Why no Lovecraft films?

Why no Lovecraft films?

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You should be thankful that nobody makes them, considering that the average hollywood (((producer))) would demand a dumb action horror film instead of anything that resemble Lovecraftian themes.

>"What if the old gods weren't just a legend"
>Cthulu rises from the sea in slow motion

it would just be a movie about crime statistics

Point in the direction of someone talented enough with the financial backing. Peter. That's about it and the financial backing may not be there considering the last flop.

i'm interested to see the lighthouse

Italian Mask is pretty Lovecraftian desu

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Whats his cats name again?

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There are plenty

DUDE, your dumb human mind CAN'T EVEN BEGIN to understand such horrors.


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They are hard to put on film

Bloodborne is the only thing in any medium that does it justice

if anything lovecraft seriously underestimated the capability of the human mind to cope or rationalize. he was the type of person who would today probably be blackpilled about everything.

i can just imagine hollywood adding a bmwf scene unironically

>Peter Jackson
The first two LOTR films were a fluke. Jackson is a hack and absolutely everything else he's made is absolute dog shit terrible.

Aren’t they literally making one with Nic Cage?


Hey OP, watch this.
It directly answers your question and is pretty neat.

tl;dw existential horror is hard to comprehend, things that are hard to comprehend are hard to talk about, never mind show on film

Top tier Lovecraftian movies:
Cabin in the Woods
Under the Skin
The Thing

asshole, what the fuck has this place become

Nick Gurman

What? Even without the lord of the rings he is still an amazing director.

Threadly reminder that Del Toro almost made a Mountains of Madness movie.

I mean, he was a NEET of his time. Simply got lucky that someone was interested in publishing his creepy writings.

>that trailer

don't give them ideas!

What could have been

His cat's name was Nigger Man.


how the fuck is cabin in the woods a lovecraftian movie?

You gotta remember that people during Lovecraft's time were coming from a spot where white, jeudochristian cultures were the chosen ubermesch and rapid technological progress was cementing western man's manifest destiny as the conqueror of nature, savage nations, disease and poverty.
Suddenly discovering that your gilded world and chosen status in the universe was all just a farce, everything you believe in is meaningless and you could be wiped out in a second by creatures beyond your compression that see you as on par as insects or even microbes...

That would be pretty shocking for someone with that mindset. Which is why his books were pretty popular.

But that's what most lovcraftian "fan" would want instead of a story on insanity

No cause you see the monsters too clearly and can understand most of what they represent it's too obvious on another hand there's a lot of good lovcraftian movies like the Thing and Hellraiser and the reanimator and Jacob's Ladder

just adapt DD

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They want to please the elder gods by making bizarre sacrifice ritual in wich they want to scare them before killing them it's greatly inspired obviously

Too complicated for m'uricans.

Lovecraft lived in a time when scientists were first starting to get an accurate impression of just how ancient and huge the universe is. It frightened him, and so he wrote stories around that. And he was, right, the human mind can't comprehend it, but we are never really confronted with those facts outside of numbers that we can't really relate to. That's all his monsters really are, manifestations of an impossibly huge and old cosmos, that the characters are then violently confronted with.

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oh right, I forgot about the ending, only remember it as a parody of slasher and other horror genres

I think Stephen King classified the first Alien film as a lovecraftian story in Danse Macabre

The dude was a nut. His own father died of syphilis or some other communicable disease that could be spread congenitally, and Lovecraft was raised by his aunt who was always banging on about "nigger whores" this and "nigger whores" that. Lovecraft was absolutely terrified of women, sex, anything he perceived as alien, but most of all he was afraid of something evil and lethal lurking deep within ourselves. He was terrified that he had some latent congenital disease (fairly certain it was syphilis) that could come out to party and kill him at any time for no reason at all other than to ruin his day. All of these fears got put into his writing.

Well he wrote story about everything that's hard to comprehend , The Ocean , The human Mind, Death and life and Woman and babies

>Hurr durr humans can't comprehend hurr ancient horror durr hurr

Another excuse for shit writing and inability to communicate ideas with his readers

You're all pseudo plebs.

Thankfully he had enough respect for the material that he chose to not make it rather than give in to executive meddling to give it a happy ending and add a love story to it.

Pan's labyrinth dosen't have love story and dosen't have an happy ending

mt at madness has a happy ending tho
nobody dies only a nigga sees something spooky and get mad
I dont think anyone would adapt it differently

>no innsmouthian inbreeding
cmon man

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>pseudo plebs
it's not like people have heart attacks/ptsd/panic dissorders on daily basis because something horrible happened in their life and it wasnt something like giant monster squid with 4 eyes, it was a letter or a notice or stuffed with explosives teddybear
also what the fuck is pseudo plebs?

>I don't know what pseudo means

Brainlet pseuds detected

*earth-shattering fart noise*

The Del Toro ATMOM script sucks balls. Go read it and tell me if you think it would have been good. It's a lulzy action horror romp like The Thing meets Army of Darkness. It totally misses the point of the story, just as much as a romance subplot would.

ATMOM is just not an easily filmable story. There's very little action, very little dialogue, and very little character. It's a narrative of scientists making horrifying discoveries. It works great as a written text, but it's not ideal as a basis for a movie. A large part of its effect is taken from its deliberately sober and undramatic style: it's a scientist's report of a disaster he experienced, not a drama. The best way to do it would probably be as a found footage piece. I feel that Europa Report is as close as anyone has gotten to the right tone. Del Toro could have made a Lovecraft movie with great effects, and i'm not denying he's a great filmmaker, but I don't trust him to adapt Lovecraft. He's a sentimentalist filmmaker who fundamentally doesn't understand the tone of the work.

If you wanted better Lovecraft stories to adapt, I think The Temple, The Rats in the Walls, The Color Out Of Space, or maybe The Dunwich Horror, would be better. These are all much more dramatically straightforward.

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this, also he was an amateur astronomer in his youth. Just add some family history, a hungry mind and you get the right recipe

Aren't The Endless and Resolution's "monsters" some kind of lovecraftian god?