So does this mean that there won't be any blackwashing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is Amazon even known for that?
>20 episodes
I seriously hope that isn’t 20 episodes per season.
What does it matter? They have to hire producers and directors, and they are all basically the same.
Next in the news: Christopher Tolkien dead at 94. Future of Tolkien Estate uncertain.
man I hope theres a horrible fire or something and the show is cancelled indefinitely
there's so fucking little canon from the era the series will be about it won't matter much
I won't watch The Witcher because they went out of their way to purposely change the characters to be more diverse.
Apparently he has some incriminating evidence on Hillary Clinton.
It's 20 per season
As far as I know, no thy are not.... Yet
We're probably safe from black Gandalf, but there's nothing keeping Amazon from introducing "diverse" original characters.
I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with one of the protagonists being a strong, independent Haradrim woman who inexplicably doesn't worship Sauron and lectures people about assuming she's evil just because of her race.
Well when these shithole streaming services produce a season every 2 to 3 years it better be per season.
If you think reality will stop them from inventing things to be offended about you're in for a rude awakening.
tolkien never specified the skin color of any of the characters of his northern european-mythology inspired setting
>two weeks later
>well umm actually there's nothing in the original text that says Aragorn WASN'T black
Why is pic related so obsessed with black people. Nobody else brings it up or cares
There's raceswapping in the The Boys
holy fucking based
No they aren't
A lot of directors agree with you. Jerrod Carmichael (showrunner of Ramy, a Hulu/A24 series) and The Coen Brothers are recent examples of liberal creatives i've heard making the same complaints about forced diversity.
What IS basically the same, are studio tactics on big big mainstream projects, because they want as widestream an audience as possible. But it has nothing to do with creative people and it's not ideological either. It's a business strategy.
So why don't you just avoid big mainstream studio projects? There are lots of great recent films with all white casts. Cold War, Lady Bird, Buster Scruggs, just a few examples.
Or you could just continue your incessant whinging?
Who doesn't at this point?
After season 3 of "Man in the High Castle" had like a third of the characters be gay or bisexual, I'm a bit worried.
Based. Our boy better be careful! 8(
Did the Haradrim even exist in the 2nd Age?
Oh sweetie did you watch a show literally about nazis because you thought it was made for your far right sensibilities?
>This show wont be chock o block with based easterlings (played by mutts) who are actually misunderstood and are more based than white people.
Both whitewashing and blackwashing, however
Certainly not Epstein
Please god no
nazis were socialists.
Who are the writers and the directors?
It'll be easier for them to portray Numenoreans as evil white colonizers opressing poor swarthy haradrim. Because, you know, that actually happened in the story.
Oh sweetie did you watch a show literally about nazis because you thought it was made for your bigoted hateful and repressive social views?
Imagine loving LOTR for its white cast and not for its beautiful film making and Tolkien's storytelling
>hurr kike! you trying to force diversity
No, I don't think Amazon should be doing this show at all but /pol/cels seem to appreciate the original movies for the most shallow reasons
What's stopping Amazon from just saying "nothing in the canon explicitly says numenoreans were all white"
>Who are the writers and the directors?
>Yea Forums
>caring about anything that matters
no no sweetie that doesn't matter unless they're women we've just going to cry when it's bad and blame the casting
It's about mystical proto Europeans bro. Dark skinned people are explicitly the bad guys.
don't reply to me or your wife's son ever again
This is sort of the answer. Women and people who do not have brown eyes tend to waste their money on frivolous shit whereas white men tend to save their money. "Forced diversity" is nothing more than companies marketing their product to the people that spend their money on it. If you are a wagie just look at all the people in your office talking about getting their lips done as they sit there with 10 dollar luxury coffees - it's all mudskins and women aka the easily memed.
i'm a leftie and i hate this forced diversity shit
It's insulting to the people who made it as well.
For starters, most Numenoreans were of Hadorian stock, and we know what the House of Hador looked like.
the tolkien estate are just vultures looking to fuck anyone and anything out of money
The Tolkien estate
the estate will sue amazon to squeeze more money out of them. they'll just make up some bullshit.
What's the tolkien estate's problem anyway? From what I've gathered they're against everything. Hurr durr can't do anything because it ruins it. But then they still allow crap to be made from time to time? I guess they just need fat enough pay check once in a while?
Yes but that seems to be the only thing worth of value to some retards on here
About the only thing they could introduce "good" non-white characters is if the two Blue Wizards that went East convinced half of the not-Chinese to sit out the war
It has to be based on the Second Age, and has to follow the basic plot of Sauron fucking with the Numenorians, but there's nothing stopping them from adding new characters and there are no rules about character ethnicities.
Wasn't Melkor described as black skinned ?
They are well aware that an American Corp will make a steaming turd jn the attempt to appeal to every retard for a once off pay day and the Tolkien estate will be left holding something that's been decreased in value since its been raped by jew dick.
>It has to be based on the Second Age, and has to follow the basic plot of Sauron fucking with the Numenorians
Why didn't Amazon simply make a show about Atlantis?
Vikings literally has no black guys (at least in S1, haven't seen anything passed that yet).
is it being made by new zealanders?
if it isn't then that's the race swapping that will make it shit
i can see amerisharts ruining it and blaming niggers like they blame everything
I'm certain they have the pecking order already set. It'll be decades before the youngest, more progressive part of the family gets to drive.
yea it's all about money. they don't care about protecting tolkien's vision or any of that fluffy nonsense, it's just lawyer bullshit so they can get more money. they will sue amazon in the future, it's basically a guarantee.
Isn't the Fall of Numenor already basically Atlantis?
vikings is history channel
Who's part of The Tolkien state?
Wait would it be canon then?
Just ignore the /pol/ teenagers posting g babies first online racism. As for the normal people, no one wants the story muttified.
Would you want a story about Japan where everyone is replaced with mystery meat Americans? A story about Africa? Why then a story about Europe?
It's cheap and ugly to do this.
Proto Europeans?
He's described as
>a Dark Lord, tall and terrible
Which could either mean he's dark-skinned or wears dark armor, most fan art shows him as the latter
Yes that's my point
>christopher tolkein literally thinks the books are better than the jacksons trilogy
Personally I watched the show in hopes that there would be be qt Japanese waifus.
Em the farmers who genocided those "Europeans" wernt black...just sayin.
Oh, idk then. Maybe they don't want people to think it's Aquaman related, since that's a Marvel/Disney property and they're in direct competition with them?
Thought it's something like that. One could assume that the estate is already drowning in money. but i guess more doesn't hurt
Melkor is a shape shifter so his appearance is a moot point
Mythical Europeans (basically Aryans, the mythical ones, not the steppe real ones). There is obvious racism in Toliken's works even if he denies it.
OP here, I'm not white
tolkien's son christopher was the chairman until he retired. he was the chairman of the board when they made the deal with amazon, so make of that what you will. i think they got like $80m out of that deal.
Old John said it himself back in the day, that if a movie was to made of his books, he'd either want 100% accuracy or a shit tonne of money. He was, obviously, more elegant in his wording, but that was the basic gist of it.
I literally don't care.
If they kept the original trilogy exactly the same, except they made the world multi-cultural, it wouldn't change anything. They could have genderswapped Merry and or Pippin too.
I'm not saying they should have, but it wouldn't have made it worse at all. If you care you're a racist, it's that simple.
>Mythical Europeans (basically Aryans, the mythical ones, not the steppe real ones). There is obvious racism in Toliken's works
I guess you forgot the Dunlanders and Forest Men and Beorn and Lake Town
Not after he took said Dark Lord form.
tolkien sold the film rights in the 70s, but the estate still sued new line cinema when the lotr movies came out and they got millions out of the deal. it's kind of a joke.
Okay then I'm racist I guess.
did the black extra in lake town bother you in The Hobbit?
nah, the rights to the lotr and hobbit movies were sold while tolkien was still alive, for a relatively meager sum of £100,000 (£1,390,938 in today-money) and 7.5% of any royalties. new line cinema did some classic hollywood accounting and concluded that the movies were financial failures, and decided not to pay the estate anything, which is why they sued.
amazon paid 250 million for the rights this time (beating out netflix thank god), so i think the estate is satisfied.
We have already established that I'm racist. No point in fighting it. Time to start voting for Trump.
why does every thread turn into political stooge posting?
because retards fall for the bait
the tone hasn't been lowered, the op was preemptively crying about black people based on nothing
>so i think the estate is satisfied
they wont be, youll see
They are not as bad as Netflix but who the fuck knows what could happen in the future.
The story is about western Europeans fighting to save their race. The story doesnt even make sense if you multucult it. My opinion is completely sensible. Anyone who thinks it should be multiculted cares nothing for the story so they shouldnt be catered to.
Already debunked they didn't know his skin colour and went with the darkest possible hypothesis
>Anyone who thinks it should be multiculted
who are you talking about?
i like this because it makes me feel good but i also still think it’s the jews
based estate
Do I need to be talking about anyone specifically?
Another way of interpreting the story is that it's about different races and cultures of people banding together and overcoming their differences and respective bigotry towards each other.
It's OK it's kinda Canon that Frodo's gay
How can they possible not change the canon? Even the Jackson movies changed canonical events like the Ents saving the day at the hornburg rather than Gandalf.
>black skin
>blue eyes
lmao yeah right
That would be wrong. White men inherit middle earth in the story.
Well I don't want to be murdered, but I don't think anyone is trying to kill me and If I kept talking about it then that's called mental illness.
But they are. All the creative "interpretations" in the movies were dumb.
>ninja Legolas
>dwarf jokes walking generator Gimli
>super retarded Denethor
>Faramir trying to bring Frodo to Minas Tirith
>average Gondorian soldier having 50 IQ
>army of the dead ex machina making the Pelennor battle a joke
>the Ents deciding to sit on their asses and not fight Saruman because reasons
>Arwen being allowed by her father to run alone outside Rivendell when the Nazgul are around
it's a trap so the estate can sue them later on
original characters would break canon so they cant do that right?
Not him but
Dwarves, men of Dale, elves and beorlings, haradrim are never mentioned
Take for instance when the fellowship arrives at Lothlorien.
And how the Elves behave towards Gimli.
What do you think the meaning of that part of the book is?
These ideas are not mutually exclusive either. The story can discuss multiple, even contradictory, ideas.
How often do I talk about this?
They remodeled The Boys to fit the #metoo movement. They literally confirmed it.
You're being overly literal. You think a white man and a white dwarf are more similiar than a white man and a brown man?
The show runners are literally Mormons so it's going to be a very white show with Christian values
I think brown men aren't involved in the story and thus don't belong on screen
You? I don't know.
Cunt's like you?
Literally every thread.
And it's based on NOTHING. There has been no casting to trigger you. No suggestions it will happen. Amazon don't have a track record for it.
You're discussing plot points. Do you think that's all a book or a film are?
The book is abysmally paced and the prose is poor. It's fun to read if you can get lost in the world, but it doesn't flow and it's not a work of art. The movie isn't either, but it's more so. And it's not such a slog, even though it's still a slog.
Tolkien estate seems pretty based
I was going to reply seriously to all your points but
>the prose is poor
If you're just shitposting why should I bother?
>What IS basically the same, are studio tactics on big big mainstream projects, because they want as widestream an audience as possible. But it has nothing to do with creative people and it's not ideological either. It's a business strategy.
This is a lie that cuckservatives keep repeating themselves, because they are in denial about the faults of the free market.
If it were as you say movies and tv shows would be filled with latinos (for the US market) and chinks for the international one.
Instead you get a crapload of negroes, which are pretty much irrelevant.
Yes. They were very ugly and out of place
At this point whites in the US are a minority and it genuinely is just good business to show lots of different races in a TV show since whites are hated.
It's a widely held literary opinion. Go and read some analysis if you're interested.
We care intensively for black people because they have no culture, just want to make sure they appropriate the best culture for their own mental sake.
The whole movie was terrible. I thought the casting of black actors was a symptom rather than a cause though.
>If it were as you say movies and tv shows would be filled with latinos (for the US market)
Blacks are still only 15% of the us
Hollywood absolutely bends over backwards to sell films into the Chinese market, and it's one of the largest reasons why their big blockbusters are so insipid. The Chinese Government has to approve every film to be distributed in China and they have very strict totalitarian rules. Moreso, the Chinese people, after decades of creative restrictions and persecution of artists have abysmal taste.
They don't want to see chinks either. They have their own domestic media to see chinks in. As for Latinos, there have been many Latino movie stars, and stories explored in Hollywood films, for decades.
The disease always finds a way even if only one cell is infected.
Black people have been hugely influential in the entirety of contemporary music.
That's significant.
And they're not even represented beyond that. They just take up more space in your head.
They are grossly overrepresented compared to latinos.
Shit becomes even more evident you look at the stuff made in the UK.
You don't care about 'equitable representation'. This isn't about it being 'fair' or 'reprasentative'. You just don't like seeing black people. Your normal is 99% of characters being white.
Just say it. You don't like black people and you don't want to see them. Just own that. Your disingenuous logic is paper thin.
they will probably start making their own bull shit story lines like the shadow of mordor game.
Bringing in some negroid claiming hes from harad. Or even worse claiming the numenorean were actually black.
A lot of my favorite movies from the 80s and 90s have black actors, in some cases they're the lead roles. Black people in movies used to be cool, now you just get black onions boys like John Boyega who are literally just shoehorned in for "diversity" points so the filmmakers can act like their film is progressive, even though black people have been in movies for many decades. I don't like the dishonesty of it.
>You don't care about 'equitable representation'. This isn't about it being 'fair' or 'reprasentative'.
Never said that.
My point as always been that the western media industry push black people for social/political reasons instead of economical one like moderates keep on repeating.
If the Witcher production staff can claim the characters aren’t canonically white I don’t see what’s stopping Amazon too
boyega is an absurd example because
a: the films suck anyway, his character isn't the reason they're bad at all
b: he's very good in them, better than his co-star, who is white.
c: there's no reason his character shouldn't be black, infact, you already had tem morrison, maori, and lando, in the originals.
Small skinnyfat white shut ins are 89% of the fanbase. Amazon doesn't seem to pander anyway.
Shit will be straight up bad ass.
They already let hackson ruin the hobbit I don't see how this will be any different
Slipery legoas sliding down a shield board
>They are grossly overrepresented compared to latinos.
you're literally crying about representation. You never 'meant it', sure, that's what i'm saying, you're a disingenuous fuck. You did say it though.
Hackson ruined the hobbit but it had nothing to do with what the cunts are crying about ITT.
I would have thought maybe after that there'd be some self reflection about what makes things good or bad, but clearly not.
Witcher author is a commie cuck. The Tolkien Estate are redpilled
>women writers
How stupid do you need to be to not understand my point?
I'm saying that if Hollywood did diversity for economic reasons, most of said diversity would be made up of latinos, since they are the second biggest market after whites (or they'd focus on chinese for the china money).
The focus on blacks instead show that that isn't the reason.
You thought wrong? I don't blame hackson for the hobbit completely but he shouldn't have taken it on instead it rot and die
Gandalf wasn't around during the second age was he? We're safe from black gandalf because we won't even be there.
>can't change canon
>the Turk/Arab equivalents in Middle Earth still worship Morgoth and get BTFO by the armies of Gondor after the War of the RIng
Based Tolkien Estate, I'm sure Amazon would have changed that if they could
>It's 20 per season
what the fuckkkkkk I haven't heard of a 20 epsiode season since x-files was on.
It would be a a season split into 2, 10 episodes each is what I'm guessing
I was talking about writers being able to shit on what they consider canon, not vaginas, shitbird. But remind me what source material Amazon will be adapting why don’t you.
Are incels defective clones?
I have already explained to you why you're wrong about China. You totally ignored my post. You're being willfully ignorant. As to Latinos, I don't have an explanation, or any statistics, but that doesn't mean that there isn't one.
>tolkien estate protecting lotr
>means amazon wanted to change shit
>nobody protecting wheel of time from amazon
It's gonna be shit, isn't it
Honestly, why do they need to control the adaptations so much? Maybe because I'm losing all the respect I had for Hollywood, but I don't even care about shit adaptations anymore because the books are there and they can't change it.
I would like to see the whole composition of the story respected, but what is a fart to someone who just shitted himself?
>Hackson ruined the hobbit
The studio did.
Jackson only did the job because they threatened to give it to brett ratner after del taco left production.
Besides that, the rights to lord of the rings and the hobbit had been sold long ago, so the tolkien estate couldn't say shit about what they did with it.
The amazon series is licensed FROM the tolkien estate, so they have a bit more say in what happens.
Didn't the writers already state that they didn't like how bad women got raped in addition to being killed in WoT, since they got it worse than the men who were just killed? It's going to be shit
I just hope they make something good in its own right.
I don't care about any changes they make that are 'inaccurate'.
the books will always exist if i want that.
Go shoot 9 niggers to bash the fash.
>means amazon wanted to change shit
Not necessarily, might just be preemptive.
>It's gonna be shit, isn't it
Let me have hope goddamnit. More casting news next wednesday are very probable.
>make something good in its own right
>I have already explained to you why you're wrong about China. You totally ignored my post.
China is highly racists and they dislike blacks people even more the whites do. If Hollywood wanted to pander to china, without relying on chinese actors, they'd make movies full of young good looking white guys and girls.
Do you think China loves diversity (except chinese people themselves)?
Race isn't canon if the characters are white sweaty!
mrs maisel is good
that's an amazon show
Firstly the title of the article is bait. Amazon cannot change "Tolkien canon" and they don't have the power to do so at the first place
Secondly the actual report says Amazon can't invent anything that contradicts the Tolkien's lore, think of Shadow of Mordor/War and the Estate has the power to veto dumb ideas
You totally ignored my post, again
Imagine if Hollywood did the same shit so the films could be released in the USSR. Such bullshit.
>I have already explained to you why you're wrong about China.
this is the answer to this
>You're being willfully ignorant. As to Latinos, I don't have an explanation, or any statistics, but that doesn't mean that there isn't one.
I ignored this for obvious reasons.
What do you want?
You're not actually addressing anything I said though.
Take Boyega for example. Unpopular in China right? So they put him in a Pacific Rim sequel, with a chinese woman saving the day. That series is HUGELY popular in China. They're trying to sell him into that market so Star Wars can preform better.
Your point was that if Hollywood was so interested in capitalising on new markets and audiences, why don't they go after China? So because they don't cast Chinese leads, they must not be, so casting black leads must be ideological.
Well they do go after the Chinese market. And that is ruining their films FAR more than casting black people occasionally.
They've already decided to remove the Asian influences, including the dragon imagery.
Can't wait to see how they cast it. I kinda hope it's terrible.
"As much as possible, our cast should look like America will in a few hundred years—a beautiful mix of white, brown, black and everything in between"
Rafe Judkins, Wheel of Time showrunner.
>They've already decided to remove the Asian influences, including the dragon imagery.
Bullshit t. autist who follows every update like a fucking addict. They've said a lot of other worrying stuff but not that.
>As much as possible, our cast should look like America will in a few hundred years
This is hinting at another motivation behind 'diversity'. Think about how sjw shut down projects now. They're trying to future proof properties they create now. So it's not only about conforming to current SJW standards, but projected future ones. Because if they make a hit, especially with streaming distrobution keeping things easily available for ever, they want it to not get shut down by future SJW.
Again, a buisiness strategy. Not ideological.
And entirely absent from smaller independent projects.
What races are they in the books?
Tolkien would scoff at a Mormon rendition of his work as much as a Beatles rendition.
This but unironically
Unironically pretty diverse but the issue is that the main characters and the starting areas are pretty much not!England so pretty damn white. There's also a desert dwelling race of warriors who are Irish-pale (where not tanned) and redheads, so you're bound to see articles bitching about "whitewashing" by uninformed morons.
what the fuck that nigga have against garlic?
> So they put him in a Pacific Rim sequel, with a chinese woman saving the day. That series is HUGELY popular in China. They're trying to sell him into that market so Star Wars can preform better.
What makes you think that chinese people would like BMAF pairing? I get the point, but that's a failed attempt to patch up a previous mistake (casting a black in a position of relevance in a blockbuster, I'm talking about SW).
Would SW and Pacific Rim have had a bigger success in China if, instead of bogeya, they had a good looking white actor?
>Why is pic related so obsessed with black people
IS this real or just some more bullshit?
The Haradrim are gonna be black. FACT!!!
But they can't have them just be bad guys so there's gonna be a black elf or two. ALSO FACT!!!
Tolkien estate won't dare criticize it or they'll be racist. ANOTHER FACT!!!!
Who cares if its racist, stop acting like racist is an insult that works anymore.
funny! Now post the picture that shows the mugshot of every mass shooter for the last whatver amount of years, and two thirds of them are black or hispanic. But you wont post that shit I bet.
Most of the first book takes place in your standard England setting with some Maybe-Asians near the end. The starting team is like Italian except for the ginger lead. They expand the setting racially later on with some vague Asian, Spanish and lots of Slav influence.
The problem is the Aiel people. They're tall and built, are always the bravest and strongest warriors, and they're the whitest people ever. They're a load of ethnic and cultural supremacists who don't let other races into they're homeland (separating the "Wetlanders" from all the black people in the east). There's no way people wont complain about the Aiel beliefs and think it's racist.
You guys remember when they made 007 a black woman? It feels like that happened years ago now but it's only last month or some shit.
Can't do that either. They litterally have to follow the books basically to a tee. IDK why we even need a remake anyway. The movies did a great job of capturing those stories. A lower budget TV show isn't going to top that.
>"Yes, the Tolkien Estate keeps a very careful eye on everything and is quite capable of saying no. They retain a veto over everything that concerns Tolkien."
Heresy. Tolkien will be spitting in his grave.
It's second age, you retard. How is that a remake?
Not as much as Asgaurd being multiracial in Thor, but yes it was dumb
Does the Tolkienverse have """Dark""" Elves?
Which means it wouldn't even be against the canon to portray the later Numenoreans as corrupt slave owners who ferried black Haradrim to Numenor to either be put to work or be uses as human sacrifices to Morgoth.
Yes, the orcs.
Orcs, basically. Corrupted elves.
So does anyone know what the show is actually going to be about?
The book is basically a Nazi fantasy of pure white Europeans defending Europe from the evil steppe/turkic hordes. It's really quite obvious.
It's the kind of racism that was ingrained in European psyche. The Narnia guy did something similar.
Yes, but they're not negroes, just heathens. Instead of obeying the summons of the gods they just hung around Middle-earth. There's no indication that they look different from the high elves, it's a linguistic/religious difference.
>fantasy of pure white Europeans defending Europe from the evil steppe/turkic hordes
It's literally the history of Europe, ya dingus.
Confirmed for not knowing Tolkien. And a Chinese equivalent would probably have not-Mongols invading and red-haired white pirates. People write what they know.
>And everyone replied
I'm mixed race and hate any tipe of washing
>I'm mixed race
no one cares
Honestly, I'd prefer that to mindless blackwashing. I don't mind them expanding to the East for their diversity desires as long as they leave the established lore alone.
You replied so you care I little. I'm just stating It's not just whites who complain rightfully about it. :)
It's Second Age, which is before LOTR. Fellowship prologue scene, basically. So it's confirmed to have Sauron in it as the big bad. They're either adapting the main story of the Second Age, which is Sauron and Numenor, or they can make their own shit as long as it doesn't break Tolkien Lore. And they can't adapt First Age, or Third Age either. If they're actually filming the Second Age plot as the main storyline instead of fan-fiction side plots that explored other regions, then the Akallabeth section in the Silmarillion is probably the best description of Second Age I can find right now that isn't just a fucking timeline of events.
>It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace-all in a flash of thought which was quickly driven from his mind.
Forgot to add this. This completes the Second Age.
Adding on, despite not having as much info on the Second Age as there are on the First and Third Ages, there's some pretty neat stuff they can adapt. The forging of the Rings of Power, the worship of Morgoth in Numenor, etc. There's potential. Depends on how they structure the season.
Hobbits were described as having brown skin
I'm not sure that they can cover all those stories in one show since they span over thousands of years. Best to have the main story cover the last years of Numenor, possibly starting with the rise of Ar-Pharazôn.
Though I assume the foring of the rings might be covered in flashbacks.
You can tell an American mutt wrote this.
The forces of evil were to represent the Germans, you stupid golbino. Everyone in Europe hated Germany and blamed her for the horrors of war. But keep watching jewtube videos telling you the great white race is always unified and the evil is brown or turk. Fuck Germany.
The history of Europe has to do more with Europe fighting each other. Go read a book.
>There's also a desert dwelling race of warriors who are Irish-pale (where not tanned) and redheads
redheads are automatically replaced by black actors. it's a law now.
Unless they do it over a few seasons. Didn't they say this was a multi-season deal? I'm not sure if the Second Age limitation is just for this season or for the entire series, but assuming if it is for the entire series, then it would seem they could cover everything over the 5 seasons. Which would also mean, they have to come up with original fluff to fill in the gaps between each individual season. Either that, or they just focus on pockets of events that happened between the 3400+ years of the Second Age, and let the gap between the seasons serve as a major time jump.
if these guys just got laid or paid an escort, they wouldn't have done it
He was born in South Africa I’m pretty sure lmao
Good, Mormons are racist as shit
Is there something wrong in being proud of your race?
The Deep is the best part of the fucking show.
Why not both retard?
The Blue Wizards sparking rebellions against Sauron within Harad and the East would actually be a decent solution for trying to introduce diversity into Tolkien and it'd give the Blue Wizards something to do.
Even covering the later years of Numenor and the escape to Middle Earth would probably take more than one season.
Though the Blue Wizards came to Middle Earth in the third age.
Why are you faggotposting?
why does christopher tolkien continue to sell off the rights if he disapproves of everything done with it
Nobody in (((Hollywood))) will want to touch it then, and that's definitely not a bad thing.
This, fuck jewywood
>Imagine loving LOTR for its white cast and not for its beautiful film making and Tolkien's storytelling
WTF? You morons make everything about race whereas it's all about characters looking like in the source that we grew up with. If Eowyn isn't described to look like Lupita, who is beautiful BTW, than she shouldn't look like Lupita but like Miranda Otto who looks exactly as described. would you say that if they cast Otto as Okoye or Nakia? Of course you wouldn't. Fuck off with your double standard and SJW BS.
Stop sucking that gorilla's dick. You are just trying to be woke and defend him when you know very well that his SW character is unpopular cause he's ugly as fuck and annoying dickhead on and off the screen. Stop lying to yourself that you actually like that piece of shit. Go find some other pet project that has a chance to take off, like Jharrel Jerome.
Unless Tolkien explicitly said there were no black people in Numenor, no.
they changed a lot of stuff from the boys to make it more woke
they are just gonna say that tolkien never specifically said that there were no black elves or female soldiers in middle earth
Boyega is the sole reason why China was put off SW forever and Pacific Rom 2 bombed there. couldn't even make 100M which isn't a big number anymore anyway. China doesn't like ugly people and this actor is ugly. Hollywood and woke crowd should stop pretending that ugly people aren't ugly if they are minorities. It's OK to trash a white guy for ugliness but pointing out that black guy is ugly is automatic political issue and racism. Boyega is ugly. period. And yes, casting any good looking actor would flow better in China. Momoa isn't white and his movie was enormous success there cause he's a chad. Both women and men love him.
they changed a white guy to a black guy but they also changed a black guy to a white guy so it cancelled itself out
/pol/acks are fucking typical. they are such failures in life, they try to pin all their failures on "muh inferior black races".
stupid retards, if they were truly inferior, why would they harm you?
you are the TYPICAL case of the narcissistic disorder.
Fuck niggers and fuck you.
I can't wait for the sassy woman character who puts the men in their place.
Thank god.
No, because I read the book it was based on and none of the characters were gay.
But keep on projecting.
you took the time to make this dumb post lmao
>inb4 you did too
>inventing things
holy based
cringe redditor
Did he shoot AT the garlic, or did he shoot the garlic from a gun?
Time for your meds Jimmy
>a black guy to a white guy
Who was that? Also the clone of white male homelander is played by a black guy. Absolutely retarded.
Learn to use punctuation fag
>Is Amazon even known for that?
The Boys is changed quite a bit from its source material. It just so happens that it's made a lot better than the source material, because Garth Ennis has a habit of being an edgy for the sake of being edgy fuck when not reigned in a little bit.
Jack from Jupiter
The Deep, he was a nigger in the comics but black people cant swim so they had to change him to White.
the comics are the most faggotry thing ever. The Homelander fucks as many guys as he does women just because he wants to prove he can fuck anyone
Fun Fact: Tolkein and C. S. Lewis hated Walt Disney
Hit me with articles of liberals seething about this please
black people basically invented jazz, blues, rock and roll, and hip hop. not sure what you mean by "no culture." you might not like their culture, but they definitely have it.
Get out newfag
how are the able to do this, yet couldnt act on the shadow or mordor games?
What's the big second age events? What can we expect from the show?
shitposting just brings people together
>tolkien never specified the skin color of any of the characters of his northern european-mythology inspired setting
Thank you shlomo, how's the weather in Tel-Aviv?
the kalergi plan means they promote race mixing to lower iq and create more dumb consumers
I hate to agree with you but the book is poorly paced and not really that great. Though some of that probably comes from having seen the movies, which get on with a much higher pace even though they are long movies. Rewatching them now, however, is impossible because I of course saw the movie first, THEN read the book and the amount of shit filler and unnecessary changes made to the movie makes it impossible to enjoy.
The Silmarillion was a better book by a thousand miles. It was epic, it had the atmosphere LOTR was lacking.
It's unironically the internet's fault though. When you can google anything your memory goes to shit and memory plays a big part in IQ.
>Hobbits were described as having brown skin
Brown as in tan, like middle-aged English men who worked the fields all day.
>Vikings literally has no black guys (at least in S1, haven't seen anything passed that yet).
Who cares if white Europeans had ancient dark-skinned ancestors? It's called evolution.
That said, that news story has been debunked.
the entire world has internet
I thought most of the Valar took the form of elves
Why would you even watch "Vikings" when you can watch Vinland Saga an actual good show.
oh god
Ahh yes.
If there was an incredible television drama about the lives of traditional african tribesmen, it wouldn't be worsened by having a bunch of Germans, Irish, Chinese, Hispanic actors play the tribesmen and dress up in authentic garb. That would be taken completely seriously and wouldn't be a complete joke.
>implying laketown wasn’t provided with a complement of niggers in The Hobbit
Let me guess, you can't wait for the next Star Wars?
LOTR was intentionally written as an allegory for the white man's burden. no lefty revisionism will change that
>Blue Wizards, Istari, mighty whitey goes into the middle east and gets them to rebel against their cruel, repressive overlords
Brave, user.
You’re the worst kind of racist yourself- the kind that thinks that every race has the right to insert themselves into Europe’s creation based solely on the colour of their skin.
Then what's the point? If they can't make Sam a proud POC and make the elves ga... oh wait.
And it was for the better. The comics are edgy trash for teenagers and any changes made for the show are ignored because it was done way better than a straight adaptation of the shit comic
The comics were edgelord territory because that's what Ennis does. But they had a much better theme of what a monster is and how not to become one. The show is just YASSS KWEEN SLAAAY and white-man-bad.
It's not actually about Lord of the Rings, it's about the second age. They're probably doing the fall of Numenor.
>morgan freeman gandalf
>fall of Numenor
Ah, so it's evil white man corrupts the spirit folk of the land with his evil colonialist ways then.
Can't wait.
It's also a story about different actual races coming together for the greater good.
We already explained this to you retards, Tolkien literally told nazis to fuck off in letters when real nazis were a thing, so stop trying to appropriate his shit when he wasn't a racist at all.
Reminder that anybody who thinks this show will somehow be free of LGBTBBQ shit or black people being pushed down our throats are in for a rude awakening.
This shit is infecting every show now, doesn't matter.
Even if a show doesn't have it and is even moderately successful, it will be infected down the line and we all know it.
This will happen to every piece of media, it is happening and will continue to happen until they go broke, if they ever do.
>It's also a story about different actual races coming together for the greater good.
Much like Star Trek was a story about teamwork, diversity both of species and of opinions finding common ground exploring and solving problems larger than any one of them could deal with.
And look what they did with that.
You know the mormons said that the color of your skin was determined directly by the sins of your ancestors? The darker your skin, the more the sin.
I knew a black mormon. It was weird.
but not everywhere uses it to the same degree most likely
I've known jewish nazis.
Jesus. The replies.
>pls no modern politics
>NUH UH. WE NEED BLACKS. - balding, bearded, middle-aged cuckold
Why is it that these chodes always have the same defense against forced diversity for its own sake?
Don't they see that *their* argument is the racist one?
Are Trannys and Niggers in Tolkien's lore?
They changed the guy who runs fast to a black dude so it checks out.
Isn't the burden of proof on you?
They will be
Dwarves are no longer dwarves, they're normal height. Except there will be one noble midget actor who plays the most sophisticated of dwarves.
We will get to see the first transgender paraplegic in a wheelchair invented by the crazy wizard scientist Tracy, a brave and independent woman who is also a scientist and likes inventing things to help people.
And the transwoman will stab thr witch king in the face after proclaiming "I am biologically not male". Of course at that point the wheelchair would be lost for a noble steed showing character development.
Also, we will meet Arwen's first love, a Haradrim played by the black guy from star wars.
because WB owns the rights to the "setting" only, they cant even have wargs lol
haha you are a very funny person
>*rubs balding forehead and scratches beard before going back to playing with his funk pops
Are Haradrim even black? I thought they were supposed to be North African?
All years are Second Age.
>foundation of Lindon (1) and Numenor (32)
>Numenoreans begin traveling to Middle-Earth (600), befriend Gil-Galad and become teachers and benefactors to the lesser men of Middle-Earth
>Sauron reappears (500), establishes Mordor as his realm (1000) and sets off to deceive the Elves (1200)
>forging of the Rings of Power (1500-1600), war of the Elves and Sauron (1693-1701)
>the Shadow falls upon Numenor (1800) and the Numenoreans begin colonizing Middle-Earth , a divide begins between the King’s Men and the Elf-friends (2221)
>Ar-Pharazon, last king of Numenor, takes the throne (3255), takes Sauron as “hostage” to Numenor (3262)
>Sauron corrupts the King, and almost the entirety of the Numenoreans save for the few Faithful remaining, establishes a Cult of Melkor
>Sauron convinces the King to invade the Undying Lands and attack the Valar (3310)
>3319: Ar-Pharazon invades the West, Iluvatar intervenes, Downfall of Numenor and Change of the World
>Elendil and his sons, having escaped the Downfall, establish Arnor and Gondor, Sauron returns to Middle-Earth (3320) and attacks the Dunedain (3429)
>War of the Last Alliance (3430-3441); end of the Second Age
combined middle-eastern
Enact intersectional social justice within the straight white male community and this will stop happening.
No u, fag.
>after bilbo's birthday Gandalf isn't sure he's seen The Ring or just a ring
>he leaves for 20 years (genuinely) to do research on the ring and hunt down gollum in the vast countryside
>he doesn't return until he has absolute empirical evidence from multiple peer-reviewed journals that the ring is The Ring
>twenty ducking years later
>when he gets back, Frodo still doesn't leave for a few months because he's lazy
>Frodo leaves after Gandalf sees the ring