I'm a smug cry-baby that uses charges of racism to cover for the fact that I've made two rewatchable movies (Inside Man, 25th Hour) in three decades. and I always have the expression of a fat girl that doesn't get asked for a dance at the prom.
Hello, I'm Spike Lee
Other urls found in this thread:
diversity hires btfo once again
why are niggers so fucking ugly bros?
white boys seething
I'm also only 5'2".
i still like that autistic nigga better than jordan peele
Hmm those are the only movies he directed with white protags...
hey good job on oldboy
FUCK radio raheem
>pretends that Denzel Washington didn't get top billing in Inside Man
>25th Hour
this movie is fucking kino, depression-core at it´s finest
seriously, passive aggressive lil poo. Plug your headphones in for two minutes
One of the most idiotic sequences ever filmed. Raheem and that other guy where clearly the aggressors, both for utterly stupid reasons
Malcolm X was actually pretty good
>pretends that Clive Owen isn't the star of the film
>I make shitty films
Were we supposed to feel sorry for that ape? Why couldn't he just be respectful and turn off his music? Turturro's character was in the right.
spike lee is a hack
We aren't any better looking either.
Oh really?
>Were we supposed to feel sorry for that ape?
I don't think, i always though the whole point of the film was that everyone was wrong in the movie and there was no good guy.
Your rights are what we choose to let you have, jigaboo.
I was talking about your average user.
Racist manlet with mommy issues who has made not a single watchable film.
>talks about rights
>doxxes and terrorises innocent people because someone said they were racist online
miracle at st.anne is one of the most seething nerd-rage movies ever made. its also fucking hilariously bad
But at least you know your rights.
Now you know why they all have such a chip on their shoulder. Imagine living in that skin.
>who has made not a single watchable film
Now that is just not true. He is decent director who wastes his talent on racebait movies.
He is a shit director who only gets attention because he is a race baiting peice of shit. Name one solidly good movie he has made.
Spike Lee said in an I interview he gives interracial couples dirty looks to the point they cross the street from him. He is a racist. By all definitions of the word.
He's jewish
>its a reinterpretation
>He is a shit director who only gets attention because he is a race baiting peice of shit
You can't blame him for that though. It is media who just gives a shit about when he does that shit. Movie like Inside Man without any kinda racebait didn't get any attention because of that.
I watched that one about the heatwavr in Brooklyn or whatever and the Italian pizzeria owners comes out better than the niggers if I remember correctly, I saw it 15 years ago
I don't know what he was going for here. the casting alone was utter shit.
God this movie was so shit
>Italian pizzeria owners comes out better than the niggers
That was kinda the point.
His shit is trash. He us to blame for his actions not the media.
>do one for me ill do one do one for you
He did one for the studios so he could make Black Klansman
Black klansmen was shit. Like Spike.
>He us to blame for his actions not the media
Maybe but that is only how he gets any kinda attention from media so he has to act like that.
is Spike a sovereign citizen? any videos of his car windows getting busted or of him claiming to be a traveler and not a driver?
>Black klansmen was shit
It was alright.
Refresh my memory, it's been a while since I saw it. Isn't Spike Lee a massive white hater? Why would he make the niggers the bad guys?
Lol. He is talentless so he chooses to act like that. Get it straight. Stop being an apologist for racism.
"It was alright". Imagine thinking this was on par with an 80s made for TV film. It was garbage. Spike hasn't the talent.
PROTIP: Anyone who has ever said "I know my rights" doesn't actually know their legal rights.
>Isn't Spike Lee a massive white hater?
I would say he doesn't hate whites because he has done many movies with white protagonist.
>Why would he make the niggers the bad guys?
There were not really good guys and bad guys in that movie and more of everyone being in the wrong.
>He is talentless so he chooses to act like that
Of course he chooses to act that way.
He's a great director, he's also an obnoxious loud mouth bitch.
One doesn't effect the other.
He’s not much better than Antoine Fuqua and he sure as hell isn’t great like Ridley Scott is great.
You spelled talentless retard incorrectly.
"Ummmm my step mommy was white so white bad"
Hello, wah! yeh! I'm the best.
I enjoyed Malcolm X, Bamboozled and 25th. I think She hate me was his worst film
If he was white he wouldn't have made two movies. He is only famous because of the color of his skin.
Fuck your Uncle Tom idol.
I’d love to see someone of your obvious limitations engage Thomas Sowell in an intellectual sparring session.
Chiraq was pretty solid, haven’t seen klansman yet
The quote you posted was about as deep as a kiddie pool. You realize that right? You don't think that should have been an eye opening declaration of some little known truth do you? It was middle school level shit.
So why did he make Jungle Fever?
Because he is a self hating low IQ race baiting piece of almost human garbage that likes money and will suck any white cock he has to to get it while simultaneously declaring how he is above sucking cock.
I didn’t post the Sowell quote. Stand by what I say about guy who called him an Uncle Tom. Ad hominem gonna ad hominem
Malcom X
He Got Game
Btw I know you've never watched either one but you're going to shit on them anyway.
Denzel was good, the movie was shit.
Pattern repeats.
Spike is a fucking clown. He is a joke.
>trying to shit talk the guy who made this scene
are you even trying op?
Spike little pp lee
Spike "hey that white lady isnt my mommy" lee
Spike "please Denzel I got bills" lee
Spike "white lady sent me to bed" lee
I just realized he looks like a black mr bean
He looks like a man who is still angry about who his daddy fucked.
The one thing I like about Spike Lee is he is the only antisemitic film-maker in Hollywood.
Spike masturbated to this scene
Ill take who is kino actor/director Mel Gibson for the win Alex.
Now go get your fuckin shinebox
That has happened before, it's on youtube.
Based Spike knows where shots at
My favorite Spike story was when he criticized Flags of Our Fathers of lacking diversity and Clint Eastwood said he should “shut his face”
Spike Lee is fucking racist
he would fit in perfectly here
>Is rude
>Self serving
>Plays music as loud as he possibly can
>Has no respect for other people and their property
Do the right thing went over my head because I did not feel bad when he got what was coming to him. Look, maybe the officer did go a little too far, but radio raheem was resisting.
Eh, Sal didn't do anything wrong.
reddit tier post
alright is the worst kind of bad
if it was bad you would have found something to scoff at, if it was good something to relish in, alright is wasting 2 hours of your life on something that gives you absolutely nothing
Its fucking amazing how much one single man can trigger so many kissless chuds. Absolutely based.
rent free
I remember some "intro to film" class back in Uni , we all had to watch that shit movie.
reminds me a story my father told me. He was in a bar and this black dude came in I guess he had too much to drink and wanted to start some shit. He goes up to some dude drinking alone and says "Yo , I fuck white women" the guy just ignores him. He continues . "You hear me? I fuck white women" finally the guy has enough and says "I dont blame you , I know what black women look like "
Denzel Washington the best actor ever , hes so fucking cool , hes so fucking clever
I did kinda feel bad for when cop killed him but otherwise he did everything wrong. Though i don't think he was meant to be good guy.
>Though i don't think he was meant to be good guy.
Doesn't Spike speak of him as if he was?
Did you actually think that was meant to look like they were in right?
I don't think so or maybe i have missed something.
no , it was shitty writing
Unironically yes. To the self perceived victim, every act of aggression is justified.
LA riots my friend.
I don't know, but Spike did end with some conflicting quotes from MLK and Malcolm X. MLK said violence was never the answer, while Malcolm X said it is when necessary.
>LA riots my friend
Of course that shit went too far but in the movie i don't think they were in right. Or wasn't it like one guy complaining about it and everyone dismissed him at first until the pizza places owner said nigger or something?
>until the pizza places owner said nigger or something?
So we're just gonna gloss over one of those guys calling him a ginny first?
>So we're just gonna gloss over one of those guys calling him a ginny first?
But wasn't that the same guy who complained about the store not having black celebrities in the pizzeria?
you say Nigger , all bets are off. That makes them chimp out. Witnessed this first hand ...I was a Teacher in a major midwest city. This Puerto Rican Kid called some kid who was being a nigger a nigger. Flew into a rage started screaming and throwing fists.
Yeah, it was either him or Radio Raheem.
This was what I got out of it
If you provocative someone enough, they are going to lash out at you.
Sal wasn't doing anything wrong, it was his store and it was his wall. The nigger had no say in what should or shouldn't be up there. It was his property.
The same is true of the nigger playing music within his store.
When you entertain the idea that your entire lot in life is due to the evilness and deviousness of another race, and refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, any act against those people is justified.
But I'm intellectualizing it. The people committing violence don't philosophize, they are just high time preference individuals without the knack for forward planning. It leads to bad outcomes. Monkey see successful restaurant, monkey wonders why he doesn't have a successful restaurant. Monkey wants to defile and destroy said restaurant.
>if you provocative
Do The Right Thing is one of the dumbest movies I ever have watched and I’m being dead serious. Totally deserved to lose to Driving Miss Daisy and I hate that movie, too.
Tell me about Spike Lee, why does he wear the Wario costume?
His masterpiece. Because he reined in the preachy hep-edgelord bullshit on that one and just wanted to do an important figure justice with a great film
Lol I legit laughed at this for 2 minutes
>spike lee with humility = good
well fuck, why has no studio figured that out?
BlackKklansman was also good.
You don't have to agree with a director's real life behavior to like their movies, user. Otherwise how could you enjoy Tarankino?
To show all the downside to interracial mating.
My favorite is when Spike Lee sent people to the house of George Zimmerman and it was the wrong house. No charges for inciting violence.
Imagine getting bodied by an Urkel ass nigger like Reggie Miller
>has business for years in a predominantly black neighborhood
>getting his revenue from mostly black people
>hits on a black woman
>both of his son either admire and mimics african american culture and is friends with on
why can't he just hang some black people on his wall even if it's to simply shut people up?
wasn't summer of sam great? he could achieve more if he wasn't a race-obsessed crank.
You tell me
Summer of Sam and Do the Right thing weren't bad, either.
studio execs are fucking jew morons