What did Kubrick mean by this?
I dont give a shit what he does in his personal life, what I do care about is that he makes shit movies
Most likely MI6 killed Jeffrey Epstein because Prince Andrew is implicated again, and the British royals can't risk another international humiliation.
So, any actual proof of this?
>MI6 killed Jeffrey Epstein
There never is user. There never is...
Blind item thread?
How schizo do you have to be to believe any of this source less garbage,
lmao, rob ager always wanted to portray kubrick as a literal saint who does nothing wrong, fuck him too
That whole Epstein incident really made me question what is true and what is not. I think I'm becoming paranoid.
Because there's been times shit has been posted and then years later it turns out to be true. Pretty sure there was a few with spacey and beer can Dan
I really hope this isn't true but the rot of Hollywood seems to be 100% thorough.
>that home movie with his daughter on his lap
>when conspiracies collide against each other
this site lost a bit of credibility when people obviously from Yea Forums posted stuff there
But this is old news. He said nothing new.
Kubrick knew about the jews child sex cult, and was killed for it.
I read that he was very protective of the youung boy playing Danny in the Shining and went to great lengths to avoid traumatizing him like Steinbergs delight in doing.
was Eyes Wide Shut his guilty confession as a way of remorse?
Kubrick comes across as an autist who wouldn't bother with pedoshit
what site?
it’s just an archive of enty... you can’t post there
Kubrick was a jew himself and thus most likely a shizo pedophile
With these blind items, a good deal of them are flat out fantasies, a small fraction are true and some have some truth sprinkled in them, but are otherwise fabricated or at least exaggerated.
If Enty of Crazy Days and Nights believes Anthony Bourdain was killed by Mossad agents sent by Harvey Weinstein in retaliation against Asia Argento, and that Asia Argento was meeting with Harvey Weinstein to deal with Jimmy Bennett, why didn't Enty break the news of Asia Argento's affair with Jimmy Bennett?
I know understand revolutionaries who decided to topple old regimes and kill the elites. It feels like this world needs a revolution.
I assume he's talking about Crazy Days and Nights and thought AGC Gossip was Crazy Days and Nights
t. Noseberg
Hollywood if filled with pedophile cult degenerates, fuck off
it was his expose of the elite pedo cult. That's why he was killed.
I've never understood the point in doing the whole "this director" and "that A-list celeb" nonsense. I mean surely surely that won't save you from a potential defamation case if you write their damn names at the bottom of the article.
According to OP he was one of the worst pedos out there.
If I didn't have something to live for I would totally start taking out every elite politician, CEO and entertainment industry figure one by one.
I think the Epstein thing proves that the system is completely rigged and the only way these demons can be excised is by armed revolt.
the funny thing is that for the last couple of years the Yea Forumspol fags have been saying that Kubrick was "redpilled" and Eyes Wide Shut was a movie revealing the inside of pedowood
Blind Items guy has been saying a lot of stuff that goes against the pedo theories of this board like this one
Wouldn't that just make people suspicious of CDAN instead?
All of this done in Fornite PVP of course.
it should, but anons just cherrypick what they want to believe
It's totally true, the straightest mother fuckers who NEVER drink or do drugs are ALWAYS the sickest cunts.
So, Donald Trump.
Is this disinfo to smear Kubrick? Or was Kubrick a willing accomplice in these networks?
Was Eyes Wide Shut an expos? Or was it an insurance policy to tell them that if they took him down he'd take them down with him?
Can anyone break past the web of lies?
Epstein had a whole long list of very very powerful people who would like him dead.
I hope Hannity knows tons of dirty Republicans are in bed with Epstein and the Dems too.
>injured severely
>1 week recovery period
Fun fact: AGC put Hannity's name there, then on the actual CDAN link, Himmmm claimed that blind was actually referring to Guy Fieri, and then AGC quietly edited that blind to replace Hannity's name with Fieri's.
You can recover a fair bit in a week without actually being fully recovered. There are stages of recovery, obviously depending on the type of injury.
This could be huge. I think even biggest liberal supporters are wondering what's going on. It doesn't help that this conspiracy theory is common among right wingers, the same guys spouting crap about Jewish world order, holocaust not happening, and so on.
People might start to wonder what is true and what is not. That maybe all conspiracies are real. Crazy stuff.
Obviously it's not severe if you can go back to work in a week.
Varying definitions of "severe", clearly.
Personally I suffered a life-threatening injury a few years back and had emergency surgery, I was out and about within a week too. Still somewhat impaired, but generally functional. Back to roughly normal in a month or so.
friendly reminder based Dan the man get away with it
If I were rich and famous I would fuck everything that walks but only if I had and extremely long and fat cock otherwise I'd feel unworthy
what has been said about Kubrick not drinking and doing drugs because it seems like it would stunt his creativity
Why wouldn't Victoria Justice get a flashing drudegreport headline calling him out with proof then?
>Is this disinfo to smear Kubrick?
Before the #metoo stuff I would've believed CDAN, after a year of the #metoo stuff and the blinds they've been posting since, I'm getting suspicious of CDAN as well.
I never understood the fun about raping. Isn't better to fuck a girl who is into you?
Poor girl needs the money. Her career is dead as hell.
Fake and gay.
You know, people love playing armchair psychologists on 4chin, but I absolutely agree with this one. I mean, you have to let it out through somewhere
t. straight edge degenerate
>become one of the most famous victims on earth
>not getting money
Welcome to Hollywood, my friend.
Seriously why can't anyone bring down Beer Can Dan?
>formerly jesus
Seriously, if this was true, would most people be surprised? I wouldn't
is Stanley Kubrick of Jewish ancestry?
>Stephen Hawing
Every single time
You bet!
Fucking hell
Ok now that's a funny image.
Fun fact: the revolutionaries often end up being worse than the regimes they topple.
the whole point of blind items is that some of them will fit a case that eventually comes out. it's like a tarot reading.
You're getting defensive there, CDAN shill
Stephen Hawking makes sense because Epstein "collected" pretty girl and very smart men. He would throw parties where guests were encouraged to bring the smartest scientists they knew.
Why is anybody surprised?
the one with millie brown was hot
Some of the stuff there is BS
It’s all real. Even the “it’s da joos” jew world order stuff the crazies have been saying for however long now
For me it was Jet Li's/Jackie Chan's Triad drug-smuggling ring