 1.56M)

>special its making fun of trans
>trans are celebrating it


I don't get it

KYS tranny
>have friend with leukemia
>it's his b-day, and it's special because he doesn't have many left
>tranny shows up high as kite
>instantly hijacks the party, talking very loudly about himself and drama with some other tranny
>absolutely pays no attention to the leukemia friend
>drinks a lot of booze and eats a lot of food
>tell him to leave
>"yeah, yeah in just a minute"
>vomits and kills the buzz
>completely ruins a special day because ???
One of many with that tranny """""""friend""""""

imagine fucking his cute little asshole while his dad is crying in the next room
would be pretty gay wouldn't it

>your son turns into a faggot
>your son turns into an ugly faggot
poor dad

This happened with a white guy I knew so now I hate white people honestly

Imagine being a woman and having to live with a 40% chance of running across Buffalo Bill every time you use a public toilet


yeah we get it, you learned all those epic logical fallacies from watching Crowder and Lauren Southern debate people on RebelMedia, good for you

straw man

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Of all shoes, why this one?

>ignoring tranny shit by posting in a thread about tranny shit
so this is the power of leftist intellectuals...

>user hates trannies
>saves a bunch of tranny tweets on his hard drive


Attached: 1565409578668.gif (600x404, 1.91M)

>tfw we live in a civilization that has advanced to the point that natural selection can no longer keep up with keeping atrocities like these at bay
Normally, these types of creatures wouldn't have been able to survive 100 years ago
I truly believe now that the Great Filter isn't actually a cosmic thing, but instead, letting pure retardation and mental illness like these to exist and seep into society and turn everything to shit
This is the clown world, and we have chosen this timeline ourselves

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>Hurr hurr I learned how to Inspect Element


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>formerly ralph


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>the smarmy bitter creative son of the bigheads with daddy issues is a tranny
makes 1000% sense actually.


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>7 ratings
What's it at now?


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All I'm saying is you should delete an obvious fake from your epic tranny folder, helps you on the long run if you have images that can't be so easily dismissed

Hell is deep and wide

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i dont get it, is the new movie completely revolved around the tranny plotline or is it just a quick side thing that you guys are getting overly heated over? i can deal with a few minutes of muh trans rights and not have a panic attack because im not autistic but otherwise yeah i dont want to sink an hour into movie thats just pandering trans acceptance while unashamedly using nostalgia to rope people in

Unironically yes, there are many areas of social science that are considered taboo to even research



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>No one's posted this classic yet

Attached: 1559607600503.png (1261x731, 1024K)

It's a major plotline for the second half of the movie.


Why is a tranny telling others to dilate?


Attached: D9T8B8TUYAA8HCw_1.jpg (540x555, 40K)

>i love rocko
>i hate capitalism
Ah yes.

"My bad"

There was plenty of gay in the 90s. We need to go back to the 50s.

sneedposters suck at OC and should just kill themselves desu snepaitachi

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-45-21_1.jpg (680x141, 17K)


It's a plot element but it isn't a big focus

>love a cartoon whose sole objective is to make money, literally pandering to your ideals
>hate capitalism
The fucking dissonance, and before you @ me with that weak ass lefty meme "hurr you critisize capitalism but live in it i am very smart!" Realize the difference between paying your fucking water bill and indulging in frivolties that directly support the thing you despise


*Dilates* is what you meant tranny

>like RT would allow an influx of negative reviews after the REEing at She-Ra getting them

>men aren't being good enough consumers
>should we offer kinos with busty actresses and allow prostitution to make them happy?
why are they so evil bros

Jesus does Netflix shill every episode of their shows this hard?


Attached: 1560818773414.jpg (381x353, 58K)

Trannies suffer forever.

>mocked for life
>chop cock off
>in constant pain from dilation wound
>suicide in regret
>burn in hell

Stupid bastards. Trannies are damned.

Attached: RCO045_1.jpg (1227x528, 286K)

You know if you properly interpret the data that chart is presenting, that means a greater number of the "overall population" commit suicide over trans people

now this, THIS is based!


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-46-10.png (800x1280, 444K)

>what is per capita

if I were Nick, I would've canned this shit the instant I heard they were gonna put trannyshit in it too
no wonder they dumped it on netshit


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10-13-46-47.png (800x1280, 357K)

Why is Yea Forums allowed to spam garbage here?

>airs on Nick
>all the characters are normal
>airs on Netflix
>there's tranny shit

So glad I don't pay for it.

All you faggots need to be incinerated


It's still made by Nick, user. Netflix is just the distributor


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-09-16-36-38_1.jpg (671x512, 95K)

1990s were just fine. I didn't see Arthur pushing Rathburn's gay wedding then. That shit is a recent phenomenon.

why should we codify your fetish in law? can't you just do that stupid shit behind closed doors? why do you have to get legislators involved?

cast him

loved how the twitter netflix account was literally jerking itself off over how progressive they are forcing tranny shit in a comeback movie of 20+ year old cartoon

worst part being that rocko side characters were already so colorful and abstract that tranny inclusion was a thing 20 years ago and no one fucking cared


Attached: EBhVyzCX4AEifLG.png (634x566, 16K)

Here's a pretty good source on it. It's not shizo but it's a fetish


Out of tranny pics already?


I'm fine with trannies being in TV so long as at least one of them is found hanging from a ceiling fan per show per season. You know, to be realistic.

That Alberto Molina fag is literally using big words to feel like a big shot Twitter reviewer lmao.

No shit, that's why Netflix wanted it.

Attached: Rocko.jpg (700x600, 117K)

40% of 1.4 million is 560k
4% of 328 million is 13.1 million

Reminder that trannies chop their dicks off because they either want attention or they want to get closer to girls by becoming one. The uttermost “current” trannies are still attracted to females. Trannies were the original incels.


This special was shit even before the gay frog showed up. Stopped watching it about ten minutes in.


As someone whose childhood bestfriend transitioned, it sickens me to see this trans bullshit pushed. My friend suffers every day, has lost all his career and life prospects, relies on a half ounce of weed to make it through every day, and will never be a father to his child. These people need therapy and anti-psychotics, not encouragement and hormones.


Attached: Justin_Riley_Dennis_Before_After.jpg (450x275, 45K)

I go to thailand aka ladyboy central literally twice a year and dont have as much faggotry shoved down my face than i do on a average day in the west

Attached: 1563654583538.webm (1000x562, 2.93M)

>basedboy cartoonist turns into a tranny faggot

gotta be honest it is pretty on point for modern times but it wouldnt have made a entire movie around it

chances the Hey Arnold reboot has a tranny character episode one?

So is the special at least funny? All I hear is entertaining for trans people. But wasn't Rocko's a weird/funny show? Did they lose that element?


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It wasn't even funny in the 90s.

>All I hear is entertaining for trans people
Actually they are already complaining because by mentioning the name ralph they are dead naming HER and that is like hardcore levels of transphobia

Hey Arnold already had its movie reboot, tranny-free. There's no plans for a show revival and there won't be one.


100% the movie already had a gay couple and phoebe getting blacked

The entire special is shitty propaganda. Everything in it is pushing an agenda the "jokes" fall flat.

So it still goes to show that a greater number of cis people attempt suicide than trans people
To go by percentages just tricks brainlets who look at charts and go "ooh one bar is bigger than the other"

no its actually the CIA and the illuminati. They are depopulating the planet by any means necessary including slowly poisoning us with household materials, food, Wifi, and propaganda on the TV warping peoples minds.

They also want to see what they can brainwash people into doing and accepting.


Attached: w07f5fqs7pd11.jpg (3072x2048, 585K)

>Pedophile people exist. Showing them in a positive light and having intolerant personalities change to be more loving and accepting is an objective good for our society. Every decent person knows that we must all coexist peacefully. "Love thy neighbor," ever hear of it? Paedophile individuals experience a disproportionate level of violence, bullying, and harassment compared to non-paed people.

Why do they keep doing this? Turning Ralph into a tranny, removing Sara Bellum... why resuscitate an old, fondly-remembered show just to drop your pants and take a dump all over it with "modern 2019 values"?

Attached: Noooo.png (650x773, 45K)


But how the fuck is anyone meant to know who "Rachel" is without any context?

Because thats what cultural marxism does and with americans popculture is their culture (at least in the millennial range)

hahahahaha he looks like a freak

Why are people acting like RML was a good cartoon to begin with? I always changed the channel when it came on

Its like these people are mentally ill are just looking for new ways to be offended/discriminated

First half is okay, second half is full on TRANS RIGHTS, PROTECT TRANS KIDS. Even the creator's 10 year old daughter thought it was lame.

>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ” I mean, I can’t … whatever people say, there’s going to be those who … I’m assuming we’re going to get people who are purists, who don’t like the change. It was going to be the people like Rocko was in the episode, that we changed it too much. And you can’t do anything about that. There’s always going to be those people. But I feel like we came from a good place in our hearts when we were doing it, and if people are going to feel that way, you know, it’s up to them. But I feel good about it.

Even 10 year old kids aren't falling for it.

>Even 10 year old kids aren't falling for it.

Gay support is crashing hard in the 18-34y old range according to latest studies and zoomers are literally hitler according to them.

Its like being gay is not normal and people who have it forced on them are naturally rejecting it

I don't think he's crazy, he is a bit eccentric though. The issue is he's a bought or blackmailed shill.

>Gay support is crashing hard in the 18-34y old range according to latest studies
Good. Got a source for that claim though?

Has anyone said anything positive about the special aside from it has a transfrog in it

Based not-brainwashed yet girl.
>change is ALWAYS good

i legit think they did it because of the pepe resemblance


Great. This is what I get for looking forward to something. Into le trash it goes.

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>No no no, stop comparing apples to apples, you're a brainlet unless you compare apples to oranges
Jesus christ man.

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>Even the creator's 10 year old daughter thought it was lame.
based and redpilled 10yo dabbing on trannies


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Seems like the only kind of thing you would think if you spent most of your time on Yea Forums

Wrong. Normalising mental illnesses like transgenderism and even worse, acting like they're a good thing is objectively harmful for society and the welfare of the good citizens making it up..

Transsexuals are mentally sick people suffering from autogynephilia and possibly other disorders which is why when transgender people go to prison they're 2.5 times more likely to be imprisoned for sexual assault, molestation , rape and other sexual offences.

>A government survey has counted 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, but the Ministry of Justice says these figures are not yet a reliable reflection of the true numbers. The MoJ says 60 of them have been convicted of one or more sexual offences
>According to the most recent data, 19% of all prisoners are serving time for a sexual offence.
60/125 vs 19%

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>10 year old
>"you're going to get some flak for this"
Shit like this never gets old.

>Seems like the only kind of thing you would think if you spent most of your time on Yea Forums
Hard to play that card when even hillary clinton cried about pepe. That shit was all over social media for the last few years


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lol fucking demolished.

>n-n-n-no we weren't just pandering to trannies for woke points... It was natural.

>being so cucked even your 10 year old daughter puts you in your place

Gen Z will be the ones to reject trannies two decades from now. They grew up with it shoved in their faces, they'll be the ones whose Millennial parents let their not-of-sound-mind child selves "transition," undoubtedly leaving many of them with so, so much resentment towards Millennials when they're adults. Millennials will be the new Boomers once Boomers die off, their generation's name will be spoken with palpable disgust for allowing this to happen.

Attached: GLAADpoll.png (826x285, 56K)

>those fucking jumps in such a short time
>The situation is so grim that the American Medical Association warned this month of “an epidemic of violence” against transgender people, particularly those of color.
>an epidemic of violence
>epidemic of violence

Attached: Doom.jpg (1060x1200, 111K)

>itt virgins get triggered by insinuating poorly drawn blobs of color have gender importance

Riddle me this: how am I able accept a "person" that can't even accept themselves as one in the first place ?

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Diversity in general will be rejected. Its easy for Gen X/Y to push that shit when all they had was a token nigger in class but zoomers face literally mutt classes where they are the minority.

You can sell these kids the nigger victim narrative and thats a good thing. As for millennials dont worry they dont breed and are suicidal and debt ridden as fuck they wont grow old

Time to start lifting for that gen z cunny



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Meanwhile, the LGBT crowd cares so much about making puppets gay.

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Why is Yea Forums so pozzed bros? I really dont remember it being this bad, but they are one of the only boards that defend their hobbies being taken over or turning to shit. Half the anons talk like they're straight from tumblr


I didn't know Sonia was this based.

You do know RT shut down the ability for "regular" people to contribute to any score on their site and now only approved influencers do so after several woke garbage projects in a row got awful audience scores a little while ago right

>Tolerance takes a hit: Americans less accepting of LGBT people in 2017
The whole tolerance=acceptance shit really irritates me. I can literally tolerate somebody/something by just not persecuting them if I want to, but that is not the same as accepting them. If anything, toleration literally is putting up with something you dislike/find unpleasant

Your money has been deposited into your bank account.


>Why is Yea Forums so pozzed bros?
Because comics are pozzed which is why the industry is in decline

they also made miss piggy a feminist and gave her a award in real life. then they made her break up with kermit who in return started dating a younger pig that looked slavic asian

fucking clown world

Imagine being such a mutated and deranged human that you can only resonate with people playing pretend in front of a camera

Well, Comics were the first media to be taken over by SJWs. It started well before video games or movies.

But the comics world was really small so no one heard their demise. And now the comics industry is nothing but cucks, gays, trannies, and feminists. It's dead.

so this...is the power......of autism......

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White conservative millennials are popping out babies. It's the libshits that aren't. There are no conservative fur parents. Conservatives aren't the one that are all about state funded baby killing. And they certainly aren't slowing down with the baby making because "it's bad for the climate/times are hard"

Yea Forums always sort of sucked, user. I was there in the early days. It was a refuge for goons who got banned from the comics forum on SA, or people that got chased off from scans daily. The oldfags were snarky college kids in the early 00s, the kind of dudes that would make unprovoked debates on religion or whine about white privilege (yes that cancer existed back then). I left when the board was sucking off Avatar incredibly hard, it was damn near unusable. I assume it's only become far far worse, with the unrestrained post-modernism and dadaist pro LGBT cartoons.


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I used to be tolerant now i see it as a weakness. You give these freaks your hand and they take your arm. Faggots are literally every bad stereotype they were made out to be and are now proud of it even bragging about it

All western animation and comics got pozzed so anybody still interested at this point will also be.

You do understand the gradual change of definition in specific words is the whole point? Tolerance = Acceptance so that being unaccepting is being intolerant. The same way that all of a sudden sex =/= gender or that you need power to be racist or sexist. It's just an attempt to push the Overton window left.

I want to contribute a non-shitpost: I was genuinely looking forward to this and I am ranging between pretty and very upset that a Rocko Special had to include, approve of, and endorse 2010's Woke Bullshit.

And it continues

>getting so triggered about some irrelevant children's cartoon latching on to a modern innocuous social trend and saving dozens and dozens of pictures of it
>not getting triggered about the destruction of animation as a medium by Disney and friends eradicating any sense of visual storytelling, imagination or energy so that future generations will ONLY know photorealistic inexpressive garbage

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Based. I wonder if they'll keep it up on the archive after the 404

>White conservative millennials are popping out babies

You can never outbreed savages. For every one white kid a nigger pumps out 3 with five jumping over the border and pajeet flying in his pregnant wife and three kids

Korra or The last airbender, because i might suck off tla.

>so... they revived a 20+ years old show just to make propaganda?
Netflix, not even once

>Why do you care about propaganda infecting cartoons
>You should care more about poorly written kids movies
I, too, am getting quite sleepy.

I care more about propaganda, sorry.

Art is dead in general so who cares

Mandatory infertility
Snip snip


That's unfortunate, is there anywhere good to discuss cartoons or comics that isnt compromised by these people?

>said fuck capitalism
>on netflix

>Getting triggered about someone creating a thread which you can just avoid posting in or read alltogether


dios mio...

If you have to desperately try to convince anons that you're a good person, you're definitely not

>innocuous social trend
>photorealism in cartoons is bad because MUH EXPRESSION
You're that schizo painter aren't you?

TLA, back when 80% of the board was that fucking show.

>Mandatory sterilisation

"Oh no, there might be some females(males) out there!"
"Nah but fuck art history and progress I don't give a fuck"

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I don't know a single, actual child who watches this trash, and thank God for that.

First off propaganda is real you stupid fuck.
Second Walt was based, he hated jews, niggers, and fags. Shame modern Disney spits on his legacy.

there is no progress in degeneracy


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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ig1ZDZ3.jpg /
>It seems the only places that still respect film as a visual art are Europe and China
>visual art respect

LOL Get a load of this clod for brains

It's on Netflix, no one's watching.

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thanks I couldn't think of the word

can confirm, Yea Forums should be the board at the forefront of abusing and making fun of sjws in comics but instead they're a haven for them

I just want more cartoons along the lines of krogath of barbarian not this girly ass "inclusive" dung


>I can literally tolerate somebody/something by just not persecuting them if I want to, but that is not the same as accepting them... toleration literally is putting up with something you dislike/find unpleasant
This is the best sentient beings can ever be allowed to hope for.

The creator (Murray) also said in some interview that he had GLAAD basically writing the whole transgender thing with Ralph. So you know it's not about comedy, but pushing an agenda.

Wow a morally bankrupt clown world doesn't have a good artistic culture? No fucking shit retard.



It wasn't made for kids. It was made to get boomers on board with zoomer faggotry by injecting zoomer style Stephen Jewnoverse propaganda into a classic boomer toon.

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Walt destroyed and sterilized cultural history for homogenized product for the masses and also was a pedophile
Modern disney is carrying his legacy to a T, capitalising on as safe social trends and feelings as possible while simultaneously eradicating aesthetic evolution from movies and animation
But girly boys on television bother you more because you're a faggot
>Zhang Yimou
>Wong Kar Wai
>Chen Kaige
>morally bankrupt

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>he had GLAAD basically writing the whole transgender thing with Ralph

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It gave up. Lol.
Trannies have no endurance.

FBR please


>Nick Adams, GLAAD’s director of transgender representation who consulted on Static Cling, tells EW over email how important it is to show LGBTQ people existing in the world. “Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling tells a beautiful — and hilarious — story about accepting change,” he writes. “The younger characters accept Rachel immediately; recognizing she’s still their friend. And while Rachel’s father is slow to accept change within his own family, even he realizes that loving your child should be unconditional. This story of inclusion and acceptance is so needed in our current climate.”

Don't you dare disrespect Walt you fucking tranny.


Nigga we need to go back to the restoration

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>they brought Rocko back just to make some transsexual propaganda

I’m getting pretty sick of everything needing to have trannies in it. Honestly I’m not even mad I’m just tired

To be fair Netflix seems to looove losing money with all the retarded decisions they have made.

Sneed posting kills another tranny yet again.

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A broken clock is still right twice a day. Just because a couple of his ramblings turned out to be right, it doesn't mean that he's some omniscient supergenius who has never been wrong

Damn, these Rocko threads are based as fuck.
Gives me hope for this site seeing the trannies get shit on.

Thx for keeping the spirit of 4 chan alive.

gillette lost 8 billion since their man hatred ad campaign and the ceo doesnt care saying the message was more important

k you go do your cartoon jihad


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Epic false flag




Primal seems promising, I also doubt it'll get pozzed beyond "girl puwer". Genndy doesn't seem like a virtue signaler.

Netflix will be dead by 2025.

>12.4 billion in debt
>Just hired D&D
>Losing Friends (their most watched show)
>Losing Marvel content
>Losing Fox content
>Losing Disney content
>Orange is the New Black ended
>Black Mirror's latest season tanked

All they have left is Stranger Things.

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The last 10 years we made gay and transgender normal. Why cling to the past, lets demonise them today!
I hate this pr speak.

And why make it so much about Rachel? And why do they accept her without all the problems or misunderstandings that comes with?
Hefer would be the one that doesnt understand this. And Filburt would flip his coin in what this means for future difinitions and what problems that brings with itself.

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Walt was a cumstain on the history of film
He took classic eastern and european folkstories and fables and homogenized them, eradicating most of the moral aspects, particularly his retelling of The Little Mermaid
And invented the current american film and animation serialization, regurgitating the exact same non-confrontational themes and narratives forever and ever
His only positive was possibly he held up the company's standard when it came to aesthetic
Aside from that he practically invented the shit that culminated in teh 80s and brought us here

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>Did you come up with that theory yourself? Maybe publish a paper with your findings in a scientific journal.
do you think you can just do whatever you want in the field of science? There was a Japanese geneticist who was forced to stop his research into racial differences because they didn't like the prospect that he'd turn something up.

you're not allowed to put "hate speech" on rotten tomatoes anymore

I.E. you're not allowed to post anything that disagrees with their narrative

>He took classic eastern and european folkstories and fables and homogenized them, eradicating most of the moral aspects, particularly his retelling of The Little Mermaid
LOL you fucking moron, Walt Disney had been dead for over 20 years when 'The Little Mermaid' started production.

Kinda this , especially for america, and how doctors and activist rally for easy and quick handing out skittles.
And the problem with thy neighbours is that they want a safespace and everything that touches is, is an attack. Sometimes its just not knowing to handle it or dont give them special treatment, resulting in them throwing a tantrum.
Like more be like Baily Jay than ChrisChan.


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>why make it so much about the token reprethentashun character
it's the only way they'll get roi on some dusty 90's cartoon people didn't even like

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The little mermaid was one of his company's worst in my opinion, which was still according to his style
Snow White and others like that had already been castrated by his style

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>69 Episodes
It still needed 69 episodes and 30 years!

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Go to church

not gonna lie I'd cuddle him(her)