Saturday night

>saturday night


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Some of us already left

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Outside sucks.

Because my girlfriend puts out tonight, she will be wearing a garter belt, high heels and will take my cock up her ass. That was a direct quote btw. "Hey babe, today I'm going to be wearing a garter belt and high heels only and I would prefer to take your cock up my ass". A literal, direct word-for-word quote.

Yeah, I guess I'm not gonna hit the bars tonight but thanks for asking bro.

It's not even noon

What kind of shithole do you live where its night already

on a scale of not cash to cash, how cash would you describe that shit?

>not living where it's already early sunday morning
lmao amerisharts


It's 10 in the fucking morning. Eurofags keep moving this is an American (us + canada) imageboard.

was out last night

it's the afternoon

For (You)s
pls give me some

Shut the fuck up boomer

Uh, it's 12 PM, sweaty

Masketa man send me here

>mfw I share this board with amerifats

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I dont have a reason to go outside

>mfw I share this board with amerifats

Seeing that the board is 99% American content you obviously love us.

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Im sick and my wife is out of town.

It's 12:53pm though

I have no friends

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>out of town
I'm sure she's in safe hands.

NYC is the capital of the world. Suck it, nerd.

It's barely midday in the only time zone that matters.

Dubs and no one ITT gets a gf

I have nowhere to go. At least nowhere with people I feel comfortable around

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is only 7 pm here...

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What does that have to do with anything fatty

Oh no no no no

Nigga, it's morning here.


Fellow SA fag?

non american loser detected

It's my 25th birthday, I'm not getting up all day.

I'm at the pub with co-workers but it's boring af so I just shitpost here

Dubs and I get a hot rich girlfriend next month.

Why even make these threads if you live in some irrelevant ass timezone?

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>irrelevant timezone
lmao what does that even supposed to mean
god americans are stupid

>he says on his AMERICVN-made computer, on the AMERICVN-imvented internet, in AMERICVN English.

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It's the afternoon

so arseholes like you remind me how much i enjoyed 3milk

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It's 10:34 am

just enjoying my free time
before some of my family come round tomorrow and it might get a little crowded
also its evening not night

Thread theme:

Tbh senpai I got nothing better to do. It's windy and rainy as fuck outside plus PotC just started on BBC1 so I'm chilling in bed phoneposting.

It’s 10:36am in the best part of the world

>guy who I was going to go with to an out-of-state dispensary cancelled
>now I have to settle for vodka sodas

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